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Carer Allowance (CA) income reviews 009-18090411

Responding to CA income review enquiries

This page has details to answer carer enquiries about CA income reviews.

On this page:

Helping carers and their nominees access a CA Income Review online

Helping carers and their nominees complete a CA Income Review online via the Carers Menu

Manually issuing a CA income review

Helping carers and their nominees access a CA Income Review online

Table 1




Carer contact + Read more ...

An online CA income review will expire after 13 weeks if not submitted by the carer. In that case, a new online claim must be completed. If further assistance is required, for example there has been a system error, refer to the appropriate help desk.

Check the carer is registered with an active Centrelink online account.

Carers who do not have an active account must confirm their identity at their local service centre to register for a Centrelink online account.

Tell the carer how they can create a myGov account and link it to their Centrelink online account. This will also enable them to receive Centrelink mail online through the myGov inbox.

Service centre staff can help carers with their CA income review online through self-service terminals.

See the Resources page for FAQs about completing the CA income review online.

Standard scanning processes apply for carers who lodge a paper form - Carer Allowance adjusted taxable income details (SA489).


Carer or nominee wants to submit a CA income review using their online account + Read more ...

Has the carer (and nominee if applicable) been notified to submit a CA income review?

A nominee must be a correspondence only nominee (NOC), or both a correspondence and payment nominee (NOB).


Check if the carer or nominee has an active online account + Read more ...

Is the carer or nominee registered with an active online account?


Determine who is completing the online review + Read more ...

Is the nominee completing on behalf of the carer?


Carer completing the review + Read more ...

If the carer receives their Centrelink letters through their myGov Inbox, they will receive a link to their myGov Inbox. Selecting this link will take them directly to the online service.

Does the carer receive their Centrelink letters in their myGov Inbox?


Carer should navigate to their Centrelink online account manually + Read more ...

The carer can start their review by either selecting the CA income review task displayed on the landing page of their Centrelink online account or by navigating to the Carers menu.

Did the carer start their review by selecting the CA Income Review in the tasks section?

Helping carers and their nominees complete a CA Income Review online via the Carers Menu

Table 2




Carer or nominee selects CA Income Review from the Carers Menu + Read more ...

Is the carer's CA status CUR (Current), SUS (Suspended) for less than 13 weeks, CAN (Cancelled) less than 13 weeks, or a nominee acting on behalf of a CUR or CZR (current at zero rate) CA recipient?

  • Yes, the CA income review is available in the Carers Menu. Go to Step 2
  • No, an Unauthorised page will display. The carer or nominee cannot use this service. Procedure ends here


CA income review landing page + Read more ...

The CA income review page tells carers why they must complete the review, the review number, the due date or if the carer is no longer required to complete the review.

Has the CA income review page and Start Task hyperlink been displayed?

The CA income review page and Begin review hyperlink will only display if the carer is required to complete a CA income review online.


CA income review pillar entry page + Read more ...

After selecting the Start Task hyperlink or CA income review link contained within the carer’s myGov message, the CA income review pillar entry page will display.

The CA income review status will change to 'In Progress' including the review number and due date the review must be submitted by for the carer to continue receiving CA.

Navigation from this page:

  • Get Started - confirm your relationship details
  • Save and Exit - return to home page
  • Help - help for this topic

Select Get Started.


Confirm your relationship details + Read more ...

The Confirm your relationship details page will populate existing information from the carer's record to be confirmed as correct by the carer. Further questions will be populated dependent on the responses input by the carer.

The following may be displayed if existing relationship details exist for the carer:

  • What is your relationship status:
    • Married and currently living together
    • Married, but unable to live together
    • Registered and currently living together
    • Registered, but unable to live together
    • De facto and currently living together
    • De facto, but unable to live together
  • If no existing information exists for the carer, the carer is required to provide relationship details including:
    • Relationship status:
    • Separated
    • Divorced
    • Widowed
    • Single
  • The relationship start or end date, including date of death for the previous partner
  • Accommodation details (for example, sharing, unable to live together due to illness)
  • Any additional basic partner details for example, (Date of Birth (DOB), name)


Confirm your financial details + Read more ...

ATI and tax lodgement questions are mandatory when a CA recipient has been selected for a CA income review.

This page captures information including:

  • which financial year the carer (and their partner if they have one) will provide income details
  • if a tax return was lodged for themselves or their partner
  • the carers taxable income
  • the partners (if applicable) taxable income
  • income streams
  • ATI total (calculation)

The carer or nominee must select the most recent verified details (for example, latest tax notice of assessment received). If the carer has a partner, they must provide details for the same year.

Note: if the CA income review was triggered by data matching with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), the carer can only select the previous tax year. Data will prefill for the carer and/or their partner if their data was obtained from the data match.

If the carer or partner did not lodge a tax return for the selected year, the carer/nominee must select the reason.

Is the carer or nominee able to complete their ATI answers?


Carers taxable income + Read more ...

This page captures the 7 income components of ATI for the carer for the selected tax year:

  • Financial year that applies for the reported income details
  • Tax return lodgement details including reason if no tax return lodgement has been completed for the stated financial year
  • Taxable income (as assessable by the ATO or for a person who is not required to lodge a tax return any taxable income they have, even if it is below the tax-free threshold (for example, bank interest)
  • Target foreign income (foreign income on which Australian income tax is not paid)
  • Total net investment losses (the sum of net financial investment losses and net rental property losses –partnership and trust losses are not included)
  • Value of employer provided benefits in excess of $1000 excluding exempt reportable fringe benefits
  • Reportable superannuation contributions these include salary sacrifice amounts and amounts a person has claimed as a deduction on their tax return for personal superannuation contributions)
  • Tax-free government pensions or benefits (for example, Disability Support Pension, Carer Payment.)
  • Child support expenditure

The carer or nominee can input and edit any of the income components on the page. After all fields have been completed, the ATI tab will display the total ATI for a non-partnered carer or combined ATI total for a partnered carer.

Detailed help text is available throughout the workflow by selecting the help speech bubble at the top right of the page.

For more information about income components, see CA income test - determining reference tax year and assessable income components.

Does the carer have a partner?


Partner's taxable income + Read more ...

This page captures the 7 income components of ATI for the carers partner if applicable for the selected tax year:

  • Financial year that applies for the reported income details
  • Tax return lodgement details including reason if no tax return lodgement has been completed for the stated financial year
  • Taxable income (as assessable by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) or for a person who is not required to lodge a tax return any taxable income they have, even if it is below the tax-free threshold (for example, bank interest)
  • Target foreign income (foreign income on which Australian income tax is not paid)
  • Total net investment losses (the sum of net financial investment losses and net rental property losses –partnership and trust losses are not included)
  • Value of employer provided benefits in excess of $1000 excluding exempt reportable fringe benefits
  • Reportable superannuation contributions these include salary sacrifice amounts and amounts a person has claimed as a deduction on their tax return for personal superannuation contributions)
  • Tax-free government pensions or benefits (for example, Disability Support Pension, Carer Payment)
  • Child support expenditure

For more information about income components, see CA income test - determining reference tax year and assessable income components.


Income streams + Read more ...

This page will only display if the carer (or their partner, if applicable) is 60 years of age or older.

The carer or nominee can add a new or update an existing account based-income stream on this page.

The following is displayed:

  • Type - the product type (Account-based)
  • Name of provider - name of the provider
  • Product name - product name for income stream
  • Product reference - product reference number
  • Commencement date - what is the commencement date
  • Income stream owner - who owns the income stream product (for example, partner)

If the carer or nominee selects 'Add new', 'Add another' or 'update' next to an existing item, the questions are displayed within a modal window.

For more information about deeming of income streams, see Carer Allowance (CA) income test - determining reference tax year and assessable income components.

DVA customers should not declare their DVA payments on the Income Stream page. DVA payments must be declared on the Taxable Income page.


Adjusted taxable income + Read more ...

The Adjusted taxable income tab will display the calculated ATI total for the carer (and their partner if they have one) for:

  • Actual ATI
  • ATO data match (pre-populated)

If the Adjusted taxable income for the carer and their partner is $250,000 or over the carer will be asked, ‘Do you expect your and your partner’s combined adjusted taxable income for the current financial year to be below $250,000?

  • If the carer responds ‘no’ to this question the online review will move to the Review summary and submit page
  • If the carer responds ‘yes’ to this question the online review will present the carer with further questions. The further questions are for the carer and their partner to provide an estimate of their current year’s income

For more information about ATI, see CA income test - determining reference tax year and assessable income components.


Review Summary and submit + Read more ...

The Review Summary and submit page contains a summary of all the information provided by the carer or nominee so they can check what they have entered is correct. The information is displayed in sections, for example, Partner Details. The information can be viewed by selecting Expand all.

If the carer or nominee have not completed all the required fields, they can select the Update button relevant to the answers that require changing. This will direct them back to the relevant section of the review to update the particular review questions and responses.


Once all information is correct, the carer or nominee must accept the declaration by ticking the box. Completing the declaration means that a signature on a paper review form is not required.

The Submit button will not display until the Review summary has been viewed and the Declaration box checked.


Next Steps + Read more ...

This page advises the carer or nominee of any further information or tasks required for their CA income review to be submitted and the number of days they have to submit the review (due date).

To submit their review, the carer or nominee must answer all mandatory questions and provide all required documents, including modules and/or evidence of current financial year estimate if listed as being Required. All Required documents should be uploaded from within the review task not separately.

Carers or nominees can access their draft review for up to13 weeks.

If the Required tasks on the Next steps page are not all completed, the review cannot be submitted. Once the required tasks are completed, the button on the bottom right of the Next steps page will change to Submit. The carer or nominee can then submit the online review.

Documents and forms section includes:

  • a list of supplementary information and supporting documentation required from the carer
  • some tasks may have an information pop-up message with help text to explain what type of documentation is required and considered valid for this task. This is accessed by clicking on a specific word, which is underlined in the task. Clicking on the specific word again will exit the pop-up message
  • how many days they have to submit their claim
  • a link to download or print required forms
  • an Upload documents button

If the carer has uploaded their required documents outside the review task, the documents will not be recognised as received. All documents should be uploaded from the ‘Next Steps’ page. This will then allow the submit button to be selected.

If a carer has uploaded documents outside the review, follow the below process to allow the carer to submit their review:

  • go to the carer's record in Customer First
  • select the CRN/BP hyperlink next to the carer's CRN
  • at the bottom of the page select the Activities tab
  • locate the integrated Review – CAIT Mail out review (activity ID9XXXXXXXXX) and select the hyperlink
  • select the Customer Tasks tab
  • a list of customer tasks will display if the care has provided some or all of the required documents. Select Edit List and check the item(s) the carer has provided
  • select Save at the top of the page

This will now allow the carer to submit their online review.

Additional information section includes information about subscription to online letters and electronic messaging.

View Review Summary outlines all of the CA income review information provided by the carer.

Carers or nominees can print their online review information now or any time later.

Once an online review has been submitted, the carer cannot update the online review details. The carer must contact to provide information in relation to their CA income review.


Uploading documents for online claims + Read more ...

Carers or nominees can access their started online review using their Centrelink online account or the Centrelink Express Plus mobile app to upload documents required to be able to submit their review.

On the Next Steps page in the Document and forms section, there are Upload buttons next to each outstanding task.

All Required documents should be uploaded from within the review task not separately.

Face-to-face contact: Typically done by service centre staff. Staff may complete this step if trained. Help the carer or nominee upload the documents and submit their review online. If necessary, Service Officers can scan the documents before submitting the review for the carer or nominee. When submitting a review for a carer, Service Officers must ensure all required documents have been provided and then scan the documents.

If the carer uploaded or provided documents before starting the online review, the document displays as Required on the Next Steps page. The carer can either:

  • re-upload the document on the Next Steps page from the Documents and Forms section
  • contact by phone or in person to have a Service Officer update the task to ‘Provided’. See Resources for more information

Manually issuing a CA income review

Table 3: what to do when a carer contacts to advise a change of circumstance or request a reassessment of their (and their partner's) adjusted taxable income (ATI).




Carer advising of changes in circumstances + Read more ...

They or their partner now have an account based income stream and the account holder is 60 years of age or older

  • Their ATI for the previous tax year was over the limit
  • They are requesting a reassessment of their (and their partners) adjusted taxable income (ATI)

Is the carer advising of one of the above changes in circumstances?


Requesting information to update a change in circumstance + Read more ...

Issue a Carer Allowance adjusted taxable income details (SA489), see Requesting information (CLK).

Note: any forms issued using the Mail Forms guided procedure will not automatically issue an advice containing enough detail to enable subsequent action to be taken, such as suspension, if the customer fails to provide the information.

Processing Team

This page has details for Processing staff to action and review CA income reviews.

On this page

Reviewing the status and information for the CA income review

Completing or correcting the CA income review in Process Direct

Restoring CA after cancellation - Failed to Reply to Correspondence (FRC) for not completing a CA income test review

Reviewing the status and information for the CA income review

Table 1: this table describes how Service Officers and specialist processing officers examine the CA income review. Part of this procedure is to be completed by Smart Centre Processing staff only.




Lodgement of review or documentation + Read more ...

A CA income review (online) cannot be submitted until all required documents have been uploaded and the declaration acknowledged by the carer.

Upon lodgement of a Carer Allowance adjusted taxable income details (SA489) form, check all supporting evidence/documents have been lodged.

Note: carers must submit a review (either online or an SA489 form). A tax notice of assessment (NOA) cannot be accepted in place of a review.

When a CA paper review is received, scan the SA489 form together with any supporting documents to Document Tools on the carer's record (do not scan to store).

Supporting documentation is only required where:

  • a carer or their partner are 60 years of age or older and they have a new account based income stream or updates to existing account based income streams
  • the carer’s adjusted taxable income in a previous financial year was equal to or greater than the $250,000 threshold and they are providing documentation to show their income will be less in the current financial year

If documentation is provided separately after the paper review has been submitted:

  • scan documents to the carers record, and
  • select appropriate unstructured (UNS) form type if required

If documentation is provided separately after the carer is part way through their online review:

  • scan the documents to the carer records
  • select appropriate unstructured (UNS) form type if required
  • record the documents as received so the carer can submit their review:
    • in Customer First, go to the carer's record
    • select the CRN/BP hyperlink next to the carers Customer Reference Number (CRN)
    • select the Activities tab
    • locate the Integrated Review - CAIT Mail out review (activity ID 9XXXXXXXXX) and select the hyperlink
    • select the Customer Tasks tab
    • a list of customer tasks will display, if the carer has provide some or all of the required documents, select Edit List and check the item(s) the carer has provided
    • select Save to allow the carer to submit their online review

Has the customer lodged their review?

  • Yes, go to Step 2
  • No, carer not completing review and requests cancellation of CA, go to the Benefit Action (BA) screen. In the following fields:
  • Nxt, key BA and press [Enter]
  • Svc Rsn, key CDA
  • Action, key CAN
  • Reason, key CLR (withdrawn/voluntary surrender)
  • Effect date, key the date the carer notified they wanted CA to be cancelled

Procedure ends here.


Locate CA income review + Read more ...

Locate the work item in Process Direct.

If the CRN of the carer is known, access the work item via the Inbox in Process Direct by searching:

  • Main Category: Online Intervention
  • CRN: carer's CRN
  • Type: CAIT - Initial Mail Out Review
  • Status:
    • Manual Action, carer has submitted their review
    • Open, carer has not submitted their review. Leave this field blank to check which stage the review is at
    • if the CAIT - Initial Mail Out Review has a status of For manual action, select the work item to navigate to the Customer and interaction details screen

When a CA income review is submitted online, and the CA income review has not auto-completed (for example, evidence is to be reviewed for a current year estimate), a work item is generated on the carer's record. This work item contains all the review information provided by the carer online. On this page, select Quick link to open the attached documents. Expand the open document so it will stay open while processing the review. Go to Step 4.

When a paper CA income review is scanned to the carer's record, a work item is generated on the carer's record. Review information must be manually updated into the work item using information from the scanned review form and supporting documentation.

Note: open the scanned Carer Allowance adjusted taxable income details (SA489) in Customer First (does not open in Process Direct).

If no review activity exists, check the carer record to determine if the carer is required to complete the review. For example, the carer is exempt from providing their income details for the CA income review and is now in receipt of an income support payment, Family Tax Benefit or Commonwealth Seniors Health Card (CSHC).

Go to Step 3.


Review activity (Online Intervention - ZIRV) + Read more ...

A CA income review is automatically generated on the carer's record in Process Direct when the carer is selected for an income test review. An Online Intervention review activity (ZIRV) is automatically created with a status of Open.

When the carer submits their online review or returns a paper Carer Allowance adjusted taxable income details (SA489) form and it is scanned, the activity displays For manual action on the:

  • Online Intervention review activity (ZIRV), and
  • Change of Circumstances activity (ZCOC) created on the carer’s record

Do not manually change the status of a review.

Only CA income reviews with a status set as For manual action need updating. If a ZIRV has a status set as Open, this means the carer has not responded to the review.

To check the status of a CA income review in Process Direct, select Transactions.

The review work items will show as:

  • ZIRV:
    • work item number will always start with a 9 (for example 9XXXXXXXXX)
    • description, Program Integrated Review - Carer Allowance Income Test Review - CAIT - Initial Mail Out Review
    • status will display as Open, For manual action or Completed
  • ZCOC:
    • work item number will always start with a 3 (for example 3XXXXXXXXX)
    • description, Received DD/MM/YYYY - Carer Allowance Income Test Review - CAIT - Initial Mail Out Review
    • status will display as For manual action or Completed

Exit the review if the status displays as Open. This status means the CA income test review is not ready to be processed.

Once the Online Intervention work item is selected, the first screen that will present is the Customer and interaction details screen. This screen provides general information about the CA income review.

The toggle icons at the top of the page can be used to display the carer's information currently held on record in detail.

These sections all form part of the pre-check procedure along with the other details that must be reviewed before starting to process the review, select:

  • Details icon to view information that relates to the carer and CA income review activity (for example, Activity ID, Status, Reason, Description)
  • Documents icon to view relevant scanned documents
  • Notes icon to view information recorded by staff when processing the review, for example, previous ICT Service Desk referrals
  • Actions icon to review scheduled actions
  • Transactions icon to view related transactions (name, ID, type, date, status)
  • History icon to view change history
  • Parties icon to view linked parties involved (for example, partner)
  • Status icon to view and/or change status of CA income review. To process the review, set the status to For Manual Action

Compare the information currently held on the carer’s record with the information declared within the review. This will indicate what information requires updating.


Pre checking and updating carers record + Read more ...

Any updates required to the carer's record, apart from the Carer Allowance Adjusted Taxable Income (CAATI) screen details for example, Marital Status, Partner Permitted to Enquire indicator, can be completed in either Customer First before the review is processed or in Process Direct during the review processing.

In Customer First before processing the review:

  • update the carer's address details and all names on the Customer Person Details Summary (CPDS) screen (if required)
  • Marital Status (if required)
  • Linking to a new partner (if required)
  • Partner Permitted to Enquire indicator
  • Carer or partner's account based income stream, and
  • finalise activity on the Assessment Results (AR) screen

In Process Direct while processing the review:

  • after selecting the process button on the Customer and interaction details screen, the Customer and Claim Information screen will display
  • update the Marital Status (MS)

Or use the Super Key to navigate the screens that may require updating:

  • Partner details (MS)
  • Partner Permitted to Enquire (MS)
  • Income Stream (SUPS). Note: update Income Stream before recording income on the CAATI screen to make sure the deemed income is correctly assessed
  • use Address (ADS) or toggle icons as follows:
    • Partner details for the carer, select Known Relationships
    • Customer circumstances, select Circumstances
    • Income and Assets for the carer and/or their partner, select P.I.A.S


Review ready to process - carer current on CA + Read more ...

Is the review now ready to process and/or the carer is current on CA?


Review not ready to process + Read more ...

Exit the review if the status displays as Open. This status means the CA income test review is not ready to be processed.

If further information is required for a submitted review, select More Options and the relevant option to:

  • request documents. A Requesting information (CLK) letter must be issued if a paper review form has been lodged. If requested documents have not been provided within 28 days from the date of the original notice, the review can be finalised (rejected, reason Failed to reply to correspondence (FRC))
  • place the review on hold

Record a Note on the carer record, detailing the reason the review has been placed on hold. The Note must include:

  • any information/documents requested from the carer for the review
  • the Due Date
  • if and why an Extension has been applied

Completing or correcting the CA income review in Process Direct

Table 2: For Carer Allowance Processing staff only.




Determine processing action + Read more ...

To process a CA income review submitted online or via a Carer Allowance adjusted taxable income details (SA489) form, go to Step 2.

To correct CA income test details incorrectly recorded on the CAATI screen, go to Step 4.

To manually update CA income test details on the CAATI screen where no CA income test review exists on the carer's record, go to Step 5.


Start processing + Read more ...

For help, see Process Direct navigation, common screens and functions.

Select Process to start the review from the Customer and interaction details screen > Customer and Claim Information screen > use toggle icons or Super Key to navigate.

If updates are being made to a carer's record (apart from CAATI screen updates) as part of the review processing, go to Step 5 for details on the process. Make any updates before the CAATI screen details are checked and/or updated.


Review processing + Read more ...

Use the toggle icons or go to the Transaction Summary (TS) screen.

Go to the Carer Allowance Adjusted Taxable Income (CAATI) screen.

For paper reviews, Service Officers must manually code the Adjust Taxable Income (ATI) details. The details required include:

  • Date of Effect. Except in rare circumstances, this will be the date the review is completed by the assessing officer
  • Financial Year Used. The Actual ATI table must only ever have a previous financial year selected and used. Do not select the current financial year in this table
  • Customer Lodged Tax Return
  • Partner Lodged Tax Return
  • Taxable income components as declared

Online reviews will not automatically complete where the carer has advised income in excess of the threshold, or has provided estimated ATI for the current financial year. Process Direct will display these reviews with a status of For manual action.
The declared ATI details for the carer and their partner will have automatically uploaded to the CAATI screen. Service Officers must check the uploaded information is correct.
Where the ATI exceeds the threshold or the Service Officer determines not to accept an estimate of a current financial year’s income, the Date of Effect must be changed to the date of determination.

Note: the Date of Effect is the only field that cannot be edited. In the event of a cancellation of CA from the date the review is completed by the assessing officer, the Actual ATI line recorded will need to be deleted. Select Delete next to the Actual ATI line to be deleted. Recording of the Actual ATI will be required from the correct Date of Effect. The carer’s and their partner’s ATI details must be added on their own records. To access the partner’s record, select and partner. Go to the CAATI screen on the partner’s record to add their ATI details. This will prevent debts from being raised for CA income reviews.

There may be limited circumstances when the date of effect is not the date the review is completed. For example:

  • reviews by an Authorised Review Officer (ARO), or
  • if a carer has failed to advise their partner’s details


Carer Allowance Adjusted Taxable Income (CAATI) screen + Read more ...

The CAATI screen contains 3 tables:

  • Actual ATI. This is the ATI declared by the carer or their partner for the previous tax year or the year before. Note: the current financial year is the financial year is which the review was submitted by the carer. The income details provided cannot be for a financial year earlier than 2 financial years preceding the current financial year
  • Current Financial Year Estimate ATI. This table should only be used to record ATI when the carer and their partner have income of $250,000 or more for the previous financial year and their income is expected to be lower in this financial year. This is the estimated ATI declared for the carer and their partner for the current financial year. This table also allows Service Officers to enter the reason a current year estimate is being provided and if the current year estimate is accepted. Note: if a carer provides an estimate of their current financial year income and it is not required, do not record the current year estimate
  • ATI Summary. This prepopulated table cannot be updated by Service Officers. This table provides a summary of the carer's ATI and their partner's ATI, deemed income from account based income streams and if the CA income test has been met


Update or correcting Actual ATI on the current financial year estimate + Read more ...

To update the Actual ATI and/or the Current Financial Year Estimate, see the Processing CA income test in Process Direct table.

Note: the Date of Effect is the only field that cannot be edited. In the event of a cancellation of CA from date the review is completed by the assessing officer, the Actual ATI line recorded will need to be deleted. Select Delete next to the Actual ATI line to be deleted. Recoding of the Actual ATI will be required from the correct Date of Effect.

Fields marked with * are mandatory and the Service Officer must record a value/response.

See CA income test - determining reference tax year and assessable income components for more information about ATI.

Check the ATI summary as per Processing CA income test in Process Direct table. Is the ATI Summary correct?


Incorrectly recorded income + Read more ...

Was CA cancelled FIT or ENA as the result of the incorrectly recorded income?


Restore payment of CA + Read more ...

Go to the carer’s Benefit Action (BA) screen:

  • select Add
  • Benefit Type Code - CDA
  • Benefit Action - RES - RESTORE
  • Date of Effect - the date of the incorrect cancellation
  • select Save

Manual updates completed as a Reassessment (REA) activity will generate the Update Header Data screen. Record the Receipt Date and Channel.


Errors (SWE) screen + Read more ...

After manually entering or editing a carer's and partner's ATI and the ATI summary is correct, go to the SWE screen.

The SWE screen displays errors, warnings and messages that need to be addressed before the income review can be finalised.

Digital assistant (DA): Select Helpat top right to launch the DA, Roxy. Drag the error message into the DA for help.

For help with errors and using the DA, see Process Direct navigation, common screens and functions.


Finalise the review + Read more ...

When there are no errors displaying:

  • select Assess (can take some time)
  • check the outcome is correct

Record a Note detailing the outcome of the CA income review by selecting the CA income review option listed on the Assessment Results (AR) screen. Include any further information that may be relevant (for example, Current year estimate reason). A DOC in Customer First/Customer Record is not required unless CA is cancelled. See the Resources page for details of information to be included in the Notes/DOC.

Select Finish. A confirmation that the review has been successfully completed will display.

Select OK.

Manual updates completed as a Reassessment (REA) activity will generate the Update Header Data screen. Record the Receipt Date and Channel. Record the outcome of the manual update in a Note on the carer's record.

Restoring CA after cancellation - Failed to Reply to Correspondence (FRC) for not completing a CA income test review

Table 3: For Carer Allowance Processing staff only.




CA cancelled FRC + Read more ...

If a carer has been sent a CA income test review and has not completed the review online or completed the paper Carer Allowance adjusted taxable income details (SA489) form, their CA will cancel FRC.

Before restoration of CA can take place, the carer is required to complete the review, this can be done online or via the SA489.

Note: the CA income test review will remain as a task on the carer Centrelink Online Account for 13 weeks after cancellation and can be accessed and submitted by the carer during this period. After submitting their CA income test review, this will not automatically restore their CA.

If the carer lodges a completed SA489 or completes the online review to cancel CA within 13 weeks of the cancellation, the standard date of effect of a favourable determination provisions apply.

Where restoration applies to a shared care record, see Item 7, Process page, in Shared care for Carer Allowance (CA).

If the carer lodges a completed SA489 more than 13 weeks after the cancellation, a new claim is needed.


Determine if CA has been cancelled for not responding to CA income test review + Read more ...

If a carer makes contact to query the cancellation of CA, check if CA has been cancelled FRC for not responding to the CA income test review by:

  • check Notes and DOCs for any information
  • open Process Direct
  • select Customer Summary from the Process Direct Landing page
  • key the CRN of the carer and select Go
  • select the carer from the list of names that display in the Search Results
  • once in the carer's record, select the Transactions icon to display all work items that are outstanding for the carer

The CA income test review will display as a ZIRV work item:

  • work item number will always start with a 9 (for example, 9XXXXXXXXX)
  • description, Program Integrated Review - Carer Allowance Income Test Review - CAIT - Initial Mail Out Review
  • status:
    • Open, this means the carer has not yet submitted their CA income test review
    • For manual action, this means the carer has submitted their CA income test review
    • Completed, this means the CA income test review has been submitted by the carer and finalised by a Service Officer

Has CA been cancelled because of a non-return of the CA income test review?


Integrated review status - Open + Read more ...

If the carer's record shows the ZIRV work item with a status of Open, encourage the carer to complete their CA income test review, either online or a Carer Allowance adjusted taxable income details (SA489) paper review.

The CA cannot be restored until the review information is received.

Once the review is submitted online or the SA489 has been scanned, go to Step 4.


Integrated review status - For manual action + Read more ...

If the carer's record shows the ZIRV work item with a status of For manual action, the carer has completed the review and this requires updating before CA can be restored.

For staff located in a:

  • service centre:
    • send to Carer Processing (CD1) to request completion of the income test review and restoration of payment
    • Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Carers > SUS/CAN/RES > CA - Action Required
    • Select Confirm
    • Complete all fields
  • Smart Centre (processing and telephony) with the appropriate skill:
    • follow Step 6 to complete the review, and
    • complete the restoration


Integrated review status - Completed + Read more ...

If the carer's record shows the ZIRV work item with a status of Completed, the CA has been cancelled for a reason other than not responding to the CA income test review. See Restoration of CA.

Procedure ends here.


Restore CA when CA income test details are provided + Read more ...

To restore CA that has been cancelled FRC for not responding to the CA income test review: