Processing Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS) (transition to work) applications 007-17103150
This document outlines information for ACCS Processing Team staff about how to process an application and assess evidence for Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS) (transition to work).
For ACCS Processing Team (ACCSPT) Service Officers only.
On this page:
Reviewing the claim (application) status and information
Confirming evidence requirements have been met
Actions required to process ACCS (transition to work) applications in Process Direct
Updating Study details for ACCS (transition to work)
Updating all other activity details for ACCS (transition to work)
Updates to calculate ACCS (transition to work) subsidy periods
Finalising an ACCS (transition to work) application in Process Direct
Reviewing the claim (application) status and information
Table 1
Step |
Action |
1 |
Lodgement of claim or documentation + Read more ... Applications for ACCS (transition to work) can be made via:
ACCS claims/applications ACCS combined claims are processed by the ACCS Processing Team (ACCSPT). Staff have no delegation to process ACCS claims unless they are members of an ACCSPT. This includes:
The work item will be mapped to appropriately trained staff. If a Service Officer is allocated an ACCS work item they are not appropriately skilled to action, unassign and return it back to the national allocation pool. See Work Optimiser for staff for information on unassigning a claim. |
2 |
Locate claim + Read more ... Combined CCS/ACCS (transition to work) claim + Read more ...
When a combined CCS/ACCS (transition to work) claim is submitted online or via the Assisted Customer Claim (ACC), a CCS new claim Work Item is generated on the customer's record. This contains all the claim information provided by the customer online or entered into the ACC.
If the combined CCS/ACCS (transition to work) claim is regenerated, this will reset the claim to the information provided by the customer when they submitted the claim online. Review any Notes or progress DOCs for any documentation on withdrawal of ACCS (transition to work) component, Note: standalone ACCS (transition to work) applications cannot be regenerated. Standalone ACCS (transition to work) application + Read more ...
FA085 Paper Claim application + Read more ...
3 |
FA085 Application for ACCS (transition to work) lodged + Read more ... Check all questions on the FA085 to ensure the claim is complete. The form should include:
Is the FA085 complete?
4 |
Review and update Relationships + Read more ... Partner and child relationships must be reviewed and updated before starting to process a combined CCS/ACCS (transition to work) claim. Relationship updates must be done before selecting Process, otherwise significant errors will present during claim processing. See Table 3 in Processing Child Care Subsidy (CCS) claims to review claim relationships. |
5 |
Benefit History (Austudy, ABSTUDY, Special Benefit, Disability Support Pension) + Read more ... The customer's income support payment can determine whether a customer is eligible for ACCS (transition to work), or is required to have an active Job Plan/Participation Plan where applicable. Check whether the customer is receiving:
Income support can be viewed via the Benefit Status Line (if the character limit has not been exceeded), or by selecting the Claim icon on the Claim Status screen and viewing the customer's payments under the Benefit History twisty. To identify if an ABSTUDY customer receives a means tested payment:
For customers receiving a means tested ABSTUDY payment, the participation status field will reflect one of the following:
Customer receives:
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Review Notes/DOCs + Read more ... Select the Notes icon or go to the Document List (DL) screen. Thoroughly review the customer's record and review relevant documents such as:
For further information relating to Progress Notes/DOC and details of information to be recorded, see Families and Child Care (FCC) processing principles. Has the customer indicated they would like to withdraw:
Note: where the customer has withdrawn a combined ACCS claim (CCS/ACCS/Family Tax Benefit (FTB)/Paid Parental Leave (PPL)) online in its entirety, the withdrawal DOC on the customer's record will be titled 'FAO Online Claim Withdrawn'
7 |
Job Plan/Participation Plan + Read more ... For claims lodged on or after 1 July 2022, customers can be eligible for ACCS (transition to work) without having to enter into a Job Plan/Participation Plan where this is not a requirement of their income support payment. Customers with mutual obligation or participation requirements must have an active or current Job Plan or a Participation Plan (where applicable) for an ACCS (transition to work) application to be effective and eligibility to be determined. This must be entered into within 28 days of the application being lodged. Customers receiving DSP with participation requirements must have an active DSP Participation Plan to be eligible for ACCS (transition to work). Note: Job Plans do not meet ACCS (transition to work) requirements for DSP customers. Customers with an active Job Plan/Participation Plan for their income support payment, do not need to enter into a new Job Plan for ACCS (transition to work) from 1 July 2022. There is no requirement to update the Job Plan/Participation Plan to include their ACCS (transition to work) activity (unless required for the customer's income support payment). For processing ACCS (transition to work) claims, the customer is deemed to have an active Job Plan/Participation Plan if one is currently recorded on the system. ACCS (transition to work) processing staff do not need to check for a Job Plan/Participation Plan and it does not need to specify the ACCS (transition to work) activity. The application will detect if the customer does not have an active Job Plan/Participation Plan and will show as REJ-TTB or REJ-TTD (No approved Job Plan/Disability Participation Plan) on SSP/AR if all other eligibility and coding requirements are met. Upon submission of an ACCS (transition to work) application or claim, Process Direct will:
Generally, there will be no requirement to issue a letter requesting a Job Plan/Participation Plan. Is the customer is seeking a reassessment of a claim previously deemed not effective or cancelled due to no Job Plan/Participation Plan:
8 |
Treatment of not effective claims lodged after 1 July 2022 due to no voluntary Job Plan/Participation Plan + Read more ... On 28 August 2023, Department of Education made changes to the Minister’s Rules to remove the Job Plan/Participation Plan requirement for customers that do not have mutual obligation or participation requirements. These changes were backdated to 1 July 2022. Claims which were made not effective due to not meeting voluntary Job Plan/Participation Plan requirements can be reconsidered under a secretary initiated review, if they meet the following:
There is no need for customers to lodge a formal appeal. If an impacted customer contacts, consideration should be given to completing a secretary initiated review and reassessing their eligibility. Note: before reassessment, reconfirm details relating to the customer’s ACCS (transition to work) activity. Staff may be allocated an ACCS TTW Job Plan rea Fast Note indicating a customer reassessment request, as per Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS) (transition to work) eligibility and applications. Where reassessment of the original claim would result in the customer exceeding the time limit for the approved activity, due to subsequent periods of ACCS (transition to work) granted, if:
For reassessments where ACCS (transition to work) is to be granted, see: Note: when reassessing entitlement, arrears cannot be issued prior to the beginning of the previous financial year. If the customer requests a change to the start date of a previously granted period of ACCS (transition to work) where the timing has been exhausted, they will need to request a formal review of the ACCS start date. |
9 |
Check for withdrawal of ACCS claim/application + Read more ... Customers may withdraw an effective claim/application for CCS at any time before their payment is granted. A customer can withdraw their claim in writing, verbally, or When a customer chooses to withdraw a claim, the claim is taken never to have been made. This is unless they are withdrawing the ACCS component where a CCS/ACCS claim has been lodged. Before withdrawing, check for any notification of change of circumstances which may affect the customer’s existing CCS or ACCS, e.g. notification of cessation of existing ACCS (transition to work) activity. If a customer:
If the customer does not wish to withdraw their ACCS claim/application, go to Table 2. To withdraw a standalone claim/application or SOA:
If a combined CCS/ACCS claim has been lodged, and the customer only requests to withdraw the ACCS component:
If a combined CCS/ACCS claim has been lodged, and the customer requests to withdraw both the CCS and ACCS components:
If the CCS claim is a combined CCS/Family Tax Benefit (FTB)/Paid Parental Leave (PPL) claim, refer to Table 2 in Processing Child Care Subsidy (CCS) claims. Procedure ends here. |
Confirming evidence requirements have been met
Table 2
Step |
Action |
1 |
Evidence requirements for ACCS (transition to work) + Read more ...
Customers can submit some CCS/ACCS claims and ACCS applications without uploading evidence for:
Expand the related documents by clicking the Show Documents icon and open the 'text/html receipt' image. You may need to scroll across if there are several images on file. This will open the receipt which presented to the customer when they submitted their online application, including evidence required and the timeframe in which it was to be provided. Evidence must be provided:
Where the customer is participating in more than one eligible ACCS (transition to work) activity, evidence is required for all activities included in the application, even if the activities are of the same type e.g. 2 paid work activities. If not provided for all activities, the application will be not effective. This is because the application is assessed as a whole, and not separated depending on evidence provided. Note: if the customer later withdraws an activity from the application, evidence is no longer required for that activity to assess the claim, evidence is still required for all other activities. The provisional line for the withdrawn activity must be deleted from the TTW table and the decision clearly noted in the progress/finalisation DOC. See Table 1. Select the Documents icon to display all documentation attached to the record. Note: before requesting documents, review all evidence provided, and any evidence accessible on the customer's record which may be suitable to support the customer's application. This will ensure only one letter requesting documents is sent to the customer. Where evidence has not been provided and has not been previously requested, issue a Q888 - Request for information - CCS and Additional CCS letter to request evidence for each of the ACCS (transition to work) activities. Where an ACCS application or claim requires evidence, most applications or claims will request this as part of the application process. There is rarely a requirement to issue an initial request for evidence. Evidence requirements need to be met for an effective claim and to determine an outcome. A claim or application cannot be given a rejection outcome when all outstanding evidence has not been provided. Where required evidence was lodged outside of the requested timeframe, but the claim has not yet been determined, it is still an effective claim and should be processed as normal (noting different rules apply for Job Plan/Participation Plan). There may be circumstances where the timing limit has been reached previously, whether by means of prior ACCS (transition to work) or JETCCFA funding (for study activity only). This should be discussed with the customer to advise that if they choose to proceed with their application or claim, the outcome will likely be rejection. This information should be clearly documented in Progress Notes. Where evidence has been provided, or may be accessible on the customer's record, confirm it meets the evidence requirements for each of the activities below:
2 |
Customer's highest level of study in the last 10 years + Read more ... To meet the study requirements for ACCS (transition to work) customers must undertake an approved course of education or study that is:
Study completed or commenced includes courses within Australia or overseas. For example, if a customer completed a Diploma in Education in New Zealand 5 years ago, a Diploma would be their highest level of study for the purposes of ACCS (transition to work). The ten year time period is applied from the date the customer completed the higher level of previous study. If the customer has advised their highest level of study completed in the last 10 years, and there is information on their record that indicates they may have studied at a higher level than stated (for example, course details recorded on Education Details (EDCH) table):
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Evidence requirements for study + Read more ... To support study as an activity, customers must provide proof of enrolment from the educational institution confirming:
Ensure the educational institution is an approved organisation, for example:
See the Resources page for external links used for verification. Although an institution may not be VSL and/or HELP approved, they are an approved institution if they are an RTO. When Proof of enrolment does not contain all the required fields, staff may utilise approved websites on Resources and Educational Institution handbooks to confirm course start and end dates. A course Letter of Offer issued by an Educational Intuition cannot be accepted as sufficient proof of enrolment. Further evidence confirming offer acceptance lodged collectively with a Letter of Offer may be considered if all minimum evidence requirements have been met. People studying with Open Universities Australia:
Check evidence supplied reflects the customer is enrolled/registered in an AQF Qualification course where studying in Open University Australia. If the customer has already provided sufficient proof of enrolment for other Centrelink purposes (e.g. to support an income support payment), and contains the required information to assess an ACCS (transition to work) application, it does not need to be provided again. Has the customer been enrolled in the course for more than 6 months?
4 |
Satisfactory progress - studying more than 6 months + Read more ... If a customer has been studying for more than 6 months when applying for ACCS (transition to work), they are required to demonstrate satisfactory progress as well as proof of enrolment when applying for ACCS (transition to work). Satisfactory progress means the customer is participating in the course and achieving the minimum requirements of that course to the satisfaction of the course provider (such as achieving a pass grade for at least one of their subjects). Documentation to support progression can include:
Transferring courses at level A customer can change their course of study (within the same level) if the time limit has not been exhausted for the same level of study. They must notify of this change in course which requires a new application for ACCS (transition to work) to be lodged. To support the new application, customers need to provide supporting evidence or proof of enrolment for the new course. If it is the customer's third change in the same course level, customers are to provide evidence of satisfactory progress in their previous course before the new course is accepted. If evidence of progression is not provided, the customer will not be eligible for ACCS (transition to work). Is the customer undertaking any other activities?
5 |
Evidence requirements for paid work + Read more ... Suitable evidence to support paid work as an ACCS (transition to work) approved activity may include:
The customer may have previously provided evidence to the agency of their work activity to meet mutual obligation requirements of their income support payment. If it includes the information required to support their ACCS (transition to work) activity, this can be used to support their application. Paid work can be verified if the information on the following screens is current and ongoing during the claim period:
If the documentation provided suggests the customer is not meeting reporting requirements, additional action may be required in relation to the customer's income support payment. For more information, see Reporting overview. Is the customer undertaking any other activities?
6 |
Evidence requirements for training + Read more ... Evidence of participation in a training activity for ACCS (transition to work) may include one or more of the following:
Is the customer undertaking any other activities?
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Evidence requirements for job search + Read more ... To use job search as an ACCS (transition to work) activity, customers must be actively seeking work and be able to provide evidence to support this. Where a customer's job search efforts are monitored by an Employment Service Provider as part of their mandatory mutual obligation requirements, no additional evidence is required to support this activity. ParentsNext customers who lodged applications between 1 October 2023 and 31 October 2024 (program ceased) need to provide evidence of their job search activity to support their claim for ACCS (transition to work). If a customer is undertaking job search voluntarily, evidence of looking for work is required. This may include, but is not limited to:
The online claim and application currently does not request proof of voluntary job search. Until further enhancements can be made, if evidence has not been submitted, check the Progress DOC to determine if a request has been previously sent. If a request has not previously been issued, issue a Q888 to the customer, requesting ‘proof they are actively looking for work.’ Is the customer undertaking any other activities?
8 |
Evidence requirements for other program + Read more ... Proof of the program will need to be from the provider and include:
Is the customer undertaking any other activities?
9 |
Requesting documents + Read more ... If more information is required to assess the application (for example, additional evidence of study, work/training, or job search requirements), request documents from the customer. Has the customer provided sufficient evidence to process the ACCS (transition to work) application?
10 |
Request further documentation from the customer + Read more ... Requests for information that require documentation must be by written notice. If the matter is urgent, call the customer, but written request must also be sent. Prior to calling, Desktop Electronic Messaging Capability (DEMC) can be used to advise the customer they will be receiving a phone call. To request documents, issue a Q888 - Request for information - CCS and Additional CCS letter
Procedure ends here. |
Actions required to process ACCS (transition to work) applications in Process Direct
Table 3
Step |
Action |
1 |
Not effective claims + Read more ... An ACCS (transition to work) application is not effective when a customer:
Note: if the customer has mutual obligation or participation requirements with their income support payment and has not entered into a Job Plan/Participation Plan (if applicable) within 28 days of lodgement, the claim must be made not effective from day 29. In these cases or if appropriate evidence was not provided, coding the relevant updates will determine the application as not effective. Pending system enhancements, to ensure the application is made not effective, record No in the Evidence field. Details of this workaround must be included in the Notes which detail the outcome of the application. |
2 |
ACCS (transition to work) application types + Read more ... There are several ways a customer can lodge an application for ACCS (transition to work).
3 |
Claim Processing Screen + Read more ... After completing the ACCS (transition to work) pre-claim checks and with all provided evidence on hand, refer to Processing Child Care Subsidy (CCS) claims for details on assessing the CCS claim component. Return to this step to assess the ACCS component. The CCS Task Selector will pre-select TTW - Transition to Work Assessment task in addition to other CCS screens that require updating/checking. Otherwise, go to the Transition to Work (TTW) screen. |
4 |
Standalone ACCS (transition to work) applications + Read more ... Standalone ACCS (transition to work) applications present to staff as a Change of Circumstances activity in Process Direct. Tips:
Once within the Change of circumstance transaction, the Transaction Summary (TS) screen will display:
5 |
FA085 application - updating Activity Test details + Read more ... As activities undertaken for ACCS (transition to work) are linked to a customer's CCS reported activities, where the customer has lodged a FA085 Application for Additional Child Care Subsidy (transition to work), Services Officers are to review and update the customer's CCS activity details before progressing with updates to the ACCS Transition to Work (TTW) table. Go to the Activity Test Details (ATD) screen. Record or update activity details as per the customer's FA085. For more information see Activity Test for Child Care Subsidy (CCS). Service Officers will also be required to update the ACCS Transition to Work (TTW) table with information from the FA085 as the application is processed. |
6 |
Potential updates to CCS Activity Test details + Read more ... The activities assessed in an ACCS (transition to work) application must align with the activities recorded on the Activity Test Details table. If, when processing an ACCS application, staff determine the Transition to Work activity should fall under another category (e.g. 'study' rather than 'training'), the CCS activity details need to be updated before progressing with updates to the ACCS Transition to Work (TTW) table. Go to the Activity Test Details (ATD) screen. Correct the activity type to align with the ACCS (transition to work) application. For example, change 'training' to 'study'. For more information see Activity Test for Child Care Subsidy (CCS). Ensure details of this change are included in the outcome Notes. |
7 |
Updating the ACCS Transition to Work (TTW) table - Special Benefit + Read more ... Only Special Benefit (SpB) granted due to residency requirements not being met for JobSeeker Payment (JSP) or Parenting Payment (PP) is an ACCS (transition to work) eligible payment. Is the customer receiving SpB?
8 |
TTW Assessment table + Read more ... To update or record information relating to the ACCS (transition to work) application/claim, go to the Transition to Work (TTW) screen. Although the customer may not be eligible for ACCS (transition to work), all mandatory fields for each activity are to be completed before finalising the application. A line will display under the TTW Assessment table for each activity the customer is undertaking. Service Officers are to review evidence associated with each activity and complete the relevant fields for each activity. From 10 August 2024, a line will display under the TTW Decision Unit table which is from the coding in the TTW Assessment table. This is ‘display only’ and will show:
Where the outcome is a rejection/cancellation in the future:
This allows a customer to remain eligible for ACCS (transition to work) when they become ineligible and eligible again within the same fortnight. Following assessment, check:
If any of the columns have not been recorded correctly, return to the Change ACCS Transition to Work (TTW) popup and make sure the calculator button has been selected. Is the customer undertaking study?
Updating Study details for ACCS (transition to work)
Table 4
Step |
Action |
1 |
Study - Highest previous study + Read more ... Customers are required to advise the highest level of qualification they have completed in the last 10 years. Details of the highest study advised will display with the customer's standalone application or claim. Where the customer has lodged an FA085 application form, complete details of the highest study from the form. Previous highest study must be recorded on the TTW Assessment table, this will allow the system to determine the correct outcome:
If there is information on the customer's record they may have studied at the same or a higher level than stated in their application (for example, course details recorded on Education Details (EDCH) screen), and evidence has not been provided to confirm study at the recorded level was not undertaken, update study level with information from the customer's record. Editing of existing TTW Assessment lines or the addition of new TTW Assessment lines on the TTW Assessment table may be required to ensure the previous highest study is recorded and/or the information is accurate. Update the relevant fields if required:
Select Save and ensure the Grant field is blank and the assessment line contains no Grant Weeks. |
2 |
Study - Course details + Read more ... Full-time and part-time study may qualify, as long as it meets the study levels for ACCS (transition to work) at the secondary or preparatory level, or between levels 2 and 8 of the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) study levels. For ACCS (transition to work), the course does not need to be:
Where a customer has periods of ACCS (transition to work) for full-time and part-time study, an assessment line will need to be recorded for each period. If the customer is studying two courses at the same time, for example, Cert II and Cert III, the higher level course must be used for their application. The Undergraduate Certificate may be used to transfer into an existing qualification at AQF levels 5, 6 or 7 and staff should process based on the most beneficial outcome for the customer. For example, where a customer:
Where the customer has lodged an FA085 application form:
Review evidence and confirm the educational institution and course are approved. See the Resources page for links to external organisations to verify institution and course details. If the customer is studying with Open Universities Australia, they must provide evidence they are studying towards a qualification. Where the customer is enrolled in units only, the course cannot be considered an approved course of study or training for ACCS (transition to work). Is the course an approved course of study?
3 |
Study - recording evidence + Read more ... Customers are required to provide proof of enrolment in their course of study. All information must be provided and accessible from the customer's record. Has the customer provided sufficient evidence to support their study activity? Note: If the field is left blank, it will be deemed as evidence having been provided.
4 |
Study - Course Load + Read more ... The study load requirements for ACCS (transition to work) are the same as the study load requirements for income support payments for study activities. In some cases, study load may be recorded on the Proof of Enrolment. If a customer meets the study load requirements for their income support payment, they will also meet the study load requirements for ACCS (transition to work). To be eligible for ACCS (transition to work), the customer needs to be studying at least:
The study load can affect the overall time limit for study. See the Resources page to view the approved activity time limits table. If a customer meets the exceptional circumstances requirement of their income support payment, such as for Austudy where 66 per cent of the full-time study load is considered full-time, they would also be eligible for ACCS (transition to work) for a full-time study activity. For more information, see Assessing eligibility for the 66% concessional study load for Austudy. If the customer is studying less than 25 per cent of the study load, they are not eligible for ACCS (transition to work). Where the study load varies between part time and full time periods for the full course of study, the Activity Start Date and Activity End Date fields will need to be coded to reflect the full course start and end dates, respectively for each line. The Payment Start Date and Payment End Date are to be used to assess the relevant period of payment. For example, customer is studying a Bachelor degree which commenced 1 February 2017 and is anticipated to end 1 December 2020. Prior to the first semester in 2019, study is considered full time study, and from the first semester in 2019 ongoing, study is considered part time. To code the assessment on the TTW screen, a separate line is required for the differing study loads. The lines will need to be updated as follows: Full time line:
Part time line:
When calculating time limit, periods of part time study will need to be converted to full time equivalent (FTE) to ensure consistent calculation, for example 2 weeks of part time study = 1 week of full time study. Further instruction on coding changes in study load is available in Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS) (transition to work) change in circumstances and reviews. Is the customer studying more than 25 per cent of the study load?
5 |
Study - Progress + Read more ... If the customer started their course of study more than 6 months before applying for ACCS (transition to work), evidence to confirm they are making satisfactory progress is required. This field is mandatory where:
Did the customer start the course more than 6 months prior to lodging their application?
6 |
Transferring between courses at level + Read more ... A customer can change their course of study (within the same level) if the time limit has not been exhausted for that level of study. To study a course at the same level for which ACCS (transition to work) is currently being paid, customers are required to lodge a new application. Has the customer changed their course at level more than once?
7 |
Study - exemption + Read more ... Once a customer has completed a level of study, or they have exhausted the time limit for the level of study, they cannot access ACCS (transition to work) for that level of study. The customer is required to 'step up' to a higher level of study. Customers cannot access ACCS (transition to work) to study at a level lower than their highest level of study, unless an exemption applies. Exception to step up rule - 6 week rule
Skill Shortage exemption
Is the customer eligible for an exemption from the 'step up' rule?
8 |
Prompt for previous periods of JETCFFA or ACCS (transition to work) + Read more ... If the customer has already received JETCCFA or ACCS (transition to work), for the same level of study being used for this ACCS (transition to work) application, the following prompt will display: Check JETCCFA/ACCS (transition to work) weeks already used for study activity. Record the remaining weeks of eligibility. Has the system identified previous periods of JETCCFA/ACCS (transition to work)?
9 |
Identify if previous period of JETCCFA paid + Read more ... In Customer First, go to the JET Child Care Assessment Details (JFAA) screen. Is there a JETCCFA assessment for activity 'Education/Training'?
10 |
Previous periods of JETCCFA paid for Education/Training + Read more ... Go to the JET Child Care Activity Details (JFAD). Under the Details heading, the level of study for which JETCCFA was paid will display, for example Certificate III.
11 |
Previous periods of ACCS (transition to work) + Read more ... In Process Direct, view any periods of ACCS (transition to work) paid for the same level of study on the TTW screen:
Has the customer received ACCS (transition to work) for the same level of study?
12 |
Details of other activities + Read more ... Has the customer included any other activities in their ACCS (transition to work) application?
Updating all other activity details for ACCS (transition to work)
Table 5
Step |
Action |
1 |
Previous periods of ACCS (transition to work) + Read more ... In Process Direct, view any periods of ACCS (transition to work) assessed for the same activity on the Transition to Work (TTW) screen. Select the Child Care icon and check the Entitlement table to determine how many weeks ACCS (transition to work) was paid. The Transition to Work assessment table will not reflect periods of cancellation or non-payment periods, e.g. where a higher ACCS payment such as ACCS (Temporary Financial Hardship) may have overridden entitlement. Has the customer received ACCS (transition to work) for the same activity?
2 |
Training/Other program + Read more ... If the customer has not nominated training as an ACCS (transition to work) activity, go to Step 3. Training details display under the Planned Activity section of the ACCS Transition to Work (TTW) table. Where an FA085 application form has been lodged, select Add and record all details from information on the form. Using details provided in the digital application, or the FA085 application form, update the fields on the 'Training' row as appropriate:
Where 'Other' is selected, Service Officers are to review the evidence provided to determine whether the training/program is likely to prepare and/or increase the customer's ability to undertake work. These can include:
Note: Some vocational training courses may meet the Study levels for ACCS (transition to work) and could be assessed as a study activity instead of a work or training requirement. As study has a higher time limit than work or training activities, the study limit would be applied as it is the most beneficial. Where the Service Officer determines the details of the course would meet study requirements, and the customer meets the study requirements, the 'Training' row is to be deleted and the information recorded as a 'study' activity. Has the customer included any other activities in their ACCS (transition to work) application?
3 |
Work activities + Read more ... If the customer has not nominated Work activities for ACCS (transition to work), go to Step 4. The various work activities display under the Planned Activity section of the ACCS Transition to Work (TTW) table. Customers will meet the work requirements if they're participating in:
Where an FA085 application form has been lodged, select Add and record all details from information on the form. Using evidence provided, or the FA085 application form, update relevant fields on the 'Working' row:
Has the customer included any other activities in their ACCS (transition to work) application?
4 |
Job search requirements + Read more ... Job search will display under the Planned Activity section of the ACCS Transition to Work (TTW) table. Where an FA085 application form has been lodged, select Add and record all details from information on the form. Using evidence provided, or the FA085 application form, update relevant fields on the 'Looking for work' row:
See Table 6, Step 1 |
Updates to calculate ACCS (transition to work) subsidy periods
Table 6
Step |
Action |
1 |
Update Subsidy Period + Read more ... If the customer is undertaking more than one approved activity for ACCS (transition to work), the most beneficial principle will be applied. Is the customer undertaking more than one activity?
2 |
Update Subsidy Period - Single activity + Read more ... On the Transition to Work (TTW) screen:
The following fields will populate:
3 |
Update Subsidy Period - Multiple activities + Read more ... Once all activities have been recorded and/or details on each row updated as required, go the Transition to Work (TTW) screen:
The following fields will populate:
4 |
Most Beneficial Activity Principle + Read more ... If a customer is undertaking two or more approved activities for ACCS (transition to work), the highest time limit available is applied. This is referred to as the Most Beneficial Activity Principle. The system will have determined the most beneficial activity based on information recorded for each activity in the ACCS Transition to Work (TTW) table. The hierarchy, based on the highest period being applied first is: 1. Study 2. Training - vocational 3. Training - non vocational 4. Work - paid work, unpaid work (including a work experience placement or an internship) and setting up a business 5. Job search Examples: Georgie is working and studying a Certificate III. As this type of study has the highest time limit, Georgie's study activity will be Granted for ACCS (transition to work), and a 104-week time limit applied. However, the Service Officer processing the application is responsible for ensuring the activities are recorded appropriately so the time limit applied will be of the greatest benefit to the customer. In some circumstances, the activity selected for ACCS (transition to work) may not be appropriate or the most beneficial, requiring manual updates to the activity row(s) enabling the system to select the correct or most beneficial activity for ACCS (transition to work). For example:
Do activity details need to be updated to apply the Most Beneficial Activity Principle?
5 |
Study or all other activities + Read more ... If the customer was undertaking study, previous periods of JETCCFA and ACCS (transition to work) will need to be deducted from the ACCS (transition to work) timing limit. Is customer claiming for study?
6 |
JETCCFA/ACCS (transition to work) paid for current level of study + Read more ... Where it was identified a customer received JETCCFA and/or ACCS (transition to work) for the level of study for which ACCS (transition to work) has been Granted, the Grant Weeks may need to be manually updated. The following formula is used to calculate remaining ACCS (transition to work) timing limit where JETCCFA was paid in the past:
To calculate the eligible ACCS (transition to work) full-time remaining timing limit:
A determination will need to be assessed as to whether the JETCCFA weeks will impact the ACCS (transition to work) assessment and need to be deducted. Where the number of weeks already received for JETCCFA will not result in ACCS (transition to work) entitlement exceeding the study time limit, the JETCCFA weeks do not need to be deducted from the Grant Weeks, because the combined grant weeks are less than the maximum time limit for the activity. For example, if the customer is due to finish their Cert II course in 6 weeks' time, yet had previously had 4 weeks of JETCCFA, the amount of JETCCFA will not have any bearing on the ACCS (transition to work) timing limit. Did the customer receive JETCCFA and/or ACCS (transition to work) for the same level of study?
7 |
ACCS (transition to work) paid for same activity + Read more ... Where it was identified a customer received ACCS (transition to work) for the same activity for which ACCS (transition to work) has been Granted, the Grant Weeks may need to be manually updated. To calculate the eligible ACCS (transition to work) full-time remaining timing limit:
Did the customer receive ACCS (transition to work) for the same activity?
8 |
Manually update the grant weeks and set review + Read more ... Over-ride the weeks pre-populated in the Grant Weeks field with the number of weeks of remaining ACCS (transition to work) funding. Note: ensure the weeks apply to the same study load. Delete the Payment End Date and Review fields, and select the Update Subsidy Period (Calculator) icon to re-calculate the potential entitlement period. Where customer has utilised all ACCS (transition to work) funding for the relevant activity type, delete the Payment End Date and Review fields, code 0 in the Grant Weeks field, and then select the Update Subsidy Period (Calculator) icon to re-calculate the potential entitlement period. The ACCS (transition to work) assessment should reject with reason code TTR - Study requirements not met. Example: Susie has 71 weeks full-time ACCS (transition to work) funding. The Service Officer would update the Grant Weeks field to reflect the reduced number (for example, 71). Update the Review Date Where the course is:
See Table 7, Step 1 |
Finalising an ACCS (transition to work) application in Process Direct
Table 7
Step |
Action |
1 |
View Assessment Results + Read more ... If an ACCS (transition to work) line has been assessed, make sure:
If any of the columns have not been recorded correctly:
For combined CCS/ACCS (transition to work) applications After addressing data validations, including assessing evidence and recording updates to the ACCS Transition To Work (TTW) table:
See Processing Child Care Subsidy (CCS) claims to check the Assessment Results of the CCS claim component. For standalone ACCS (transition to work) applications After addressing data validations, including assessing evidence and recording updates to the Transition To Work (TTW) table:
2 |
Rejected and Not Effective claims + Read more ... Is the customer's ACCS (transition to work) application being rejected or made not effective?
3 |
Check if customer has mutual obligations or participation requirements or is exempt + Read more ... To check for mutual obligations or participation requirements:
To check for mutual obligation exemptions, go to the Activity and Exemption Summary (AEX) screen. Does the customer have mutual obligation or participation requirements?
4 |
Processing application that is Rejecting TTB/TTD + Read more ... Select Is the application being processed within 28 days of lodgement?
5 |
Job Plan/Participation Plan not entered into within 28 days of lodgement + Read more ... If a customer with mutual obligation or participation requirements as part of their income support payment did not enter into a Job Plan/Participation Plan within 28 days of lodgement, the application will be not effective. For example, if an application is processed 36 days after lodgement, and the customer entered into a Job Plan/Participation Plan on day 30, the application is not effective. The customer is required to lodge a new application. In these cases, Service Officers are to complete the ACCS Transition to Work (TTW) table with all relevant information. This is to determine whether the customer may be eligible for ACCS (transition to work) should they lodge a new application. It will help inform discussions with the customer when advising of the unfavourable outcome as to whether it is worth them submitting a new application. For example, if the customer is clearly not eligible as they are studying at a lower level or have exceeded time limits, it would not be appropriate for the customer to lodge a new application. Note: pending system enhancements, to ensure the application is made not effective, record No in the Evidence field. Details of this workaround must be included in the Notes which detail the outcome of the application. |
6 |
ACCS (transition to work) claim/application rejecting TTB/TTD and customer has no mutual obligation or participation requirements with their income support payment + Read more ... Customers can be eligible for ACCS (transition to work) without having to enter into a Job Plan/Participation Plan where this is not a requirement of their income support payment. Use the following workaround to assess ACCS (transition to work) claims/applications where a customer does not have mutual obligation or participation requirements.
Where a customer has participation requirements with their income support payment and has not contacted to enter into a voluntary Job/Participation Plan within 28 days of claim/application lodgement, the claim must be made not effective from day 29. See Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS) (transition to work) eligibility and applications. Notification received the escalation has been resolved:
7 |
ACCS TTW is incorrectly rejecting with reason TTR - Study requirements not met + Read more ... Affected records include:
In Customer First, check the JET Child Care Activity Details (JFAD) screen and refer to the Highest Tertiary Study: field. Where an Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) level has been recorded, the customer has previously advised within a JETCCFA referral this is the highest study level they have attained. Check relevant sources (EDCH, forms SY004, SC320) to determine if the customer's highest level attained has been recorded. In rare cases, the Highest Tertiary Study field will not be populated, check the referral workflow for the level recorded in the Highest Previous Study: field. Where:
Action Required:
Action Required:
Procedure ends here. |
8 |
Finish and Finalise claim + Read more ... Note: due to a known error ACCS (transition to work) debts within the 2018/2019 reconciliation period require further investigation. After finalising and DOCing the claim for identified records, see the Resources page of Customer enquiries about Child Care Subsidy (CCS) reconciliation outcome.
9 |
Finish and Finalise CCS/ACCS combined claim + Read more ... After addressing data validations, including assessing evidence and recording updates to the ACCS Transition To Work (TTW) table return to the Assessment Results screen:
Ensure notes are recorded for the CCS component. The following details should automatically record. Do not finalise yet as the ACCS component notes need to be recorded/checked:
Note: Where the claim has a rejected outcome, make a genuine attempt to contact the customer and tell them about the adverse decision (where the customer has not been previously contacted and advised). Details of attempts and/or customer discussion should be clearly recorded in the rejection DOC. If ACCS (transition to work) is:
10 |
Finish and Finalise ACCS application/claim + Read more ... After addressing data validations, including assessing evidence and recording updates to the ACCS (transition to work) TTW Assessment table, return to the Assessment Results screen:
If Notes has not displayed or a manual Note is required, go to Step 11 If ACCS (transition to work) is:
11 |
Record Notes for ACCS outcome + Read more ... Go to the Document List (DL) screen or select the Notes icon. Select Add note and update:
If ACCS (transition to work) is:
12 |
Notes - ACCS (transition to work) granted + Read more ... Expand the below sections based on relevant claim/application: Auto populated grant Note + Read more ... For claims/applications where the text has auto-populated the following information will record. Edit as appropriate:
Copy, paste and edit the following at the end of the auto-populated Notes:
Select Finalise/Save. Check for additional ACCS (transition to work) applications, go to Step 15. Manually record grant Note + Read more ... Copy, paste and edit the following information in Notes:
Select Finalise/Save. Check for additional ACCS (transition to work) applications, go to Step 15. |
13 |
Notes - ACCS (transition to work) rejected + Read more ... Expand the below sections based on relevant claim/application: Auto populated rejection Note + Read more ... For claims/applications where the text has auto-populated the following information will record:
Copy, paste and edit the following at the end of the auto-populated Notes:
Select Finalise/Save. Note: Where the claim has a rejected outcome, make a genuine attempt to contact the customer and tell them about the adverse decision (where the customer has not been previously contacted and advised). Details of attempts and/or customer discussion should be clearly recorded in the rejection DOC. Check for additional ACCS (transition to work) applications, go to Step 15. Manually record rejection Note + Read more ... Copy, paste and edit the following information in Notes:
Select Finalise/Save. Note: Where the claim has a rejected outcome, make a genuine attempt to contact the customer and tell them about the adverse decision (where the customer has not been previously contacted and advised). Details of attempts and/or customer discussion should be clearly recorded in the rejection DOC. Check for additional ACCS (transition to work) applications, go to Step 15. |
14 |
Notes - ACCS (transition to work) not effective + Read more ... Copy, paste and edit the following information in Notes:
Select Finalise/Save. Check for additional ACCS (transition to work) applications, go to Step 15. |
15 |
Check Outstanding Transactions for additional ACCS (transition to work) applications + Read more ... Are there any additional ACCS (transition to work) applications in ‘Outstanding Transactions’?
16 |
Additional ACCS applications + Read more ... If the customer has lodged additional applications for ACCS (transition to work), check if the customer has previously had ACCS (transition to work) assessed for the same period, children and activity. Otherwise, procedure ends here. Is the application a duplicate with no change to eligibility?
17 |
Cancelling Duplicate ACCS applications + Read more ... To cancel a duplicate. Combined Claim:
Standalone application: