Coding the legacy Proof of Identity (POI) screen 106-07040010
This procedure only applies to Centrelink International Services and some ABSTUDY claims. For other/all other Centrelink payments and services use the Identity Confirmation Dashboard in Process Direct, see Identity Confirmation.
This document outlines how Centrelink International Services (CIS) can check and code identity documents on the legacy POI screen in Customer Record and how some customers claiming or transferring to ABSTUDY can meet their identity requirements without providing evidence.
Legacy POI coding requirement
The legacy POI screen can only be coded when a customer is:
- outside Australia and lodging an agreement claim for a Centrelink payment directly with Centrelink International Services, or
- claiming ABSTUDY for which additional procedures apply
Note: For all other Centrelink payments and services use the Identity Confirmation Dashboard in Process Direct. See Identity Confirmation.
Checklist for CIS Service Officers when Legacy POI is lodged
Identity documents must be:
- original and not altered, or
- certified copies of the original identity documents, and
- listed in Legacy Proof of Identity (POI) tiered model A-Z documents
Identity documents:
- with the highest point value or Proof of Birth/Arrival documents must be coded first
- must be provided from the approved list until the required points value has been reached
Legacy POI tier level model
The model has 2 components:
- Commencement of Identity - proof of birth in Australia/ proof of arrival in Australia, which establish a customer's existence in Australia, and
- Use of Identity - identity documents have points allocated according to their integrity, and demonstrate a customer's continuing involvement in the community under that identity
Legacy POI tier levels
From 2015 Payments and Services do not require the legacy tier model, see Identity Confirmation
Prior to the current 2015 Identity confirmation model, the POI tier levels were:
- Tier Zero - no POI documents required
- Tier One - one Proof of Birth (POB) or Proof of Arrival (POA) document or any documents from the approved list to the value of 50 points
- Tier Two - one Proof of Birth or Proof of Arrival document and any other documents from the approved list that add up to the value of 50 points
- Tier Three - one Proof of Birth or Proof of Arrival document and any other documents from the approved list that add up to the value of 100 points
Claims lodged from outside Australia require Legacy POI Tier 3 coding on the Legacy POI screen.
Coding Legacy POI document summary
Staff must enter document details as they appear on the document.
Supporting evidence must be supplied if the customer’s name at birth, maiden name or other legal name has never been coded as their previous legal name. If the customer has changed their name, see Changing the legal name of customers or their children.
This procedure summarises how to code the legacy POI screen. This screen can only be accessed via the legacy POI Document Selection (PDS) screen when:
- completing a new claim activity for claims lodged from outside Australia
- conducting a review of legacy POI coding and/or correcting legacy POI coding errors
If POI has previously been provided and meets the legacy tier requirements of the service reason claimed, the legacy POI screen will be protected, for viewing only. Limited updates of the legacy POI screen are required for abridged claims and manual transfers.
Many document codes on the legacy POI screen will have system edits to ensure a valid document number. Use field help to view the format of the Serial/Registration number for a document.
There is a limit of 11 lines on the legacy POI screen.
For acceptable documents, see Legacy POI tiered model A to Z documents.
Historical POI details
The legacy POI Historical Details (POIH) screen displays all POI documents held on the customer's record prior to September 2001. This screen is for display of previously held POI documents only. No documents can be selected or amended.
The Resources page contains a link to Program Identity contact details.
Related links
Amending Proof of Identity (POI) documents that have already been recorded
Legacy Proof of Identity (POI) tiered model A to Z documents