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Return to Australia procedures for service centre and Smart Centre staff for pension payments 061-03020000

This document outlines when a pension customer needs to advise of a return to Australia, the action to be taken by a Service Officer in a service centre or smart centre and the effect on a customer's payments when they return to Australia.

On this page:

Customer advises of return to Australia

System coding and updating customer details

Finalising processing for return to Australia

Customer advises of return to Australia

Table 1




Pension customer advises of return to Australia (RTA) + Read more ...

This includes Age Pension, Disability Support Pension (DSP), Carers Payment (CP), or Parenting Payment Single (PPS) customers.

For non-pension and concession card customers, see Return to Australia procedures for service centre and Smart Centre staff for non-pension payments and cards.

In most cases, customers do not need to advise the agency they have returned to Australia from a temporary absence, but there are situations where customers should contact when they have returned to Australia.

International Services (CIS) staff should use Return to Australia procedures for CIS staff.

Certain customers need to be referred to CIS to do the RTA procedure. If the customer is not correctly advised of the effect the return has on their payments, they could be financially disadvantaged leading to a claim under the Compensation for Detriment caused by Defective Administration (CDDA) scheme.

Is the customer advising the return to Australia for their dependent child/ren only (the customer has not recently been outside Australia)?


Return to Australia + Read more ...

Has the customer already returned to Australia?


Portability savings provisions + Read more ...

For DSP customers, check the Residence Savings (RSS) screen. If the DSP Port. 1 July 2004 status field is 'Y' the customer has this savings provision.

For other customers, go to the Pensions Savings Provisions and Entitlement (PSVI) screen. If the 20 Sept 2000 Portability Savings Ind field is 'Y', the customer is subject to this savings provision.

For all customers, including DSP, go to the Residence Savings (RSS) screen. If the 300 Month denominator Ind field is 'Y', the customer is subject to these savings.

Is the customer currently subject to any of these portability savings provisions?


Check if CIS customer + Read more ...

Check if any of the following apply to the customer:

Do any of the above apply to the customer?


CIS customer concession card entitlement determination + Read more ...

In some cases, a CIS customer who has temporarily returned to Australia may be entitled to a concession card while in Australia. They are only entitled if still an Australian resident (for example, missionaries serving overseas) or paid under the Agreement with New Zealand.

CIS will determine if the customer is eligible to receive a concession card during their temporary stay in Australia, but the service centre will need to issue the interim card.

Has CIS recorded a DOC regarding the customer's concession entitlement?

  • Yes, go to Step 6
  • No, CIS must do the RTA action. For CIS contact details, see Centrelink International Services (CIS) - contact details for staff. Record contact in a DOC. Procedure ends here


Concession card entitlement DOC for CIS customer + Read more ...

Does the DOC advise that the customer is entitled to a concession card?

Procedure ends here.

System coding and updating customer details

Table 2




Check the return has been recorded + Read more ...

The customer does not need to notify of their return if the payment or card has:

  • remained current throughout the absence, or
  • been automatically restored on their return

Has the return been automatically recorded on the Immigration Advised Movements (RSIM) screen?


Request the Immigration Datalink + Read more ...

Update the Immigration Enquiry (RSIMME) screen and request the Immigration Datalink.

Completing the RSIMME screen should provide the customer's movement information.

  • Ensure that the date in the Immigration Limiting Date (ILD): field is the date of departure (if available) or earlier. Consider if the ILD needs to be moved. Once it is moved back, it cannot be moved forward to a more recent date
  • To manually move the ILD:
    • Go to the Immigration Enquiry (RSIM) screen (or CHRSIM for child)
    • Code 'Y' in the Would you like to use all DIAC (Y/N)? field if all the immigration data needs to be used, or
    • Code a new date in the Immigration Limiting Date (ILD) field to use immigration data from that particular date
    • When ILD is correct, go to Step 4

Has the return date been recorded on the RSIM screen by requesting the Immigration Datalink?


Return date has not been recorded after requesting the Immigration Datalink + Read more ...

The case will need to be referred to CIS. See Referring inconsistencies in overseas departure and arrival information to Centrelink International Services (CIS).

If the customer was travelling outside Australia on a cruise, collect cruise information including departure and return dates, destination and itinerary. Include this information in the referral to CIS.


Update the return to Australia + Read more ...

Update the Customer Advised Travel Details (RSCD) screen.

Record the correct date in the DOR field.

Note: coding the RSCD screen will not return the customer to Australia, unless the datalink is in contingency mode. The return to Australia will only occur once the movement information has been confirmed by the Immigration Datalink.


Update customer's address details if necessary + Read more ...

Go to the Address History (ADH) screen.

  • Check if there is a TEM address recorded for the overseas absence. Select the line and record the day before the date of return in the Address End Date field on the Address Details (AD) screen
  • If the customer has the overseas address recorded as a HOM address and wants to change it. Record the new address, for example change to an Australian address
  • Record the appropriate source in the Source field
  • Record the correct date in the DOR field

See Step 1 in Table 3.

Finalising processing for return to Australia

Table 3




Update customer information if necessary + Read more ...


  • the customer's bank account information and update if required.
  • the Accommodation (AC) screen if the customer is or was a homeowner before their departure. If they intended to go overseas for about 12 months or more, the AC screen would have had a VHP review coded. Once the customer has returned permanently to their home:
    • Update the AC screen to remove the OVE indicator from the Reason Home Vacated field
    • Delete any review to follow up homeownership on the FAL screen caused by coding the 'OVE' indicator in the Reason Home Vacated field if the customer has returned to Australia prior to that review coming due
    • If the customer was receiving rental income from their home property, the income should be removed. Note: any income should have been recorded on the Real Estate Detail (RE) screen
    • If the home was recorded as an asset because they had been absent for more than 12 months, the asset value should be removed from the RE screen
  • phone details and update if required
  • if the customer is paying rent, board or lodgings and update the AC screen if necessary
  • the Office Code (OC) screen and update if required
  • if the customer has any other change in income or assets and update if required. Note: if a customer usually works part-time, check if they are resuming their work after return to Australia. Also check if they were previously subject to ongoing reporting requirements. This information can be found on the Reporting Regime Details (RPRD) screen. Advise customer of their reporting requirements

Does the customer have dependent children also recorded as overseas?


Payment current + Read more ...

Is the customer's payment current?


Suspended or cancelled payment + Read more ...

Check to see if the customer is able to have continuation of payment on their return to Australia.

If the customer has remained outside Australia after their payment has stopped for exceeding their maximum portability period, their payment may be restored if they have returned to Australia within 13 weeks of their payment suspending.

However, if they were receiving a transitional rate of payment they will lose entitlement to this rate and will be paid under the new rules upon restoration.

A saved DSP customer will lose their portability savings if their payment is cancelled. If they reclaim DSP, they will be assessed under current rules and may no longer qualify for DSP.

A Carer Payment (XWP) customer loses their qualification for CP under grandfathering provisions if they have a break in payment level Carer Allowance (CA) entitlement. Carer Payment (XWP) can only be restored if their CA is reinstated without a gap in entitlement. For more information, see -Transfer from Wife Pension (WP) to Carer Payment (CP).

Where Carer Payment (CP) and Carer Allowance (CA) are being restored the Carer Restoration workflow must generally be used to restore CA first and then CP.

Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) cannot be restored once there is a gap in entitlement (even if the primary payment for example, JobSeeker Payment can be restored). If PES suspends (EPF/SUS), the customer will need to reclaim PES when they return to Australia, even if the suspension is less than 13 weeks. If PES is suspended it will need to be cancelled so the primary payment can be restored (if applicable). See Cancellation of Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) and ABSTUDY PES

Check whether payment should:

  • be restored and paid from date last paid
  • be restored and paid from date the customer returned to Australia with a break in entitlement
  • remain cancelled
  • remain cancelled and a new claim requested

Some reasons for restoring payment without a claim include:

  • Payment was suspended or cancelled incorrectly (for example, the customer was already back in Australia)
  • Payment was suspended or cancelled waiting on further information. On receipt of the further information, the customer was entitled to payment while outside Australia
  • The customer was eligible for a discretionary extension (for example, they were hospitalised for the period between cancellation and return to Australia). Note: this decision must be made by CIS
  • Customer has regained qualification and/or payability within 13 weeks of the suspension. For example, if a DSP customer returns to Australia within 13 weeks of their payment ceasing for a portability related reason, their DSP can be restored from their return date without the need for a claim. Note: generally, arrears may only be paid from the date of the customer's return to Australia
  • Payment will only continue from the date of entitlement which is usually the date of return to Australia

A new claim will generally be required if the customer returns to Australia:

  • and their payment is cancelled
  • customer did not return to Australia within 13 weeks of payment suspending for a portability reason
  • after exceeding their portability period and their ongoing qualification is in doubt (for example, CP customer returned to Australia without their care receiver)
  • after loss of qualification or payability for payments for reasons other than exceeding their maximum portability period, for example:
    • PPS customer leaves Australia to live overseas then changes their mind and returns to Australia
    • Carer Payment and/or Carer Allowance customer leaves Australia under the respite provisions (without their care receiver) and the CP/CA is cancelled before the maximum portability period is reached because the allowable 63 days respite have been exceeded
    • Carer Payment (XWP) customer has lost their grandfathered status due to a gap in payment level CA entitlement

An abridged claim may be used depending on the rules applicable to the relevant payment type.

Refer to the relevant new claim procedures for the payment type.

Does customer need to lodge a new claim for payment?

  • Yes: Encourage the customer to apply online:
    • If payment cannot be claimed online. Run First Contact Service Offer (FCSO) or manually issue appropriate claim forms
    • Advise the customer they will need to prove they are an Australian resident and intend to remain in Australia, especially if payment cancelled for departing to reside overseas
    • Different processes apply for customers in vulnerable circumstances, see Intent to claim and vulnerable customers. Procedure ends here
  • No, go to Step 4


Payment cancelled RTA or suspended for portability related reason + Read more ...

Note: if Family Tax Benefit (FTB) cancels as result of income support payments stopping, FTB should be restored first, particularly where the customer is eligible for Rent Assistance. See Restoration of Family Tax Benefit (FTB).

If the customer is CAN-RTA in Environment I transfer the record to local environment and restore from date paid to plus 1. CIS staff will generally complete this action.

Transfer to the local environment any records in Environment I that are not current on payment (for example created as a shell partner record in a new claim) or cancelled for any reason other than RTA. There must be no started activities or open referrals on the record to be transferred. See Inter-environment change of address (ICoA) transfer of a customer record for further information.

If cancelled, payments may generally be restored from the date the customer returns to Australia if satisfied they regained qualification/payability within 13 weeks of their payment ceasing.

On the Benefit Action (BA) screen:

  • Record the customer's payment type in the Service Reason: field and 'RES' in the Action: field
  • If the customer has a break in entitlement and payment is being restored from the date of return to Australia, record this date in the Effect Date: field
  • If the customer has no break in entitlement, leave the Effect Date field blank and the date paid to plus 1 (DPT+1) will default
  • Record the correct date in the DOR field
  • Check arrears being issued are correct, if yes finalise activity

Note: for restoration of Carer Payment and/or Carer Allowance, the Carer Restoration workflow can be used. For further details, see Carer Restoration workflow for Carer Payment (CP) and/or Carer Allowance.

Has the customer's payment restored from the correct date?

  • Yes, advise the customer when they can expect their first payment (the 'payday' is likely to be different for CIS customers previously paid 4 weekly in Environment I) and check if a different payday is preferred
    • Record the restoration details in a Fast Note select Auto text, use the appropriate SUS/CAN/RES > [payment type] Restore Fast Note, select the payment type being restored
    • Procedure ends here
  • No, if there appears to be no reason for the payment to remain suspended, go to Step 5 after receiving technical assistance from:

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-phone.pngLocal Peer Support (LPS)

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-face-to-face.pngTechnical Support Line

They may recommend that a request be raised in mySupport, so the relevant Service Desk can analyse the record to determine if the system is acting correctly. Resources contains a link to mySupport.


Concession card and payment reissue + Read more ...

A concession card will generally remain current for up to 6 weeks if a customer temporarily leaves Australia. If the concession card is still current, a new card does not need to be reissued.

If the customer has lost entitlement to their card because they have been absent for more than their maximum portability period for the card, but payment is restored when they return to Australia, any concession card associated with the payment will be automatically reinstated. For example, if PPS entitlement is lost but then regained within 13 weeks of suspension, the PCC is reinstated automatically. A new PCC will not be issued unless it reached its expiry date while the customer was overseas. If the customer requires a concession card before the replacement card arrives, they should contact their nearest Centrelink Service Centre for an interim voucher.

If the customer is the holder of a non-income tested PCC the card will automatically reissue if the customer returns to Australia within 13 weeks of cancellation. If the return is outside the 13 weeks of cancellation the card has to be reissued manually.

For help, see Non-income tested (NOI) concession cards.

The system issues the concession cards automatically based on

  • details recorded on CRES
  • details recorded on Legal Residence Information (RSLEG)
  • departure and country of location details on RSIM and RSCD screens

If the system is not issuing or reactivating the customer's card, check the RSLEG screen is recorded with the customer's country of citizenship and visa details as appropriate, and that the CRES screen has the customer correctly recorded as residing in Australia. Check Concession Entitlement Summary (MCCS) screen. If not coded correctly, information can be obtained directly via the Immigration Datalink. For further information, see Activating the Department of Home Affairs datalink and contingency procedures if datalink is unavailable.

It is possible that customers have not received payments issued to them before their return to Australia. Check the Document List (DL) screen to see if any payments need to be reissued. If so, reissue to the customer.

If the customer advises that any payments sent overseas have not been received, contact CIS. For CIS contact details, see Centrelink International Services (CIS) - contact details for staff.

Record all information regarding the return to Australia on a DOC.