For Paid Parental Leave Employer Processing Team (PPLEPT) staff only.
This document outlines how to identify who is responsible for repaying the PPL debt and to apportion Parental Leave Pay (PPL) debts between employer and employee.
Step |
Action |
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PPL debt roles + Read more ...
The Paid Parental Leave Employer Processing Team (PPLEPT) are responsible for:
identifying undetermined debts from PPL paid to the employer
issuing a Q318 letter to the employer
reviewing Q318 responses, and:
raise employer PPL debt
create a manual debt for an employee
Debt Staff are responsible for:
If a PPLEPT Service Officer is allocated or there is a:
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Identifying an undetermined PPL employer debt + Read more ...
Where a change of circumstance is notified, a debt shell may generate for the PPLEPT to investigate and to send a Q318 letter to the employer to find out whom the debt should be recovered from.
If exceptional circumstances have occurred, such as the death of the PPL claimant, staff must request the employer urgently return the Q318 to minimise debt impacts.
If exceptional circumstances:
do not exist, go to Step 4
do exist, make 2 genuine attempts to contact the employer or authorised officer/contact using:
existing contact numbers on the employer's record
business website
ABN lookup
Google search
White Pages, and
more recent/alternate contact details for the employer in the employee's claim
Was the first attempt to contact the employer’s authorised officer/ authorised contact successful?
tell the employer a Q318 form will be sent to them to seek more information. Ask the employer to return the Q318 information as a priority
DOC the record with the conversation. Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Families > Paid Parental Leave > PPLEPT - Debt Investigation
go to Step 4
HLD the debt shell for 1 day
DOC the record. Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Families > Paid Parental Leave > PPLEPT - Debt Investigation
HLD the DOC for 1 day
when the DOC becomes due, go to Step 3
3 |
Attempt second or subsequent phone contact with the employer’s authorised officer/contact + Read more ...
When the debt shell falls due, make a second genuine attempt to contact the employer’s authorised officer/ authorised contact using:
existing contact numbers on the employer's record
business website
ABN lookup
Google search
White Pages, and
more recent/alternate contact details for the employer in the employee's claim
Was the second attempt to contact the employer’s authorised officer/ authorised contact successful?
tell the employer a Q318 will be sent to them to seek more information. Ask the employer to return the Q318 information as a priority
annotate the Debt Investigation <Debt ID> DOC with the conversation
go to Step 4
annotate the Debt Investigation <Debt ID> DOC with second attempt to contact
go to Step 4
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Sending the Q318 letter + Read more ...
The letter has the following details:
Employee legal name (first, middle and last name)
Employee reference (if provided by the employer)
Employer’s authorised officer:
Business Hub registered ABN, Process Direct displays the Authorised Officer’s name
Not registered in Business Hub, the Organisation Contact Summary (OSCS) screen displays current and end dated CBOS contacts. All current CBOS contacts are Authorised Officers and able to sign the Q318
External claim reference ID
Period that the debt relates to
Estimated amount of the debt
Amount paid to the employee
The notice will tell the employer:
to stop paying PPL to the employee or third party
they may need to amend their payroll records to make sure the employees payment summary is correct
Where a liquidator is appointed or registered to a business the OSCS screen and a display on access (DOA) DOC will be updated with the authorised contact details.
Before running the Debt Action script, check the debt shell amount and obtain the following information:
employer CRN
Debt Id – Cxxxxxx
employer’s authorised officer information (OSCS screen)
employee legal name (first, middle and last name)
claim reference ID
ID number (either from P1CS (N) screen or if not then from online claim)
reason for debt (RTW/NRQ etc)
Note: to be accepted by PPLEPT, the Q318 letter must be signed by the employer’s authorised officer (unless the employer is in liquidation).
To send the Q318, go to Step 5
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Run the Debt Action script to send a Q318 + Read more ...
In Customer Record, go to the employer’s record and open the Debt Action script.
In the Debt Action script, check the populated information is correct and update the following sections:
actionable debts, select ‘the relevant debt id’ > Next
resolution and storage – Part 1:
raise a debt, no change, select ‘no documentation only’ > Next
Paid Parental Leave – Employer, select No – send a Q318 now
For the Q318 information request - debt investigation - letter options:
select attention <authorised person>
key the name of the authorised officer/ authorised contact
check employer CRN populated
key the employee’s:
first name
middle name
key employee ID number (if known)
key event date (top right corner), do not change
key employee claim reference ID > Next
end script > OK
go to the Activity List (AL) screen. If the employer is:
registered in Business Hub (Bhub), change the debt resubmit date for 15 days from today
not registered in Bhub, change the debt resubmit date to 14 days and allow extra time for mail delivery
in the auto populated debt DOC on the employer’s record, add the following:
close the Q318 DOC
Is the employer registered for Business Hub?
Yes, go to Step 6
PPLEPT to issue the Q318 manually to allow the employer to respond
procedure ends here
6 |
Search for the employee through a Process Direct organisation search, Q318 issued/to be issued + Read more ...
Create a task for employees located in Process Direct on the same day the PPLEPT issue the ‘Q318 Debt Notice’ letter. This is so employers can upload a document in response to the Q318 letter in Business Hub.
Note: if the paymaster role has been transferred from the employer to Services Australia, the system will end date the employee’s relationship with the employer. This means the employee may no longer display in Process Direct. When this occurs a Business Hub task cannot be created.
Is the employee located through an organisation search?
Yes, go to Step 7
annotate the Q318 sent DOC advising work item was unable to be created
procedure ends here
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Create a task in Process Direct for the employer to upload the Q318 response + Read more ...
Create a task by selecting:
the Business Hub - Request Documents tile. Key the Organisation CRN > Search
the organisation CRN. The CRN must be 10 consecutive characters with no spaces. For example, 408XXXXXXA
the Claimants of PPL tile
the relevant employee that the documents relate to, from the column on the left hand side
Request Debt Investigation Q318
Paid Parental Leave Act 2010 for the Authority to request
14 days for Information to be supplied
Incomplete Application for Required for
No for Staff Notes
Other documents for Claimant from Available Documents
the right arrow
Not Applicable for Provider Name
Add as no additional details are required
After the task is created:
an outstanding task generates for the employer in Business Hub
the employer gets an email notification. It says they can provide the requested documents through the Upload Requested Documents tile in Business Hub
In the employer’s record:
check that the resubmit date on the debt is 15 days from today
annotate the Debt Investigation DOC in the employer's record with the request for the employer to provide documents
Procedure ends here.
8 |
Allocated a returned Q318, work item or due DOC + Read more ...
The employer has 14 days to respond to a Q318 request, allowing extra time for mail delivery.
Before raising debts, check all channels (Doc tools, PD inbox, Organisational Online Mail (OOM), email (PPLINFO mailbox)/ fax/ post) for a returned Q318.
If the employer has returned the Q318 via CBOS, staff will need to locate the document in the OOM via the Human Services Workspace (myHSI) staff online portal.
Has the employer returned a Q318?
9 |
View the Q318 via Business Hub + Read more ...
To view the uploaded documents in Business Hub, open the Process Direct Inbox:
key the organisation CRN. The CRN must be 10 consecutive characters with no spaces. For example. 408XXXXXXA. Select:
Provider Change of Circumstances from Main Category
Debt Investigation Q318 received from Benefit dropdown
Employment Status change work item
Application to ensure the work item is for the relevant employee
Documents to view the uploaded documents
Change Status
Completed for Possible Status
select Save
Go to Customer First:
upload the Q318 letter if not already documented to the employer's record
annotate the Q318 sent DOC on the employer’s record with the documents provided and any relevant details
to action the Q318, go to Table 2 > Step 1
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Q318 is returned via post, email (PPLINFO mailbox) or fax + Read more ...
In Customer First:
upload the Q318 letter to the employer's record
to action the Q318, go to Table 1 > Step 1
Step |
Action |
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Review the Q318 + Read more ...
Check the Authorised Officer has signed the Q318.
The Australian and overseas Authorised contacts must sign (includes electronic signature) and print their legal name (includes electronic) on the Q318.
A Q318 signed by an Authorised contact using their preferred name cannot be accepted. To make updates to an Authorised contact’s name, see Employer registration for Parental Leave Pay (PPL).
Check if the business is registered for Business Hub (Bhub). If the business:
is registered with an ABN, view the Authorised Officer’s in Process Direct, select the Business Hub Access Management tile
not registered or has appointed a liquidator, the Organisation Contact Summary (OSCS) screen in Customer First displays current and end dated CBOS contacts. Note: all current CBOS contacts are Authorised Officers and able to sign the Q318
When reviewing the Q318, check to ensure:
it is signed by the employer’s current Authorised Officer
the Authorised Officer has completed the information on the official Services Australia Q318 form. The Q318 is not to be accepted if the returned Q318 response is not the official form
the amounts recorded on the Q318 add up to the total debt shell amount
a figure is recorded in Q1, Q2 and Q3 (for example, $ value or ‘Nil’)
Note: if Q3 has a $ value and Q2 has Nil, then staff are to make one genuine attempt to contact the employer to confirm the completed Q318. If contact is unsuccessful:
leave a message for employer to call back to discuss PAYG refunding requirements, and
process the form using the provided figures
Has the employer completed the Q318 correctly?
Yes, and is responding:
within 14 days and allowing extra time for mail delivery, go to Step 2
to amend previously provided Q318 or correct a raised debt, go to Step 9
No, and the debt is:
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Check the PPL amount the employer has paid the employee + Read more ...
If the employer has received PPL and:
has not paid any amounts to the employee or the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), go to Step 3
has paid all of the PPL to the employee (including withheld and Pay As You Go (PAYG) amounts), go to Step 4
has paid some of the PPL to the employee (including withheld and PAYG amounts), go to Step 6
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Employer has received PPL but has not paid any amounts to the employee + Read more ...
Raise the debt against the employer, noting the date of receipt for the returned Q318.
In Customer Record, go to the employer’s record and open the Debt Action script.
In the Debt Action script, check the populated information is correct and update the following sections:
actionable debts, select the ‘relevant Debt Id’ > Next
resolution and storage – Part 1:
raise a No Debt, no change leave as No
select on file only > Next
Paid Parental Leave – Employer:
Has a Paid Parental Leave information request (Q318) been received? select Yes
Estimated amount (taken from Q318 - Item A)
Date information request was returned (date on Document Tools)
Amount held by organisation (taken from Q318 - Item B)
Amount withheld as PAYG tax deduction (taken from Q318 - Item C)
Amount provided to the employee (taken from Q318 - Item D) > Next
confirm period and amount - raise:
Start date, no change
End date, no change
What is the amount overpaid?, no change
Amount received in debt period? (taken from Q318 - Item A), key the full amount
How was the debt calculated, select By using mainframe ADEX
Was the debt due to, no change > Next
qualification or payability reasons > Next
before selecting OK on the confirm pop up box:
on the mainframe screen, on the component amount (OPCA) screen > [Enter]
when the account payable (OPAOD) screen displays, select OK on the pop-up box to confirm
Do you want to complete the activity?, select Yes, complete it > Next
information pop up box will display > OK
end of debt script
Close the script
the Q318 scanned DOC Status is Finalised on the employer record
any work item for the debt in Process Direct has a change status and input is completed
procedure ends here
4 |
Employer has received PPL and has paid all the PPL to the employee (including withheld and PAYG amounts) + Read more ...
To raise the debt for the gross amount on the employee record, noting the date of receipt for the returned Q318.
In Customer Record, go to the employer’s record and open the Debt Action script.
In the Debt Action script, check the populated information is correct and update the following sections:
actionable debts, select the relevant Debt Id > Next
resolution and storage:
raise a No Debt, no change leave as No
select on file only > Next
Paid Parental Leave - Employer:
Q318 has been received, select Yes
total amount provided for the period, no change
date information was returned (date on Document Tools)
amount held by organisation (taken from Q318 - Item B)
amount withheld as PAYG tax deduction (taken from Q318 - Item C)
amount provided to the employee (taken from Q318 - Item D)
total (will complete automatically) > Next
confirm period and amount - raise, leave blank, select Back
actionable debts, select the relevant Debt Id, select Next
resolution and storage:
raise a No Debt, select Yes
select on file only > Next
no debt reason selection box, select Third party debt > Next
add employee CRN, select OK
No debt - Doc text display. Debt has been set to 0 because employer advised by Q318 returned on (insert date) of the following:
PPL held by business: $
PPL held as PAYG deduction: $
PPL provided to the customer: $
select Next
Do you want to complete the activity? select Next
information, select OK
end of script. A debt shell will automatically create on the employee’s record, which will require action
Close the script
the Q318 scanned DOC Status is Finalised on the employer record
any work item for the debt in Process Direct has a change status and input is completed
go to Step 5
5 |
Update the debt shell on employee’s record for full PPL paid + Read more ...
Update the debt shell with the details from the Q318 and out the activity for the Debt team to review and raise.
In Customer First, go to the employee’s record and update the debt activity:
on the Activity List (AL) screen, select the relevant debt > [Enter]
on the Modify/Assess Debt (OPMA) screen
in these fields:
Reason, key NEP or DUP
Section of Act, key 166 or 167
start date, key start of debt period (e.g. RTW, Resignation etc) from Q318
end date, key end date of debt period from Q318
calculated amount, key gross amount paid to employee
select [Enter] 3 times
in the Nxt field, key AL and locate the manual debt shell
delete RGNPEP and PAE keywords (if shown)
add keywords DQRPEP and PPL (if not already recorded)
for PAC debts add DMNPAC keyword (if not shown) > Continue
for PLC debts, system will auto add DMNPLC keyword > Continue
Note: the debt notice (Account Payable) explains to employees they can ask for a refund of the PAYG withholding amount included in the debt. They can request this from either:
their employer, or
the Australian Taxation Office (ATO)
This will depend on:
the date the employee gets the debt notice, and
if they take action before or after the end of the financial year
Procedure ends here.
6 |
Employer has received PPL and some of the PPL has been paid to the employee (including withheld and PAYG amounts) + Read more ...
Raise a debt against the employer for all amounts not paid to the employee, noting the date of receipt for the returned Q318.
In Customer Record, access the employer’s record and open the Debt Action script:
In the Debt Action script, check the populated information is correct and update the following sections:
actionable debts, select the relevant Debt Id > Next
resolution and storage, select on file only > Next
Paid Parental Leave – Employer:
Q318 has been received, select Yes
date information was returned (date on document tools)
amount held by organisation (taken from Q318 - Item B)
amount withheld as PAYG tax deduction (taken from Q318 - Item C)
amount provided to the employee (taken from Q318 - Item D) > Next
confirm period and amount - raise:
amount received in debt period (taken form Q318 - Item A), key the full debt amount
how was the debt calculated, select By using mainframe ADEX > Next
on the mainframe screen, on component amount (OPCA) screen, key the employer debt amount > [Enter]
when the account payable (OPAOD) screen displays, select OK on the pop-up box to confirm
Do you want to complete the activity? Select Yes, complete it > Next
end of script. A debt shell auto-creates on the employee’s record requiring action
an automatic DOC will be placed on the employer’s record
Close the script and the Debt Investigation DOC
the Q318 scanned DOC Status is Finalised on employer record
any work item for the debt in Process Direct has a change status and input is completed
go to Step 7
7 |
Update the debt shell on the employee’s record for partial PPL paid + Read more ...
The PPLEPT will update the debt shell with the details from the Q318 and out the activity for the Debt team to review and raise.
In Customer First, go to the employee’s record and update the relevant debt activity on the Modify/Assess Debt (OPMA) screen:
Reason, key NEP or DUP
Section of Act, key 166 or 167
Start date, key start of debt period (for example, return to work, resignation etc) taken from Q318
End date, key end date of debt period taken from Q318
Calculated amount, key gross amount paid to employee
Select [Enter] twice
In the Nxt field, key AL and locate the relevant debt shell:
select the relevant debt shell and select Transfer activity to another site/region radio button > Continue
delete RGNPEP and PAE keywords (if shown)
for PAC debts, add DMNPAC keyword (if not shown) > Continue to place an automatic DOC on the employee record
for PLC debts, system will auto add DMNPLC keyword > Continue to place an automatic DOC on the employee record
Procedure ends here.
8 |
Q318 not returned or incorrectly completed + Read more ...
The PPLEPT team are:
not required to call the employer, and
to raise the debt in full on the employer
In Customer Record, access the employer’s record and open the Debt Action script:
In the Debt Action script, check the populated information is correct and update the following sections:
actionable debts, select the relevant Debt Id > Next
resolution and storage:
Is the debt activity to be Finalised as a No Debt? no change
storage indicator to use in DOC, select No documentation only > Next
Paid Parental Leave - Employer, select No - Q318 not required
confirm period and amount - raise:
amount received in debt period, key the full amount
how was the debt calculated, select By using mainframe ADEX > Next
on the DOC screen, add the relevant text. For example:
Q318 has not been returned, ‘Q318 Request for information letter sent to employer DD/MM/YYYY. As at today, the Q318 has not been returned. Failure to provide the information requested has resulted in the whole amount being raised as a debt against the employer‘, or
Q318 has been returned but incorrectly completed, ‘Q318 returned by employer DD/MM/YYYY. This has been completed incorrectly which has resulted in the full amount being raised as a debt against the employer. Reason form is incorrect: (record reason). See Parental Leave Pay (PPL) debt raising, debt offsetting and recovery
select Next
on the mainframe screen, on the component amount (OPCA) screen > [Enter]
when the Account Payable (OPAOD) screen displays, select OK on the pop-up box to confirm
Do you want to complete the activity? select Yes, complete it > Next
end of script
an automatic DOC will be placed on the employer’s record
Close the script and the Debt Investigation DOC
ensure the Q318 scanned DOC Status is Finalised on the employer record
ensure any work item for the debt in Process Direct has a change status and input is completed
procedure ends here
9 |
Review a provided or amended Q318 + Read more ...
An employer may respond outside the 14 days to a previous Q318 request for the following reasons:
for the first time after the debt was raised
provide an amendment to the previously returned Q318
Based on the amended information, previously raised debts on the employer and/or employee record may require being amended and/or new debts raised.
Based on the Q318 responses, decide the action/s required to the employer and/or employee’s debt. To:
finalise debt as a no debt or zero, go to Step 10
amend an employer debt that is already raised:
to manually raise a debt on the:
10 |
Raised debt to be finalised as a no debt due to amended or corrected Q318 + Read more ...
If the employer provides more details for a debt already raised and now requires amending:
note the debt ID number that requires amending. Note: if the debt action script is unavailable, see Table 2 in Finalised 'no debt' (FND) or 'zeroing' debts that are not legally recoverable
When running the Debt Action script, if the Debt end date is a future date and error ‘End date cannot be in the future’ presents on the employer’s record:
upload the Q318 letter if not already documented to the employer's record
Note/DOC the record. Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Families > Paid Parental Leave > Debt ID end date in the future
manually hold the DOC until the end date +1
In Customer Record, access the record to be amended and open the Debt Action script:
In the Debt Action script, check the populated information is correct and update the following sections:
select amend an existing debt > Next
actionable debts, select the relevant Debt Id > Next
debt dates and other details:
date of notification, key the date the revised Q318 was received
acknowledgement date, key today > Next
debt reason selection:
debt category, select No suitable choice
what action do you wish to take, select Continue to the script > Next
debt amount:
what is the amount overpaid?, key the revised amount on the Q318
how was the debt calculated, select By using mainframe ADEX, > Next
debt action script, amend date, reason selection:
why is the debt amount/recovery fee being charged?, select reviewed/recalculated (not at the customer’s request)
what prompted the review of the debt?, select further information given
Do you want the letter sent?, no change
what period of time is available to appeal a decision? no change
select Next > OK to confirm > [Enter] on the mainframe screen > OK
on the component amount (OPCA) screen, change the amount under the Calc Amt$ to the revised amount > [Enter] > OK
OPDC and DOC comments, no change > Next
Do you want to complete the activity?, select Yes complete it
advice to customer - reason for debt change(s), no change > Next
advice to customer - interest charge warning, select No > Next
advice to customer wording- reason for debt change(s):
The reason for the change is that we have received additional information from (insert company name) on (DD MONTH YYYY) advising the following information for (employee first, middle and last name) <remove if not required:, employee identification number (employee ID number)> if previously provided on Q318.
Paid Parental Leave held by the business: $(key revised amount)
Paid Parental Leave withheld as PAYG deduction: $(key revised amount)
Paid Parental Leave provided to your employee: $(key revised amount)
Based on the above information, the debt has been amended accordingly.
select Next 2 times > OK to confirm
end of script, select OK
On completion of the Debt Action script, on the employer’s record check the:
OPDL screen shows the Debt Id has zeroed correctly
Document List (DL) screen shows the DOC is correct and closed
Q318 scanned DOC is finalised
Q318 letter is uploaded the to the employer's record
Q318 if lodged in the Business Hub, in Process Direct has a Status change and input is completed
Does a debt need to be raised on the employer and/or employee’s record?
11 |
Amending an employer debt not fully recovered due to amended or corrected Q318 + Read more ...
If the employer has given more details that requires a debt to be amended, take note of the Debt Id to be amended.
When running the Debt Action script, if the Debt end date is a future date and error ‘End date cannot be in the future’ presents on the employer’s record:
upload the Q318 letter if not already documented to the employer's record
Note/DOC the record. Use Fast Note – select Auto text, use Families > Paid Parental Leave > Debt ID end date in the future
Manually hold the DOC until the end date +1
In Customer Record, access the record to be amended and open the Debt Action script:
In the Debt Action script, check the populated information is correct and update the following sections:
action to take, select ‘amend an existing debt’ > Next
actionable debts, select the relevant Debt Id > Next
DOC storage indicator, select ‘on file’ only > Next
debt dates and other details:
date of notification, key the date the revised Q318 was received
acknowledgement date, key today > Next
debt reason selection:
debt category, select No suitable choice
what action do you wish to take, select Continue to the script > Next
debt amount:
what is the amount overpaid?, key the revised amount on the Q318
how was the debt calculated, select By using mainframe ADEX > Next
debt action script, amend date, reason selection:
why is the debt amount/recovery fee being charged?, select reviewed/recalculated (not at the customer’s request)
what prompted the review of the debt?, select further information given
do you want the letter sent?, no change
what period of time is available to appeal a decision? no change
select Next > OK to confirm > [Enter] on the mainframe screen > OK
on the component amount (OPCA) screen, change the amount under the Calc Amt$ to the revised amount > [Enter] > OK
OPDC and DOC comments, no change > Next
Do you want to complete the activity?, select Yes complete it
advice to customer - reason for debt change(s), no change > Next
advice to customer - interest charge warning:
funds recoverable, select Yes > Next
no funds recoverable, select No > Next
advice to customer wording - reason for debt change(s). Note: Service Officers must use the approved Debt script letter text Q053 - PPL employer debt letter text below. Update as required but do not edit or add unapproved wording. Once updated, copy and paste the following 2 bullets points as separate paragraphs into this section:
The reason for the change is that we have received additional information from (insert company name) on (insert date additional information received) advising the following information for (employee first, middle and last name) <remove if not required: employee identification number (employee ID number)>
You advised us the amount held by you for your employee {employee’s first name} is <${debt amount}!0.00>. The amount of PAYG tax withheld from your employee's Parental Leave Pay was ${amount}. The amount of Parental Leave Pay you provided your employee was ${amount}.
select Next 2 times > OK to confirm
end of script, select OK
once script is finalised, ensure the Q318 scanned DOC Status is Finalised
upload the Q318 letter
if Q318 is lodged in Business Hub, in Process Direct change status and ensure input is completed
Close any open DOCs
Does the debt need to be raised manually on the employee’s record?
12 |
Amending an employer debt fully recovered due to amended or corrected Q318 + Read more ...
Before amending, if the Debt end date is a future date, on the employer’s record:
upload the Q318 letter if not already documented to the employer's record
Note/DOC the record. Use Fast Note – select Auto text, use Families > Paid Parental Leave > Debt ID end date in the future
Manually hold the DOC until the end date +1
If the employer has given more details that require a fully recovered debt to be amended, go to Customer First to manually amend a fully recovered debt on the OPDL screen:
in the relevant debt Id, key ‘S’ > [Enter]
in the Nxt field, key OPDA > [Enter]
on the OPDA screen, for record reason change, key FIN
calculated (total) amount, key total debt amount > [Enter] > Finalise
complete and issue a manual Q053 - PPL employer debt letter
On the employer’s record:
DOC the record. Use Fast Note – select Auto text, use Families > Paid Parental Leave > PPLEPT – Employer debt - Amended
close all related DOCs
ensure the Q318 scanned DOC Status is Finalised
upload the Q318 letter
if Q318 lodged in Business Hub, in Process Direct change status and ensure input is completed
If the debt becomes over recovered:
Transfer activity to another site/region radio button > Continue
delete RGNPEP and PAE keywords (if shown)
for PAC debts, add DMNPAC keyword (if not shown) > Continue
for PLC debts, system will auto add DMNPLC keyword > Continue
Procedure ends here.
13 |
Manually raise a debt on the employee record + Read more ...
If the employer has given more details requiring a manual debt to be raised on the employee’s record, go to Customer First and create a debt activity using the OPAD screen:
Authority: Paid Parental Leave Act (prepopulated)
Benefit Type debt codes. Children born or entered care:
before 1 July 2023 PAC (employee record)
from 1 July 2023 PLC (employee record)
Reason, key NEP or DUP
Section of Act, key 166 or 167
Date of Event, key the date the event was coded on the employee record
Start date, key start of debt period (for example, RTW, Resignation etc)
End date, key end date of debt period
Calculated amount, key gross amount of debt
Addtnl Reference No, key PPE record CRN or employee record
select [Enter] 4 times
in the Nxt field, key AL > Shift + F4
DOC the employee’s record. Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Families > Paid Parental Leave > PPLEPT - Employee - Q318 returned by Employer
Close the DOC
in the Nxt field, key AL and locate the manual debt shell
delete RGNPEP and PAE keywords (if shown)
add keywords DQRPEP and PPL (if not already recorded)
for PAC debts, add DMNPAC keyword (if not shown) > Continue
for PLC debts, system will auto add DMNPLC keyword > Continue
Procedure ends here.
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Manually raise a debt on the employer’s record + Read more ...
The employer may have given more details requiring a manual debt to be raised on the employer record as the original debt has already been made a no debt (zeroed),
Note: before running the Debt Action script, staff will need the employer’s PPX CRN.
In Customer Record, go to the employer’s record and open the Debt Action script.
In the Debt Action script, check the populated information is correct and update the following sections:
actionable debts, select action a new debt activity > Next
Payment type selection > PPL/DAP > select relevant payment type for children born or entered care:
before 1 July 2023 PAE (employer record)
from 1 July 2023 PLE (employer record)
select Next
Paid Parental Leave - Employer:
Q318 has been received, select Yes
total amount provided for the period, no change
date information was returned (date on Document Tools)
amount held by organisation (taken from Q318 - Item B)
amount withheld as PAYG tax deduction (taken from Q318 - Item C)
amount provided to the employee (taken from Q318 - Item D)
total (will complete automatically) > Next
confirm period and amount - raise:
Start date
End date
What is the amount overpaid?
Amount received in debt period? key in the amount to be raised
How was the debt calculated, select By using mainframe ADEX
Was the debt due to, no change > Next
add employee CRN, select Next
Debt Reference:
Reference Type, select PPX = PPL Employer Payroll Record
Reference CRN, add PPX CRN
Other Reference ID, leave blank
Reference Date of Event, date on Document Tools for updated Q318 > Next
Debt References, select No > Next
Before selecting OK on the confirm pop up box:
on the mainframe screen, on the component amount (OPCA) screen > [Enter]:
Component type. Children born or entered care:
before 1 July 2023, key either BASIC and/or CONNECTED, or
from 1 July 2023, key PLP
Ben, key PPL
Qal, key EMP
Start date
End date
Calc Amt
press [Enter] twice
select OK on the pop-up box to confirm
Do you want to complete the activity? select Yes, complete it > Next
end of script
Close the script and the Debt Investigation DOC
the Q318 scanned DOC Status is Finalised on employer record
any work item for the debt in Process Direct has a change status and input is completed
annotate the original raised Debt DOC with the new Debt ID and the reason for creating a new Debt
Procedure ends here.
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Debt already raised, revised Q318 incorrectly completed + Read more ...
Where a debt is already raised and the employer provides a revised Q318 which is incorrectly completed, make one genuine attempt to contact the employer about why Services Australia is not able to accept the revised Q318.
If contact is unsuccessful leave a message for the employer to call back to discuss the incorrectly completed Q318.
Do not amend the already raised debt.
On the employer record:
annotate the Q318 raised DOC with:
why the revised Q318 was not accepted, and
contact attempt time, date and numbers. If contact is successful record conversation had with the employer
ensure the Q318 scanned DOC Status is Finalised
ensure any work item for the debt in Process Direct has a change status and input is completed
Procedure ends here.