Recovery of Centrelink compensation debts 117-04000000
This document outlines the processes for the recovery of compensation debts. These include social security charges or income debts, where payments of a compensation affected payment (CAP) made for the same period of time as payments of compensation.
Compensation debts
Compensation debts are either 'compensation payer debts' or 'customer debts'.
- Compensation payer debts are repaid directly to Services Australia in one lump sum
- For customer debts, the customer will negotiate the repayment of the debt with the Debt Recovery Team
Compensation debt recovery
The Compensation Recovery Team (CRT) are responsible for the recovery of compensation payer debts. Wherever possible, compensation payer debts should be recovered using the methods advised within the debt advice. If a compensation payer is required to repay the debt using Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) they should be referred to the Debt Finance team. See the Resources page for contact requirements.
The CRT can take appropriate action if the debt is not fully repaid within 28 days.
Special circumstances
There are special circumstances provisions in the Social Security Act 1991 that will allow Services Australia to reduce a compensation debt or preclusion period.
Debt waivers
Legally recoverable compensation debts are subject to consideration for waiver. Test all waiver provisions that apply.
The waiver of a charge is dependent on the recoverable amount specified in the Recovery Notice under section 1184.
All compensation debt waiver decisions must be recorded in a DOC. See Minimum DOC standards for debt waivers.
Waivers, like any other decision, can be reviewed and changed.
Correcting compensation debts
Where a charge or an income debt has been recovered, the CRT will need to ensure the customer's Payment Summary is adjusted and sent to the customer.
The Resources page contains contact information for the Debt Finance Team for EFT repayment enquiries.
Locating and actioning compensation charge activities
Compensation payments and special circumstances decisions
Related links
Lump sum compensation payments (CLK)
Periodic compensation payments
Special circumstances debt waivers
Adjusting tax details for Bereavement Payments