Processing claims for Carer Payment (CP) and/or Carer Allowance (CA) 009-04040000
This document explains how to process CP and/or CA online claims, Assisted Customer Claims (ACC) and paper claims using Process Direct.
On this page:
Review the claim and complete pre-processing checks in Process Direct
Linking - Care Receiver link does not exist
Linking - Care Receiver link displays as unconfirmed
Process a CP and/or CA claim in Process Direct
Finalise a CP and/or CA claim in Process Direct
Review the claim and complete pre-processing checks in Process Direct
Table 1: for Carer Payment/Carer Allowance Smart Centre Processing staff only.
Step |
Action |
1 |
Locate claim + Read more ... Locate the work item in Process Direct. See Process Direct navigation, common screens and functions to launch the tool and access work items. Select the work item to view Customer and Activity Information. CP and/or CA submitted online claim/ through ACC A Social Online Application (SOA) new claim work item is generated on the carer's record. This contains all the claim details given by the carer online or entered into ACC. CP and/or CA paper claim is scanned to the carer's record
One payment claimed Under 'Instructions for the customer (carer)'on the Medical Report, the carer must select if they are claiming for CP and CA, or for CA only. For example, on the Medical Report the:
In this case, the claim is assessed for the payment the carer has selected on the initial claim:
For what to check upon lodgement, see Table 4 in Claiming Carer Payment (CP) and/or Carer Allowance (CA). Note: if an SOA was incorrectly created and no paper claim has been lodged, do not reject the claim. Set the SOA to 'not required'. |
2 |
Review claim details - Transaction Summary (TS) screen + Read more ... Review details to:
If the carer or care receiver is absent from the care situation or the care receiver has died, vulnerable circumstances may be affecting the carer’s ability to submit a claim. See Complications to grants of Carer Payment (CP) and/or Carer Allowance (CA). The Customer and Claim Activity table shows key details, including the:
Link Summary (LS) or Marital Status (MS) tables may contain provisional or confirmed data about the carer's relationship status and linked records. For example, partner and care receiver records. Select Claim Overview Select Claims created as an SOA shell will not contain claim details or uploaded data. Details needs to be manually updated from the original claim, for example, paper claim. If only part of the paper claim has been lodged, for example, Claim for Carer Payment and/or Carer Allowance (SA404) without a Carer Payment and/or Carer Allowance Caring for a person 16 years or over (SA406) or Carer Payment and/or Carer Allowance Caring for a child under 16 years (SA407), and a Q999 letter:
DOCs/ Tasks/ uploaded documents Select:
Use the Super Key field to go to screens. This will show the relevant table/s. Key DL in the Super Key field to view DOCs on the Document List (DL) screen. See Process Direct navigation, common screens and functions. |
3 |
Check for updates + Read more ... Documents lodged If documents have been provided separately, for example, after the claim was submitted, select Tasks, and update the task status to 'Accepted'. Contact details updated online If a carer has updated their contact details online after submitting their claim, complete the started CDC activity on the Activity List (AL) screen in Customer First. Inter-environment transfer Process Direct will warn of environment transfers of a partner, child, or care receiver if they are not in the same environment as the carer. Note: only records linked to the carer can be transferred to a different environment using Process Direct, and only into the same environment as the carer's record. The carer's own record cannot be transferred. To initiate an inter-environment transfer of records, see Inter-environment change of address (ICoA) transfer of a customer record. Rent Deduction Scheme (RDS) Check the Payment Instruction Summary (PINS) screen:
Actioning an inter-environment transfer for a customer that is participating in the RDS, will see their deductions automatically cancel. Processing staff should check for this before taking action on the record. For more details, see Rent Deduction Scheme (RDS) deductions. If there is no way to avoid a cancellation of RDS deductions, Service Officers should tell the customer their deductions will cancel, and they need to contact their housing authority to have the deductions re-instated. Compensation details If the carer has provided new compensation details, complete a compensation referral and place the work item on hold. |
4 |
Contact carer + Read more ... Contact the carer to confirm details in the following situations. Care receiver getting CA for another adult care receiver The care receiver cannot qualify for CA for another disabled adult. Before granting, rejecting, or cancelling any CA payments:
When another person is already/still providing care for the care receiver, see Change of care for Carer Payment (CP) and Carer Allowance (CA) customers. When determining the start date for CA, the decision is independent of:
The start date determination should follow the normal start date procedures that apply for new claims. Care receiver getting CP for another care receiver There is no legislative restriction on a carer receiving CP for a care receiver who in turn receives CP for caring for another care receiver. However, in this situation, a social worker can help decide if both carers are personally providing constant care and therefore qualify for CP. See Eligibility for Carer Payment (CP) when a care receiver is aged 16 years or over for more details when the care receiver is a carer. See the Resources page for details on when a care receiver receives either CP or CA. Multiple CP claims/care receivers If a carer lodges multiple claims for CP for 2 or more carer receivers:
If a carer is already getting CP for one care receiver and lodges a secondary CP claim, determine if this is a change in care receiver. See Table 2. |
5 |
Streaming of claims + Read more ... All processing staff must stream claims before making a referral or placing the claim on hold. Streaming is the practice of coding all details provided, or available when the claim is first allocated. This includes:
This makes sure claims are not being placed on hold unnecessarily, where a decision could be made about the claim. Example: where a claim needs a referral to an external assessment such as a Complex Assessment Officer, but the medical report given shows the customer does not meet medical qualification for the respective payment. Enough details exist to decide about this claim without a referral. Note:
6 |
Claim requirements + Read more ... Check claim requirements met:
Have all of the relevant details been provided?
7 |
Request additional information or documents + Read more ... Processing staff do not need to re-request information/documents listed as requested in Tasks. Note: consider the carers circumstances and vulnerabilities before determining not to re-request. If more details or documents are required, processing staff can accept and use verbal details from the customer where claims received are incomplete or incorrect. This may include, but is not limited to:
Service Officers must not place customers on reporting to grant a claim, in lieu of requesting the necessary earnings details. If a customer’s or partner’s earnings are variable and they cannot provide accurate details over the phone:
Service Officers must not verbally obtain entire forms the carer would otherwise need to complete for their claim. For example, if the carer and care receiver are not co-residents, the details of an SA381 cannot be taken verbally. The carer would need to provide the completed SA381. Make genuine attempts to contact the carer by phone to get or clarify missing claim details. Record these details in the claim Progress Note and/or DOC. If verbal information is not possible or practical to get send a written request. The History Summary (HS) screen shows information/documents requested. If more information is needed to support the carer's claim, the:
Reject the claim FRC if the customer does not provide the requested documents in the relevant timeframe from the date of the original notice. Circumstance Change Monitor (CCM) rules allow a claim to be submitted without the carer providing all the documents necessary for their claim to be assessed. Do not reject these claims until the carer has been given an opportunity to lodge the outstanding documents. See Table 8 in Circumstance Change Monitor (CCM). Place the claim on hold until the date the documents are due to be returned. If it is clear the claim will be rejected:
8 |
Review/update relationships + Read more ... Review/update relationships before starting to process a claim. These include partner, child, and care receiver relationships. Action required depends on:
If the customer's partner used the Temporary Access Code (TAC) given at the end of the claim and confirmed the relationship using the 'Partner Confirmation Logon' service on the Services Australia website, it shows as a DMOPD tile. It will be available to view in scanned documents. See: In some cases, the claim may need regenerating to allow changes to relationships. View/update details via the Transaction Summary (TS) screen in the Link Summary (LS) and Marital Status (MS) tables. Relationship details may only need updating if the tables contain different details to the details provided in the claim. Note: only delete/edit relationship data if recorded in error. If the relationship data is no longer applicable, for example, the carer has married, add a new line. To correct a relationship, for example, the relationship shows as NRE - Not Required, select:
To end or add a new relationship:
If the function to update details in these tables is not available, select |
9 |
Residence screens + Read more ... The customer's Australian residence qualification will be auto-assessed based on the residence information recorded. See Residence assessment for customers claiming Carer Payment (CP). Service Officers must record residence information if the claim is to be rejected for a reason other than residence. If residence details are not recorded, the:
If residence requirements are not met but the customer has lived in an Agreement country, they may be qualified for Carer Payment under an Agreement. Does the customer qualify under an International Agreement or is the customer claiming as a non-protected Special Category Visa holder?
10 |
To make a referral + Read more ... Select Select the referral type:
Select Finish to complete the referral. This will update the claim status to On Hold. Note: for streamed claims, see Hold to User new claim criteria to determine if the claim can be held to user. Social Worker Referrals: Service Officers must refer claims from carers to a social worker when the carer is:
Before making a Social Worker referral Service Officers must:
To complete a referral to a Social Worker, see Social worker care situations - referrals and assessment of payment claims. Social Worker is not able to complete assessment
11 |
Intention to claim for vulnerable customers + Read more ... Check the Pre claim (PRECLM) screen in Process Direct to review if intention to claim provisions may apply. Some vulnerable circumstance reasons must be recorded manually. Review the customer's circumstances and decide if a circumstance needs to be recorded manually. Process Direct automatically adjusts the start date if:
However, when adjusting the start date Process Direct does not consider:
When processing the claim, the start date may need to be adjusted manually if:
12 |
Update receipt date + Read more ... If processing an ACC, before updating the receipt date, see Table 2 > Step 11 in Viewing and processing online and Assisted Customer Claim (ACC). Has the date submitted defaulted to the date of receipt (DOR) keyed?
13 |
Update the Progress of claim DOC + Read more ... Processing staff must update the Progress of claim DOC with all details relevant to the claim. Update the Progress of Claim DOC in the sub-heading 'Document list / notes' under the Notes tab of Process Direct. This will make sure any annotations made will also show on the Documents List (DL) screen in Customer First. Updates to this DOC should include, but is not limited to:
If there is no existing DOC on the record for this claim, create a new one. |
14 |
Claim ready to process or carer receiving JobSeeker Payment (JSP) + Read more ... Is the claim ready to process or is carer receiving JobSeeker Payment?
Multiple claims
Table 2: contains details when a customer has lodged multiple claims or is already current for CP and has submitted a claim for CP for a new care receiver.
Step |
Action |
1 |
Multiple claims lodged for CP + Read more ... Multiple claims occur when a carer:
System limitations allow only one claim finalisation letter to be generated each day. If a customer has multiple claims to assess for CP, Service Officers must:
Has the carer lodged multiple claims for CP or are they already getting CP and have submitted a claim for CP for a new care receiver?
2 |
Check if carer qualifies for CP + Read more ... Decide if the carer will qualify for CP for the care receivers by checking the:
Provisionally code the care receiver’s medical and care details, within the new claim/Social Online Application (SOA) if possible. Where the carer is already CP current, the provisional medical and care details coding needs to be completed in an activity outside of the claim (in Customer First or Customer Record). Does more than one of the care receivers qualify the carer for CP?
3 |
Check who carer is claiming for + Read more ... If 2 or more qualifying care receivers qualify the carer for CP, the carer must be the person who decides which care receiver they want to claim for. Make genuine attempts to contact the carer by phone to discuss:
Was phone contact successful?
4 |
Genuine contact attempts unsuccessful - send a QSS32 + Read more ... Send a Multiple claims QSS32 letter to the carer, to request contact. Record details in the claim progress Note or DOC on the carer’s record:
Hold the claim for the required response time (until day 22 unless other wait time provisions apply). Once the claim has come off hold, has the carer now identified the care receiver they want to claim CP for?
5 |
Successful contact + Read more ... All claims received by Services Australia must be:
Do not offer to withdraw the customer's claim. Withdrawal of a claim is taken to have not been made, meaning all information (including medical) within the claim cannot be used. Record details of the discussion with the customer on a DOC. Did the carer request to withdraw any or all of their claims?
6 |
Process/finalise multiple claims + Read more ... If the carer will not qualify for any of the care receivers, before rejecting the claims, check if any of the following apply:
Follow this step to:
CP claims for multiple care receivers cannot be assessed in one claim, however all claims must be finalised. If claims have been made for more than one care receiver, the rejection/s must be finalised before a grant. Only one claim can be finalised each day. To finalise all claims and check outcome letters are issued for each claim, take the following steps. If rejecting any of the claims, see Rejecting a Carer Payment (CP) claim or Rejecting a Carer Allowance (CA) claim. One or more claims to be rejected, one claim to be granted:
All claims to be rejected:
Once all the claims have been finalised, staff must remove the customer’s CRN form their ARM. If the granted claim was processed first, or Carer Payment is current:
If a carer is already in receipt of CP for one care receiver and lodges a secondary CP claim, and it is determined this is a change in care receiver:
Cancelling CP (child) will also auto-cancel CA (auto). To ensure the carer is advised of the correct cancellation date, a manual cancellation letter Q134 is also required. For more details, see Creating a Q134 letter. This will make sure the correct date of grant appears on the carer's Pensioner Concession Card (PCC) and the grant letter. Is CP already current and has the carer failed to reply to correspondence about a claim for another care receiver?
7 |
Carer lodges a subsequent claim following a rejected claim + Read more ... Has the carer submitted a new claim within 13 weeks of the previous claim being rejected?
8 |
Assess the second claim + Read more ... Will the claim be granted?
Linking - Care Receiver link does not exist
Table 3
Step |
Action |
1 |
Unable to establish care receiver link + Read more ... Does a provisional Care Receiver link present as part of the claim?
2 |
Provisional Care Receiver link is not present as part of the claim + Read more ... When a care receiver link cannot be established on the Link Summary (LS) screen Service Officers must undertake all normal checks on the record (for example, DOR, claim status) to make sure of record accuracy. Note: for CP/CA child claims, where the customer has also lodged a claim for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) for the child care receiver, staff do not need to hold CP/CA claims waiting for the FTB claim to be finalised. Customers do not need to be FTB current or have claimed FTB to claim CP/CA for a child. For help in linking a child record, see Linking a child to a customer's record. Select On the review summary, check scanned documents for the following documents:
3 |
Scanned documents + Read more ... Open the relevant scan and check it is complete and signed by the customer. The claim form will have details of the care receiver recorded. Check their full name, Date of birth (DOB) and Customer Reference Number (CRN) has been included. The form may indicate if the customer is claiming Carer Payment as well as Carer Allowance. Note: some forms do not ask for the care receiver’s CRN, it may be on the SA332(a) medical report. If not located on a form, more investigation to identify the care receiver may be needed. |
4 |
Create link + Read more ... Go to the Transaction Summary (TS) screen, scroll down to the link summary, and select Add to add a new link. This will open 'Create Link Summary'. Complete the following fields:
When the care receiver’s CRN has been provided:
5 |
Confirm link + Read more ... Select the appropriate record. Create Link Summary will populate the care receiver's CRN in the Destination CRN, select Save. If the Service Officer cannot locate the care receiver or is unsure of the search results, request more information to identify the care receiver. |
6 |
Finalise activity + Read more ... The TS screen will show the Care Receiver link in the Link Summary (LS) with a record status code of 'Provisional'. See Table 5 to continue with processing. |
Linking - Care Receiver link displays as unconfirmed
Table 4
Step |
Action |
1 |
Unconfirmed link displays + Read more ... Service Officers must check existing and previous links on the carer's record. Are there any more details about the care receiver located on the carer's record?
2 |
Care Receiver details + Read more ... Locate the Care Receiver details under the 'Care Receiver Profile' section of the carer's claim review panel. Has the carer provided enough details to identity the care receiver on the system (for example, full name, date of birth)?
3 |
Scanned documents + Read more ... Select Has the carer provided identity documents and/or a medical report for the care receiver?
4 |
Confirm link + Read more ... Go to the Transaction Summary (TS) screen, scroll down to the link summary, select Edit of the unconfirmed link. Go to the Care Receiver Summary (CRS) screen, select Edit of the unconfirmed link:
When the CRN has been provided:
5 |
Results + Read more ... The TS screen shows the Care Receiver link in the Link Summary (LS) with a record status code of 'Provisional'. See Table 5 to continue with claim processing. |
Process a CP and/or CA claim in Process Direct
Table 5: For Carer Payment/Carer Allowance Smart Centre Processing staff only.
Step |
Action |
1 |
Claim processing must start in the correct sequence + Read more ... Complete pre-claim processing checks such as record correctness, claim correctness, and care receiver links. Select Process to start the claim. Carer Processing staff must select Process to start processing the claim before going to any other screens. Failure to follow this sequence results in information coded by staff not being read correctly by the system and results in incorrect outcomes. Resolving incorrect outcomes Errors occur when staff do not follow the correct processing sequence. If Carer Processing staff have issues with incorrect outcomes (for example, claims rejecting when they should be granting), use Roxy to raise an incident to resolve the issue before claim processing can occur. Once issue is resolved, continue processing the claim. |
2 |
Process and/or update claim + Read more ... After selecting Process, the Errors (SWE) screen displays. Message Log This section shows any errors with existing coding. These must be fixed before the claim can be assessed. Task Selector/s Consider these list common screens as part of the claim. Task Selectors that contain mandatory screens are pre-selected. Task Selectors may not list all screens on which information may be coded during the claim. Service Officers may need to check other screens to compare historical details on the record with information provided within the claim:
Service Officers can also access screens directly through the Super Key. For example, key 'CRS' to view the Care Receiver Summary (CRS) screen. For paper claims, manually code details from the paper claim form. Linked records If data needs to be updated on a partner, care receiver or child record select Start date
Move the start date for CP on the Pensions Assessment Date (PNA) screen to the earliest Entitlement Period Start Date (EPSD) that the customer is payable from. This prevents the claim from rejecting due to high income when:
Move the start date to the next Entitlement Period Start Date:
This will stop the claim from rejecting due to high income. See Process Direct navigation, common screens and functions. |
3 |
Customer details + Read more ... Update details via the Customer Data Task Selector (CDTS). The available tasks for selection to check/update include:
4 |
Residence details + Read more ... Update details via the Residency Task Selector (RETS). The available tasks for selection to check/update include:
The carer's Australian residence qualification will be automatically assessed based on the residence information recorded. Service Officers must record residence details if the claim is to be rejected for a reason other than residence. If these are not recorded, the system will override any other rejection reason, and the claim will reject for a residence related reason. The new claim process will attempt a datalink with the Department of Home Affairs. If successful, the datalink will auto-record a carer's visa and movement information from 1 September 1994 and grants of Australian citizenship where available. To record residence details, see Residence and Portability screens. |
5 |
Care receiver details + Read more ... Select If the care receiver is an Adult, check/update Customer Details tasks:
Note: if a care receiver's Proof of identity (POI) has been uploaded by the carer, this can show on the carer receiver's record instead of the carer's. Check the carer receiver's record before rejecting the claim. Identity status When coding care receiver POI, there is no requirement to include the service reason. If the care receiver:
Go to the Care Receiver Tasks Selector (CETS) screen. The mandatory tasks will be preselected and provisional data from the online claim or ACC will display a flag. The following tasks can be selected to check/update:
Select Next to move to next selected screen in screen flow. Select Previous to return to last selected screen in screen flow. Select Back to return to previous stage of the claim:
6 |
Care receiver medical details + Read more ... Reuse flags These flags indicate whether an existing Treating Health Professional medical report (THP) or Care Needs Assessment (CNA) can be used for CP and/or CA. These display on relevant screens, for example:
From CETS To record details from a THP for:
For more details about coding, see Calculating the Treating Health Professional score for a child under 16 years on or after 1 July 2020. |
7 |
Care details + Read more ... To record details from a CNA, select from CETS:
CDCR - Care Details
8 |
Care Load Validation + Read more ... If the CLVL error SR004 shows on the Errors (SWE) screen, a process called validation will be required. Is validation required?
9 |
Carer Task Selector (CTS) + Read more ... Select relevant screens:
10 |
Income and Assets Task Selector (IATS) + Read more ... For details about the assessment, see: |
11 |
Property Valuation + Read more ... Note: when the valuation has returned, process the claim in Process Direct. Is a property valuation required for the claim?
12 |
Pensions Assessment Date (PNA) + Read more ... This date determines what date the claim will be assessed from. The date is auto-based on the date the claim was submitted, recorded contact dates and the date the customer qualified for CP and/or CA. Change the date by selecting the calendar icon and the new assessment date. This can be more than 12 months in the past if necessary. See Start Day. See Table 6. |
Finalise a CP and/or CA claim in Process Direct
Table 6: for Carer Payment/Carer Allowance Smart Centre Processing staff only.
Step |
Action |
1 |
Resolve all edits or errors + Read more ... After saving updates, return to the Errors (SWE) screen to view errors, warnings and messages in the Message Log. These messages show the items that need to be addressed to prepare to finalise the claim. If the AWE warning W223FY FTB estimate on FTI/FTF is not reasonable occurs during claim processing, contact the customer:
Select Help at top right to launch the digital assistant (DA). Key the error message into the DA for help. If contact with the customer is not successful, see Process page > Table 3 in Helping families provide a reasonable annual income estimate for family assistance payments. If edits and warnings present for Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) income or the carer has provided payments from the DVA:
When all errors have been addressed, select Assess. |
2 |
Entitlement (ELD) screen + Read more ... Check Entitlement details:
Move the start date for CP on the Pensions Assessment Date (PNA) screen to the earliest Entitlement Period Start Date (EPSD) that the customer is payable from. This prevents the claim from rejecting due to high income when:
If customer's first entitlement period is short and employment income is recorded as LOP:
If Process Direct adjusted the start date for CP and/or CA under intent to claim provisions but the Entitlement details do not show the claim is granting from that date:
Service Officers may also need to manually stimulate payments on the Report Results (RR) screen. See Process > Table 2 'Earnings and Report Results (EARR) and Report Results (RR) screens' in Reporting Screens for more details. Is the customer eligible for CP and/or CA?
3 |
W039DI Warning + Read more ... Has the warning W039Dl - Carer Allowance may be payable shown?
4 |
Eligibility for Carer Allowance (auto) + Read more ... Check if the carer is eligible for Carer Allowance (auto). Is the carer eligible for CA (auto)?
5 |
Code CDCR + Read more ... Where it has been established the carer is eligible for CA (auto):
6 |
Entitlement (ELD) screen + Read more ... Check Entitlement details:
Is CP and/or CA payable to the customer?
7 |
Grant CP and/or CA + Read more ... Before finalising the claim view rate details on:
Check the expected results reflect in the provisional data and provisional and before data shows to identify the changes. If the carer is currently receiving Parenting Payment single (PPS) and working, it may be better for them to stay on PPS. As the PPS income test is more generous than the single pension income test, the carer needs to make an informed decision about which payment they would like to get. If the carer is being granted CP and/or CA after a rejected claim, go to Step 8. Age Pension to CP transfers + Read more ... If the carer receives Age Pension, lodges a claim for CP and meets the eligibility and payability criteria for CP: Make genuine attempts to contact the carer by phone. If customer contact is successful:
The carer must determine if they wish to remain on Age Pension (CP will be rejected) or transfer to CP (Age Pension will be cancelled). Does the carer wish to transfer to Carer Payment?
If customer contact is unsuccessful:
Disability Support Pension (DSP) to CP transfers + Read more ... If the carer receives DSP, lodges a claim for CP and meets the eligibility and payability criteria for CP:
If genuine contact attempts by phone are unsuccessful:
Hold the claim for the required response time. When the claim has come off hold:
Transfers to CP from other income support payments (ISP) + Read more ... If the carer receives an ISP, such as Jobseeker Payment (JSP), or Parenting Payment (PP), a Benefit Transfer occurs within the new claim activity. This:
Service Officers must:
Inviting claims + Read more ... If a customer claims CP or CA and they qualify for the other payment, Service Officers must contact the customer to tell them of their eligibility to the other payment. If the customer is:
Record details on a DOC on the customer's record. Include if:
8 |
Granting CP and/or CA after rejection + Read more ... If granting payment after a claim rejection check the following is still accurate, the:
If not, get current details verbally or in writing. To decide if new information is needed, consider:
9 |
Combined claim + Read more ... Is the claim a combined CP and CA (child) claim that will result in CP (child) granting and CA (child) rejecting?
10 |
Carer Allowance (auto) + Read more ... Where the claim a combined CP and CA (child) claim that will result in CP (child) granting and CA (child) rejecting the carer may be eligible for CA (auto), see Eligibility for Carer Allowance (CA) (auto) when a carer is also receiving Carer Payment (CP) (child). Is the CP (child) customer eligible for CA (auto)?
11 |
Processing + Read more ... Where the combined CP and CA (child) claim will result in CP (child) granting and CA (child) rejecting and the carer is eligible for CA (auto):
On the following day:
12 |
Finalise claim + Read more ... If a customer has received Crisis Payment and a change has occurred, a manual reassessment of Crisis Payment may be required. For more details, see Reviewing and reassessing Crisis Payment (CrP). Is the claim resulting in a JobSeeker Payment (JSP) to CP transfer where a change in circumstances results in CP cancelling within the new claim activity?
13 |
Re-establish where CP entitlement has ceased within the new claim activity + Read more ... Where a carer was in receipt of JSP on the day the CP claim is processed, and the claim results in a JSP to CP transfer, and a change in circumstances results in CP cancelling in the new claim activity the following action is required:
For any other payment types, contact the Level 2 Policy Help Desk. |