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Adding, changing or removing a service reason for Income Management 043-23113007

On this page:

Adding or changing a service reason

Setting up a new service reason

Notifying a business of changes made

Ending a service reason for an Income Management agreement

For Program Support Managers only

This page contains the process for Program Support Managers to add, change or remove a service reason.

Adding or changing a service reason

Table 1




Search for a business + Read more ...

To search for an Income Management business:

  • Search for the business on the Organisation Name Search (ON) screen in the B environment
  • Complete the following fields including only the new service reason in the Svc Rsn: field:
    • Act: Add
    • Source: LIA
    • DOR: T
  • Search for the business by adding details to the Organisation name: field
  • Press Continue

Note: use the help '?' for information on the fields.


Organisation Details (ORD) screen + Read more ...

Select Continue to confirm the service reason and business.


Organisation Task Selector (OTS) screen will display + Read more ...

Select the following screens from the OTS screen:

  • Organisation Name (OND) screen
  • Organisation Contact (name/phone/address) (OSCS) screen
  • Organisation Address (ADS) screen
  • Agreement details (OSAS) screen
  • Bank details (Income Management only) (OSBS) screen
  • Additional Properties (OAP) screen

Note: where details are already input on these screens, make sure details are current and correct.

  • Press Continue


Organisation Name (OND) screen + Read more ...

  • Check and verify names are correct
  • Add name or update details as required
  • Press Continue


Organisation Contract Summary (OSCS) screen + Read more ...

  • Select the radio button for the appropriate contact the new service reason should be applied to
  • To update existing contact details, select Modify Contact
  • If a new contact is required for the new service reason, select Add contact


Organisation Contact Detail (OSCD) screen + Read more ...

  • On the OSCD screen, update or add the contact details for the new service reason
  • Press Continue

The OSCS screen should now show the updated details.

  • Press Continue


Address Summary Screen (ADS) screen will now display + Read more ...

  • Confirm address details are current
  • Press Continue


Agreement details (OSAS) screen - coding the Business Agreement + Read more ...

The OSAS screen will display any existing Business Agreements (BA). A BA must exist for the relevant programme for a new service reason to be added.

To code a new BA (required when no business agreement exists), go to Step 9.

To code an additional service reason to an existing agreement:

  • 'S'elect the correct Agreement and press [Enter] to go to the Org Service Agreement Details (OSAD) screen
  • On the OSAD screen:
    • Svc Rsn: field, add a service reason
    • Start Date: field, change to today's date
    • Action: field, code 'I'
  • Press Continue

Go to Table 2.


Code a new Business Agreement + Read more ...

  • 'S'elect the newly added service reason (that is, the one with no Agreement ID)
  • Press [Enter] to go to the Org Service Agreement Details (OSAD) screen
  • On the OSAD screen:
    • Check that the new service reason has defaulted to this agreement, or
    • Svc Rsns: field, add the service reason
    • Insert the output method/format
    • Action: field, code 'I'
  • Press [Enter]

The OSAD screen will redisplay with an error message E401PI 'No code for ECX Org: Enter value or PF5 for Auto Allocate'. Press [Enter] to flow through this.

The OSAD screen will redisplay and will still have the error message. Press [Enter] again to flow to the next screen.

Setting up a new service reason

Table 2




Organisation Service Fee Details (OSFD) screen + Read more ...

There are no transaction fees for Income Management deductions.

Make sure this is set to zero and no fees are linked to the new Income Management service reason.

Press [Enter].

Go to Step 2.


On the Organisational Service Bank Summary (OSBS) screen + Read more ...

Select the relevant service and press [Enter].

On the Org Bank Service Bank Details (OSBD) screen for current bank accounts, add the new service reason in the appropriate field.

Select for new accounts input bank account details and set Report Delay Code based on Business Application or written advice from business. For delivery by:

  • Electronic Data Transfer (EDT):
    • Daily (preferred)
    • Weekly
    • Fortnightly
    • Monthly
  • Mail:
    • Weekly
    • Fortnightly
    • Monthly

Do not code the End Date: field, for a business unless suspending access or withdrawing approval. This action would unlink all customers from the record.

  • Update the Source:, DOR: and Action: fields. Press Continue. The screen will be displayed again with the expanded financial institution codes so details can be checked
  • Press Continue and select Additional Service Reasons to update from the OSBS screen if required. Note: different bank details can be entered for different service reasons
  • Once bank account details for all service reasons have been updated, press Continue. This may need to be pressed a number of times until the Additional Properties (OAP) screen is displayed

Go to Step 3.


Additional Properties (OAP) screen will display + Read more ...

  • Update details as required
  • Press Continue

The Activity List (AL) screen should now show the activity as completed:

  • If activity is not complete, select and finalise on the Assessment Results (AR) screen
  • Record a DOC with the details of the activity

Go to Step 4.


Activate new service + Read more ...

Activate new service for the business in Registration and Access Management for Business (RAMB).

Businesses with existing Income Management service reasons will not require additional updates in RAMB. These will be automatic based on existing service reason details.

Notifying a business of changes made

Table 3




Sending the business a letter to advise of the changes made + Read more ...

Letters are to be used to notify business about changes to their details:

  • Q848 - change in circumstances. Send this letter where additional changes have been made including contact detail updates
  • Q771- change in service reason

See Issuing Online Advice (OLA) letters to Third Party Organisations (PTO).


Record details + Read more ...

Document all details regarding the lodgement and processing of the new request on the organisation record.

Ending a service reason for an Income Management agreement

Table 4




Access the business record + Read more ...

  • In the following fields:
    • System: select 'ISS'
    • Env: key 'B'
  • Enter the business record using its Customer Reference Number (CRN). Conduct a search for the business if its CRN is unknown

Note: for Income Management, if the business has customers attached to this specific service reason, it is important that a bulk transfer of these customers to a new approved service reason be done before ending the old service reason.


Access the Organisation Task Selector (OTS) screen + Read more ...

  • Access the OTS screen in the organisation record and 'S'elect the following fields:
    • Agreement Details (OSAS) screen
    • Bank Details (OSBS) screen
  • Select Continue


Coding the Organisation Service Agreement Details (OSAD) screen + Read more ...

  • On the Organisation Service Agreement Summary (OSAS) screen:
    • 'S'elect the appropriate agreement for the business
    • Press [Enter]
  • On the OSAD screen:
    • Start Date: field, code the date the service reason is to cease
    • Svc Rsns: field, delete the service reason by deleting each letter or overtyping with the spacebar
    • Source: and DOR: fields, complete and code an 'I' in the Action: field
    • Press [Enter]. The system will display a warning W009PI 'Associated deductions will be terminated if SR not relinked PF2'

Press [Enter] to return to OSAS screen. If necessary, update other agreements recorded

  • Press [Enter] until the Organisation Service Bank Summary (OSBS) screen is shown (for Income Management only)


Coding the Organisation Service Bank Details (OSBD) screen + Read more ...

On the Bank Details (OSBS) screen, 'S'elect the bank account for the service reason(s) to be deleted.

On the OSBD screen:

  • Start Date: field, code the date the service reason is to cease
  • Svc Rsns: field, delete the service reason by deleting each letter or overtyping with the spacebar
  • Action: field, code 'I'
  • Press [Enter]. The system will display a warning W009PI 'Associated deductions will be terminated if SR not relinked PF2'
  • Press [Enter] and the OSBS screen will be shown again in case there is more than one bank account to be terminated
  • Press [Enter] again when complete or if no changes required


Finalise activity + Read more ...

  • Completed activity is shown on the Activity List (AL) screen
  • Record details of service reason(s) changes on a DOC