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Cancellation at customer's request of JobSeeker Payment (JSP) or Youth Allowance (YA) (job seeker) 102-10020190

This document outlines how a customer can voluntarily request Services Australia cancel their JobSeeker Payment (JSP) or Youth Allowance (YA) (job seeker) payments.

On this page:

Customer requests cancellation of payment

Advise customer of the impacts of cancelling payment

Reason for cancellation request

Coding requirements for cancellation of JSP/YA

Customer requests cancellation of payment

Table 1




Request for cancellation received from customer + Read more ...

Is the customer currently receiving their income support payment?

Note: if the customer has a nominee, see Nominees.


Contact type used to request cancellation + Read more ...

If the request was:


Request is received by letter/email or by a failed online attempt + Read more ...

The Service Officer must make genuine attempts to contact the job seeker to initially discuss an unfavourable decision, go to Advising verbally of an unfavourable decision

Failed online attempts result in a generated Manual Follow Up review allocated by Workload Manager.

Was the attempt to contact successful, including all required contact attempts?


Reason for requested cancellation + Read more ...

Attempt to clarify with the job seeker the reason they want to cancel their payment.

If the reason is:

  • work related, see Step 1 in Table 3
  • not work related, see Step 5 in Table 3
  • customer does not wish to disclose, see Step 6 in Table 3

Advise customer of the impacts of cancelling payment

Table 2




Supplementary and add on payments + Read more ...

Make sure the customer understands they will not be entitled to any supplementary or add on payments, which may include:

  • Rent Assistance
  • Energy Supplement
  • Pharmaceutical Allowance
  • Telephone Allowance
  • Utilities Allowance (available to people who receive youth rates of Disability Support Pension (under 21, no children) on the test days)
  • Approved Program of Work Supplement
  • Language, Literacy and Numeracy Supplement
  • Pensioner Education Supplement


Related considerations + Read more ...

Advise the customer they may:

  • no longer be able to use their Concession Card
  • need to serve the relevant waiting period if they reclaim an income support payment
  • impact their partners payment

Note: advise of possible entitlement to a Low Income Health Care Card.


Family Tax Benefit (FTB) and Child Care Subsidy (CSS) + Read more ...

On cancellation of their ISP, customers must

Reason for cancellation request

Table 3




Work related cancellation + Read more ...

If a customer says they are commencing or returning to work, they may still have access to payment or final payment pending cancellation, which may include their working credit balance. See Working Credit

Clarify if the employment is:

  • full time ongoing or non-ongoing now or in the future
  • an increase in casual employment or part-time hours
  • self-employment

Note: full-time Australian Apprentices may be eligible for ABSTUDY, Austudy or YA. If the customer advises they have become a full-time Australian Apprentice, investigate entitlement to one of these payments. See Existing customer starts an Australian Apprenticeship.

If the employment is:


Full time ongoing + Read more ...

Has the customer already commenced full time ongoing employment or do they know what date they are due to commence?

Does the customer still wish to proceed with cancellation?

Procedure ends here.


Full time non-ongoing + Read more ...

Does the customer know how long they will be employed?

If it is:

  • less than 12 fortnights, advise the customer to continue reporting fortnightly
  • longer than 12 fortnights, and the customer has not received an income support payment during this period, their payment will automatically cancel

Does the customer still wish to proceed?

Procedure ends here


Changes to part time or casual work + Read more ...

Advise the customer they may still be eligible for part-payment.

Payments automatically cancel when reported earnings result in 12 consecutive fortnights of zero payment. This is subject to fluctuations in the customers earnings.

Does the customer wish to proceed with payment cancellation?

Procedure ends here.


Not work related + Read more ...

The customer may want to cancel due to the following non work related reasons:

Advise the customer they may still be eligible for a final part-payment before cancellation.

Does the customer still wish to proceed with cancellation?

  • Yes, see Table 4
  • No, advise the customer to continue reporting

Procedure ends here


Reason not disclosed + Read more ...

If the customer does not disclose their reason for cancelling their payment, see Table 4.

Coding requirements for cancellation of JSP/YA

Table 4




Job seeker reporting cycle + Read more ...

If the job seeker is on a variable reporting cycle, go to Step 2.

If the job seeker is reporting 2 weekly they can submit a final reporting statement.

If the customer's request to cancel payment is received prior to the last day of their entitlement period (EPED), cancel their payment from the day the customer requests cancellation.

If the job seeker normally reports 2 weekly but does not intend to report anymore:

  • Cancel their payment with the date of event (DOV) as DPT + 1
  • For coding, go to Step 3


Job seeker is on a variable reporting cycle + Read more ...

If the job seeker is on variable reporting and wants to submit a final report, update their reporting on the RPRS/RPRD screens or use the Reporting Summary workflow to standard reporting cycle so the customer can submit their final Reporting Statement without risk of a possible overpayment

To proceed with the cancellation, including customers that do not want to submit a final report:

  • Cancel their payment with the date of event as the day following the 'authorised to date', that is, the EPED + 1 of the last Reporting Statement lodged. For coding, go to Step 3
  • If the job seeker receives any payments after that date the system will treat these as overpayments and create a debt
  • Record details on a DOC

Procedure ends here.


Coding voluntary cancellation of a job seeker’s payment + Read more ...

The date of effect can differ depending on the date of event and where the event is reported before the end of the entitlement period in which it occurred.

  • Access the Benefit Action (BA) screen - code 'BA' in Nxt: and press [Enter]
    • Svc Rsn field key 'JSP' or 'YAL' as applicable
    • Action field key 'CAN'
    • Reason field key 'CLR' (withdrawn/voluntary surrender). The job seeker will not be able to access any working credits or employment income nil rate period

Date of effect is:

  • EPED + 1:
    • variable reporter, this will be the EPED + 1 of the last reporting statement they lodged
    • statement reporter and reporting statement received on or after EPED
    • any outstanding reports must be processed before the payment is cancelled
  • DOR:
    • statement reporter and reporting statement received before EPED
      - in order to receive any outstanding partial payment, tell the customer to report their employment income immediately after cancellation, either online or using the Centrelink Express mobile App
  • DPT + 1:
    • statement reporter not intending to lodge any outstanding reports

When coding a voluntary cancellation of a job seeker’s payment:

  • select CANC CLR - requested by CUS for (PAYMENT TYPE) Fast Note
  • record all relevant details of the cancellation in the template. Clearly document the conversation with the customer and the reason they wish to cancel their payment, following the GIR DOC minimum standards
  • proceed to attach the Fast Note to the CAN activity
  • 'S'elect the CAN activity and complete the Assessment Results (AR) process


  • a payment will not be generated until the Reporting Statement is lodged via self-managed service channels (Online account, Express Plus application or phone), in person or in writing (SU19)
  • if a customer is cancelled CLR they will not be eligible for the Youth Bonus Wage Subsidy 26 week suspension period
  • if the customer received a Crisis Payment in the period the updates were applied, a manual reassessment of Crisis Payment may be required. For more information, see Reviewing and reassessing Crisis Payment (CrP)