Processing Child Care Subsidy (CCS) claims 007-17103136
This document outlines how to process CCS claims using Process Direct.
On this page:
Pre-processing checks
Table 1
Step |
Action |
1 |
CCS claims + Read more ... This process is for assessing CCS claims. For Add child claims for CCS, see Add child claim for Child Care Subsidy (CCS). If pre-processing checks have been completed, go to Table 2. Combined claims: Customers can claim CCS at the same time as Family Tax Benefit (FTB) and Parental Leave Pay (PPL), as a combined claim. If there is a CCS claim and a Families claim on the record with the same submission date, the Families claim must be processed first. See Pre-processing checks for Child Care Subsidy (CCS) if handoff is required. |
Review relationships
Table 2
Step |
Action |
1 |
CCS New Claims + Read more ... If a new claim has been lodged and the child has not been adopted, go to Step 3. The following procedure supports linking of a child for CCS only claims. If the customer has submitted:
2 |
Child has been adopted + Read more ... If a child has been adopted:
3 |
Relationships + Read more ... Partner and child relationships must be reviewed/updated before starting to process a CCS claim. Relationship updates must be done before selecting Process, otherwise significant errors will present during claim processing. See Separating Safely - protecting personal details. View/update details on the Transaction Summary (TS) screen in the following tables:
For further information on these tables, see Process Direct navigation, common screens and functions. Note: where a customer advises they are separating, follow the process in Separating safely - protecting personal details to ensure personal information is kept safe. If the customer has separated in the last 6 months, this is a family and domestic violence interaction point. See Family and domestic violence. Relationship details only need updating if the tables have different information to the information provided in the claim. Relationship data (including partners and children) should only be deleted or edited if recorded in error. If the relationship data is no longer applicable, (for example, the customer has become married), add a new line. In an online claim, updates will automatically populate on the LS and MS tables:
Are all relationship details, including dates, showing correct?
4 |
Review/update child relationships + Read more ... If all child LS lines are showing as Confirmed with correct start dates, go to Step 5. If an Unconfirmed line exists for a child, check the LS table for an existing Confirmed line for same child. If the child has an existing line:
Note: if Apply CCS Child Data does not present, check the status of the claim is 'In Process' If there are no existing Confirmed lines:
For SOA processing:
Note: multiple records increase the risk of payment errors, intertwining and potentially fraud. Multiple records may also impact the confidence people have in the quality and correctness of the information Services Australia holds. If the child LS line start date has an incorrect date recorded:
Are any partner relationship updates required?
5 |
Customer advises partnered in claim + Read more ... Check the information provided in the claim and compare to partner data on the Marital Status (MS) screen.
Otherwise, go to Step 9. |
6 |
Customer/partner receiving another payment + Read more ... If the customer or partner is receiving another payment, see Change in relationship status from single to partnered to confirm the relationship and undertake any pre-linking action required. Once the marital status is updated, in Process Direct, select |
7 |
Customer/partner still linked to previous partner + Read more ... See Change in relationship status from single to partnered to confirm the relationship and undertake any pre-linking action required. See Separating safely - protecting personal details. Once the relationship is confirmed, end date the previous relationship outside Process Direct before linking the new partner in Process Direct:
Once the previous relationship has been ended, relationship details need to be refreshed within Process Direct. Select Go to Step 9 to link new partner. |
8 |
Partner CCS current from the marital status start date + Read more ... If the partner is or was CCS current from any period following the partnering date, see Family assistance customer becomes partnered to make sure that:
Once the marital status is updated, in Process Direct, select |
9 |
Marital Status updating in Process Direct for claims including SOAs + Read more ... See Change in relationship status from single to partnered to:
Before linking, search for the partner's record. See Searching for a customer on the system. Multiple records:
Within the Marital Status (MS) table on the Transaction Summary (TS) screen:
If a new line is necessary, which will be common for SOA processing, select Add in the Marital Status (MS) table on the Transaction Summary (TS) screen.
10 |
Customer advises separated in claim + Read more ... If a customer advises they have separated in their claim, see Change in relationship status from partnered to single. Use this to work out if:
Note: where a customer advises they are separating, follow the process in Separating safely - protecting personal details to ensure personal information is kept safe. If the customer has separated in the last 6 months, this is a family and domestic violence interaction point. See Family and domestic violence. If the separation verification requires follow up, place the claim on hold for 14 days:
If the claim was originally allocated via an open FAO Note/DOC with notes Plse action CCS claim in PD, and shared/hierarchy handoff is not required:
If it is determined the claim meets conditions where separation does not need to be verified, review the marital status details provided in the claim and in the MS table. Update if necessary. |
11 |
Recent separation checks + Read more ... Where the customer has recently advised of separation, additional checks and coding may need to be actioned on the record to ensure any periods of CCS prior to separation are assessed correctly. This may include
Note: any information the customer supplies must not be coded on the ex-partner’s record. Has the customer:
12 |
Check ex-partner Tax File Number + Read more ... Navigate to the Marital Status screen and locate the ex-partner’s Customer Reference Number (CRN). Enter the ex-partner’s record and check the Tax File Number (TFN) screen to determine whether they have an existing TFN recorded and then exit the record. Do not record a TFN. No coding is to be completed on the ex-partner’s record. If the ex-partner has a TFN recorded, go to Step 15. If the ex-partner does not have a TFN recorded, and the separation occurs in the:
13 |
No ex-partner TFN recorded, separation occurs in the previous financial year + Read more ... E.g. claim processed 15 July 2024 and the separation occurred 25 June 2024:
Once coding is complete, continue with claim processing. Go to Step 15. |
14 |
No ex-partner TFN recorded, separation occurs in the current financial year + Read more ... E.g. claim processed 1 August 2024 and the separation occurred 25 July 2024, a Most Recent Estimate (MRE) exception cannot be recorded until the relevant financial year ends.
Note: if the CCS period the customer was partnered spans both the previous and current financial year, both the exceptional circumstance coding for the previous financial year and the future review for the current financial year will need to be actioned. Go to Step 13. Otherwise go to Step 15. |
15 |
Ex-partner Activity Test Details coding + Read more ... If the customer was partnered and has now separated, the Activity Test Result will need to be applied to the customer’s record with Exceptional Circumstances coding. See Table 1 in Coding Activity Test details for Child Care Subsidy (CCS) to determine the correct coding |
16 |
Relationship errors + Read more ... After completing pre-claim relationship check, from the Transaction Summary select Process located in the bottom right hand corner to start the new claim. The claim will show the Message Log and Task Selector tables on the Errors (SWE) screen. Does either 'SR146:MY CHILD CARE:Relationship start date XX.XX.XXXX is later than Child in claim start date XX.XX.XXXX' or “E587CU - This date may not be in the future for a CHI link” error present in the Message Log?
17 |
SR146 and E587CU errors + Read more ... 'SR146:MY CHILD CARE:Relationship start date XX.XX.XXXX is later than Child in claim start date XX.XX.XXXX This error happens when the child LS Start Date is after the Deemed Date of Receipt (DDOR):
'E587CU - This date may not be in the future for a CHI link' This error happens when the confirmed child LS Start Date is changed to a date greater than or equal to the existing date:
Process claim/SOA
Table 3
Step |
Action |
1 |
CCS Message Log and Task Selector + Read more ... Select Process. The claim will show the Message Log and Task Selector tables on the SAP Warning and Errors (SWE) screen. Message Log This section shows any errors with existing coding. These must be fixed before the claim can be assessed. Select messages to view/update the relevant details. An error or warning will show if information has not loaded correctly from the online claim or ACC. If error 'Invalid business partner supplied!' displays, see Table 4, Step 4. Task Selector/s
The Task Selector does not list all screens that may have provisional or confirmed data. For online claims, check the Claim Overview to see if other information has been provided that may need to be updated. Select Next to go to the selected screens. If the claim is:
2 |
CCS Task Selector for SOA + Read more ... Select the following screens from the Task Selector:
Select the following screen, if relevant:
Note: the ACCS Processing Team (ACCSPT) only holds delegation to process Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS) claims. Therefore, the ACCS related tasks should not be selected. If a claim has an ACCS component, see Table 3 in Pre-processing check for Child Care Subsidy (CCS) claims for the hand off process. Select Next to go to the selected screens. When progressing through the screens staff will see information with a status of:
Information can be added, deleted or edited, as needed. The information held in the FA084 or claim will need to be checked to determine if an update is required. If the information is already accurately recorded, no updates are required. If the customer is partnered, select |
3 |
CCS Task Selector for Online claim + Read more ... The following screens from the Task Selector may be pre-selected. If the screens are not pre-selected, manually select the tasks:
The following screen will not pre-select. Manually select:
Select the following screen, if relevant:
Note: the ACCS Processing Team (ACCSPT) only holds delegation to process Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS) claims. Therefore, the ACCS related tasks should not be selected. If a claim has an ACCS component, see Table 3 in Pre-processing Child Care Subsidy (CCS) claims for the hand off process. Select Next to go to the selected screens. When progressing through the screens staff will see information with a status of:
Information can be added, deleted or edited, as needed. The information held in the FA084 or claim will need to be checked to determine if an update is required. If the information is already accurately recorded, no updates are required. If the customer is partnered, select Once partner updates are completed, select the customer to switch back. |
4 |
Check Activity Test Details (ATD) screen + Read more ... Check/record relevant fields on the ATD screen:
See Coding Activity Test details for Child Care Subsidy (CCS) for details on how to record updates to Activity Test Details, including:
If the customer:
5 |
Check child in CCS claim + Read more ... CCS current children will have a Confirmed Record Status line already coded. Confirmed Record Status lines will rarely require updating/editing. If the customer claims for a non-current child, a Provisional line will be recorded. The system will calculate the Deemed Date of Receipt (DDOR) and will apply the correct Start Date. If SOA processing, Add a line for the child being claimed for. Check/record relevant fields on the Child in CCS claim (CCC) screen:
Restoring CCS for a child who has incorrectly cancelled mid-week If it is determined a child has incorrectly cancelled CCS mid-week, that is, the end date of the existing CCC line will be a mid-week date (not a CCS Sunday), and CCS needs to be restored for the child. Staff do not have access to delete provisional updates on the CCC table, and will need to contact a SSO to complete this task. Note: SOAs will not have a provisional line recorded. If any incorrect children are added, regeneration of the SOA will remove them. Contact a SSO via the local escalation processes and request to:
Once the SSO have advised action is complete continue with next step. Changes will be lost if claim is regenerated and the process will need to be repeated if this happens. Is the customer cancelled 2DL? To check if a customer is cancelled 2DL see Explaining the Child Care Subsidy (CCS) rate and entitlement.
6 |
Customer cancelled 2DL + Read more ... If the customer is cancelled 2DL, the new CCS claim can only be backdated to the later of:
If the latest date under the Income Lodgement Date column noted from 4 is later than the date CCS would grant using the 28 day backdating rules:
7 |
Check Country of Residency (CRES) screen + Read more ... The CRES screen is used to record the country in which a person is currently residing and historical details of other countries they have lived in since birth. All countries a customer has ever lived in during their lifetime should be recorded. See Assessing if a customer is an Australian resident or Residence assessment for customers claiming Child Care Subsidy (CCS) for help to assess residency. Check/update relevant fields on the CRES screen:
Consider other immigration screens. Check the Immigration Movements (RSIM) and/or the Travel Outside Australia Summary (TOAS) screens to make sure the customer meets the residence criteria. If the customer is partnered, check partner's residency details are up to date. Ensure the CRES information accurately reflects the correct data. Failure to do so may result in cancellation of other payments. |
8 |
Check Commonwealth Sponsored Student (CWS) screen + Read more ... If the customer is not a Commonwealth Sponsored Student, go to Step 9. The CWS screen requires Level 2 Policy Helpdesk approval before it is coded. See Residence assessment for customers claiming Child Care Subsidy (CCS) for full details, including referral and coding instructions. |
9 |
Check annual income + Read more ... The FAO Taxable Income (FTI) screen records the adjusted taxable income for CCS purposes for the relevant financial year. Check the customer's estimate of adjusted taxable income for the relevant financial year. If the estimate is deemed not reasonable, see Table 3, Step 17 in in Pre-processing Child Care Subsidy (CCS) claims. Check/update relevant fields on the FTI screen:
If the customer:
10 |
Check Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage + Read more ... For claims submitted before 8 July 2024, the CCS claim will not ask the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage question within the claim. There is no requirement to review the data provided, including confirmed lines. Go to Step 11. For claims submitted after 8 July 2024, customers will be presented with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage question within the claim and a Provisional line may be recorded with the customer response. Evidence to verify the response is not required and not to be requested under any circumstance. HERITAGE details are to be recorded in the CCS customer’s record, not the child’s record. Ensure Process Direct displays the customer's details at the top of the screen. Check/update relevant fields on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage (HERITAGE) screen for each child: Note: to ensure debts are not raised, new or updated responses are recorded in a new line within the table. The system will automatically end date previously confirmed lines, as necessary, i.e. there is limited need to edit previously confirmed lines.
See Coding Activity Test details for Child Care Subsidy (CCS) if further details on how to record updates to the HERITAGE screen is required. |
11 |
Check Payment Destination Details (PAS) screen + Read more ... Check/update relevant fields on the PAS screen:
12 |
Check Immigration Movements (RSIM) screen + Read more ... The RSIM screen will record the child's absences from Australia since 1 September 1994 obtained directly from the Department of Home Affairs records. If there is an active immigration link in the Immigration Link table, Edit the limiting date field. The Immigration Movements table is display only. |
13 |
Check Immigration Enquiry (RSIMME) screen + Read more ... Check/update relevant fields on the Immigration Enquiry (RSIMME) screen:
Select Request Immigration Data. Customer Immigration Link status will automatically update in the Immigration Enquiry table. Go to the RSIM screen to view. If the customer is partnered, check the partner's Immigration Enquiry details are up to date. |
14 |
Check residence details + Read more ... Residence details may be populated from the Request Immigration Data request on the RSIMME screen. Check/update relevant fields on the Legal Residence Details (RSLEG) screen for both the customer and partner (if partnered):
If the information has been automatically populated by the immigration link (the associated channel code will be IMM) and staff are satisfied with the residence information, go to Step 15. If the information has:
Phone CIS to ask the MFU be actioned immediately. See Centrelink International Services (CIS) - contact details for staff. Once CIS have completed required action, go to Step 15. |
15 |
Check Tax File Number Authorisation (TFN) screen + Read more ... Check/update relevant fields on the TFN screen:
If the customer is partnered, check partner's Tax File Number Authorisation details are up to date. If the claim is:
16 |
Child Task Selector for SOA + Read more ... Select Choose Select all tasks to select the following screens on the Task Selector:
Select Next to go to the selected screens. When progressing through the screens staff will see information with a status of:
17 |
Child Task Selector for online claims + Read more ... Select The following screens from the Task Selector may be pre-selected. If the screens are not pre-selected, manually select the tasks:
Select Next to go to the selected screens. When progressing through the screens staff will see information with a status of:
18 |
Child Education Details (CED) screen + Read more ... Check/update relevant fields on the CED screen:
See Updating school status, and assessing age exemptions for Child Care Subsidy (CCS). |
19 |
Child in Care Details (CHC) screen + Read more ... Check relevant fields on the CHC screen:
Do care details need to be updated?
20 |
Child immunisation details + Read more ... A link must be established with Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) for CCS before a claim can be assessed for children over 3 months of age. CCS will reject for children who do not meet the immunisation requirements at the time of claim determination (i.e. the date the claim is processed), unless:
If a link cannot be made for a child that is 3 months of age or less, do not delete the Rejected line from the CIM screen within the claim. Go to Step 21. Establishing AIR link Check the CCS AIR link has been successfully established for the child on the Child Immunisation Details (CIM) screen. If the child record:
Manually obtaining AIR link Manually get the AIR data for each child in the claim to avoid gaps and make sure of the correct backdating of entitlement. While in the claim:
See Establishing a CCS link with the AIR table in Immunisation requirements for Child Care Subsidy (CCS) for assistance with establishing the link, including:
Do not reject if:
Was claim required to be placed on hold?
21 |
Check the Shared Care Assessment (SCA) screen + Read more ... Check relevant fields on the SCA screen:
If shared care details require updating, see Table 3, Step 6 in Pre-processing Child Care Subsidy (CCS) claims. The shared care assessment is to be updated in Customer First before coding the CCS claim. If there is no shared care arrangement in place or step parent arrangement (if applicable), tables can be left blank. |
22 |
Return to Child Task Selector + Read more ... The claim will return to the Child Task Selector on the SWE screen once the user has progressed through all the previously selected screens. If the customer is claiming CCS or is CCS current for another child, repeat steps 16-20 to check/update the information recorded. |
Errors and warnings
Table 4
Step |
Action |
1 |
Errors + Read more ... Return to the customer's SWE screen to view errors, warnings and messages in the Message Log. These messages inform the items that need to be addressed to prepare to finalise the claim. Select See:
If claims are to be held pending issue resolution, information is to be updated in relevant progress Notes/DOCs. If the claim was originally allocated via an open FAO Note/DOC with notes Plse action CCS claim in PD, and shared/hierarchy handoff is not required:
Check Process Direct - Current Issues for known errors and approved workarounds. For:
2 |
Immunisation related warnings + Read more ... Follow Digital Assistant Roxy help text instructions if any of the following messages appear:
For further information see Immunisation requirements for Child Care Subsidy (CCS). After addressing the data validations, select Assess. Any errors, warnings or messages show and may need to be addressed. If there are no errors, the Assessment Results screen will show. See Table 5, Step 1. |
3 |
SR906 error/ customer and partner current for same child after becoming partnered + Read more ... SR906 error will present where:
Only one member of a couple may be CCS current for a child
For example, where the customer and partner separated 5 February 2023 and the claim was submitted 13 February 2023, the DDOR applied by the claim is 23 January 2023. As the DDOR for the customer falls on a date where the ex-partner was CCS current for the child, the SR906 error correctly presents. To resolve this error, the CCC start date should be changed to 6 February 2023, which is the first CCS Monday following separation. If the customer and partner are switching entitlement from one party to the other and the cancellation has already been recorded, but has not been recorded from a date other than the requested CCS Sunday, a SOA may be required to reassess the period between the date of cancellation and the CCS Sunday. See Table 3, Step 20 in Pre-processing Child Care Subsidy (CCS) claims. |
4 |
'Invalid business partner supplied!' error displays + Read more ... Error 'Invalid business partner supplied!' occurs when the system identifies the presence of a:
The error:
Check the Link Summary (LS) / Martial Status (MS) screens and identify the: Multiple CRN + Read more ... When Data Quality Unit (DQU) assess the multiple CRN case, a Display on Access (DOA) DOC with office code NA8 will identify the primary CRN. To action a multiple CRN, see Centrelink customer has multiple Customer Reference Numbers (CRN). This includes when DQU does not assess the multiple CRN. If the Data Quality Unit (DQU) needs more checks to confirm the primary CRN, hold the CCS claim with reason ‘system investigation’. If this option is not available, select 'Third Party to Provide Information'. Set CCS claim status on multiple record as 'Not Required'. Select:
Where the primary CRN is determined, index a CCS Social Online Application (SOA). Staff must make sure to use the primary CRN. Intertwined CRN + Read more ... Records identified as intertwined will:
When actioning an intertwined record, see Intertwined Centrelink Records. If the Data Quality Unit (DQU) needs more checks to confirm the primary CRN, hold the CCS claim ‘system investigation’. If this option is not available, select 'Third Party to Provide Information’. When actions are complete for the intertwined CRN, index a CCS Social Online Application (SOA). Staff must make sure to use the primary CRN. Once SOA is actioned for the correct record, set the CCS claim status on the incorrect record as Not Required' Select:
Deceased CRN + Read more ... Where staff code the partner as deceased after the CCS claim is submitted:
Set the claim to Not Required. Select:
5 |
Errors and warnings reviewed/actioned + Read more ... Once all errors and warnings have been reviewed and actioned, see Table 5. |
Finalise processing
Table 5
Step |
Action |
1 |
Assessment results + Read more ... The Assessment Results screen shows the Customer tab (see screenshot). Note: this is not the final outcome as the Assessment Results take a moment to load. Do not take any action until information shows in the Eligibility and Entitlements tables on the SSP tab. These show automatically (see screenshot). When the Eligibility table to indicate when the screen has finished loading
On the Entitlements table:
Select the Customer tab and Partner tab to check the effects of the CCS claim on other payments. If an incorrect update within the CCS claim has affected eligibility to previous payments, a negative adjustment shows (see screenshot example where an incorrect residency update is causing partner DAP debt).
With outcomes confirmed and necessary corrections done, return to the SSP tab to finalise the activity. Is the claim being processed after the customer was cancelled due to the CCS second deadline (2DL)?
2 |
Customer cancelled 2DL, all income requirements met for outstanding financial years + Read more ... Check for any outstanding CCS debts Check if the customer has any outstanding CCS debts:
Does the customer have any CCS debts with a Status of Determined with an Outstanding Amount of more than $0?
3 |
Customer has more than $0 owing on any CCS debt + Read more ... Before CCS can be re-granted, an adequate repayment arrangement needs to be in place. Customers have an adequate repayment arrangement when:
As the customer's CCS is granting at 0%, staff need to check if a repayment arrangement exists in Customer First by navigating to the Payment Arrangement List (OPAL) screen. Is there a repayment arrangement on the OPAL screen with a status (STS) of CUR?
4 |
Customer has CCS debts and no repayment arrangement in place. CCS claim is granting at 0% + Read more ... The customer will need to negotiate a repayment arrangement with Payment Assurance Operations before CCS can be re-granted, see Procedures for arranging withholdings to recover debts. Attempt to contact customer by phone to discuss:
Was contact successful with the customer?
5 |
Discussing a repayment arrangement with the customer + Read more ... After identification/authorisation of the person on the phone has been established tell the customer:
Place the claim on hold for two days to allow the repayment arrangement to be put in place. Use hold reason ‘Customer to Provide Information.’ Update the progress of claim Note/DOC of the discussion with the customer (include in the note the Income Lodgement Date noted). After the 2 days, the claim will be reallocated to a staff member. If staff are allocated the claim after 2 days, check the OPAL screen in Customer First. Does the customer now have a repayment arrangement in place for the CCS debt?
6 |
Finish and Finalise claim + Read more ... Claim outcomes must be recorded in a document or note. Select Finish to present the Notes. If the claim is not being finalised, record relevant information in Notes. Once the outcome is correct, select Finish then Finalise to complete the activity. Take note of the Transaction ID to include in the claim finalisation Note/DOC. If the claim is being finalised, for standalone claims, check the Activity List (AL) screen for an open FAO Note/DOC with notes Plse action CCS claim in PD. Complete the Note/DOC in Customer First if this is still open. Document the claim outcome. Claim ID, Child Name and Reason for adverse decision are considered minimum requirements for claim notes, which should auto populate. Staff must edit their finalisation Note/DOC so it reflects the claim outcome and is not misleading:
Make two outbound attempts to tell the customer about the adverse decision (where the customer has not been previously contacted and advised). See Advising verbally of an unfavourable decision. Record details of attempts and/or customer discussion in the rejection Note/DOC. For more information on additional information to be recorded, see
Select Finalise (or Not Finalise if appropriate) to complete the activity. Refresh the page by selecting F5 or exit and re-enter the record to view the finalised claim result. Check Notes to make sure a sufficient claim assessment DOC has been recorded. Note: the 'notes' field that appears when finalising the activity does not save notes correctly, so a separate claim assessment Note may need to be recorded. If necessary, create a new claim assessment Note/DOC.
Is Customer or Partner FTB/CUR?
7 |
Customer/Partner FTB/CUR + Read more ... If the customer has lodged a CCS only claim and they or their partner are Family Tax Benefit (FTB) current (and have not claimed FTB for the additional child), attempt to contact customer/partner by phone (Check PPE before discussing specifics):
Does Customer or Partner want to add additional child to FTB?
8 |
Claim NEF + Read more ... Claim NEF if:
A customer cannot reclaim CCS again until they meet all the CCS income requirements for outstanding financial years and outstanding CCS debts fully repaid or have an adequate repayment arrangement in place. Any CCS claims lodged where the customer does not meet these requirements are to be made not-effective (NEF).
For standalone claims, check the AL screen for an open FAO DOC with notes Plse action CCS claim in PD. Complete this off the AL screen in Customer First if this is still open. Two outbound attempts must be made to tell the customer of the adverse decision (where the customer has not been previously contacted and advised). For more information, see Making an Unfavourable decision (CLK). Document the outcome via Notes with the following: