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Terminal illness reviews for Carer Payment (CP) (adult) 009-08060060

For Social Workers and Carer Processing Services staff only

This page contains information to assist Service Officers when processing terminal illness reviews for Carer Payment (CP) (adult).

On this page:

Reviewing CP terminal illness for an adult

Finalising a terminal illness review for CP (adult)

Reviewing CP terminal illness for an adult

Table 1: This table describes steps involved in processing Carer Payment (CP) terminal illness reviews.




A terminal illness review is scheduled for a carer receiving CP for an adult care receiver + Read more ...

When a review is due for the carer of a terminally ill person, details of the CAR/AAP activity appear on the Activity List (AL) screen.

  • The notes line will read 'Contact customer to confirm circumstances'
  • If the carer is also paid Carer Allowance (CA) for the same care receiver, this activity will also review CA entitlement

Check the records of the carer and care receiver to see if contact has recently been made to advise of any change of circumstance (such as the care receiver may have entered a hospice or died)


Has advice been received that the care receiver is no longer in the carer's care or has died? + Read more ...


Phone the carer + Read more ...

It is best practice to phone the carer to confirm whether the care receiver remains in the terminal phase of a terminal illness.

As the care receiver is an adult, they would have been previously exempted from completing the Adult Disability Assessment Tool (ADAT) because of the terminal illness. This review is to confirm the carer still qualifies under this criteria.

Adult care receivers are reviewed 24 months after grant, then every 12 months thereafter using the Adult Disability Assessment Tool (ADAT) to determine a carer's continuing eligibility for CP. These reviews are mandatory as the Treating Health Professional indicated on the Medical Report that the care receiver was not expected to live for more than 3 months.

If the carer cannot be contacted by phone after a reasonable number of attempts, service officers must issue the carer all of the following:

  • A Request customer to complete Form or Questionnaire (Q004) letter
  • The Carer Payment and/or Carer Allowance Medical Report for person 16 years and over (SA332(a))
  • The Review of Care Provided - Carer Payment and/or Carer Allowance (caring for a person 16 years or older) (SA010)

The carer has 28 days to return the medical review forms. The delegate has discretion to grant the carer an extension of time at the carer's request.

When selecting the appropriate options, the Q004 letter must contain the following:

  • 'To make sure that you are receiving the correct payment, we need some information from you.'
  • Use Free Text paragraph option:
    • 'You were granted Carer Payment because {Care receiver's name} was diagnosed with a terminal illness. We are reviewing your payment to confirm whether or not {Care receiver's name} remains in the terminal phase of an illness and if not, whether you remain qualified for Carer Payment.
      Please call me on {USER.PHONE.NUMBER} to discuss this review. I have enclosed two forms for you to fill in if you are unable to contact me.
      Please fill in the enclosed original forms in pen. Sign, date and return them to me with 28 days from the day you receive this letter.
      Please answer all questions. Strokes, ticks or dashes cannot be accepted as answers, except where specified.
      Section 192 of the Social Security (Administration) Act 1999 allows the Secretary or a delegate to require any person to give information relevant to Centrelink customers receiving their correct entitlement. This is a notice requesting information under Division 1 of Part 5 of the Social Security (Administration) Act 1999 and given to you under section 196 of that Act.
      Please call me on {User.Phone.Number} if you have difficulty filling in the forms.
      If you do not reply or contact us within 28 days after the day on which you receive this letter your payment may be stopped.'
  • Enclose the following forms:
    • SA332a - Carer Payment and/or Carer Allowance Medical Report - For a person - 16 years or over
    • SA010 - Review of care provided - Carer Payment and/or Carer Allowance - Caring for a person 16 years or over

Note: the free text paragraph variable holds nine lines of a maximum of 75 characters, including spaces and punctuation. Ensure there is at least one space left at the end of each line.

The activity will not automatically complete as the Manual Follow-up (MFU) activity will remain on the AL screen until the review is completed. It is not necessary to defer the review if delays are expected. The MFU must be placed on hold for 32 days after the Q004 is issued.


Does the carer still provide constant care for the care receiver? + Read more ...


Has the care receiver died? + Read more ...


The care receiver has died + Read more ...

'S'elect the activity from the AL. This activity should be undertaken in the care receiver's record. The Carer Payment Review (CPRV) screen is presented.

Ensure the Care Receiver Care & Institution Details (CRCI) screen is updated to reflect care has ceased. This will cancel the CP.

Ensure the death action is taken in the care receiver's record. See Death of an adult or child care receiver and the effect on Carer payment (CP).

There may be bereavement payments available, depending on the situation. See Carer Payment (CP) or Carer Allowance (CA) customers and bereavement assistance for assistance.

Offer the carer a referral to the social work service.

Procedure ends here.


Has the care receiver permanently entered an institution? + Read more ...


Reasons care may have ceased + Read more ...

Is the reason care is not being provided due to:


Sensitively determine if the care receiver is still terminally ill + Read more ...

This information may have already been provided by the carer during the conversation about care details. If not, sensitively ask a question to determine the required information. Do not use the word 'terminal' as it is possible the carer is not aware of the doctor's assessment of the severity of the condition.

Finalising a terminal illness review for CP (adult)

Table 2: This table describes the process to finalise a terminal illness review for Carer Payment (CP) (adult).




Review required before a decision can be made on eligibility + Read more ...

As the care receiver is an adult and reviews are conducted 24 months after the grant and 12 monthly thereafter, they must undertake a medical review and be assessed using the Adult Disability Assessment Tool (ADAT) before a decision can be made on continuing eligibility.

Issue to the carer:

  • a 'Request customer to complete Form or Questionnaire' (Q004) letter, and
  • the Carer Payment and/or Carer Allowance Medical Report for person 16 years and over (SA332(a)), and
  • the Review of Care Provided - Carer Payment and/or Carer Allowance (caring for a person 16 years or over) (SA010)

The carer has 28 days to return the medical review forms. The delegate has discretion to grant the carer an extension of time at the carer's request.

Go to Step 2.


Forms returned + Read more ...

Has the carer returned the Carer Payment and/or Carer Allowance Medical Report for person 16 years and over (SA332(a)), and the Review of Care Provided - Carer Payment and/or Carer Allowance (caring for a person 16 years or over) (SA010)?


Forms not returned + Read more ...

If the carer has not returned both parts of the medical review forms (SA332(a) and SA010) payment may be cancelled at the delegate's discretion. Cancellation reason 'Failed to return Correspondence' is to be used. A comprehensive DOC must be updated on the customer's record.

Procedure ends here.

If the carer has returned only part of the medical review forms, the medical review is to be processed and finalised with the information available. Go to Step 5.


To process the review and cancel CP when the carer is no longer caring + Read more ...

  • 'S'elect the CAR/AAP activity from the AL screen and the CPRV screen will display in the care receiver's record
  • The screenflow will go to the Care receiver Summary (CRS) screen. 'S'elect the relevant care receiver and press [Enter]. The Care Receiver Task Selector (CETS) screen will present with a pre-selection of screens provided. Select the Absence Details (ABSN) screen
  • Update the absences (for assistance, see Absences) and any other new information as required
  • Record the details on a DOC
  • Finalise review activity via the Assessment Results (AR) screen
  • The carer will receive an automatic advice informing them of the review result


Finalise the CP terminal illness review activity + Read more ...

  • 'S'elect the CAR/AAP activity from the AL screen, which will go to the CPRV screen. The activity must be processed in the care receiver's record
  • A series of questions are asked on this screen. The Complete Review?: field should only be selected at this point if the answer to all the questions on the CPRV is Yes. The Complete Review?: field must not be coded with a 'Y' if any of the circumstances have changed, until the record has been updated. Updating the record may require absences being recorded on the ABSN screen if all absences have not been recorded, then return to the CPRV screen to follow up on further updates or finalise the review
  • If care details have changed, select the Go To: Care Details: field by coding a 'Y'
  • If medical details have changed, select the Disability Assessment Tool: field by coding a 'Y'
  • It is possible to select both the Care Details: and the Disability Assessment Tool: fields at the same time, but the Complete Review?: field cannot be selected at this same time
  • Update the ADMD screen and code the Period of Condition field as 'TMI'
  • Depending on the carer's circumstances, some, or all of, the following screens will be selected. Use field help ('?') for coding assistance: CRCI screen
  • Adult Disability Assessment Tool Summary (ADAS) screen allows medical details to be updated. 'S'elect the Add a new assessment: field to be navigated to the Adult Disability Management (ADMG) screen
  • Adult Disability Behaviour (ADBH) screen
  • ADBH screen may require updating, use field (?) for coding assistance
  • The Care Receiver Benefit (CJBA) screen may be present - use field (?)
  • If CA is also paid, the Adult Medical Details (ADMD) screen may require updating, use field help ('?') for coding assistance
  • The CJBA screen may also present - use field help ('?') for coding assistance
    • Insert data as required and press [Enter] to proceed through the selected screens. The information entered will determine the outcome of the review. The result will be indicated on the AR screen
    • Record the details on a DOC
    • An automatic advice will be sent to the carer notifying them of the outcome of the review