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Determining the Entitlement Start date for Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) 106-05010130

For Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Smart Centre staff only.

This document outlines how to calculate the start day for AIC.

Determining the entitlement start date




Claim by 1 March + Read more ...

Applicants must lodge a claim by 1 March of the year following the year they seek assistance for, or no allowance is payable.

If a student/applicant experiences pre-claim vulnerable circumstances in the 8 weeks prior to contacting the agency about their intent to claim, they get an extra 14 days to submit their claim. They may get an extra 13 weeks to claim in some circumstances.

In these cases, the AIC claim lodgement date is the day the applicant contacts Services Australia.

Check the applicant's/all records for an Intent to claim DOC to determine the correct deemed date of claim.

Is the student a short-term boarder?


Short-term boarder + Read more ...

Students who are short-term boarder have an entitlement start date of the date they begin boarding.

For coding of the Living Arrangements (EILA) screen, see Completing and assessing the Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Application for Short Term Boarding Allowance (SY068).

Procedure ends here.


Study started at the start of Term 1 + Read more ...

A student needs to:

  • commence study no later than the 14th day from the commencement of the school year, or
  • be granted a concession for late start due to illness or other circumstances beyond the student's control


  • meet the eligibility criteria by 1 January, and
  • commence to live at the board or second home location no later than the 14th day from the commencement of the school year

Does the student meet this criteria?

  • Yes, the entitlement start date is 1 January. Procedure ends here
  • No, go to Step 4


Delay to the start of study + Read more ...

A claim may be backdated when unforeseen circumstances delay the start of study.

Note: if the student had a temporary overseas absence at the beginning of the year:

  • view the Immigration Advised Movements (RSIM) screen for the student and note all the departure and return dates and countries
  • update the Customer Advised Travel Details (RSCD) screen with the departure and return details with a reason of HOL or OTH

Does the AIC claim advise a delay to the start of studies due to unforeseen circumstances?

  • Yes, the claim may be backdated to the start of the relevant term entitlement period. Procedure ends here
  • No, go to Step 5


Home schooling/education registration certificate or letter + Read more ...

Does the student need a home schooling/education registration certificate or letter?

  • Yes, the entitlement start date is the earlier of:
    • the registration date it advises, or
    • the date the certificate was issued, or
    • the first day of the relevant term entitlement period if the registration date or certificate issue date is within 14 days of the school start date for their state or territory
    • procedure ends here
  • No, go to Step 6


Study started within 14 days of a Term + Read more ...

Students must:

  • commence study no later than the 14th day from the commencement of the relevant term, and
  • meet the eligibility criteria by the first day of the relevant term, and
  • commence to live at the boarding or second home no later than the 14th day from the commencement of the relevant term

The Resources page contains examples and details of the AIC Term Instalment Periods.

Does the student meet all these criteria?

  • Yes, the entitlement start date is the first day of the relevant term entitlement period. Procedure ends here
  • No, go to Step 7


Study started more than 14 days from start of a Term + Read more ...

The student did not:

  • start on time or within 14 days of the first day of the relevant term
  • meet the eligibility criteria by 1 January or within 14 days of the first day of the relevant term, or
  • begin to live away or study at home on time or within 14 days of the first day of the relevant term

The entitlement start date is the later of:

  • the date all eligibility criteria are met
  • the date the student commenced study, or
  • the date the student began to live at the boarding or second home location

Procedure ends here.