Reporting requirements for customers receiving a payment with mutual obligation requirements 001-18120536
This document explains additional reporting factors for customers who are receiving a payment with mutual obligation requirements.
See Reporting overview for the common factors that apply to reporting for all customers, including about:
- the different reporting methods available
- available assistance and resources
On this page:
Assessing and coding variable reporting
Checking and updating details for customers on variable reporting
Assessing and coding variable reporting
Table 1
The Reporting Regime Details (RPRD) screen in Process Direct and the Reporting Summary screen in Customer First are not to be used to process changes to variable reporting as they will return an incorrect date of effect.
Step |
Action |
1 |
Assess eligibility for variable reporting + Read more ... To be eligible for variable reporting:
Variable reporting is automated in most cases, excluding the 'Temp Incap - Serious Illness' (ISI) and the Special Benefit (SpB) 'Newly Released NVH (First 13wks)' (ASR) exemptions. This means the system will determine if the customer's mutual obligation requirements or other circumstances indicate they are eligible for variable reporting and will apply the change to their record if eligible. In Process Direct, check the Activity and Exemption Summary (AEX) screen. A customer will be automatically placed on variable reporting if they have one or more of the following current exemptions or approved activities on their record:
Note: if a customer has not automatically been placed on variable reporting for one of the above reasons, it is highly likely that they do not meet the qualifications for the variable reporting to be recorded. Customers not meeting the earnings/debt test should not be manually placed on variable reporting unless they are only affected by recent earnings and have confirmed they have ceased work and are not expecting to receive any further own or partner earnings. A job seeker can be manually placed on variable reporting if they have one or more of the following current exemptions on their record:
Is there sufficient information on the customer's record to determine their eligibility for a manual variable reporting regime?
2 |
Update customer record + Read more ... To update the reporting frequency, update the Reporting Regime Details (RPRD) screen manually in Customer First:
Note: the system will automatically update the date in the Man Rsn Expiry: field if it exceeds the maximum allowable period of the regime or the manual reason is not ending on an Entitlement Period End Day (EPED). |
3 |
Finalise activity + Read more ... Complete the activity on the Assessment Results (AR) screen. The system will change the frequency of reporting for the customer and issue an advice advising of the new dates. Note: when applying a variable reporting regime on the customer's reporting day (Entitlement Period End Day EPED), and the customer has not yet reported for that day, the system will automatically stimulate the person's payment as part of completing the activity. This is regarded as their first 'non reporting day' in their variable reporting cycle and they will generally need to report on their next EPED. |
Checking and updating details for customers on variable reporting
Table 2
Step |
Action |
1 |
Check benefit status + Read more ... Is the customer's benefit status cancelled CAN/DNL or CAN/FRP for not reporting and the customer is requesting restoration of payment?
2 |
Check for employment income or change of circumstances + Read more ... Clarify if the customer needs to declare employment income or if there has been any change of circumstances for any other period other than the current period. To restore payments, see Restoration of payments. |
3 |
Changing reporting frequency + Read more ... Review the customer's activity type and eligibility for variable reporting. Customers with a grandfathered 'Temp Incap - Serious Illness' (ISI) exemption after 31 December 2024, are eligible to retain their 4 weekly variable reporting regime for the duration of the ISI exemption. The variable reporting must be ceased at the end of the ISI exemption regardless of whether it is replaced with an 'Incapacitated' (INP) exemption or not. Note: in most instances, the system will identify the correct reporting frequency for the customer. Does the reporting frequency need to be changed?
4 |
Changing the frequency of reporting + Read more ... In most cases, the system will change or maintain the customer's reporting frequency based on their current circumstances. If the system has automatically placed a customer on variable reporting and it needs to be changed, or the variable reporting needs to be coded manually:
The reasons for changing a reporting period must be recorded on a DOC. For information on automatic variable reporting processing and tables with suggested reporting frequency based on activity type, see the Resources page. |
Removing variable reporting
Table 3
Step |
Action |
1 |
Check whether the customer's variable reporting is already ended or in the process of being ended + Read more ... Does the Reporting Regime Summary (RPRS)/Reporting Regime Details (RPRD) screen show a current or future 2 weekly (2WE) reporting profile?
Note: when ending variable reporting, suitable time must be allowed for the issue of the reporting notification. The variable reporting cycle will generally be closed off with a final report before the new 2 weekly (2WE) regime is applied. For example, the 2WE 'SPM' profile will commence from the day after the next report. When the below processes are followed the system correctly accounts for this notification period to set the next due report date. The customer's requirement to report any changes of circumstances on their non reporting Entitlement Period End Day (EPED) remains in force until the 2WE reporting profile commences. Under no circumstances is the RPRD screen to be used to bring forward 2 weekly reporting when a future 2WE reporting profile is already present on the system. |
2 |
Update the customer's service profiling + Read more ... To update the reporting frequency back to 2 weekly statement reporting:
3 |
Update the customer's reporting regime on the RPRD screen + Read more ... Update the Reporting Regime Details (RPRD) screen in Customer First:
Note: if compliance action is generated for customer during a period they do not need to lodge due to a variable reporting regime, contact will still be required with the Participation Solutions Team (PST) to release payment. Reporting, however, may only be required from the following fortnight to allow for the correct notification of the requirement. |