Processing claims for Carer Payment (CP) and/or Carer Allowance (CA) 009-04040000
This document explains how to process CP and/or CA online claims, Assisted Customer Claims (ACC) and paper claims using Process Direct.
Submitting claims and documentation
Carers can make a claim for CP and/or CA by:
submitting an
online claim
- with help from a Service Officer running ACC, or
- in limited circumstances by lodging a paper claim form
Carers cannot submit claims online or through ACC unless they have provided all required documents (some exceptions apply).
Claims submitted using ACC need a verbal declaration. If the verbal declaration is not complete and documented, send a Customer Declaration Form (CDF), signed, and scanned to the carer's record.
If the customer has accepted the declaration through their online account, Online customer declaration accepted - Yes shows in the Customer Claim Summary.
If ACC is used to submit a verbal claim on behalf of a customer and a verbal declaration is completed, Staff assisted verbal declaration accepted - Yes shows in:
- Process Direct notes
- Customer First Super Case
- Customer Claim Summary
Note: the declaration shows in the system in which it was originally confirmed. A customer may start a claim online or through ACC and then submit it using the other system. See Claiming Carer Payment (CP) and/or Carer Allowance (CA).
Paper claim forms lodged at service centres
- every question has been answered
- the claim form is signed
- all required documents are provided
Second claim lodged within 13 weeks of the previous rejected claim
If a customer has submitted a second claim within 13 weeks of a claim rejection, do not treat this as a request for review of decision.
However, the second claim can be used to initiate a Secretary initiated review of decision under Section 126 of the Social Security (Administration) Act 1999.
If the carer has not provided all documents
The Service Officer must tell the carer:
- what they need to provide
- any delays in providing these documents will delay the processing of their claim
The paper claim must be accepted and scanned to the customer's record immediately.
If required documents for an online or ACC CP and/or CA new claim are lodged at a service centre, run the Request and Manage Customer Tasks guided procedure to mark the corresponding task as provided.
Verifying partner details before finalising an online claim or ACC
If a customer advises they are partnered within an online claim or ACC, the relationship status must be verified with both parties before the customer's and partner's records are linked.
Verification can be given by the partner:
- through the 'Partner Confirmation Logon' service on the Services Australia website, using the Temporary Access Code (TAC) provided at the end of the claim
- verbally if partner is present, or
- by completing a Partner details (MOD P) form
CP/CA claim work item
A claim ID is created as a work item when:
- the CP and/or CA claim has been submitted (online or through ACC), and
- a Social Online Application (SOA) new claim work item is generated on the carer's record
The claim information can be viewed on the Transaction Summary (TS) screen through the Customer and Claim information table. This includes key details about the CP and/or CA claim work item in Process Direct.
An SOA shell claim (with no claim details) is auto-created if a paper claim is scanned onto the customer’s record.
Claim assessment process
Process Direct is used to review the CP and/or CA claim information and to process the claim.
Process Direct:
- is used to check and record claim progress
- contains the claim information provided by the carer online, collected through ACC or manually recorded from the paper claim
- lists documents the carer needs to provide
- uploads claim data into a CP and/or CA claim activity. This applies only to online claims and ACC
- contains functions needed to process claims such as:
- the ability to view scans
- make referrals
- request information from the carer
- includes tasks Service Officers need to complete before the claim can be finalised
Carers under the age of 18 or over the age of 80
Claims from carers must be referred to a social worker when the carer is:
- under 18 years of age, before processing the claim
- over 80 years of age
Social workers will assess the care situation to make sure the carer:
- has the physical and emotional capacity to provide the level of care needed
- is given information and help to access support services and resources
Start date
From 1 July 2018, carers are generally granted CP and/or CA from the date they submit a complete claim with all relevant supporting documents.
Intent to claim provisions
- only apply to customers in vulnerable circumstances
- CP and/or CA claims may be deemed to be made on the date Services Australia was contacted, or the customer started their online claim
- a vulnerable circumstance must exist:
- at any time during the 8 week period up to the contact date
- the customer must be qualified on the contact date, and
- they must submit their claim within 14 days of the contact, or
- within 13 weeks under special circumstances
Deemed claims under incorrect claim and inappropriate claim provisions are not limited to customers in vulnerable circumstances.
After determining the date a claim was made, Service Officers should assess if backdating provisions apply. The correct start date for carers who submit a Claim for Carer Allowance following Carer Payment Review (SA341) form, is the date of receipt of the SA341 (the date the carer lodges the SA341).
From 7 December 2020, employment income paid after the start date must be assessed for the same period for which it is paid by the employer.
Identity Confirmation
When Identity Confirmation is not confirmed, a carer's identity must be confirmed when claiming CP and/or CA. Exceptions may be made for vulnerable customers.
Where a care receiver is a child attracting a Family Tax Benefit (FTB), identity requirements are not required for the child care receiver. See Identity Confirmation and Alternative Identity.
Carer claims CP or CA for a carer who receives CP or CA
See the Resources page for details on different scenarios.
Care receiver getting CA for another adult care receiver
If the carer claims CA for a care receiver, the care receiver cannot also qualify for CA for another disabled adult. For more details see Process page Table 1 > Step 4.
Care receiver eligibility for income support payment
Tell the carer that a care receiver aged 16 years of age or over may be eligible for an income support payment.
If the care receiver wants to make a claim, see Claiming income support payments from Centrelink.
Multiple CP claims received
If a carer:
- lodges multiple claims for CP for 2 or more care receivers, find out who the carer is claiming for
- is already in receipt of CP for one care receiver and lodges a secondary CP claim, find out if this is a change in care receiver
Service Officers must consider:
Note: see Carer Payment (CP) (child) when caring for 2 to 4 children each with a disability or medical condition (combined care) if a carer lodges a claim for CP for 2 - 4 children.
The Process page contains details about contacting customers with multiple claims.
To receive CP or CA, a carer is not required to receive Family Tax Benefit (FTB) in respect of a child care receiver. For CA, the child must be a dependent child of the carer. For CP or CA (auto) there is no requirement for the child care receiver to be a dependent child of the carer.
Carer Payment (CP) (XWP) customer submits a claim for Carer Payment
A current Carer Payment (XWP) carer may wish to claim Carer Payment (Standard) for benefits not available under CP (XWP). They can submit an online claim while still current.
To process the claim:
- cancel CP (XWP) from the date the claim is submitted, and
- change the grandfathering status
If not eligible for CP (Standard), the:
- carer's CP (XWP) will be re-granted (if still eligible), and
- customer will be notified of both outcomes
It is not possible to claim CP (XWP) - a full assessment is required. If found not qualified for CP under non-grandfathering provisions, grant the customer CP (XWP) if eligible.
Carer or care receiver is deceased
If a carer or care receiver passes away before the claim is completed, finalise the claim before the death action is completed. If the death action has already been coded. See:
- Complications to grants of Carer Payment (CP) and/or Carer Allowance (CA), and
- Death of care receiver before claim for Carer Payment (CP) and/or Carer Allowance (CA) is finalised
Additional coding is needed within the claim to end date any Electronic Messaging (EM) subscriptions.
Care receiver passes away on the same day as the claim is submitted
A carer may submit a claim for CP and/or CA on the day the care receiver has passed away. If the customer has contacted on or before the date of death and is considered to be in vulnerable circumstances, consider granting from the earlier date. See Intent to claim and vulnerable customers.
If not, the care receiver is assessed as passing away after the claim was submitted. CP and CA can be granted from the date the claim was submitted.
Parent Pathways
Eligible CP customers can volunteer for Parent Pathways. This service offers flexible and individualised support to parents and carers with children under the age of 6, plan for or pursue their study, training and work goals.
The Resources page contains:
- contact details for the Level 2 Policy Help Desk
- links to mySupport
- Process Direct resources
- tables containing scenarios of where a medical report for a CP claim results in the cancellation of CA
- tables for multiple claims lodged examples, and
- QSS32 text
Related links
Assessing a claim for Carer Allowance (CA) using the combined assessment scores of two children
Backdating provisions for claim lodgement
Cancellation of Disability Support Pension (DSP)
Circumstance Change Monitor (CCM)
Confirming a partnered relationship
Eligibility for Carer Allowance (CA)
Eligibility for Carer Payment (CP)
Identifying and making suitable referrals to the Complex Assessment Officer (CAO)
Intent to claim and vulnerable customers
Process Direct navigation, common screens and functions
Recording and correcting employment income details
Rejecting a Carer Allowance (CA) claim
Rejecting a Carer Payment (CP) claim
Using Digital Assistant Roxy in Process Direct