Aged care – correction to resident status 065-22022446
This document outlines permanent residential care - corrections to resident status associated manual calculations and letters.
Historical SPARC process
The System for the Payment of Aged Residential Care (SPARC) is the legacy aged care payment system for residential care. SPARC was a view only system from 11 August 2022 and decommissioned in 2023.
To view the legacy SPARC process, see the historical version.
Correction to care recipient's resident status
The care recipient's resident status (for example, low means or not low means) determines the fee structure including accommodation costs. It is set based on the care recipient's circumstances on the date they enter permanent care. See Aged care means assessment.
Once the resident status is determined and fees set in the Aged Care Staff Portal (ACSP), initial fee letters are issued. Initial fee letter advises the care recipient of their aged care fees which include accommodation payment arrangements.
The Resources page contains details of Aged care letter codes and descriptions.
Fee arrangements by resident status
Pre 1 July 2014 Resident Statuses
- Concessional or Fully Supported
- Basic daily care fee (BDF)
- Assisted or Partially Supported
- Basic daily care fee (BDF)
- Accommodation Bond or Daily Accommodation Charge - depending on level of care or extra service status
- Income tested care fee (ITF or ITCF) - depending on income
- Neither Concessional or Assisted or Not Supported
- Basic daily care fee (BDF)
- Accommodation Bond or Daily Accommodation Charge - depending on level of care or extra service status
- Income tested care fee (ITF or ITCF) - depending on income
Post 1 July 2014
- Low means status
- Basic daily care fee (BDF)
- Accommodation contribution (MTC or AC), and
- Means tested care fee (MTCF or MTF) for care recipients whose means exceed the thresholds after date of entry
- Not low means status
- Basic daily care fee (BDF)
- Accommodation payments, and
- Means tested care fee (MTCF or MTF) - depending on means (income and assets)
Correction to care recipient's resident status - post 1 July 2014 assessment scheme
If a reassessment of income and/or assets from the date of entry into permanent care, changes the care recipient's resident status, the Aged Care Payment System:
- adjusts the fees for the care recipient
- calculates any refunds due at the next review
- adjusts subsidies and supplements paid to the provider in their monthly claim
- automatically sends new initial fee letters
Resident status change from low means to not low means
When the resident status changes to not low means due to reassessment of income and/or assets the:
- care recipient is not entitled to any assistance with their accommodation costs
- service provider is not eligible to receive an accommodation supplement payment for that care recipient
When the change in resident status is identified, the Aged Care Payment System will:
- update the Means tested care fee (MTCF) back to date of entry in line with the care subsidy reduction to zero and the updated income and assets
- issue a new initial fee letter to the care recipient and provider with the corrected resident status and updated fees:
- the care recipient is liable to negotiate their own accommodation costs
- adjusts subsidies and supplements paid to the provider
- no refund of the previous accommodation contribution will be generated
Resident status change from not low means to low means
When the resident status changes to low means due to reassessment of income and/or assets. The care recipient may be eligible to receive assistance with their accommodation costs from their date of entry.
When the change in resident status is identified the Aged Care Payment System will:
- update the accommodation contribution back to date of entry
- end date the Means tested care fee (MTCF) if applicable
- issue a new initial fee letter to the care recipient and provider of the corrected resident status and updated fees
- adjusts subsidies and supplements paid to the provider
- refund any overpaid Means tested care fee (MTCF) in the next review
Correction to care recipient's resident status - pre 1 July 2014 assessment schemes
If a new or reassessment of assets (effective on the date of entry into permanent care), changes the care recipient's resident status, the Aged Care Payment System:
- requires a manual update of the changed assessed assets amount
- adjusts any accommodation charge for a care recipient
- adjusts subsidies and supplements paid to the provider in their monthly claim from the month the change updates in the Aged Care Payment Systems. For example, where a resident status correction occurs on 15 May, the subsidy and supplement adjustment will occur from 1 May. This is when the May claims is lodged from 1 June onwards
- may automatically send a letter advising of daily accommodation charge changes
Resident status change from low means to not low means - pre 16 November 2024
When the resident status changes to not low means due to reassessment of income and/or assets, the:
- care recipient is not entitled to receive assistance with their accommodation costs
- service provider is not eligible to receive an accommodation supplement payment for that care recipient
Once the change of resident status is updated in the system:
- a new initial fee letter is manually sent to advise the care recipient and provider of the corrected resident status
- MTCF liability is not backdated on the fees and charges only through the notional fees
- the care recipient is liable to negotiate their own accommodation costs
Resident status change from not low means to low means - pre 16 November 2024
When the resident status changes to low means due to reassessment of income and/or assets, the:
- care recipient may be eligible to receive assistance with their accommodation costs from their date of entry
- service provider may be eligible to receive an accommodation supplement payment for that care recipient
Once the change of resident status is updated in the system:
- care recipient is eligible for assistance with their accommodation costs, and/or
- required to pay an accommodation contribution from date of entry which will be manually calculated
- any accommodation contribution will be backdated to the date of entry into care
- a manual calculation will need to be completed to determine any liability
See also, Aged care means assessment - residential care post 1 July 2014 - post-entry.
The Resources page contains:
- examples of corrections to resident status
- links to:
- escalation form
- Aged Care fee calculator
- mySupport
- letter codes and relevant websites
Related links
Accommodation rules summary for seniors and aged care
Rent Assistance (RA) and change of address to and from aged care
Aged care reviews - Regular Reviews
Aged care reviews - manual adjustments for care recipients - overview
Aged care DVA - referral Process
Aged care means assessment - residential care post 1 July 2014 - post-entry