Changing relationship status, dependent child or family details 102-05000000
This is a Family and Domestic Violence Interaction Point. If the customer is with another person, on speakerphone or already identified with family and domestic violence concerns, continue with the current business conversation. Otherwise, see the Family and domestic violence procedure to conduct the risk identification and referral process.
This document outlines topics which provide information regarding procedures to be followed when customers advise of changes involving their partner, children or other family members.
Government Intent
It is the Government intent that information received from customers regarding changes involving their partner, children or other family members are recorded in an accurate and timely manner. Changes in a customer's family circumstances and caring responsibilities can impact on their entitlement to different Centrelink payments and services.
Customers at risk of family and domestic violence
There are specific procedures for customers who separate and are affected by family and domestic violence. If a customer indicates they and/or their children are at risk of family and domestic violence and are concerned for their safety, their relationship status can be updated immediately. See Change in relationship status from partnered to single for more details.
Updating the customer’s relationship status allows faster access to a higher single rate of payment which can assist them to separate safely. In these cases, if verification of the separation is required, it can be provided at a later date, generally within 14 days.
To protect customers privacy, the records should be unlinked before any updates are made to the customer’s record, see Change in relationship status from partnered to single.
Separating Safely
If a customer notifies of a change in their relationship status, dependent child or family details due to separating from a relationship, there are key tasks they should consider to keep their personal information safe. The sequence of these tasks is important and all updates need to be made separately for Centrelink, Medicare and Child Support. See Separating Safely - Protecting personal details.
Change in relationship status from single to partnered
Change in relationship status from partnered to single
Change in relationship status to single for a customer residing outside Australia
Youth Allowance (YA) or ABSTUDY customer becomes partnered
The Living Arrangements question set
Changes in a customer's circumstances and effect on concession card entitlement
Reassessments for Parental Leave Pay (PPL)
Related links
Assessment of relationship status – processes, roles and responsibilities