Portions of this procedure are for Processing Services only
Staff trained in processing families claims in Process Direct follow the Process Direct coding
This document explains how to link a child to a customer's record for a new claim or for an existing customer. It also explains how to assess the child as a dependent for social security and family assistance payments. A child's record will link to the record of each person claiming for the child. This is so the assessment of entitlements and concessions is correct.
On this page:
Linking a child to a customer's record
Add, record or update the child's record in Process Direct
Add, record or update the child's record in Customer First
CCS only claims
Linking a child to a customer's record
Table 1
Step |
Action |
1 |
Linking a child to customer's record + Read more ...
Only link a child to a person (carer's) record if:
both carers are a party in the making of a new Centrelink care decision either verbally or in writing (FA012), for example for the purposes of an Family Tax Benefit (FTB), Child Care subsidy (CCS) or Income Support Payment (ISP) claim
a care decision has been made by Child Support for mutual customers who have claimed for the child that has not loaded correctly, and needs to be manually completed
the Service Officer is making a subsequent care decision, and:
has the 'E004WA Mandatory value not entered on screen' error due to a care decision displaying (on FTB Shared Care (FSC) screen in Customer First or Shared Care Assessment (SCA) screen in Process Direct) for a non-linked carer.
This can occur when Child Support have made a previous care decision and it has been received via the data exchange
the customer has made a claim in relation to the child (includes an ISP claim that attracts the 'with child' rate)
the claimant is a step parent and the P24845 - Step parent workaround needs to be applied
Staff must not link a child to the record, unless one of the above criteria is met.
The Resources page contains examples.
If a record is to be created for a newborn child who has not yet been named, go to Step 2
If the child has been adopted, go to Step 3
If a new claim has been lodged in respect of the child, go to Step 4
Linking a newborn or an older child coming into care, go to Step 5
If a CCS only claim has been lodged, see, Step 1 in Table 4
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Record to be created for a newborn who has not yet been named + Read more ...
When creating a record for a newborn child who has not yet been named, within the claim or Add Newborn activity, record the first name as 'Newborn'. The claim can be finalised to pay FTB
Note: the birth of a child cannot be registered until a name has been chosen. Failure to apply to register the birth affects entitlement to Newborn Supplement (NBS) paid with FTB and Parental Leave Pay (PPL)
Record this information on a Display on Access (DOA) DOC as a prompt to ask for the name at next contact
When provided, update the child's name on the Child Change (CCH) screen in Customer First. The recorded name 'Newborn' will remain on the CCH screen as an Also Known As (AKA) name.
Once the CCH is updated, close the DOA DOC. For details on updating the child's name, see Changing the Legal name of customers or their children.
If the customer notifies that the birth was registered
If a new claim has been lodged in respect of the child, go to Step 4.
3 |
Child has been adopted + Read more ...
If a child has been adopted:
If a new claim is lodged in respect of the child, go to Step 4.
4 |
New Claims + Read more ...
For a new claim:
in Customer First, link the child via the workflow in the new claim
in Process Direct, child linking is actioned on the Link Summary (LS) table on the Transaction Summary (TS) screen
When manually processing Family Tax (FTB) claims for refugees in Customer First link the child manually:
index the customer's claim first and start coding the claim. The Child Selection (CHS) screen will display as part of the screen flow during updates from the Customer Details Task Selector (CDTS) screen
Go to Step 5.
5 |
Search for child's record + Read more ...
Before linking a newborn child, or an older child to a record, it must first be established whether the child has an existing record. See Searching for a customer on the system.
If an existing child record is located, before linking, check it is the correct child record. Make sure it is not an unrelated child CRN that has the same name and/or date of birth.
Checks include:
completing a separate search to see if the child record located is already linked to another person
checking the child relationship
checking address details, etc.
Is the correct child record found?
Note the environment in which the child's record exists. Go to Step 6
If FA081/FA012 is available on Document Tools and determination of care can be established, if using:
If FA081/FA012 is not available, or care cannot be determined, procedure ends here
6 |
Child record exists + Read more ...
Are the customer and child records in the same environment?
Yes, if using:
No, if using:
7 |
Customer and child records in different environments in Customer First + Read more ...
If needed, transfer the child record using Inter-environment change of address (ICoA)
'S'elect the child from the CHS screen. Note: if only the child's CRN displays, the system is still transferring the record from interstate. Wait a short time until the child's name displays.
For New Claim/Add Child activities, note the Activity Management Reference (AMR) number for this activity. This is located at the top of the screen in the Act: field.
8 |
Go to environment child's record is in + Read more ...
9 |
Return to gaining customer's record in original environment + Read more ...
A message will appear on the original activity stating that the ripple data has merged into this activity
'S'elect the activity and make any further changes required
Go to the Child Override/Claim (CHOC) screen. Make sure a line exists for each service reason the customer has claimed for the child and that the date of event is correct, for example start date of claim or date child entered care
Complete the activity on the Assessment Results (AR) screen. Child eligibility details can be checked on the Assessment Explanation (AX) screen before finalising the activity
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Customer and child records in different environments in Process Direct + Read more ...
If a record requires an environment transfer, a warning shows on the Message Log on the Errors (SWE) screen within a new claim or non-new claim activity.
To transfer a customer record:
Complete or cancel all activities and DOCs
Go to the Inter-Environment Transfer (ICOA) screen
View the list of all CRNs associated with the claim and the current environment of each record
Select Request transfer next to the customer CRN that needs transferring to a different environment
On the Change ICOA screen, select the Gaining environment
Select the customer’s new office code and gaining region
Confirm that the children transferring with the customer are marked as ‘Y’ in the Included in Transfer: field. Edit if required
Make sure that the children not transferring with the customer are marked as ‘N’ in the Included in Transfer: field. Edit if required.
Select Transfer
For more details, see Inter-environment change of address (ICoA) transfer of a customer record.
To transfer a child record only:
In the customer’s record go to the Inter-Environment Transfer (ICOA) screen
View the list of all CRNs associated with the claim and the current environment of each record
Go to the Child’s record via the Relations menu
Select Request transfer next to the child CRN that needs transferring to a different environment
Select the Gaining environment
Select Transfer
For more details, see Inter-environment change of address (ICOA) transfer of a child record.
If there is a delay in the transfer completing, the claim is placed on auto-hold. Do not finalise the claim until the environment transfer completes.
Add, record or update the child's record in Process Direct
Table 2
Step |
Action |
1 |
Linking the child in Process Direct + Read more ...
Before indexing a new customer record, it is important to conduct a thorough search of the system to make sure no previous record exists. The search should include all names the customer has been known by.
Note: do not attempt to create a child record in Process Direct outside of an:
existing claim
associated non-new claim transaction, or
Add Newborn activity
If a child has been adopted, there is a surrogacy arrangement, or the claim is for CCS, the child record can be created in Customer First before linking to the customer, where directed by Operational Blueprint.
Does a new claim activity exist in respect of the child?
Yes, linking must occur on the Transaction Summary (TS) screen before selecting Process. Go to Step 2
No, if the customer is not currently in receipt of a Centrelink payment, or no existing activity exists, the Service Officer will need to create a started activity to allow a child to be added to the customer's record:
Access the customer record via Customer Summary
Key Start into the Super Key
Select the Families - Care Assessments workflow from the Task Selector
Enter the Receipt date, Channel and Service Reason (if not defaulted)
Select Next
Go to Step 2
2 |
Link the child within the started activity + Read more ...
Child with single name in cases where the child has only one name for example, Sampson, duplicate the name in both first name and surname fields on the CCH screen.
Note: a child can be linked to a person (the other carer's) record if the information is being recorded for the purposes of a FTB care determination. This will include information that is relevant for the assessment of a current FTB customer (or new claimant) concerning the percentage of care of the child/ren. See Resources page for examples.
Access Link Summary (LS) screen:
Before linking, make sure that the child does not have an existing record
Select Add and on the Create Link Summary screen update:
Link Type: CHI
From SVC Reason: PAR
Start Date: DOB of child
Select Destination CRN field
Enter child's name, gender and date of birth and select Go
If existing record is found,
If the correct customer record is not in the search results, see Adding a customer to the system. This explains how to do a thorough search, and create a new record in Process Direct if needed
When satisfied that no record exists, select Create CRN
Enter child's name, date of birth and gender
Select Yes if Proof of Birth provided
Select Create to create the child record
If E047JW/HTTP response error appears, do not select Create again. Wait a moment and complete the search again
If a person (PER) record has been created incorrectly for a child, contact the Data Quality Unit - Multiples helpdesk
For family payments see the relevant new claim processing procedure:
Otherwise, go to Step 3.
3 |
Record/updated child details + Read more ...
Customer and child records in same environment:
Select child from the Relations menu and select Next to the Child Task Selector (CHTS)
On CHTS - the following screens are pre-selected:
Child in Customer Care (CHC)
Shared Care Assessment (SCA) screen. Update both the Families Shared Care and SSC Shared Care tables
Care Alignment Details (CADDS)
Child Relationships page (CHRE)Child in Primary Care (CIPC) screen - only recorded for a Paid Parental Leave child
Access the Child Immigration Enquiry (CHIMME) screen, update all known details and request an Immigration Datalink
If the datalink is successful, any information will be automatically recorded
If the datalink is not successful, a message will display at the top of the screen. Child resident information is not mandatory so no further action is required
Select other screens to view or update details for child.
Child Override/Claim (CHOC) screen. Make sure a claim (CLM) line exists for each service reason the customer has claimed for the child and that the date of event is correct, for example, start date of claim or date child entered care
Go back to the parent record via the Relations menu
On the SWE screen resolve any warnings or errors that are present , then select Assess
Check the outcome on the Entitlement (ELD) screen
Check child eligibility details on the Assessment Explanation (AX) screen before finalising the activity
Record details on the automated Note template
Add, record or update the child's record in Customer First
Table 3
Step |
Action |
1 |
Linking the child in Customer First + Read more ...
Before indexing a new customer record, it is important to conduct a thorough search of the system to make sure no previous record exists. The search should include all names the customer has been known by.
If an online claim exists in respect of the child, linking will occur through the Manage Dependent Children guided procedure
If a new claim or add child has been lodged in respect of the child, navigate to the Link Child (LCH) screen within the started NCL/ACH activity and then go to Step 2
If the customer is not currently in receipt of a Centrelink payment, the Service Officer will need to create a started activity to allow a child to be added to the customer's record
Go to the Activity Registration (AYR) screen.
Code 'AYR' in the Nxt: field to create a started REA activity:
Code ServRsn: field (for example PPL, FTB)
Code 'REA' in the Activity Type: field
Code the Source: and DOR: fields (if proof of birth has been provided, use the date the proof of birth was received)
Press [Enter]. 'S'elect the started REA activity on the AL screen. 'S'elect the activity
Go to Step 2.
2 |
Link the child within the started activity + Read more ...
Child with single name in cases where the child has only one name for example, Sampson, duplicate the name in both first name and surname fields on the CCH screen.
Note: a child can be linked to a person (the other carer's) record if the information is being recorded for the purposes of a FTB care determination. This will include information that is relevant for the assessment of a current FTB customer (or new claimant) concerning the percentage of care of the child/ren. See Resources page for examples.
Access Link Child (LCH) screen:
before linking, make sure that the child does not have an existing record
on the Link Child (LCH) screen, enter child details
enter child's name, gender and date of birth and press [Enter]
if record is found, select child from National Index Name List (IL) screen. Place a 'Y' in the Confirm Selection field and press [Enter]. Go to Step 3
where no record exists the following message will display 'No National Index records found meeting the search criteria'
key 'ACHI' in Nxt: field and press [Enter]
enter child's name, gender and date of birth
key 'Y' in Proof of Birth: field if an acceptable proof of birth has been provided
key 'N' in Proof of Birth: field if an acceptable proof of birth has not been provided:
key 'Y' in the Add Child?: field
if adding another child type 'Y' in the Add Another Child?: field
press [Enter]. Add further children if required
If a person (PER) record has been created incorrectly for a child, contact the Data Quality Unit - Multiples helpdesk
For family payments see the relevant new claim processing procedure:
Otherwise, go to Step 3.
3 |
Record/update child details + Read more ...
Customer and child records in same environment:
'S'elect child from the CHS screen and press [Enter] to go to the Child Task Selector (CHTS) screen
If the child is a customer message appears when making child updates, enter child's CRN to go to child's record. Start activity and 'S'elect (SELF) from CHS screen and record any updates via the CHTS screen. Finalise this activity on the child's record before returning to the customer's record
On the CHTS screen - the following screens will be pre-selected:
Child in Customer Care (CHC)
Update the FTB Shared Care (FSC) screen, if there is no shared care, record 100%
Update the SSA Shared Care (SSC) screen with the care percentage and principal carer indicator, if there is no shared care, record 100%
Update the Care Alignment Details (!CADDS) page. Check and update the Care Assessment field to Finalised by selecting the line and updating the status for that child
Child Override/Claim (CHOC) screen. A CLM line needs to be coded if the child is an FTB or PPP child. The start date will be the date of claim or date child entered care. See Child Override/Claim (CHOC) screen
Child in Primary Care screen - only recorded for a Paid Parental Leave child
Access the Child Immigration Enquiry (CHIMME) screen, update all known details and request an Immigration Datalink
If the datalink is successful, any information will be automatically recorded
If the datalink is not successful, a message will display at the top of the screen. Child resident information is not mandatory so no further action is required
'S'elect other screens to view or update details for child. For help, see:
Finalise activity on the Assessment Results (AR) screen. Child eligibility details can be checked on the Assessment Explanation (AX) screen before finalising the activity.
Record details on a DOC.
CCS only claims
Table 4
Step |
Action |
1 |
CCS New Claims + Read more ...
The following procedure supports linking of a child for CCS only claims. If the customer has submitted:
2 |
No child record found, add a child with no Centrelink record + Read more ...
Before adding a new child to the record, thoroughly check to make sure proof of birth is acceptable. See Processing proof of a child's birth.
In Customer First, go to the Activity Registration (AYR) screen.
Code AYR in the Nxt: field to create a started REA activity:
Code ServRsn: field FTB
Code REA in the Activity Type: field
Code the Source: and DOR: fields
Press [Enter]. 'S'elect the started REA activity on the AL screen. 'S'elect the activity
Go to Step 3
3 |
Link the child within the started activity + Read more ...
Child with single name in cases where the child has only one name, (for example, Sampson), will duplicate the name in both first name and surname fields on the CCH screen, (for example, Sampson, Sampson).
Access Link Child (LCH) screen:
on the LCH screen, enter child details
enter child's name, gender and date of birth and press [Enter]. Where no record exists the following message will display, 'No National Index records found meeting the search criteria'
key ACHI in Nxt: field and press [Enter]
enter child's name, gender and date of birth
key Y in Proof of Birth: field if an acceptable proof of birth has been provided
key N in Proof of Birth: field if an acceptable proof of birth has not been provided:
key Y in the Add Child?: field
if adding another child type Y in the Add Another Child?: field
press [Enter]. Add further children if required
If a person (PER) record has been created incorrectly for a child, contact the Data Quality Unit - Multiples helpdesk
Note: where the FA081 is used to verify the child's date of birth, the unique serial number must be coded.
Once all children have been added, go to Step 4
4 |
Record/update child details + Read more ...
'S'elect child from the CHS screen and press [Enter] to go to the Child Task Selector (CHTS) screen
On the CHTS screen - the following screens will be pre-selected:
Child in Customer Care (CHC)
Code child’s date of birth or date child entered the customers care in Event Date: field
In the Care Status: field, code ‘ICC’ (in customer care)
Update the FTB Shared Care (FSC) screen, if there is no shared care, record 100%
Update the SSA Shared Care (SSC) screen with the care percentage and principal carer indicator, if there is no shared care, record 100%
Update the Care Alignment Details (!CADDS) page. Check and update the Care Assessment field to Finalised by selecting the line and updating the status for that child
Child Override/Claim (CHOC) screen. A CLM line needs to be coded if the child is an FTB or PPP child. The start date will be the date of claim or date child entered care. See Child Override/Claim (CHOC) screen
Access the Child Immigration Enquiry (CHIMME) screen, update all known details and request an Immigration Datalink
If the datalink is successful, any information will be automatically recorded
If the datalink is not successful a message will display at the top of the screen. Child resident information is not mandatory so no further action is required
'S'elect other screens to view or update details for child. For help, see:
Finalise activity on the Assessment Results (AR) screen.
Record details on a DOC.
Once child linking activity has been completed, complete remaining procedure of Processing Child Care Subsidy (CCS) claims in Process Direct.