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Assisting customers to maintain an existing foreign pension 106-08010020

This document outlines how foreign pension authorities may require their customers to complete forms or provide information or documents to ensure they remain entitled to their foreign pension.

On this page:

Providing assistance with foreign pension life certificates and other documents

Assessing whether a customer has taken reasonable action to maintain their existing foreign pension

Issuing Statement of Pension (SOP) and Statement of Non-Receipt of Pension (SOP NOT) letters

Providing assistance with foreign pension life certificates and other documents

Table 1




Customer asks for help with maintaining their foreign pension + Read more ...

Customers will generally receive a letter or document outlining what is required.

See Agreement Country Document Catalogue (ACDC) for samples of forms, foreign documents and translations.

Where help is required for:

  • the Italian Mod Red campaign or with an Article 10 or Mod O bis M, see Italy Agreement information. Procedure ends here
  • a foreign pension life certificate, go to Step 2
  • a Statement of Pension (SOP) and Non-Receipt of Pension (SOP NOT) letter, see Table 3, Step 1
  • any other forms and documents, go to Step 4
  • assessing whether a customer has taken reasonable action to maintain their existing foreign pension, see Table 2, Step 1


Foreign pension life certificate + Read more ...

Most countries send out life certificates on a regular basis to verify the pensioner is still alive. Customers need to complete the foreign pension life certificate and usually need to provide proof of their identity to an approved authority who certifies the document.

Is the request for help related to a foreign pension life certificate?


Services Australia staff action + Read more ...

Most countries will accept certification of foreign pension life certificates by Services Australia staff, but some do not. In all cases, customers, or their representatives, should be encouraged to follow the instructions on the foreign pension life certificate in the first instance.

Known details for foreign pension life certificate processes for agreement countries and information on whether the agency can certify foreign pension life certificates are contained in the relevant country file in International Social Security Agreements or for other significant non-agreement countries in Eligibility and coding of foreign pensions from non-agreement countries.

Where further information is required, customers or third parties must contact the foreign pension authorities in the relevant country.

Queries about foreign pension life certificates

Customers, or their representatives, who enquire about foreign pension life certificates should be advised to:

  • read and follow the instructions for the foreign pension life certificate
  • complete and sign the document
    Note: signatures may need to be witnessed
  • have the document witnessed/certified by an approved authority
    Advise the customer if the foreign pension life certificate for that country can be certified. If not, encourage the customer to use consular services. See the Resources page for a link to DFAT Foreign embassies and consulates in Australia
  • provide any other documents they might need to support the foreign pension life certificate, for example, medical documents to prove incapacity or power of attorney
  • return the document to the foreign pension authority

Procedure ends here.

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-face-to-face.pngService centre staff - certifying foreign pension life certificates

A customer may need to be added to the system before assisting with the foreign pension life certificate. See Adding a customer to the system using Svc Reason code: ‘FPS’.

  • Ensure the foreign pension life certificate has been completed and signed by the customer or their representative if medically incapable
  • Verify the identity of the customer: If the customer:
    • is known to the agency, for example, income support, concession card or residential care assessment; identity is verified
    • is not known to the agency, verify the customer's identity with the appropriate documentary evidence as indicated on the foreign pension life certificate (for example, national identity card or passport)
  • If appropriate, complete relevant sections on the foreign pension life certificate. Parts of the form may not be able to be completed, for example, document number
  • Stamp the form with an official agency stamp (not just a date stamp)
  • Copy and certify all documents provided, for example, identity documents, Power of Attorney or medical documents
  • Return the certificate and documents to the customer and advise them to return the foreign pension life certificate and documents to the foreign pension authority, or external authority
  • Record all details of the contact in a DOC

If Services Australia staff cannot certify the foreign pension life certificate:

  • Copy and certify all documents provided
  • Return the certificate to the customer and advise them of the known contact details
  • Record all details of the contact in a DOC

In all cases contact details for foreign pension authorities are available in the CODES facility.

Procedure ends here.


Other forms and documents + Read more ...

Customers should be encouraged to follow the instructions on the form or letter in the first instance.

The customer will need to clarify any other issues with the foreign pension authority directly.

If possible, the agency should help customers to maintain their entitlement to a foreign pension, including completing forms, copying and certifying documents.

See Agreement Country Document Catalogue (ACDC) for samples of forms, foreign documents and translations.

Does the customer need help with completing forms, copying and certifying documents?


Helping customers with completing forms or copying and certifying documents + Read more ...

  • Ensure any forms have been completed and signed
  • Date stamp any forms
  • Copy and certify any relevant documents
  • Record all details of the contact in a DOC

Note: it is quicker for the customer to send their documents to the foreign country themselves. Contact details for foreign pension authorities are available in the CODES facility.

Procedure ends here.


Foreign pension claim documents - CIS staff + Read more ...

Where the customer's documents are to support a new foreign pension claim, update the FGD screen and send to the agreement partner.

Process Direct

  • Go to the Foreign Claim Details (FGD) screen
  • Select Add
  • On Create foreign claim details update:
    • Country
    • Type claimed
    • Foreign Description:
    • Foreign Country Office
    • Agency
    • DEX Authorisation
    • Date of Event
    • Advice Inhibit Indicator
    • Label Inhibit Indicator
    • Claim Status
    • Reason
  • Select Save
  • Update the following fields:
    • Receipt Date
    • Channel
    • Service Reason - if the system does not select a default Service Reason, select the most relevant Service Reason for the update
  • Select Save
  • Select Assess and address any errors/warnings
  • Selecting Assess again, then select Finish. Record details of the update
  • Select Finalise to complete the transaction

Customer First/Customer Record

  • Go to the Foreign Claim Summary (FGS) screen
  • 'S'elect the relevant entry to go to the Foreign Claim Details (FGD) screen. Code:
    • Date of Event: field as the date the forms/documents was sent overseas
    • Status: field as 'OVS'
  • Finalise the activity
  • Ensure any outstanding Foreign Pension System (FPS) reviews are finalised. For agreement countries only, record a foreign liaison. See Agreement liaisons, NZ CICs and exchange of information
  • Send all forms and documents to the foreign pension authority
  • Record all details of the contact in a DOC

Assessing whether a customer has taken reasonable action to maintain their existing foreign pension

Table 2




Reasonable action to maintain a foreign pension + Read more ...

A customer who does not take reasonable action to maintain their foreign pension will generally be subject to deprivation.

Customers who indicate that they cannot reasonably take the necessary steps to maintain their foreign pension should be referred to International Services (CIS).

Has the customer indicated that they cannot comply with the request from the foreign pension authority?

  • Yes, go to Step 2
  • No, advise the customer:
    • To follow the instructions on the form or letter
    • They will need to contact the foreign pension authority direct with any other issues they have with the request
      Note: contact details for foreign pension authorities are available in the CODES facility
    • If required, the agency may be able to help with completing forms, copying and certifying documents and sending correspondence overseas
    • They may be subject to deprivation if they fail to maintain their foreign pension
    • Procedure ends here


Is the Service Officer in CIS? + Expand ...

  • Yes, go to Step 3
  • No, transfer the case to CIS + Expand ...

    • For contact details, see Centrelink International Services (CIS) - contact details for staff
    • Procedure ends here


Reasonable steps to maintain a foreign pension + Read more ...

Customers who indicate they cannot reasonably take the necessary steps to maintain their foreign pension should be considered in the same way as for foreign pension claims, for example, there are unreasonable costs or travel associated with maintaining the foreign pension, see Assisting a customer to claim a foreign pension.

Is it reasonable for the customer to maintain their foreign pension?


Customer required to maintain their foreign pension + Read more ...

Advise the customer that they must maintain their foreign pension and that, if not, deprivation may apply.

Does the customer agree to maintain their foreign pension?

  • Yes,
    • Advise the customer that, if required, the agency may be able to help with completing forms, copying and certifying documents and sending claim correspondence overseas
    • Record all details of the contact in a DOC
    • Procedure ends here
  • No, apply deprivation
    • Record all details of the contact in a DOC
    • Procedure ends here


Customer not required to maintain their foreign pension + Read more ...

Advise the customer that they are not required to maintain their foreign pension.

Has the customer's foreign pension ceased?

  • Yes, go to Step 6
  • No, advise the customer that that they will need to notify the agency if their foreign pension has ceased. Record all details of the contact in a DOC


Coding foreign pension ceased + Read more ...

Process Direct

  • Go to the FIPS screen
  • On the Foreign Pension Details (FPD) table:
    • Select Expand at the relevant entry
    • Select Add New Row for the child line
  • On the Create Foreign Pensions Details, update:
    • Event Date: Generally, the earlier of the date the customer knew about the change or the date Services Australia was advised. See the Resources page for detailed information and examples on determining the Event Date for coding
    • Currency: if necessary
    • Frequency: if necessary
    • Payment components: code zero for all relevant payment components
    • Any other required information, for instance, Reference 1/2, Description 1/2
  • Select Save
  • Update the following fields:
    • Receipt Date
    • Channel
    • Service Reason - if the system does not select a default Service Reason, select the most relevant Service Reason for the update
  • Select Save

Customer First/Customer Record

  • S'elect the relevant entry from the Foreign Pension Summary (FIPS) screen to go to the Foreign Pension Details (FPD) screen
    • Zero the foreign pension amount recorded
    • Ensure the Date of event: field and Date of receipt: field are recorded correctly to apply the appropriate date of effect of the change in the customer's rate
  • Finalise the activity
  • Record all details of the contact in a DOC

Issuing Statement of Pension (SOP) and Statement of Non-Receipt of Pension (SOP NOT) letters

Table 3




Customer requests statement of pension or non-receipt of pension + Read more ...

Is the request for foreign pension, foreign tax or foreign medical coverage purposes?


Customer contacts Centrelink to request a SOP or SOP NOT + Read more ...

Is the Service Officer in CIS?

  • Yes, and the customer is requesting:
  • No, transfer the case to CIS. For contact details, see Centrelink International Services (CIS) - contact details for staff. Procedure ends here


Customer requests a SOP for a country other than Italy or Greece + Read more ...

Does the customer require a payment summary for a defined period (for example, foreign country financial year)?


SOP letter confirming Australian status payment is required (not Greece, Italy) + Read more ...

If a customer requires a statement confirming they are in receipt of an Australian payment but does not require the amount of pension received, issue an XOB079 letter.

  • In Process Direct go to the Benefit status (XDS) screen or in Customer Record or Customer First, go to the DS List (XDS) screen
    • Note the customer's original grant date
  • Go to the Payment Summary (PS) screen
    • Note the current fortnightly rate of payment, as well as the 4 weekly rate if the customer is paid on the 4 weekly international payment cycle

Create the XOB079 letter:

  • In the Service Reason field select the customer's Australian Service Reason
  • STAGRK: is '1'
  • Complete remaining details as appropriate and print the letter

Record details on a Note/DOC, including that an XOB079 confirming receipt of Australia payment has been sent.

Procedure ends here.


SOP letter confirming Australian amounts paid is required (not Italy) + Read more ...

The bilingual English/Greek SOP letter will need to be issued. This letter is available through the Multi-Lingual Letters script in Customer Record.

In Customer Record or Customer First:

  • Go to the DS List (XDS) screen
  • Take note of the customer's original grant date
  • Go to the Payment Summary (PS) screen
  • Take note of the current fortnightly rate of payment, as well as the 4 weekly rate if the customer is paid on the 4 weekly international payment cycle
  • Take note of the arrears details (Optional)
  • Go to the Tax YTD Totals (TXYTD) screen
  • Type in the required start and end dates, as well as the benefit type
  • Press [Enter]
  • Copy the web link that is created and paste into a web browser
  • Click on the link to open

Run the Multi-Lingual Letter Script

  • Letter Choice: is 'SOP1' (or SOP2 for 2 years, SOP3 for 3 years)
  • Language Option: Select 'GR' if Greek language version is wanted
  • Follow script prompts, providing details as requested
  • Once completed, the letter will print locally and a DOC will be generated on the customer's record
  • Check the letter for correctness before signing
  • Stamp the letter on both sides before posting

Ensure all relevant work items are completed. Procedure ends here.

Note: the financial year in most countries aligns with the calendar however there are some exceptions, such as New Zealand and the United Kingdom, whose financial years span from 1 April to 31 March. Attention therefore needs to be given to these variations.

Procedure ends here.


SOP letter confirming Australian amounts paid is required (Italy) + Read more ...

The Australian Payment Statement - Italy Mod Red script is designed specifically for Italian pension purposes and excludes certain components of the Australian pension that are not assessable by the Italian pension authorities.

  • Run the Australian Payment Statement - Italy Mod Red script
  • Click on: 'Statement of Payments'
  • Select relevant year(s) (most recent year will default)
  • Confirm other details and hit 'Next'
  • Allow the script to run to completion

Procedure ends here


The customer requests a SOP NOT letter + Read more ...

Does the customer have a Centrelink record?


Issue a SOP NOT letter + Read more ...

The XOB079 letter is used to issue a SOP NOT. In Customer Record or Customer First:

  • Create the XOB079 letter:
  • In the Service Reason field select the customer's Australian Service Reason
  • STAGRK: is '3'
  • Complete remaining details as appropriate and print the letter

Record details on a Note/DOC, including an XOB079 confirming customer receives no payment from Australia has been sent.

Procedure ends here.