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Recording or changing details of a child's travel to or from Australia 061-03040020

This page contains information relating to recording, changing or cancelling a dependent child's absence from Australia details.

On this page:

Customer advises a child's travel plans

Changing a child's return to Australia date

Recording an absence for a child

Customer advises a child's travel plans

Table 1: This table describes the initial process undertaken when a customer notifies that their dependent child will be going overseas or the child's travel plans are cancelled or changed.




Customer contacts about a dependent child's absence from Australia + Read more ...

Is this a change to child travel details?


A new child absence from Australia needs to be recorded + Read more ...

Note: if the customer receives any of the following payments, another procedure applies:

Family assistance or Paid Parental Leave scheme payment

Parenting Payment Partnered

Parenting Payment Single

Carer Payment

Carer Allowance

Is the child travelling overseas without the customer (customer is not travelling, even on different dates)?


Customer advises a change to their child's absence from Australia + Read more ...

This procedure should be used for changing the child's departure from Australia and/or return to Australia date. A Service Officer cannot use the Portability Script - Departures and Returns to change a child's date of departure or return to Australia. Coding and assessment must be done manually.

If the customer is available, ask the following:

  • the new date of departure from Australia for each child
  • the date the child/ren will or has returned to Australia
  • if the customer does not know the return date, whether the departure is temporary or permanent

If the customer is not present and the required information is not available, contact the customer to find out the additional details.

Check if the customer needs to update their income estimate. Their estimate needs to include all income they will earn during the entire financial year, including any foreign income.


Check if child's departure/ return date recorded on CHRSIM + Read more ...

Any customer-advised change to their child/ren's date of departure and/or return to Australia date should be recorded on the Child Customer Advised Travel Details (CHRSCD) screen but will not have any effect on the customer's payments. The customer's payments are assessed according to the date of departure and/or return on the Child Immigration Advised Movements (CHRSIM) screen.

Go to the Child Selection (CHS) screen.

Key 'S' in the line for the relevant child and key 'CHRSIM' in Nxt: field. Press [Enter] to bring up the CHRSIM screen.

Is the CHRSIM screen blank?

Note: if an error message appears '1083AM - Child is a customer - please enter CRN in header', enter the CRN and go to the customer record for the child to view the RSIM screen. If blank, go to the RSIMME to code.


Check if change relates to departure from Australia, return to Australia, or both + Read more ...

  • If the child's departure date has changed, or the absence will be permanent go to Step 6
  • If the customer is only changing a return to Australia, see Step 1 in Table 2


Check if the child/ren have already left Australia + Read more ...


Check if the customer disagrees with the date of departure + Read more ...

Does the customer disagree with the date of departure on the CHRSIM screen or is the CHRSIM screen still blank?


Check if child's departure already on CHRSCD + Read more ...

  • Go to the Child Selection (CHS) screen
  • Key 'S' in the line for the relevant child and key 'CHRSCD' in Nxt: field. Press [Enter] to bring up the CHRSCD screen

If an error message appears '1083AM - Child is a customer - please enter CRN in header', enter the CRN and go to the customer record for the child to view the RSCD screen.

Has the child/ren's date of departure already been recorded?


Has the child's travel been cancelled at this time? + Read more ...

  • Yes, delete the child's departure details
    • Update the CHRSCD screen with the child's intended travel date and record 'D' in front of the departure date
    • Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen and finalise the activity
    • Record a DOC advising that the child/ren are no longer leaving Australia
    • If the CHRSIM screen shows that the child did depart Australia and the customer disagrees, CIS will need to investigate. See Referring inconsistencies in overseas departure and arrival information to Centrelink International Services (CIS)
    • Note: if an error message appears '1083AM - Child is a customer - please enter CRN in header', enter the CRN and go to the customer record for the child to view and update the RSCD screen
    • Procedure ends here
  • No, correct the child's departure details:
    • Correct the CHRSCD screen with the child's intended travel date
    • Check if the CHRSCD screen also contains a 'return to Australia' line for the departure. If the absence is temporary and a 'return to Australia' line has not been coded, obtain this from the customer if it is available and update CHRSCD
    • If the planned absence was permanent, go to the CHCRES screen. If a line exists with the child's planned departure date and their new country of residence (which it should), correct this to the new departure date
    • If the absence will be permanent, make sure the child is recorded as not in customer care by selecting the correct value for the Care Status field on the 'Child in Customer Care (CHC) screen. Select the appropriate Event Date
    • Repeat this step for each dependent child whose departure date has changed
    • Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen and finalise the activity
    • Record the changed details in a DOC
    • Note: if an error message appears '1083AM - Child is a customer - please enter CRN in header', enter the CRN and go to the customer record for the child to update the RSCD and CRES screens


Redo portability decision + Read more ...

If the customer changes their child/ren's departure date, a new portability decision must be made because a change in this date can affect whether the customer's payment is still portable, the length of payability outside Australia and when and if the payment rate will change.

Is the customer also travelling and also changed their departure date?

Changing a child's return to Australia date

Table 2




Customer advises that the child's date of return to Australia has changed or will change + Read more ...

Has the child already returned to Australia?


Child has already returned to Australia + Read more ...

  • Go to the Child Selection (CHS) screen.
  • Key 'S' in the line for the relevant child and key 'CHRSIM' in Nxt: field. Press [Enter] to bring up the CHRSIM screen.

If an error message appears '1083AM - Child is a customer - please enter CRN in header', enter the CRN and go to the customer record for the child to view the RSIM screen

Does the customer disagree with the child's date of return on the CHRSIM screen or is the CHRSIM screen blank?

  • Yes, CIS will need to investigate. See Referring inconsistencies in overseas departure and arrival information to Centrelink International Services (CIS). Meanwhile, record the customer advised information on the CHRSCD screen. Go to Step 3
  • No, child's return date has already been assessed. Check any impacts on the customer's payment and whether any further advice is required. For example, if child's CHCRES shows living in another country, check with the customer if the child has returned to live in Australia and if so, update accordingly. If child has returned to living with the customer, ensure that care details on the Child in Customer Care (CHC) screen are updated
  • Procedure ends here


Check if child's return has already been recorded on CHRSCD + Read more ...

  • Go to the Child Selection (CHS) screen
  • Key 's' in the line for the relevant child and key 'CHRSCD' in Nxt: field. Press [Enter] to bring up the CHRSCD screen

if an error message appears '1083AM - Child is a customer - please enter CRN in header', enter the CRN and go to the customer record for the child to view the RSCD screen

Has the child/ren's date of return already been recorded?


Check if child's departure has already been recorded on CHRSCD + Read more ...


Correct the child's return details + Read more ...

If an error message appears '1083AM - Child is a customer - please enter CRN in header', enter the CRN and go to the customer record for the child to update the RSCD screen.

  • Correct the CHRSCD screen with the child's intended return date
  • Record the Source: and DOR: fields if required and press [Enter]
  • If the planned absence was permanent, and has now changed to a temporary absence, go to the CHCRES screen. If a line exists with the child's departure date and their new country of residence (which it should), correct it
  • If child has returned to living with the customer ensure that care details on the Child in Customer Care (CHC) screen are updated
  • Repeat this step for each dependent child whose return date has changed
  • Go to the AR screen and finalise the activity
  • Record the changed details in a DOC


Redo portability decision + Read more ...

Is the customer also travelling and also changed their return date?

Recording an absence for a child

Table 3: This table describes the process for Service Officers to follow when recording a child's departure and/or return to Australia when the customer is not travelling with the child.




Customer's child going overseas without the customer + Read more ...

The Portability Script - Departures and Returns cannot be used to code a child only absence or advise the effect on the customer's payment.

If the customer is present, ask the following:

  • the date of departure from Australia for each child
  • the date the child/ren will or has returned to Australia
  • if the customer doesn't know the return date, whether the departure is temporary or permanent

If the customer is not present and required information is not available, contact the customer to find out the additional details.


Select the child + Read more ...

Go to the Child Selection (CHS) screen and select child(ren) outside Australia.

'S'elect the relevant child and key 'CHRSCD' in Nxt: field. Press [Enter] to bring up the CHRSCD screen.

Does an error message appear I083AM - Child is a customer - please enter CRN in header?


Update child record + Read more ...


  • Ensure that any temporary absences from or temporary visits to Australia are not coded on CHCRES
  • The CHCRES screen cannot be updated if the departure date is more than 28 days in the future. In Customer First, create a manual review on the Review Registration (RVR) screen and complete the fields as follows:
    • Service Reason: customer's payment type
    • Review Reason: OTH (Other)
    • Due Date: date within 28 days of the departure date
    • Source: INT
    • Date of Receipt: today's date
    • Notes: 'Child is departing Australia to live overseas on [insert departure date]. Code CHCRES screen with the departure date and country.'
    • Keywords: INVIRN
    • Workgroup: leave blank
    • Position: leave blank
    • Transfer to Region: leave blank
  • The review will mature on the Due Date coded in the RVR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action
  • If the absence will be permanent, ensure the child is recorded as not in customer care by selecting the correct value for the Care Status field on the 'Child in Customer (CHC) screen. Select the appropriate Event Date
  • Record details of the absence in a DOC on the customer's record
  • Repeat Steps 2 and 3 for each child leaving Australia. Go to Step 5


Update child's customer record + Read more ...

  • Key the child's Customer Reference Number (CRN) in the CRN: field and press [Enter]
  • If the child is leaving Australia to live in another country on a permanent basis, update the CRES screen


  • Ensure that any temporary absences from Australia are not coded on CRES
  • The CRES screen cannot be updated if the departure date is more than 28 days in the future. In Customer First, create a manual review on the Review Registration (RVR) screen and complete the fields as follows:
    • Service Reason: customer's payment type
    • Review Reason: OTH (Other)
    • Due Date: date within 28 days of the departure date
    • Source: INT
    • Date of Receipt: today's date
    • Notes: 'Child is departing Australia to live overseas on [insert departure date]. Code CHCRES screen with the departure date and country.'
    • Keywords: INVIRN
    • Workgroup: leave blank
    • Position: leave blank
    • Transfer to Region: leave blank
  • The review will mature on the Due Date coded in the RVR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action
  • If the absence will be permanent, ensure the child is recorded a not in the customer care by selecting the correct value for the Care Status field on the 'Child in Customer Care (CHC) screen. Select the appropriate Event Date
  • Key 'AR' in Nxt: and press [Enter]
  • Finalise the activity (key 'Y' in the Finished: field)
  • Return to the customer's record (generally using 'FL' in Nxt: field)
  • Record details of the absence in a DOC on the child's and the customer's records
  • Repeat steps 2 and 3 if required for any other children also travelling outside Australia. Go to Step 5


Determine if customer's payment is affected + Read more ...

If a dependent child is the last principal carer child and that child leaves Australia, the customer's Parenting Payment entitlement may be affected. It may also have an impact on the customer's mutual obligation requirements.

Refer to the twisty for 'Customer's dependent child leaving Australia' in the Background tab for the relevant payment: