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Calculating the start day for Austudy and Youth Allowance (YA) students and Australian Apprentices claims 106-05010150

This document outlines the procedure for calculating the start day for Austudy or YA claims lodged by students and Australian Apprentices.

On this page:

Preliminary checks to assist in determining the start date for YA or Austudy

Calculating the start day for YA

Calculating the start day for Austudy

Assessing employment income, waiting and preclusion periods to finalise the start date calculation

Preliminary checks to assist in determining the start date for YA or Austudy

Table 1




Check for income support payment + Read more ...

If the customer:

Go to Step 14, if the customer is/was receiving YA (student) and:

  • is changing course, and is a continuing/intending student, and
  • turned 25 before the current course ended, or will turn 25 before the new course begins


Cancellation or rejection of same payment within 13 weeks + Read more ...

Although the customer has lodged a new claim for YA (student or apprentice) or Austudy, they may have a cancelled payment which can be restored. Check the:

  • DS List (XDS) screen for information about payment cancellations, and
  • Allowance Benefit History (ABH) screen to determine the reason the claim was rejected

If the customer:

  • was in receipt of YA (student or apprentice) or Austudy and the date the customer was notified of the cancellation is within 13 weeks of the lodgement date of their student payment claim, go to Step 3
  • has a rejected YA (student or apprentice) or Austudy claim, and the date the customer was notified of the decision to reject that claim is within 13 weeks of the new claim lodgement date, go to Step 4
  • otherwise, go to Step 5


Determine if YA or Austudy may be restored + Read more ...

A cancelled YA (student or apprentice) or Austudy payment may be restored if:

It may be necessary to contact the customer to obtain additional information, such as employment income amounts before restoring payment. See genuine attempts to contact the customer by phone.

Hold to User is not appropriate to use for student work items. If contact is unsuccessful, place the work item on hold for allocation to another staff member for the next working day.

Note: if contact is successful and the customer has requested additional time to provide the payslips, send a request as a standalone RFI. This will prevent the system from automatically rejecting the claim for Failed to Supply Documents (FSD) if the payslips are not returned by the due date.

Can the customer’s payment be restored with the information available?


Determine if previously rejected claim should be reassessed + Read more ...

A previously rejected claim may be reassessed if:

  • the date the customer was notified of the rejection is within 13 weeks of new claim lodgement
  • customer has lodged a new claim for the same payment, and
  • customer maintained qualification for the payment

Can the previously rejected claim be reassessed?

  • Yes:
    • mark the subsequent claim as Not Required
    • reindex and reassess the rejected claim
    • procedure ends here
  • No, go to Step 5


Customer claiming as a full-time Australian Apprentice + Read more ...

Is customer claiming as a full-time Australian Apprentice?

  • Yes, note the start date, which will be the latter of:
    • the date of claim, if they have a current Commonwealth Registration Number, or
  • the Commonwealth Registration Number start date (from the Apprentice Details (NAPD) screen in Process Direct or Apprenticeship Details (NAPD) screen in Customer First)
    • Note: the information obtained directly from Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) does not always align with the customer’s current circumstances. Always confirm pre-populated data on the NAPD screen with a manual check of Apprenticeships Data Management System (ADMS)
    • the date on NAPD may incorrectly default to the original commencement date if they were previously a part-time apprentice. Manually correct this to the date they changed to full-time where required
    • The NAPD screen may require manual adjustment where the customer has changed employers, but retains the same registration ID
    • Go to Step 14
  • No, go to Step 6


Dependent 16-19 year old secondary student completing secondary studies, or turning 18 years old within 13 weeks + Read more ...

Check if the customer is:

  • a dependent 16-19 year old secondary student
  • living with their parent(s)/guardian(s)
  • completing, or has completed, their secondary studies in the same year the claim was submitted
  • intending to study full-time in the next study period, and
  • lodging their claim between 1 October and 31 December, or
  • turning 18 years old within 13 weeks from the date their claim was submitted

Does the customer meet these criteria?


Start date for YA claim + Read more ...

Has the customer elected 1 January as the start date of their claim for YA?


Customer claim submitted before minimum age qualification or up to 13 weeks before their 18th birthday + Read more ...

If the customer submitted their claim before they qualified under the minimum age rules (between 1 October and the last day of secondary education), or up to 13 weeks before their 18th birthday, check the:

  • Participation Status Event Date on the EDC screen is the earliest of:
    • the last date of secondary education plus 1 day, or
    • the customer's 18th birthday
  • Code FTS status on the Newstart Education Status (NES) screen using the above Participation Status Event Date
  • Note the start date

Go to Step 14.


Customer submitted claim after last day of secondary education or after their 18th birthday + Read more ...

If the customer submitted their claim after their last day of secondary education or after their 18th birthday, assess from the date of the claim.

  • Check Participation Status Event Date on the EDC screen/table is the date of claim
  • Code an FTS status on the NES screen using the above Participation Status Event Date
  • Note the start date

Go to Step 14.


Determine study scenario + Read more ...

Using the information provided by the customer and claim details, if the customer is:

  • continuing study in their current course, go to Step 11
  • moving from one course to another or returning to full time study, go to Step 12
  • returning to study after a break in study or a new claimant with no previous study details, go to Step 13


Student continuing in the same course + Read more ...

If the customer is continuing study in their current course and there is no break in study, they are considered to be a continuing/intending student.

A new EDC line is not required for YA or Austudy customers, if:

  • they are continuing full-time study in the course most recently recorded on EDC, and
  • there has been no break in their study

In these circumstances:

  • extend the course and student end date on the existing EDC line
  • note the deemed date of claim for the current claim
  • the NES screen must be updated if:
    • the Student Status field does not match the Participation Status field on the EDC screen, and/or
    • the Educ Level Attained field does not match the customer's highest educational qualification
  • if NES is to be updated, the Start Date is the deemed date of claim of the current claim
  • go to Step 15

Note: a new EDC line is required for all other scenarios for YA or Austudy. For example, if they:

  • are continuing study in a course not recorded on EDC, or
  • were part-time and are now full-time in the same course

Go to Step 12.

Process Direct + Read more ...

Go to the Customer Study Detail (EDC) screen or select Education.

If the verification status next to the course details provided by the customer is:

  • green, the course details have been confirmed in the Software Application Program (SAP)
  • red, the course details have not been confirmed in SAP

Check the National Course Approvals sub-site page even when the verification status is green. Red does not indicate a course is unapproved.

Note: the verification status will not change colour once the details have been updated.

The Start Date on the NES screen is the deemed date of claim of the current claim. For more details, see Coding new study details.

Customer First + Read more ...

On the EDC screen, complete the fields based on the student's circumstances (a list of available codes can be found in field help, if required).

The Date of Event on the NES screen is the deemed date of claim of the current claim. For more details, see Coding new study details.


Student moving from one course to another + Read more ...

Did the customer complete the previous standard (non-optional) study period (just before this current semester/study period) full-time or part-time in the same or a different course?

  • Yes, they are a continuing/intending student
    • Record the Participation Status Event Date on the EDC screen as the latter of:
      - the last day of the previous standard (non-optional) study period + 1 day, or
      - the date of claim
      Note: do not consider claims until the claim status is submitted and all supporting documents are supplied
      - Start Date
      on the NES screen is the same as the Participation Status Event Date coded on the EDC screen, unless the customer needs to serve a waiting period. See Coding new study details
      - note the date
      - go to Step 15
  • No, go to Step 13


Student returning to study after a break in study or new claimant with no previous study details + Read more ...

Students returning to study after taking a break or starting studies for the first time do not satisfy the definition of a continuing/intending student and are considered new students.

Note: if a student starts their course after the second Friday, but within 13 weeks of the study start dates published on the National Course Approvals sub-site or an institution's website, the published dates can be accepted as the date the customer starts study if the delay relates to circumstances beyond their control. See Late commencement of course for ABSTUDY, ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES), Austudy, PES, and Youth Allowance (YA).

  • The Participation Status Event Date (PSED) will be the student start date when the following apply:
    • the customer has a future start date
    • no current study details are recorded, and
    • a waiting period is either not applicable or ends on a day before the student start date
    • Note: if there is a waiting period that ends on or after the student start date or Deemed Date of Claim, the PSED will change to the calculated start date, as needed
  • On the EDC screen, the Participation Status Event Date field is recorded as student start date
  • On the NES screen, the Start Date is the same as the Participation Status Event Date coded on the EDC screen
  • Note this date
  • For more information on coding the EDC and NES screens, see Coding new study details
  • Go to Step 14

Note: if there is a waiting period that ends on or after the student start date or Deemed Date of Claim, the PSED will change to the calculated start date, as required.

See the National Course Approvals sub-site for a link to Semester and Term Dates.


Customer and/or partner’s income expected to impact payability date + Read more ...

Check the details supplied in the claim about the customer and/or partner's employment income.

If their employment income information in the claim will:


Determine the anticipated start date for the claim + Read more ...

Compare the:

  • date of receipt (DOR) of the claim
  • the start date of studies/Australian Apprenticeship from the previous steps, and
  • the start date of claim from previous steps

Information to check/take into consideration

If the start date of studies is before the claim submission date, the claim submission date will generally be the start date, subject to whether the customer needs to serve any waiting periods or is claiming in anticipation of becoming independent.

Note: the start day for YA/AUS may be backdated to the day after the cancellation day for a recipient reclaiming within 14 days after being cancelled.

Note: if a customer makes a claim within 14 days after their partner claiming a social security payment, and both claims are granted, the customer's start day is the first day they are qualified on or after their partner's start day. See Calculating the start day for a claim made after partner's claim.


YA or Austudy claim + Read more ...

For YA, see Table 2, Step 1.

For Austudy, see Table 3, Step 1.

Calculating the start day for YA

Table 2




Early claim for YA + Read more ...

If the customer is lodging an early claim in anticipation of:

  • a future Student Start Date, no more than 13 weeks from the Calculated Start Date field recorded on the Start Date Calculator (NDC) screen, go to Step 2
  • becoming independent due to age or under one of the independence criteria for Youth Allowance, no more than 13 weeks from the Calculated Start Date field recorded on the NDC screen, go to Step 3
  • eligibility for the 'away from home' rate because they would not be eligible from the deemed date of claim due to the parental income test reducing the 'at home' rate to zero, go to Step 4
  • becoming payable from 1 January in the following calendar year because of the application of the current tax year parental income that can only apply in the new calendar year, go to Step 5
    Note: if the customer is not eligible due to the parental income test reducing the rate to nil from date of claim, but the customer would be payable from 1 January due to the base tax year income, contact the customer to confirm that they wish to be assessed from 1 January
  • electing to start YA from 1 January after completing year 12 or attaining an equivalent qualification (Certificate II or above) in November or December, go to Step 6
  • becoming payable from the date a sibling is anticipated to join the family pool, go to Step 7
  • stopping full-time employment and they require income support until their course starts:
    • tell them to test their eligibility for JobSeeker Payment (JSP) or YA as a job seeker (or an alternative income support payment, depending on their circumstances) until the course starts or until they can be considered a YA student
    • if they do not wish to apply for alternative income support, go to Step 8
  • none of the above, see Table 4, Step 1


Early claim in anticipation of a future student start date + Read more ...

If a YA customer is lodging an early claim in anticipation of starting a course in the future, determine the future student start date.

If the student is starting the course:

  • By the second Friday after the official start date of the course, both the Course Start Date/Inst Course Start Date and the Student Start Date should be the official start date of the course at the educational institution, not the actual day the customer starts study
  • After the second Friday from the official start date of the course, the customer will qualify from the date they start their studies. In this case, the Course Start Date/Inst Course Start Date field should be the official start date for the course at the educational institution and the Student Start Date should be recorded as the day the customer actually started their studies
  • If the customer is returning to the same course after a break in their studies, the Course Start Date/Inst Course Start Date should be the first day the customer started the course in their first year of studies and the Student Start Date will be the start date of the semester when they restart

If a customer's Student Start Date is:

  • more than 13 weeks from the date of receipt of the claim, code the new study details. Go to Step 10
  • less than 13 weeks from the date of receipt of the claim:
    • code the new study details ensuring the Participation Status Event Date equals the Student Start Date, and
    • go to the Newstart Education Status (NES) screen and record a Full-Time Student (FTS) Student Status with a Start Date equal to the Student Start Date used on the newly coded Customer Study Details (EDC) screen in Process Direct or Education Course Details (EDC) screen in Customer First

Once completed:


YA customer claiming as an independent person + Read more ...

Is the start date for the YA independence category for which the customer is applying for before the Calculated Start Date field recorded on the NDC screen?

  • Yes, the date the customer achieved independence will not determine the start date, go to Step 7
  • No, the start date for independence may require a change to the system Calculated Start Date on the NDC screen. If the future independence start date is:
    • less than 13 weeks from the date of receipt of the claim, note the future independence start date as this may need to be coded as the manual start date for the claim on the NDC screen, see Table 4, Step 1
    • more than 13 weeks from the date of receipt of the claim, go to Step 10


Future away from home qualification + Read more ...

Confirm the customer:

  • Meets the eligibility requirements from when they move away from home to start studying, and
  • Is not eligible for the 'at home' rate due to the application of the Parental Income Test (PIT). That is, the claim would be rejected Parental Income too high (REJ-PIH)

If commencement for the away from home rate of YA is:

  • more than 13 weeks from the date of receipt of the claim:
    • reject the claim as the start date is more than 13 weeks in the future
    • go to Step 10
  • less than 13 weeks from the date of receipt of the claim:
    • make sure the relevant away from home category is recorded on the Independent/Homeless/Away From Home Details (NIH) screen with the correct start date
    • note the away from home start date. This date should be coded as the manual start date for the claim on the NDC screen unless there is a waiting period that ends after the away from home start date
    • see Table 4, Step 1


Current Year assessment for the Parental Income Test (PIT) due to drop in income between 1 July and 31 December + Read more ...

Confirm the customer:

  • is requesting a Current Year PIT assessment because the Base Tax Year PIT is too high for YA to be payable, and
  • there has been a drop in income that occurred from 1 July to 31 December

If 1 January is:

  • more than 13 weeks from the date of receipt of the claim:
    • reject the claim as start date is more than 13 weeks in the future
    • go to Step 10
  • not more than 13 weeks from the date of receipt of the claim:
    • the claim cannot be processed at this stage due to coding restrictions for the Fin Year Ending field on the Household Income and Assets (NHI) screen/table
    • As a workaround, hold the claim until 1 January in the new calendar year
    • When the claim becomes due, process the claim with a 1 January start date and apply the current tax year correctly on the NHI screen
    • see Table 4, Step 1

Note: if not eligible due to PIT reducing the rate to zero from date of claim, but payable from 1 January due to the base tax year income, contact the customer to confirm that they wish to be assessed from 1 January.


Family Tax Benefit (FTB) child completing year 12 or equivalent qualification electing 1 January start date + Read more ...

FTB children may elect a 1 January start date for their YA claim, if:

  • they have submitted a YA claim between October and December, and
  • they have completed/are due to complete year 12 or attained an equivalent level of qualification (Certificate 3 or above)

If they have elected a 1 January start date, consider them an FTB child until 31 December. Base the PIT for YA on the new Base Tax Year income that applies from 1 January.

Although the customer may elect to be payable from 1 January, qualification for YA occurs from:

  • the day after completion of year 12 (or equivalent qualification), or
  • the day the customer turned 18 years of age

Note: customers who elect 1 January as a start date may still be affected by a waiting and/or preclusion period.

See Table 4, Step 1.


Claiming as a dependent person and becoming payable from the date a sibling is anticipated to join the family pool + Read more ...

If a customer claims YA early and based on the current family pool structure on the deemed date of claim they do not have YA payability because their parental income is too high, but it is anticipated that:

  • a sibling will enter the family pool as an FTB child or regular care child within 13 weeks of the date of receipt, or
  • an under 22 year old sibling is intending to apply for YA, ABSTUDY Living Allowance or an ABSTUDY means tested School Fees Allowance or Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Scheme Additional Boarding Allowance as a dependent person

If the date the sibling has been identified as joining the family pool for PIT purposes is:

  • More than 13 weeks from the date of receipt of the claim:
  • Less than 13 weeks from the date of receipt of the claim:
    • do not grant the claim until at least 2 days before the sibling joins the family pool. This is because the Pending Sibling Assessment (PSA) claim status is only active for 2 days before an automatic rejection occurs
    • hold the claim for 2 days before the sibling joining the family pool
    • process the claim when due, ensuring the sibling has entered the family pool or the sibling's claim is ready to process within the 2 available PSA days
    • note the anticipated payability start date
    • see Table 4, Step 1


Stopping full-time employment + Read more ...

YA students do not have to stop full-time employment to be eligible for YA, however the level of income earned will determine if any YA is payable.

If the customer's income from the date of claim is too high for YA to be payable, contact the customer to find out if their employment income will drop in the next 13 weeks.

If their employment income:

  • will not drop within the next 13 weeks, go to Step 10
  • will drop in the next 13 weeks, determine:
    • the date that the employment income will drop. This could be the expected start date
    • if the person will stop work and be required to submit an Employment Separation Certificate (SU001) or a Seasonal, Contract and Intermittent Work Details form (SU496) to assess any Income Maintenance Period (IMP) or Seasonal Work Preclusion Period (SWPP)
    • if the Entitlement Period End Day (EPED) needs to be changed to make sure the customer's first payment occurs 14 days after stopping work
    • the anticipated start date of the payment is the day stopped work + 1 day
    • note the anticipated payability start date
    • see Table 4, Step 1
  • has stopped and the customer will receive a final payment, go to Step 9


Final employment income + Read more ...

If the customer is paid their employment income payment in:

  • the first entitlement period:
    • code the details within the claim
    • the claim may reject if the employment income is over the threshold
    • see Table 4, Step 1
  • a later entitlement period:
    • code the details within the claim, or
    • the customer can provide them via self-service (online, Express Plus Centrelink App or phone self-service) after the claim has been finalised

Process the claim if:

  • it is being processed either inside or outside the first entitlement, and
  • the final employment income will be paid outside the first entitlement period

When granting claims, place customers onto fortnightly reporting.

Is the customer subject to any waiting periods?


Reject claim + Read more ...

As the claim start date is more than 13 weeks in the future, the claim should be Rejected CDB - START DATE IS>13 WKS IN THE FUTURE.

See Assessing and coding student and Australian Apprentice claims for Youth Allowance (YA).

Calculating the start day for Austudy

Table 3




Claim for Austudy + Read more ...

If the customer is lodging an early claim in anticipation of:

  • their 25th birthday and they are continuing in the same course and receiving Youth Allowance, the customer is not eligible for Austudy and will continue to receive Youth Allowance. See Eligibility for Austudy
  • a future Student Start Date no more than 13 weeks from the Calculated Start Date field recorded on the Start Date Calculator (NDC) screen, go to Step 2
  • stopping full-time employment and they require income support until their course starts:
    • tell them to test their eligibility for JobSeeker Payment (JSP) as a job seeker (or an alternative income support payment, depending on their circumstances) until the course starts or until they can be considered an Austudy student
    • if they do not wish to apply for alternative income support, go to Step 3. Note: students do not have to stop full-time employment to qualify for Austudy as a student. However, their total income will impact if Austudy is payable

Go to Step 5 if the customer is lodging an Austudy claim because they:

  • are changing course and are a continuing intending student, and
  • have reached or will soon reach the maximum age for YA

See Table 4, Step 1 if none of the above apply.


Early claim in anticipation of a future student start date + Read more ...

If an Austudy customer is lodging an early claim in anticipation of starting a course in the future, determine the future student start date.

If the student is starting the course:

  • by the second Friday after the official start date of the course, both the Course Start Date/Inst Course Start Date and the Student Start Date should be the official start date of the course at the educational institution, not the actual day the customer starts study
  • after the second Friday from the official start date of the course, the customer will qualify from the date they started their studies. In this case, the Course Start Date/Inst Course Start Date field should be the official start date for the course at the educational institution and the Student Start Date should be recorded as the day the customer actually started their studies. If the customer is returning to the same course after a break in their studies, the Course Start Date/Inst Course Start Date should be the first day the customer started the course in their first year of studies

If a customer's Student Start Date is:

  • more than 13 weeks from the date of receipt of the claim, code the new study details. Go to Step 6
  • less than 13 weeks from the date of receipt of the claim:
    • code the new study details ensuring the Participation Status Event Date equals the Student Start Date, and
    • go to the Newstart Education Status (NES) screen and record a Full-Time Student (FTS) Student Status with a Start Date equal to the Student Start Date used on the newly coded Customer Study Details (EDC) screen in Process Direct or Education Course Details (EDC) screen in Customer First

Once completed:


Stopping full-time employment + Read more ...

Austudy students do not have to stop full-time employment to be eligible for Austudy. However, the level of income earned will determine if any Austudy is payable.

If the customer's income from the date of claim is too high for Austudy to be payable, contact the customer to find out if their employment income will drop in the next 13 weeks.

If their employment income:

  • will not drop within the next 13 weeks, go to Step 6
  • will reduce in the next 13 weeks, determine:
    • the date that the employment income will drop. This could be the expected start date
    • if the person will stop work and be required to submit an Employment Separation Certificate (SU001) or a Seasonal, Contract and Intermittent Work Details form (SU496) to assess any Income Maintenance Period (IMP) or Seasonal Work Preclusion Period (SWPP)
    • if the Entitlement Period End Day (EPED) needs to be changed to make sure that the customer's first payment occurs 14 days after stopping work
    • the anticipated start date of the payment is the day stopped work + 1 day
    • note the anticipated payability start date
    • see Table 4, Step 1
  • has stopped and the customer will receive a final payment, go to Step 4


Final employment income + Read more ...

If the customer is paid their employment income payment in:

  • the first entitlement period
    • code the details within the claim
    • the claim may reject if the employment income is over the threshold
    • see Table 4, Step 1
  • a later entitlement period:
    • code the details within the claim, or
    • the customer can provide them via self-service (online, Express Plus Centrelink App or phone self-service) after the claim has been finalised

Check the following:

  • The claim is being processed in the first entitlement period
  • The customer expects to get paid in the first entitlement period, or is not sure when they will, and
  • Their income will preclude payment

Process the claim as per current processes if:

  • it is being processed either inside or outside the first entitlement, and
  • the final employment income will be paid outside the first entitlement period

When granting claims, place customers onto fortnightly reporting.

Is the customer subject to any waiting periods?


YA student turning 25 + Read more ...

YA students who have reached the maximum age for YA must submit a claim to transfer to Austudy.

The transfer date/Austudy start date will depend on when the claim is lodged and when the customer reaches the maximum age for YA.

If the customer lodges an Austudy claim:

  • more than 13 weeks after the YA cancellation date, see Table 4, Step 1
  • before or within 13 weeks of the YA cancellation date and the customer:
    • turned 25 before completing the course they were receiving YA for, YA will have been cancelled from the SED + 1 day. The Austudy start date is the SED + 1 day
    • turn 25 after completing the course they were receiving YA for and before the new course starts, YA will have been cancelled from the customer’s 25th birthday. The Austudy start date is the customer’s 25th birthday

Note the start date.

Has the customer reported employment income on their claim or are they subject to any waiting periods?


Reject claim + Read more ...

As the claim start date is more than 13 weeks in the future, the claim should be Rejected CDB - START DATE IS>13 WKS IN THE FUTURE.

See Assessing and coding student and Australian Apprentice claims for Austudy.

Assessing employment income, waiting and preclusion periods to finalise the start date calculation

Table 4:




Determine if customer and/or partner income will preclude entitlement + Read more ...

Assess the online claim if:

  • the customer and/or their partner are working, and
  • there is no indication their employment income will preclude payment

Place the customer onto 2 weekly reporting if the customer and/or their partner has employment income.

If the customer and/or their partner's paid employment income will preclude payment for the first entitlement period:

  • code the employment income within the new claim via the Employment Income Summary/Employment Income Paid Details (EANS/EAPP) screen
  • assess the claim
  • for YA and Austudy customers, if the employment income precludes payment for the first entitlement period and the claim rejects (Income too High (INC)) or Partner Excess Income precludes customer payment (INE)):
    • go to the Entitlement Delivery (RAD) screen to establish the entitlement period end date
    • go to the Start Date Calculator (NDC) screen
    • update Manual Start Date: with the date the customer becomes payable. This is usually the entitlement period start date following the entitlement period preclusion
  • reject the claim if the customer is not qualified within 13 weeks of claim lodgement

Code the EAPP screen using LOP or IOP as the frequency to reject the claim due to income if:

  • a customer states they and/or their partner have employment income, and
  • the 'usual or regular wage' will preclude them from payment

See Recording and correcting employment income details.


Customer subject to a Newly Arrived Resident's Waiting Period (NARWP) + Read more ...


Customer subject to a Compensation Preclusion Period + Read more ...

For help in determining if a Compensation Preclusion Period applies to the customer, see Compensation Preclusion Period.

Compensation Recovery Teams are responsible for assessing Compensation Preclusion Periods. Once an assessment is completed, the information from the Compensation system will tag to the NDC screen.

If the customer is:

  • not required to serve a Compensation Preclusion Period, go to Step 4
  • required to serve a Compensation Preclusion Period, note the Compensation Preclusion To date on the NDC screen. If this date is:
    • more than 13 weeks after the date of receipt of the claim, reject the claim Go to Step 11
    • less than 13 weeks, note the Compensation Preclusion To date. Go to Step 4


Customer subject to a Liquid Assets Waiting Period (LAWP) + Read more ...

For help in assessing and coding the LAWP, see Liquid Assets Waiting Period (LAWP).

If the customer is required to serve a LAWP, note the LAWP End date.


Customer subject to an Income Maintenance Period (IMP) + Read more ...

For help in assessing and coding the IMP, see Income Maintenance Period (IMP).

If the customer is required to serve an IMP, note the Inc Maintenance Period End date.


Subject to a Seasonal Work Preclusion Period (SWPP) + Read more ...

For help in assessing and coding the SWPP, see Seasonal Work Preclusion Period (SWPP).

If the customer is required to serve a SWPP, note the Seasonal Work Preclusion End date.


Determine the interaction between exclusion periods + Read more ...

Waiting and exclusion periods can run:

  • concurrently, or
  • cumulatively

For information, see Interaction between waiting and preclusion periods.

Determine if any of the waiting, maintenance or preclusion periods run concurrently to determine the potential start date for YA or Austudy.


Determine the start date + Read more ...

Based on the information gathered in the claim and assessment, determine the start date of the payment.

If the start date is incorrect, check that coding is correct on the following screens:

  • EDC, specifically the Participation Status Event Date (PSED) and Student Start Date fields (for students only)
  • NES, check the date the customer is recorded as a Full-Time Student/Apprentice
  • Independent/Homeless/Away from Home Summary (NIHS) and Independent/Homeless/Away from Home Details (NIH)
  • Periods of AU Presence while AU Resident (RSPAP)
  • Income Maintenance Period Summary (IMPS) and Income Maintenance Period (IMP)
  • NSS Seasonal Work Period Summary (NSWS) and Seasonal Work Period Summary (SWPS)
  • Compensation Management Summary via the Customer First Workspace
  • NDC

If there is a waiting period that ends on or after the student start date or Deemed Date of Claim, the PSED will change to the calculated start date, as required. Go to Step 10

If the waiting period ends after the Student End Date, and the PSED is the waiting period end date + 1 day, the E688NS - Course End Date Cannot be prior to Participation Status Event Date error will display. To resolve this error and prevent payment from granting from the waiting period end date +1 day (even where no current study details are recorded), Service Officers must:

  • change the PSED to the student start date or Deemed Date of Claim
  • check that the Start Date of the FTS entry on NES date matches the PSED, update if required
  • ensure that the claim finalisation note includes details of the waiting period ending after the Student End Date
  • if the waiting period is:


LAWP ends after Student End Date + Read more ...

Do not manually reject the claim as this removes all LAWP data from the record and if the customer submits another claim within 12 months, a previously served LAWP would make them exempt from serving a LAWP again.

If the waiting period is a LAWP, record a Note/DOC separate from the claim outcome Note/DOC with details of the LAWP including the start and end dates shown on NDC.


Claim outcome + Read more ...

Check results of the claim on the Entitlements (ELD) screen.

Refresh the assessment outcome by making any necessary changes on the relevant screens (except for Compensation coding) and assess through to the ELD screen.

Once the start date is determined, see:

Procedure ends here.


Reject claim + Read more ...

As the claim start date is more than 13 weeks in the future, the claim should be Rejected CDB - START DATE IS>13 WKS IN THE FUTURE.
