Care receiver permanently enters or temporarily/permanently leaves an institution 009-06040070
This document explains the process to follow when a care receiver permanently enters or temporarily/permanently leaves an institution.
On this page:
Process to assess care receiver entering supported accommodation
Cessation of care and illness separated rate
Assisted process to code care receiver change of circumstances
Process to assess care receiver leaving an institution
Manual process to code care receiver CP and/or change of circumstances
Process to assess care receiver entering supported accommodation
Table 1
Step |
Action |
1 |
Care receiver has entered supported accommodation + Read more ... Check if the care receiver moved into the supported accommodation on a temporary or permanent basis. If the care receiver has been admitted on a:
If a carer advises the care receiver will move permanently into an institution at a future date: In Customer First, create a manual review on the Review Registration (RVR) screen and complete the fields as follows:
The review will mature on the Due Date coded in the RVR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action. Tell the carer if the entry date changes, they must contact again to have the date changed. Record details in a DOC. |
2 |
At the supported accommodation, check for commercial care arrangements in place + Read more ... At the supported accommodation, are there commercial care arrangements in place for the provision of personal care to the care receiver?
3 |
For permanent care, at the supported accommodation, check for commercial care arrangements in place + Read more ... For permanent care, at the supported accommodation, are there commercial care arrangements in place for the provision of personal care to the care receiver?
Cessation of care and illness separated rate
Table 2
Step |
Action |
1 |
This process covers situations where a care receiver has either been admitted to, or left an institution + Read more ... If the care receiver has:
Note: delegation to use data contained in Aged Care Staff Portal for social security purposes, is limited to staff at the APS4 level or above. See Aged Care Staff Portal (ACSP) - Care Recipient in Context (CRiC). Staff must make sure they use information provided in line with Accepting information from and disclosing information to a care receiver or third party. Contact with the carer or care receiver may be required to confirm information. |
2 |
Check if care receiver in care awaiting placement + Read more ... Is the care receiver in care awaiting placement?
3 |
Care receiver is in care awaiting placement in an Aged Care or Multipurpose Service Facility + Read more ... It is most likely that the absence from the carer is permanent. Are there any special circumstances, which indicate that the absence from the carer may be temporary?
4 |
Temporary cessation of care provisions + Read more ... Based on the special circumstances of the case, do the temporary cessation of care provisions apply?
5 |
Care receiver is in care awaiting placement in a hospital + Read more ... Clarify with the carer whether the care receiver is likely to return home and if so, will the carer provide additional care and attention on regular and ongoing basis. Is the care receiver likely to return home?
6 |
Entering an institution + Read more ... Is the carer in receipt of CP and/or CA for the care receiver entering an institution?
7 |
Partnered care receiver or the parties are receiving income support + Read more ... Is the care receiver partnered and one or both parties in receipt of an income support payment?
8 |
Illness separated rate + Read more ... If an absence is more than 14 days and due to illness, the couple may be entitled to the illness separated rate. See Assessment of circumstances for a couple separated due to illness. If entitled to the illness separated rate, coding the Marital Status (MS) page will allow the illness separated rate to be paid automatically. If the carer is the partner of the care receiver, go to the Marital Status page/ MS screen in the carer’s record, otherwise use the care receiver’s record. Update the following fields:
For help coding, see Assessment of circumstances for a couple separated due to illness. |
Assisted process to code care receiver change of circumstances
Table 3
Step |
Action |
1 |
Carer is in receipt of CP and/or CA + Read more ... CP Carers in receipt of CP continue to receive payment for 14 weeks from the date of event (DOV). This provision does not apply to CP (XWP). In most cases, this will be the day after the person enters the institution. If there is uncertainty about when the care receiver entered the institution, check the RCA Institution Summary (RIS) screen in Customer First on the care receiver's record to confirm the date. The carer may have provided care to the care receiver in the morning before they entered the institution. If the date of cancellation is the following day, code a review to record via the Review Registration (RVR) screen for the expected date the care receiver is to enter the institution. The Date of Receipt will need to be changed to the cancellation date, however a DOC is required to clearly state the correct Date of Receipt. Text to include in the DOC: ‘the Date of Receipt has been coded as the Date of Effect due to a system limitation which prevents an earlier date of receipt. In this case the carer was eligible for payment on the date of receipt, and the date of effect was the following day’. Staff must make sure they use information provided in line with Accepting information from and disclosing information to a care receiver or third party. Contact with the carer or care receiver may be required to confirm information. Note: delegation to use data contained in Aged Care Staff Portal for social security purposes, is limited to staff at the APS4 level or above. See Aged Care Staff Portal (ACSP) - Care Recipient in Context (CRiC). Respite care before entering institution: Check the Absences Enquiry (ABCE) screen for a summary of the absences taken in the current calendar year.
Hospitalisation before entering institution: Check the Absences Enquiry Screen (ABCE) screen for a summary of the absences taken in the current calendar year.
The carer can start work in excess of 100 hours per 4-week period during the 14 week period from the date the carer stopped providing constant care and the care receiver entered an institution, as the usual CP constant care criterion does not have to be met. All of the normal income and assets rules still apply, so the carer's rate of payment may be affected by any income earned. If the care receiver has been re-admitted to an institution, the 14 week extension may not be applicable. Contact the Level 2 Policy Help Desk for advice. CA Cancel CA from the first day the carer did not provide care and attention. There is no provision to continue payment for 14 weeks, this only applies to CP. In most cases, payment is cancelled the day after the person permanently enters the institution. If there is uncertainty about when the care receiver entered the institution, check the RCA Institution Summary RIS page in Customer First on the care receiver's record to confirm the date. The carer may have provided care to the care receiver in the morning before they entered the institution. If no details are shown on the RIS screen, use the day after the person permanently entered the institution as advised by the carer. If the date of cancellation is the following day, code a review to record via the RVR screen for the expected date the care receiver is to enter the institution. The Date of Receipt will need to be changed to the cancellation date, however a DOC is required to clearly state the correct Date of Receipt. Text to include in the DOC: “the Date of Receipt has been coded as the Date of Effect due to a system limitation which prevents an earlier date of receipt. In this case the carer was eligible for payment on the date of receipt, and the date of effect was the following day”. Staff must make sure they use information provided in line with Accepting information from and disclosing information to a care receiver or third party. Contact with the carer or care receiver may be required to confirm information. Respite care before entering institution - if the day the care receiver enters the institution (such as a nursing home) is a respite day, the date of cancellation is:
Hospitalisation before entering institution - if the day the care receiver enters the institution is a hospitalisation day (hospitalisation absence) and is then transferred to a nursing home or institution, the carer is still considered to be providing daily care and attention on that day. As such, the cancellation date will be:
These rules apply to CP (XWP) as normal. |
2 |
Is the carer in receipt of CP? + Read more ...
3 |
Update Care Receiver Care and Institution Details page in the relevant care receiver’s record + Read more ... This screen will update details for CP details. Update the Care Receiver Care and Institution Details (CRCI) page with the care receiver's details:
Is the carer also receiving CA?
4 |
Launch Carer cancellation and suspension workflow + Read more ... Cancel CA by using the Carer cancellation and suspension workflow in the carer's record. CP will continue to be paid for 14 weeks from the first date the carer did not provide constant care. In most cases, the date of cessation of care will be the day after the person enters the institution and this is the date that should be used for the workflow date of event (DOV). In the workflow:
If the workflow is not available or not working, manually code the absence. For manual coding, see Table 5 > Step 1. |
5 |
Update address + Read more ... Update the care receiver's address (if needed). For assistance, see Updating address details and Change of address to an aged care home. Record the details on a DOC in the carer's record. Finalise the activity on the Assessment Results (AR) page. If the carer is receiving Family Tax Benefit (FTB) for a child care receiver, follow up to see if FTB is still payable. See Child leaves customer's care/custody. |
6 |
Tell the carer + Read more ... For CP Tell the carer that CP will continue to be paid for 14 weeks from the first date the carer did not provide constant care. In most cases, this will be the day after the person enters the institution. Discuss whether they wish to apply for any other appropriate income support payments before the cancellation date. If the carer was getting CP (XWP), CP will be automatically cancelled from the date that their only or last payment level CA is cancelled. The carer can complete the transfer to Age Pension
Note: Transfer to Age Pension (SA383) forms can no longer be issued manually from the OMLD screen. If the carer insists on a paper version, explain they will need to complete a full claim for Age Pension and if needed run the First Contact Service Offer (FCSO) workflow to send out the correct claim forms. |
Process to assess care receiver leaving an institution
Table 4
Step |
Action |
1 |
Care receiver has left the institution + Read more ... Has the care receiver permanently or temporarily left the institution?
2 |
Was the care receiver in the institution for less than 63 days? + Read more ...
3 |
Is the total TCC days for the calendar year less than 63 days? + Read more ...
4 |
Will a TCC extension be granted? + Read more ... See Temporary cessation of care (respite) for more than 63 days before returning here.
5 |
Do the TCC provisions apply? + Read more ...
If the care receiver is a member of a couple and was assessed as a member of an illness separated couple, see Assessment of circumstances for a couple separated due to illness |
6 |
The period in the institution should be considered as temporary and the TCC provisions applied + Read more ... If the carer is getting CP, delete the date of event previously coded on the CRCI screen. If the carer is in receipt of:
7 |
The carer receives CA + Read more ... Payment of CA should be restored. See Restoration of Carer Allowance. If the carer has requested a review within 13 weeks of the cancellation of CA then arrears can be paid from the date paid to, otherwise the standard arrears provisions apply. |
Manual process to code care receiver CP and/or change of circumstances
Table 5
Step |
Action |
1 |
Is the carer in receipt of CA? + Read more ... Cancel CA in Customer First by using the Carer cancellation and suspension workflow in the carer's record. For workflow action, see Step 5 in Table 3. Manual coding in Customer First > Customer Record is only to be done when the workflow or Customer First is not available or not working. Is manual cancellation of CA needed?
2 |
Cancel CA + Read more ... In the carer's record, go to the Care Receiver Summary (CRS) screen and select the appropriate care receiver. Go to the Care Receiver Benefit Action (CJBA) screen:
3 |
Finalise the activity + Read more ... Code the Assessment Date field with the first date the carer did not provide care and attention. Note: the assessment date cannot be after Date of Receipt of activity, as per warning edit shown on the CJBA screen:
Is the carer also receiving CP?
4 |
If the carer is in receipt of CP determine if care receiver is a child + Read more ... Is the CP care receiver a child?
5 |
CP - care receiver is a child + Read more ... Go to the CRS screen in the carer's record and select the care receiver. If the child has Customer Reference Number (CRN) (that is, has a record of their own) the selection from the CRS screen must be done in the child's record. The Care Receiver Task Selector (CETS) screen will show. 'S'elect the Care Receiver Care and Institution Details (CRCI) screen. |
6 |
CP - care receiver is an adult + Read more ... Take a note of the carer's CRN if it does not default in the care receiver's record. The care receiver's CRN should be written on the CRS screen of the carer's record. Go to the care receiver's record:
7 |
Code the CRCI screen + Read more ... When using CF both Carer Allowance Care Summary and Carer Payment Care Details will present. CP coding in Carer Payment Care Details Complete the Date of Event field using the first date the carer did not provide constant care. In most cases, this will be the day after the person permanently enters the institution. Note: because circumstances may change, it is possible to record and view multiple events of a care receiver moving permanently into or out of an institution. If the date of cancellation is the following day, code a review to record via the RVR screen for the expected date the care receiver is to enter the institution. The Date of Receipt will need to be changed to the cancellation date, however a DOC is required to clearly state the correct Date of Receipt. Text to include in the DOC: “the Date of Receipt has been coded as the Date of Effect due to a system limitation which prevents an earlier date of receipt. In this case the carer was eligible for payment on the date of receipt, and the date of effect was the following day”. If the day the care receiver enters the institution (such as a nursing home) is a:
This action can be reversed. If the care receiver comes back home after a few weeks the Permanently in Institution indicator can be changed back to 'No' or 'N', and the absence details should be considered, as it may be necessary to code the details on the Absence Details (ABSN) screens as respite Temporary Cessation of Care, if the absence was temporary and not permanent. |
8 |
Update address + Read more ... Update the change of address details for the care receiver. For assistance, see Updating address details and Change of address to an aged care home. Record the details on a DOC in the carer's record. Finalise the activity on the AR screen. If the carer is receiving Family Tax Benefit (FTB) for a child care receiver, follow up to see if FTB is still payable. For more information, see Child leaves customer's care/custody. Rent Assistance (RA) From 1 October 1997, residents who receive an income support payment and are in a funded place (bed) in an accredited aged care home, are not entitled to RA. The aged care home can advise the resident whether they are in a funded place (bed) in the facility, approved by the Department of Social Services (DSS). For more information, see Completing the Accommodation Details (AC) screen and assessing Rent Assistance (RA). |
9 |
For CP + Read more ... Tell the carer that CP will continue to be paid for 14 weeks from the first date the carer did not provide constant care. In most cases, this will be the day after the person enters the institution. Discuss whether they wish to apply for any other appropriate income support payments before their cancellation date. If the carer was getting CP (XWP), CP will be automatically cancelled from the date that their only or last payment level CA is cancelled. The carer can complete the transfer to Age Pension
Note: Transfer to Age Pension (SA383) forms can no longer be issued manually from the OMLD screen. If the carer insists on a paper version, explain they will need to complete a full claim for Age Pension and if needed run the First Contact Service Offer (FCSO) workflow to send out the correct claim forms. For more information, see Transfer to Age Pension. Lump sum bereavement If the care receiver passes away during the 14 weeks and the carer and care receiver: