Youth Activities to satisfy mutual obligation requirements 001-09070080
This document outlines how a Youth Allowance (YA) job seeker, under 22 years of age, may fully satisfy their mutual obligation requirements by undertaking approved study or training, or a combination of requirements for a minimum number of hours per week as part of their Job Plan.
Determining if a job seeker is undertaking approved Youth Activities
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Satisfying mutual obligation requirements + Read more ... Determine if the job seeker is undertaking combined activities that can satisfy mutual obligation requirements as 'Youth Activities'. A job seeker may be Centrelink Managed where they are undertaking sufficient Youth Activities and will not have to be referred to an Employment Services Provider. Youth Activities can be approved for any Youth Allowance job seeker, including Early School Leavers (ESLs). ESLs do not have different requirements or hourly requirements under Youth Activities provisions. If the job seeker has a disability or is incapacitated, or may have barriers to participation, request an Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) to determine their work capacity and potential entitlement to other income support payments. If the job seeker has a dependent child under 16 years of age, ensure they are assessed as a Principal Carer if appropriate, and have the necessary coding completed. Youth Activities hourly requirements are different for YA job seekers who are either Principal Carers or have a Partial Capacity to Work/Temporary Reduced Work Capacity. |
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Youth Activities examples + Read more ... There are various activities and combinations of activities that could allow a YA job seeker to meet their mutual obligation requirements through 'Youth Activities', and be managed by Services Australia (the agency). The primary focus when approving requirements as suitable is whether the requirement will improve the job seeker's skills, qualifications and their prospects of gaining employment, whilst increasing their social and economic participation. The minimum hours required for Youth Activities will depend on the job seeker's participation category:
Examples of requirements (which can be used alone or in combination to meet the required hours) include, but are not limited to:
If the job seeker is not participating for the minimum hours per week, consider what additional requirements may be appropriate for the job seeker to undertake. If the job seeker needs to undertake job search because they are not participating in sufficient hours of approved requirements or programs, Youth Activities cannot be approved by the agency. These job seekers must be connected to an Employment Service, who will negotiate a Job Plan. Note: Job seekers may ask whether they can engage in part time study/training which has not been approved. Tell them they are not restricted from engaging in other requirements, but these must not interfere with the mutual obligation requirements already agreed to. Is the job seeker participating in a local or state funded program?
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NDIS work focussed activities and DES + Read more ... Job seekers in their final 6 months of participation in NDIS work focussed activities can:
All other job seekers must exit the program if they want to participate in DES. Once the job seeker has exited the program, they are eligible to commence in DES under eligible school leaver arrangements. They do not need to have an Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) to access DES. Job seekers will be referred to DES by:
Note: an ESAt is not required for the agency to approve and record these programs for YA job seekers. However, any job seekers should still be referred for an ESAt if there is a valid reason apart from a DES referral, for example, to determine if they have a partial capacity to work. |
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Coding Youth Activities + Read more ... Before negotiating a Centrelink managed Job Plan, check the Activity and Exemption (AEX) screen shows the job seeker participation activity. To code Youth Activities 'YAC' on the AEX screen in Process Direct:
Note: YA job seekers who are identified at the new claim stage, via the Participation Interview workflow, as potentially eligible for Youth Activities will be RapidConnect exempt. The job seeker referral to a Workforce Australia employment services, national Workforce Australia - Transition to Work program or Community Development Program (CDP) provider will be automatically deferred for a period of 6 weeks. Procedure ends here. For more information, see Deferred referral to Employment Services Providers. YA job seekers who have Youth Activities approved and have already started in employment services will:
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Negotiate the Job Plan + Read more ... Tell the job seeker about the requirement to enter into a Job Plan, their rights and obligations in relation to the terms of the Job Plan, and information about compliance:
Do not negotiate a Job Plan for job seekers placed in Post Placement Support. Check the job seeker's current Placement Type on the Provider referral information table within the Participation Summary in Process Direct. Job seekers in Disability Employment Services (DES) Post Placement Support will have their Job Plan updated by the DES provider. In Process Direct, to begin or continue a started Job Plan:
On the Overview screen, complete the following questions:
Select Next to navigate through the following Job Plan screens: On the Participation Activities screen, the compulsory activity will automatically populate the Job Plan from the Youth Activities (YAC) coding already completed on the AEX screen. The Summary screen will display to confirm the requirement included in the job seeker's pending Job Plan. The Finalise screen enables the Service Officer to:
Once finalised, the details of the Job Plan will be sent to the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations. Note: some of these types of programs are 2 year programs, however Youth Activities (YAC) can only be coded for a maximum of 12 months. The job seeker will need to return to Services Australia at the end of the first 12 month period to have Youth Activities coded on the AEX screen for a second 12 month period. For more information, see Negotiating Centrelink Managed Job Plans. |