Compensation letters 117-04030000
This document outlines procedures on how to manage, print and issue letters for Compensation processing.
Letter production
The Compensation Management System (CMS) automatically sends a Batch Laser Advice (BLA) to all customers:
- to advise of a compensation recovery decision, and
- for every action that involves a reviewable decision
Staff can also create Compensation Recovery letters.
How customers receive letters
Customers subscribed to myGov Inbox will receive most of their letters electronically in their myGov Inbox or Express Plus Centrelink mobile app. These include:
Most manual letters and OLAs are delivered by surface mail. Customers who subscribe to myGov Inbox for their Centrelink letters can receive some manual letters and OLAs electronically.
Letters to third parties are issued according to the service they are registered for:
- Centrelink Business Online Services (CBOS)
- Fax
- Surface mail
Compensation Batch Laser Advice (BLA) letters
Compensation manual letters and Online Advice (OLA)