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Actioning a pending Job Seeker Snapshot initiated Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) activity 001-02330050

This document outlines how to manage a pending Job Seeker Snapshot due to an ESAt referral being flagged. This is a JSR/UPD activity with a keyword of ESAREFRQ, and the Job Seeker Snapshot status will remain pending, awaiting a decision about the requirement for an ESAt.

Managing a Job Seeker Snapshot




Reason for ESAt flag + Read more ...

An ESAt can be flagged for medical and non-medical reasons or a combination of both. Has the ESAt been flagged for a non-medical reason only?


Medical evidence + Read more ...

If an ESAt is flagged for medical reasons (or both medical and non-medical reasons) job seekers need to provide medical evidence.

Has medical evidence been supplied and available immediately?


Medical evidence is not immediately available + Read more ...

Service Officers should discuss the requirement for medical evidence and the type of medical evidence to be provided (for example, Centrelink Medical Certificate (SU415) or Verification of Medical Conditions form SU684) and place the relevant JSR/UPD activity on hold for 14 days using Customer First.

After 14 days has elapsed, if medical evidence:


Medical evidence supplied + Read more ...

Does the medical evidence that is supplied indicate that all conditions are only temporary/short term?


Previous JCA or ESAt assessment + Read more ...

To check the status of any completed JCA or ESAt reports in Process Direct:

  • Key 'RRSUM' in the Super Key, then select Enter, or
  • Select > Participation Summary > Activity type/Non-applied exemptions > Referral summary

Has the job seeker previously had an ESAt or JCA?


Decide if a new assessment is required + Read more ...

Check whether the most recent ESAt or JCA is a current and valid assessment of the job seeker's work capacity.

Go to Step 8 if:

  • the latest assessment is no longer current and valid, or
  • a new assessment is likely to result in a change to the job seeker's:
    • work capacity (new or deteriorating condition), or
    • recommended referral (non-medical barriers and may move from online to provider-led services)


  • Copy and reapply the existing ESAt or JCA in Process Direct:
    • Select Customer Summary from the Process Direct landing page
    • Enter the customer's CRN then select Go
    • in the customer's record select > Participation Summary > Job seeker registration & provider referral information > Job Seeker Snapshot history
    • Select Copy/Withdraw ESAt/JCA link
    • Select appropriate Job Seeker Snapshot reason to copy ESAt from the drop down box
    • Refer the job seeker to the appropriate Employment Services Provider
    • Procedure ends here



Withdraw the ESAt flag + Read more ...

In Process Direct:

  • Select Customer Summary from the Process Direct landing page
  • Enter the customer's CRN then select Go
  • In the customer's record, select > Participation Summary > Job seeker registration & provider referral information > Job Seeker Snapshot history
  • Select Copy/Withdraw ESAt/JCA link
  • Select appropriate Job Seeker Snapshot reason to withdraw ESAt from the drop down box
  • If reason Other selected, complete the Please provide details field

The ESAt flag will be withdrawn, the original outcome of the Job Seeker Snapshot will remain and the status of the Job Seeker Snapshot will be active.

Completion of the withdrawal action will:

  • change the Job Seeker Snapshot status from ‘pending’ to ‘active’
  • create existing activities for referral to Employment assistance, where required
  • prompt the Service Officer to refer the customer immediately to the current recommended employment assistance service (based on the Snapshot outcome), and
  • clear any ESAt/JCA deferred referrals from the system and auto complete the JSR/UPD activity

In Process Direct:

  • Re-run the Job Seeker Snapshot if the flag was withdrawn because the customer's original Job Seeker Snapshot responses have been clarified and the original Job Seeker Snapshot did not reflect their circumstances
  • Ensure all responses are corrected
  • Refer the customer to the appropriate Employment Services Provider

Procedure ends here.


Should the ESAt referral be deferred + Read more ...

In some circumstances, it may be appropriate to defer the referral to the assessor. This includes when the job seeker:

  • is a refugee within their first 12 weeks in Australia. The referral should generally be deferred up to 12 weeks after the job seeker's arrival in Australia
  • is exempt from mutual obligation requirements and there is a valid reason for the ESAt to be deferred. A deferment should not exceed the end date of the exemption
  • has a payment that is suspended (not yet cancelled) because they are imprisoned or overseas
  • has an income support start date in the future, because of an Income Maintenance Period (IMP) or Liquid Assets Waiting Period (LAWP), and the customer does not wish to volunteer for referral to an ESAt during the waiting period
  • is subject to a non-payment period, unemployment preclusion period or has entered into a post cancellation non-payment period
  • does not have mutual obligation requirements and deferring the ESAt referral is appropriate
  • is waiting for the outcome of a claim for Disability Support Pension (DSP)

Is it appropriate to defer the ESAt referral?