Deferment, non-payment period or rate reduction period for Parenting Payment Partnered (PPP) 106-05020140
This document outlines the deferment, non-payment period or rate reduction period for Parenting Payment Partnered (PPP) customers.
Claiming PPP after financial penalty applies as a result of job seeker compliance action
If a decision has been made to cancel or suspend a participation payment as a result of non-compliance with compulsory requirements, for example an Unemployment Non-Payment Period, serious failure or a non-compliance cancellation, a participation payment is not payable. If the customer claims the same, or a different type of participation payment, the payment is not payable prior to serving the remaining financial penalty.
To reinforce the expectation that job seekers comply with compulsory requirements in return for receiving a participation payment, legislation also prevents members of the couple from swapping between participation payments to gain advantage for themselves following failure to comply with compulsory mutual obligation requirements.
Effect on PPP when partner has non-payment or rate reduction period applied
There is no effect on PPP entitlement where these periods of non-payment or rate reduction are applied to the partner of a customer claiming PPP, unless the customer is subject to a non-payment period such as a compensation preclusion period, seasonal work preclusion period or an income maintenance period.
PPP entitlement is not affected if an event has occurred that would lead to one of these periods of non-payment or rate reduction, but the customer has not claimed JobSeeker Payment (JSP), Youth Allowance (YA) or Austudy.
It is possible to allow payment of PPP during a JSP, YA or Austudy non-payment or rate reduction period if the customer has inadvertently claimed the wrong payment.
Related links
Waiting periods for income support payments
Income Maintenance Period (IMP)
Targeted Compliance Framework financial penalties and payment cancellations
Job Seeker Compliance Framework
Claiming Parenting Payment (PP)