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Reviews of independence for Youth Allowance 110-07020010

This document outlines information relating to conducting reviews of independence for Youth Allowance (YA) customers where there are likely to be changes in the customer's circumstances which could affect the customer's independence.

Reviewable independent categories




Review of independent + Read more ...

A review of a customer's independent status is required due to:

  • an automatic review
  • a manual review, or
  • a change in the customer's circumstances which is likely to affect their independent status

Reviewable independent categories:


Orphans + Read more ...

A change of address can result in a review of independence status for Orphans.

Follow up the change in circumstances: Check whether the customer has been legally adopted since being assessed as independent.

See Assessing independence when a customer is an orphan.

Does the customer still qualify as independent as an orphan?

  • Yes, record the decision on a DOC. Procedure ends here
  • No, go to Step 9


Parents Unable to Exercise Responsibilities + Read more ...

Check for the following changes in circumstances:

  • change of address
  • parent is released from a nursing home or institution and is capable of exercising their parental responsibilities
  • parent is no longer mentally incapacitated to the extent they are unable to exercise their parental responsibilities
  • parent has been released from prison
  • parent was on remand but has since been sentenced to a term of imprisonment
  • parent who was missing has been located by the customer or by Services Australia, or
  • awaiting information about missing parent(s)

See Assessing independence when a customer's parents cannot exercise responsibilities.

Does the customer still qualify for independent status as their parents cannot exercise responsibilities?

  • Yes, record the decision on a DOC. Procedure ends here
  • No, go to Step 9


Unreasonable to Live at Home (UTLAH) + Read more ...

A change of address can result in a review of independence status for UTLAH customers. Note: if the customer has returned to their parental home, see Returning to the parental home when independent or qualified for the away from home (AFH) rate of Youth Allowance (YA).

The following reviews for UTLAH are conducted by the Social Worker or UTLAH Assessment Team (O18):

  • 12 week review of circumstances for selected at risk cases
  • reviews to follow-up changes in family circumstances, e.g. possible return to the home of either or both parents
  • reviews to follow-up special needs and referral to other agencies, e.g. Reconnect

See Assessing unreasonable to live at home (UTLAH) for customers claiming or receiving Youth Allowance (YA), Disability Support Pension (DSP), Special Benefit (SpB) or Tertiary Access Payment (TAP).

Does the customer still qualify as independent due to UTLAH?

  • Yes, record the decision on a DOC. Procedure ends here
  • No, go to Step 9


Refugee + Read more ...

Check for the following changes in circumstances:

  • change of address
  • customer's parent(s) arrive in Australia, or
  • customer receiving continuous support from or is dependent on another person

See Assessing independence when a customer is a refugee.

Does the customer still qualify as independent as a refugee?

  • Yes, record the decision on a DOC. Procedure ends here
  • No, go to Step 9


State Care + Read more ...

Check for the following changes in circumstances:

  • change of address. Note: a customer who lives with either or both parent(s) is not qualified for independence on the grounds of being in State Care
  • customer is likely to leave State Care before turning 18 (age for leaving State Care may be lower in some states)
  • customer starts/stops receiving payments for their support/upkeep from a State or Territory authority (not because of age)

See Assessing independence when a customer is in State care.

Does the customer still qualify as independent due to State Care?

  • Yes, record the decision on a DOC. Procedure ends here
  • No, go to Step 9


Young person who is disadvantaged + Read more ...

Check for the following changes in circumstances:

See Assessing independence when a customer is self-supporting through full-time paid employment.

Does the customer still qualify as independent as a young person who is disadvantaged?

  • Yes, record the decision on a DOC. Procedure ends here
  • No, go to Step 9


Partial capacity to work + Read more ...

Check for the following changes in circumstances:

  • Job seeker has had an Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) and it has been determined they no longer have a partial capacity to work. Check the Customer Target Category Summary (CTCS) screen for the current Customer Target Category the customer has been assigned
  • Customer was a job seeker and is now a full-time student or Australian Apprentice
  • Job seeker has been employed and has worked more than 60 hours per fortnight over three consecutive fortnights. Refer these customers to have an Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) to determine their current work capacity
  • Investigate the customer's record to determine if the partial capacity to work (PCW) has been end-dated. If the PCW is no longer valid, go to Step 9

See Assessing independence for customers with a partial capacity to work.

Does the customer still qualify as independent through PCW?

  • Yes, record the decision on a DOC. Procedure ends here
  • No, go to Step 9


The customer no longer qualifies for the independent status based on the criterion they were previously assessed at + Read more ...

Note: If a customer received a Crisis Payment in the period the change is applied, a manual reassessment of Crisis Payment may be required. For more information, see Reviewing and reassessing Crisis Payment (CrP).

Does the customer wish to be assessed under the dependent criteria?

  • Yes, go to Step 10
  • No, payment will cancel PIA (Parental Income and Assets not provided), record the decision in a DOC. Procedure ends here


Update Parental Income Details + Read more ...

Are parental income details available?