Processing claims for Carer Payment (CP) and/or Carer Allowance (CA) 009-04040000
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Medical report/carer questionnaire for CP claim cancels CA - Adult care receiver
Table 1
Scenario |
Action |
Outcome |
Carer claiming CP receives CA for the adult. |
Make sure all permanent conditions have been covered on the latest medical report. |
Cancel CA from the date of determination. Go to the:
Carer claiming CP and another carer received CA for the adult. |
Make sure all permanent conditions have been covered on the latest medical report. |
Cancel CA for other carer after contact. See Advising verbally of an unfavourable decision. Go to the:
Only one form lodged. |
Check if the reuse provisions apply. |
Reuse provisions apply:
Reuse provisions do not apply:
Medical report/carer questionnaire for CP claim cancels CA - Child care receiver
Table 2
Scenario |
Action |
Outcome |
The care receiver has a recognised disability, which is of a permanent nature, but the condition(s) is not listed on the current medical report. Carer claiming CP receives CA for the child or another carer receives CA for the child. |
Clarify with the Treating Health Professional (THP) why the recognised disability was not listed on the latest report. If not confirmed, check DOCs on the carer record, and if needed, check the previous report to confirm the condition was correctly recorded. |
Continue CA if the recognised disability is confirmed. Refer to the Level 2 Policy Help Desk if the recognised disability had been correctly recorded and the care receiver no longer has this condition. |
The care receiver has a recognised disability, which is not of a permanent nature, and the condition(s) is not listed on the current medical report. Carer claiming CP receives CA for the child. |
Clarify with the THP why the recognised disability was not listed on the latest report. If not confirmed, check DOCs on the carer record and if needed check the previous report to confirm the condition was correctly recorded. |
Continue CA if the recognised disability is confirmed. Otherwise, cancel CA, from the date of determination. |
The care receiver has a recognised disability, which is not of a permanent nature, and the condition(s) is not listed on the current medical report. Another carer receives CA for the child. |
Clarify with the THP why the recognised disability was not listed on the latest report. If not confirmed, check DOCs on the carer record, and if needed check the previous report to confirm the condition was correctly recorded. |
Continue CA if the recognised disability is confirmed via a new THP. Cancel CA for other carer after contact. See Advising verbally of an unfavourable decision. |
The care receiver does not have a recognised disability. Carer claiming CP receives CA for the child. |
Make sure all permanent conditions have been covered on the latest medical report. |
Cancel CA from the date of determination.
The care receiver does not have a recognised disability. Another carer receives CA for the child. |
Make sure all permanent conditions have been covered on the latest medical report. |
Cancel CA for other carer after contact. See Advising verbally of an unfavourable decision.
Only one form lodged. |
Check if the reuse provisions apply. |
Reuse provisions apply:
Reuse provisions do not apply:
Medical report/carer questionnaire for CA claim cancels CP - Adult care receiver
Table 3
Scenario |
Action |
Outcome |
Carer claiming CA receives CP for the adult. |
Make sure all permanent conditions have been covered on the latest medical report. |
Cancel CP from the date of determination. Go to the:
Carer claiming CA and another carer received CP for the adult. |
Make sure all permanent conditions have been covered on the latest medical report. |
Cancel CP for other carer after contact. See Advising verbally of an unfavourable decision. Go to the:
Only one form lodged. |
Check if the reuse provisions apply. |
Reuse provisions apply:
Reuse provisions do not apply:
Medical report/carer questionnaire for CA claim cancels CP - Child care receiver
Table 4
Scenario |
Action |
Outcome |
Carer claiming CA receives CP for the child. |
Make sure all permanent conditions have been covered on the latest medical report. |
Cancel CP from the date of determination.
The care receiver does not have a recognised disability. Another carer receives CA for the child. |
Make sure all permanent conditions have been covered on the latest medical report. |
Cancel CP for other carer after contact. See Advising verbally of an unfavourable decision.
Only one form lodged. |
Check if the reuse provisions apply. |
Reuse provisions apply:
Reuse provisions do not apply:
Multiple claims lodged
Table 5
Qualifying care receivers |
Example |
Nil |
Customer qualifies for Nil of the care receivers claimed for. Before rejecting the claims check if any of the following are applicable:
Rejection is to be completed for both/ all receivers claimed for. Carer has lodged CP claim for more than one care receiver. See Table 2 > Step 6. Carer is current on CP
One |
Carer has lodged CP claim for more than one care receiver and qualifies for one of the care receivers claimed for. See Table 2 > Step 6. |
More than one |
Contact customer to confirm care receiver being claimed for. Carer has lodged CP claim for more than one care receiver
Carer is current on CP
Multiple claims QSS32 text
Table 6
Section |
Scenario and text |
Paragraph 1 |
Multiple care receivers claimed for: We have received a Carer Payment claim for (care receiver’s name A) and (care receiver’s name B). Carer Payment can only be assessed and paid for one care receiver. Current CP carer claims for second care receiver: We have received a Carer Payment claim for (care receiver’s name B). You are already in receipt of Carer Payment for (care receiver’s name A). Carer Payment can only be assessed and paid for one care receiver. |
Question A |
Multiple care receivers claimed for: Please confirm the names of all care receivers you provide care to. Current CP carer claims for second care receiver: Please confirm the names of all care receivers you provide care to. |
Question B |
Multiple care receivers claimed for: Carer Payment can only be assessed and paid for one care receiver. Please confirm the care receiver you wish to be assessed for Carer Payment for: Current CP carer claims for second care receiver: Carer Payment can only be assessed and paid for one care receiver. Please confirm the care receiver you wish to be assessed for Carer Payment for: |
Question C |
Current CP carer claims for second care receiver: If you have chosen to receive Carer Payment for a new care receiver, have you recently ceased caring for any care receiver/s? |
Question D |
Current CP carer claims for second care receiver: If so, please confirm the care receivers name, from what date the care ceased and the reason for the change in care. |
Carer claiming CP for a carer who receives CP or CA
Table 7
The care receiver receives |
Outcome for carer claiming |
Outcome for existing carer |
CP for adult care receiver |
There is no legislative bar to both carers receiving CP. However, a Social Worker referral should occur to confirm the existing carer needs constant care and is able to provide constant care. Following the Social Worker referral a medical review of the existing care receiver may be required. |
There is no legislative bar to both carers receiving CP. However, a Social Worker referral should occur to confirm the existing carer needs constant care and is able to provide constant care. Following the Social Worker referral a medical review of the existing care receiver may be required. |
CP for child care receiver |
There is no legislative bar to both carers receiving CP. However, a Social Worker referral should occur to confirm the existing carer needs constant care and is able to provide constant care. Following the Social Worker referral a medical review of the existing care receiver may be required. |
There is no legislative bar to both carers receiving CP. However, a Social Worker referral should occur to confirm the existing carer needs constant care and is able to provide constant care. Following the Social Worker referral a medical review of the existing care receiver may be required. |
CA for an adult care receiver |
The standard start date provisions apply Consider if the new carer should be encouraged to claim CA for the existing care receiver. |
Consider if their condition(s) would preclude them from providing daily care to the care receiver. If so, arrange a Social Worker referral. If the existing carer is a child, a Social Worker referral is likely. A medical review of the existing care receiver may be required. |
CA for child care receiver |
The standard start date provisions apply. Consider if the new carer should be encouraged to claim CA for the existing care receiver. |
Consider if their condition(s) would preclude them from providing daily care to the care receiver. If so, arrange a Social Worker referral. If the existing carer is a child, a Social Worker referral is likely. A medical review of the existing care receiver may be required. |
Carer claiming CA for a carer who receives CP or CA
Table 8
The care receiver is an adult or a child |
The care receiver receives |
Outcome of carer claiming |
Outcome for existing carer |
Either |
CP for an adult care receiver |
The standard start date provisions apply. Consider if the new carer should be encouraged to claim CA for the existing care receiver. |
Consider if their condition(s) would preclude them from providing constant care to the care receiver. If so, arrange a Social Worker referral. If the existing carer is a child, a Social Worker referral is likely. |
Either |
CP for a child care receiver |
The standard start date provisions apply Consider if the new carer should be encouraged to claim CA for the existing care receiver. |
Consider if their condition(s) would preclude them from providing constant care to the care receiver. If so, arrange a Social Worker referral. If the existing carer is a child, a Social Worker referral is likely. |
Adult |
CA for adult care receiver |
The standard start date provisions apply. Consider if the new carer should be encouraged to claim CA for the existing care receiver. |
If continuing to provide daily care, CA is cancelled from the day the decision is made to grant CA to the new carer. If not providing daily care, the standard cancellation provisions apply. |
Child |
CA for adult care receiver |
The standard start date provisions apply. Consider if the new carer should be encouraged to claim CA for the existing care receiver. |
Consider if their condition(s) would preclude them from providing daily care to the care receiver. If so, arrange a Social Worker referral. A Social Worker referral is likely. A medical review of the existing care receiver may be required. |
Either |
CA for child care receiver |
The standard start date provisions apply Consider if the new carer should be encouraged to claim CA for the existing care receiver. |
Consider if their condition(s) would preclude them from providing daily care to the care receiver. If so, arrange a Social Worker referral. If the existing carer is a child, a Social Worker referral is likely. |