What to do with an absence Manual Follow-up (MFU) 009-06010080
This document outlines the procedure to follow when a carer who is in receipt of a Carer Payment (CP) and/or Carer Allowance (CA) may be temporarily absent from the caring situation.
Actioning Manual Follow-up (MFU) for caring absence over 63 days
Step |
Action |
1 |
Absence expiry inquiry + Read more ... When an absence expiry manual follow-up (MFU) appears on the Activity List (AL) screen, check the Document List (DL) screen to see if a discussion has already taken place with the carer regarding the end of respite or hospitalisation allowances. If there is no DOC, contact the carer regarding the expiry of respite or hospitalisation care. Discuss the following with the carer:
Note: if the absence is due to the CA care receiver undertaking Education, Training or Treatment, the payment may continue at a reduced rate for a child care receiver. See Carer Allowance (CA) child care receiver undertakes education, training or treatment. |
2 |
Assess extension + Read more ... Is the allowable absence to be extended beyond the 63 days?
3 |
Advise the carer + Read more ... Tell the carer:
4 |
Action the manual follow-up (MFU) + Read more ... Go to the AL screen and 'S'elect the MFU. Code the absence on the Absences Details (ABSN) screen by keying a 'Y' in the Absence Extended field. This ensures that CP and/or CA will not cancel once the absence extends beyond the 63 allowable days per year. If the absence extension indicator is not coded, the payment will cancel at the expiry of the 63 nights of respite, whether the MFU is actioned or not. For help with the coding see: |
5 |
Record details + Read more ... Record all details on a DOC in the carer's record, then go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen and complete the activity. |