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Determining the Entitlement Start date for Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) 106-05010130

This document outlines how to calculate the start day for AIC.

Starting studies in the first term or semester

1 January is the usual entitlement start date for a student, if:

Starting studies at a different time

Some students may not start the course at the start of the school year. In those cases, the start date will be determined by taking the later of:

  • the first day of the relevant term instalment period if they start that term no later than the 14th day of the relevant term
  • the date they satisfy the general eligibility conditions for AIC
  • the date the student started living at the boarding or second home location
  • the date the student:
    • enrolled in distance education
    • received home schooling registration, or
    • undertook other approved study

The start date may be backdated to 1 January or the beginning of the relevant term in some circumstances including:

  • illness of the student or a family member, or
  • circumstances beyond the family's control (for example, impassable roads)

Short term boarders

A short-term boarder usually needs to access a boarding facility for less than a term due to a temporary reason.

This may be due to:

  • a medical condition
  • no transport/access to the local school due to flooding
  • attending a school or facility for exams or testing

Short-term boarders are entitled to payments from the date they begin boarding until the day they cease to board.

The Resources page contains a link to the Services Australia Website, the AIC Term Instalment Periods and examples.

Assessing and coding claims for Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC)

Determining the Entitlement End date for the Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Scheme

Intent to claim and vulnerable customers