Assessing deprivation/gifting 108-06010010
This document outlines the assessment and coding when deprivation has occurred.
On this page:
Actioning notification of gifting/deprivation
Recording details and providing information
Actioning notification of gifting/deprivation
Table 1
Step |
Action |
1 |
Income and asset updates + Read more ... Discuss all of the income and assets updates the customer would like to make during their contact, including where the gift came from (for example, income stream, shares, foreign income). Only proceed with the coding if all updates required can be completed. Note: if the customer has information that can be coded at point of contact and other information a processing team must code, send all information to the processing team to code on the customer's record. If there are concerns with the legitimacy of the customer's information, see Coding income and assets for Centrelink payments and services. Can the customer provide all the information required and are all updates for this contact able to be coded?
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What must be coded or requested + Read more ... All Service Officers can process these updates at the point of contact for all payments, except where a CAO assessment is needed. What must be coded or requested?
Documents are not needed. Further contact is only required if the customer is unable to provide all information. When documents may be required If there are concerns with the legitimacy of the customer's information or it is significantly payment effecting, see Coding income and assets for Centrelink payments and services. If the decision is to ask for documents, issue a request for the document(s). See Requesting information (CLK). Note: do not proceed with the update if documents are requested. Is the customer able to provide the required information?
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Information provided in part + Read more ... If the customer is only able to provide part of the information, tell the customer all information is required before any change can be made to make sure they receive correct entitlement. Request all information they must provide. See Requesting information (CLK) Procedure ends here until documents returned. |
4 |
Disposal of income or asset + Read more ... A customer may advise Services Australia they have disposed of an asset or income without receiving adequate financial consideration. Income support payments, aged care and Low Income Health Care Card (LIC) Although individual cases of deprivation may be less than the allowable yearly amount, when totalled they may exceed the gifting free areas. All assessable cases of gifting must be recorded. Assessable cases are all gifts made:
Do not record gifts outside of this 5 year period as they will incorrectly be included in the calculation of the gifting free areas. Customers who are claiming a Low Income Health Care Card (LIC) are not able to give away income or assets in excess of the gifting thresholds so they can receive a concession card. Even though the LIC is not asset tested, deemed income from the disposal of an asset can be included in the claimant's assessable ordinary income. Special Disability Trust (SDT) Different rules apply to an approved Special Disability Trust (SDT). Gifts to an SDT may be exempt from the deprivation provisions if the contributor is an immediate family member, of Age Pension age and the SDT concessional gifting cap is not used. This procedure does not contain information on gifting concessions to an SDT. Complete a referral to a CAO for Gifting concessions to a Special Disability Trust (SDT). Is the customer advising of disposal of either income or assets for the first time?
5 |
Obtain details of disposed item + Read more ... Obtain the following details:
Section 1127 of the Social Security Act allows for disposals within 5 years of qualifying to be disregarded where the person could not reasonably have expected they would become qualified, for example, after the death of a partner, loss of employment or after an unexpected illness or incapacity. Is this a gift that can be disregarded?
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Asset value of gift + Read more ... Was the disposed item income (not cash) only? Note: in order for a gift to be considered income only, the gift must not have any asset value, for example, some income stream products. See the Resources page for examples and explanation.
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Disposal of income only + Read more ... If the customer or their partner disposed of income only, which had no asset value, (for example, a superannuation pension, foreign pension):
Is the disposed income a foreign income, foreign pension or foreign superannuation? Details can be found on Foreign Income/Assets Detail (FID) or Foreign Pension Detail (FPD).
Recording details and providing information
Table 2
Step |
Action |
1 |
Coding the disposed income amount + Read more ...
Once all required updates are made, review the outcome of the activity on the Entitlements (ELD) or Assessment Results (AR) screen and finalise if correct. Record details on a Note or DOC on the customer’s record with details of the update. Ensure the effect of any future disposal/gifts and the deprivation rules are explained to the customer. |
2 |
Deprivation of a foreign income + Read more ... The foreign income continues to be assessed as the customer's and /or partner's income for the total period of entitlement for example, if the foreign income is a lifetime superannuation payment, the income is assessed for the customer's and /or partner's life. Do not remove the income from the customer's and /or partner's record. This will allow the system to adjust the exchange rate over the period of the income deprivation. Update as follows:
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Disposal of cash only + Read more ... Is the disposed item cash only?
4 |
Assets other than cash + Read more ... If the disposed item consists of assets other than cash (that is, forgone wages, real estate, granny flat interest, shares), the market value of the asset(s) must be determined and applied. A valuation is required for all gifting assessments involving real estate, except where the market value has recently been established, such as a person gifting a share of their newly bought home to their child and where evidence of the purchase price can be provided. See Table 1, Step 10 in Valuation of real estate and other assets. If a customer or their partner surrenders a life interest, an actuarial valuation of the surrendered life interest will normally be calculated by The Australian Government Actuary (AGA). Refer these cases to a Complex Assessment Officer (CAO) for calculation. In some circumstances, if disposal occurred before a claim, and the customer did not expect they would be qualified to claim a pension, benefit or allowance, deprivation may be disregarded. For assistance with market value(s), see:
If the customer or their partner has surrendered the value of a life interest (for example, in a house) the delegate must refer the case to the CAO, who will obtain a valuation from the AGA. See the Resources page for details. For loans that have been 'written off' or forgiven because they were unrecoverable, see Loans. Once the market value of the asset has been determined, go to Step 5 to record the disposal details. |
5 |
Record the asset on the Gifted/Deprived Asset (GIFT) screen + Read more ...
Note: any other income and asset types which require updating can be selected from the Task Selector at the same time On the GIFT screen code:
Note: if the asset being disposed of is recorded on the customer’s/partner's record (for example, real estate or savings), ensure that the asset is updated/removed using the same date as the date of disposal recorded. Once all required updates are made, review the outcome of the activity on the Entitlements (ELD) or Assessment Results (AR) screen and finalise if correct. Record details on a Note or DOC on the customer’s record with details of the update. |
6 |
Check if allowable disposal limit exceeded + Read more ... View the Gifted Assets Summary (GIFTS). Check accumulated total of gifts in the Gifted amount in the income year field. |
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Provide information to customer + Read more ... Explain to the customer: