Refugee, Humanitarian and Permanent Protection Visa sub-classes 005-02060020
This document outlines the refugee, humanitarian and permanent protection visa subclasses. There is also some information on temporary protection, humanitarian and safe haven visa subclasses, which are not a part of the (permanent) Humanitarian Migration Programme.
Definition of a refugee
For a person to be a refugee for the purposes of the Social Security Act 1991, they must be the holder of a permanent refugee, humanitarian or protection visa.
Since the introduction of the Migration Reform Act 1994, refugee, humanitarian and permanent protection visas have been broken into subclasses which are used to identify the specific category of entrants into Australia.
The Resources page contains:
- acceptable visa subclasses that satisfy social security law and family assistance law. These were issued after 1 September 1994 and convey a permanent residence status
- payments and services holders of temporary protection, humanitarian and safe haven visa subclasses may be eligible for
Related links
Exemptions from mutual obligation requirements for refugees
Documents required for Centrelink new claims
Sighting, recording and returning original documents
Temporary Protection, Humanitarian, Safe Haven and Return Pending Visas
Resolution of Status (RoS) visa (Class CD 851)