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Income stream reviews 110-02060000

This document outlines details to assist with processing the various reviews for income stream products.

Identify and action income stream review or other income stream change of circumstance update




Determine type of work + Read more ...

If schedule received in person, scan any documents provided to the customer's record

Is the customer contact or work item related to an income stream review?


Action the update + Read more ...

If a customer is advising of a change in their income stream product outside of the review period, refer to the details for the income stream type:

Recode the product if 1 or more of the following fields have been coded incorrectly for an income stream product:

  • Product type
  • Original purchase price. Note: recoding is not needed if a discrepancy is in the cents only
  • Purchase date
  • Term/relevant number
  • Commencement date

Deletion is not needed. The existing product can be cancelled from the Date of Event (DOV) of the activity with the Product Cancellation Reason of OTH. Recode the product with the same DOV and corrected details.

Procedure ends here.


Customer requested to provide details for a review + Read more ...

Where the customer has been asked to provide details for a Customer Based review and fail to respond, payments are to be suspended.

If the system has failed to automatically apply the suspension action and a work item has been allocated:

  • check customer and/or partner records to ensure required documents are not available to action before coding suspension. Within started activity, suspend FSS (No reply to income stream review) via the Benefit Action (BA) screen
  • where the customer is being paid in the NSS system, within the started activity, manually suspend FRC (Fail to reply to correspondence) via the Benefit Action (BA) screen. See Cancellation, suspension and rejection reason codes for Newstart System (NSS)

If the customer is responding to a request for details about:


Income stream paid from a Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF) or Small APRA Fund (SAF) + Read more ...

If the income stream review is part of the August Super 12 monthly review (SAL) for account based and market-linked income streams, see August income stream reviews.

If an actuarial certificate has been provided for a lifetime or life expectancy asset test exempt income stream for a Self-Managed Super Fund or Small APRA Super Fund either:

Procedure ends here.


Determine if trained for update + Read more ...

When the income stream product is reviewed under the Automation of Income Stream Reviews (AISR) process, there may be hand-offs generated which need supporting documents to be completed.

Is the Service Officer trained in processing hand-offs for automated income stream reviews?


Action automated review + Read more ...


Escalation + Read more ...

To escalate, use Fast Note - select Auto Text, use Older Australians > Update > Action req – Auto Income stream review:

  • amend the text in the Fast Note with the action(s) needed
  • in Work Optimiser, search for existing work items via Customer Search:
    • if there is no existing AISR work item, leave the Fast Note open
    • if an AISR work item exists, do not touch the work item and close the Fast Note
    • if a non-auto income stream review work item exists, re-categorise as ZIAM_AISR_SUPS
  • procedure ends here