Suspension of Parenting Payment (PP) 102-10030120
This document outlines when and how to suspend PP. There are links to restoration procedures when it is appropriate.
On this page:
Pre-suspension determine if suspension action can be taken
Suspension of Parenting Payment
Actions after suspension has been manually coded - in all cases/for all payments
Pre-suspension determine if suspension action can be taken
Table 1
Step |
Action |
1 |
Letters returned? + Read more ... Have letters been returned 'return to sender - no longer at this address'?
2 |
Customer contacts after suspension of payment + Read more ... Has the customer contacted about a payment that has already been suspended?
3 |
Reason for suspension + Read more ... Payments may be suspended if a customer is temporarily not qualified for payment or the payment is not payable as a result of:
Is it appropriate to consider suspending payment?
4 |
Employment income + Read more ... Is suspension being considered because the customer has employment income that may result in a nil rate payable?
5 |
Code employment income + Read more ... Updating employment income allows eligible customers to utilise Working Credits or the Work Bonus and access 12 fortnights at the nil rate before their payment is cancelled:
If the customer is entitled to the employment nil rate period, the system will be automatically updated when the employment income is recorded on the customer's record. Payments are automatically restored if employment income reduces and the customer is again eligible for payment. Customers retain their entitlement to the Pension Concession Card (PCC) in the nil rate period.
Procedure ends here. |
6 |
Customer contact + Read more ... Payments must not be suspended or cancelled if it is merely suspected that a customer is no longer eligible for payment or if they have unverified information (e.g. a tip-off) which suggests a customer may not be eligible. Regardless of how significant the available evidence is, the customer must be asked to provide information, because a definitive outcome cannot be determined without giving customers the opportunity to address adverse information. See Genuine attempts to contact by phone. If the customer has a correspondence nominee, copies of letters and notices must also be sent to the nominee. Payments must not be suspended if contact with the nominee has not been made or attempted. Has the customer been issued with an appropriate request notice for information/action?
7 |
Request information + Read more ... Issue a written request for the required information. See Requesting information (CLK). Procedure ends here until the information has been provided and/or the review for the return of information has matured. |
8 |
Response/non-response to request for information + Read more ... Has the customer responded to the request for information/action within the reasonable timeframe allowed?
9 |
Customer has not responded to request + Read more ... If a manual review activity falls due and the customer has not responded to the request for information, determine if special circumstances (such as vulnerability indicators) exist to warrant an extension of time to respond. Do special circumstances exist?
10 |
Customer responds to request for information, update record + Read more ... Update the customer's record with the information provided. If the customer's circumstances preclude payment, payment will be automatically suspended or cancelled. If income affects payments, rate of payment or Working Credit balance may change. Record the details on a DOC. For more information, see:
Procedure ends here. |
Suspension of Parenting Payment
Table 2
Step |
Action |
1 |
Decision to suspend payment + Read more ... Payments must only be suspended when:
Note: if the customer correspondence has been 'returned to sender' or 'no longer at this address', see Return to sender (RTS) mail for Centrelink. |
2 |
Customer/nominee contact + Read more ... As the suspension is an adverse decision, before finalising a suspension activity, in most cases Service Officers are required to make at least 2 genuine attempts to contact the customer (or their nominee) to advise of the decision. Note: access staff must advise customers of an unfavourable decision at point of contact. |
3 |
Suspend payment Select relevant option. In Customer First + Read more ... On Benefit Action (BA) screen, code:
In Process Direct + Read more ...
Suspend payment Select relevant option.
In Process Direct Go to the Benefit Action (BA) screen Click on + Add New to create a new Create Benefit Action table From the drop down options select the: Service reason from the Benefit Type Code field Benefit action from the Benefit Action field Suspension reason from the Reason field Enter the date of effect of the suspension in the Date of Effect field. For more details, see Suspension of payments (CLK) Select Save Complete the Receipt Date, Channel and Service Reason fields and select Save Select Assess and address any errors/warnings which may present on the Errors (SWE) screen Select Assess > Finish. Record details of the update on the Finalise screen Select Finalise to complete the transactionDOC the suspension by recording all relevant details using a Fast Note. Use Fast Note - select Auto Text, use Generic > SUS/CAN/RES > Suspend Cancel Reason. The Fast Note must contain:
Families estimates + Read more ... As soon as PP is suspended, an estimate should be provided for Family Tax Benefit (FTB)/Child Care Subsidy (CCS). The system will automatically issue a request for an estimate. Estimates may be given verbally. Customers should provide a reasonable estimate as soon as possible to reduce the risk of overpayment. |
Actions after suspension has been manually coded - in all cases/for all payments
Table 3
Step |
Action |
1 |
Send manual letter + Read more ... If a manual Q134 or Q999 letter is required following the suspension activity, a Manual Follow Up (MFU) activity will be generated, usually overnight, and allocated by Workload Manager (WLM) for action. Has a manual suspension letter already been issued to the customer at the time of suspension?
Note: Q999 letter written without approved free text must only be drafted by a Local Peer Support (LPS), Service Support Officer (SSO) or Team Leader. |
2 |
Set up review + Read more ...
If a vulnerable or at risk customer remains without income support payment for a minimum of 6 weeks due to an automatic suspension or cancellation, the customer will require manual intervention. Customers who are overseas permanently are not eligible for this initiative. Cancel any MFUs generated for customers in this situation. Procedure ends here. |
3 |
Person contacts due to suspension, or review date is reached + Read more ... If the review due date has been reached, review the person's qualification for and payability of the payment. The criteria below are relevant. If a customer contacts regarding their suspension, check the DOC recorded with suspension and ascertain if the customer:
Any contacts about a suspension for DNA participation appointment or activity (APA) are to be referred to the Participation Solutions Team (PST). PST will restore the customer's payment, if appropriate. Does the customer meet any of the above criteria and are they eligible for payment?
Reviews will be allocated to appropriate staff by Workload Manager (WLM) upon expiry. |