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Reviews of independence for Youth Allowance 110-07020010


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‘After careful consideration, a decision has been made that we can no longer pay you as an independent person. If you would like to be assessed for the dependent rate of Youth Allowance, you need to ask your parent/s or guardian/s to provide their combined parental income.’

Reviews relating to independence criteria


Reviewable independence and status comment


Full-time employment for at least 18 months over two years (self-supporting criterion) + Read more ...


This is regarded as permanent independent status.

If a customer reclaims YA, after previously qualifying for independent status under this criterion, they do not need to prove they meet the criteria again.


Part-time employment for two years since last leaving secondary school (self-supporting criterion) + Read more ...


This is regarded as permanent independent status.

If a customer reclaims YA, after previously qualifying for independent status under this criterion, they do not need to prove they meet the criteria again.


Employed for 14 months since last leaving secondary school with earnings totalling 75% of Wage Level A of the National Training Wage schedule, included in a modern award (self-supporting criterion) + Read more ...


This is regarded as permanent independent status.

If a customer reclaims YA, after previously qualifying for independent status under this criterion, they do not need to prove they meet the criteria again.

Note: from 1 January 2018, the period of time students from regional and remote areas have to earn at least 75% of Wage Level A of the National Training Wage schedule included in a modern award, changed from 18 months to 14 months. See Assessing independence for full time or concessional study load students from regional and remote areas under the self-supporting through employment criterion.


Earned at least $15,000 gross income in approved agricultural work anytime between 30 November 2020 and to 31 December 2021 + Read more ...


This is regarded as permanent independent status.

If a customer reclaims YA after previously qualifying for independent status under this criterion, they do not need to prove they meet the criteria again.


Young person has an education or employment disadvantage (safety net provision) + Read more ...


Independent status must be reviewed if there is a change in the customer's circumstances, such as the:

  • customer returns to their parental home, or
  • customer commences to receive support from a parent or guardian


Customer is a member (or former member) of a Youth Allowance couple + Read more ...


This is regarded as permanent independent status.

If a customer reclaims YA, after previously qualifying for independent status under this criterion, they do not need to prove they meet the criteria again.


Customer has (or has had) a dependent child + Read more ...


This is regarded as permanent independent status.

If a customer reclaims YA, after previously qualifying for independent status under this criterion, they do not need to prove they meet the criteria again.


Customer is an orphan + Read more ...


Independent status must be reviewed if there is a change in the customer's circumstances, such as:

  • change of address
  • if customer is legally adopted


Customer is a refugee + Read more ...


Independent status must be reviewed if there is a change in the customer's circumstances, such as:

  • change of address
  • customer's parent(s) arrive in Australia, or
  • customer is receiving continuous support from, or is dependent on another person


Customer is in State Care + Read more ...


Independent status must be reviewed if there is a change in the customer's circumstances, such as:

  • change of address
  • customer is likely to leave State Care before turning 18 (age for leaving State Care may be lower in some states), or
  • customer starts/stops receiving payments for their support/upkeep from a State or Territory authority (not because of age)


Customer is independent on age + Read more ...


This is regarded as permanent independent status.

If a customer reclaims YA, after previously qualifying for independent status under this criterion, they do not need to prove they meet the criteria again.


Unreasonable to Live at Home (UTLAH) + Read more ...


Independent status must be reviewed if there is a change in the customer's circumstances, such as change of address or the customer commences to receive support from a parent. Note: if the customer has returned to their parental home, see Returning to the parental home when independent or qualified for the away from home (AFH) rate of Youth Allowance (YA).


Parents Unable to Exercise Responsibilities + Read more ...


Independent status must be reviewed if there is a change in the customer's circumstances, such as:

  • change of address
  • parent is released from a nursing home or institution and is capable of exercising their parental responsibilities
  • parent is no longer mentally incapacitated to the extent that they are unable to exercise their parental responsibilities
  • parent has been released from prison
  • parent was on remand but has since been sentenced to a term of imprisonment
  • parent who was missing has been located by the customer or by the agency, or
  • awaiting information about missing parent(s)


Partial capacity to work + Read more ...


Applies to job seekers only.

Independent status must be reviewed if there is a change in the customer's circumstances, such as:

  • the customer has had a Job Capacity Assessment (JCA) and it is determined they no longer have a partial capacity to work
  • the customer becomes a full-time student or an Australian Apprentice
  • the customer has been employed and has worked more than 60 hours per fortnight over three consecutive fortnights

See Assessing independence for customers with a partial capacity to work.