Manual review after automatic payment suspension and cancellation of vulnerable customers 008-03130050
This document explains how to review the circumstances of vulnerable and at risk customers, engage with them and restore payment if eligible.
Contact with vulnerable customers
Customers may have trouble engaging with Services Australia if they are at risk or have vulnerabilities such as:
- living in remote areas with little or no access to health services
- being homeless
- having an intellectual impairment
- showing behaviours which indicate a chronic mental health condition
- having just been released from prison
- having limited English proficiency
- arriving in Australia on a refugee or humanitarian visa
Service Officers must make 2 genuine attempts to contact customers to talk about:
- the reason for suspension or cancellation
- what is needed to restore their payment, and/or
- putting a nominee arrangement in place if appropriate
Customers who need extra support to engage may benefit from a referral to a specialist such as:
- Social Workers
- Community Engagement Officer (CEO)
- Indigenous Services Officer (ISO)
- Multicultural Service Officer (MSO)
- Customer Critical Response Team (CCRT)
Customer selection process for manual review
Services Australia uses a manual process to review vulnerable customers when the system auto suspends or cancels their payment for a minimum of 6 weeks.
The customer selection process for manual review is:
- started by the:
- type of payment
- suspension or cancellation code, and
- time since suspension or cancellation reason
- used for customers getting the following payment types:
- Age Pension
- Carer Payment (CP)
- Disability Support Pension (DSP)
- Special Benefit (SpB all provisions)
The manual process does not include customers living permanently overseas.
Related links
Cancellation, suspension and rejection codes for Age Pension
Cancellation, suspension and rejection codes for Carer Payment (CP)
Cancellation, suspension and rejection codes for Disability Support Pension (DSP)
Cancellation, suspension and rejection reason codes for Newstart System (NSS)
Payment of arrears after reassessment and stopping a payment
Disclosing information to a nominee
Return to sender (RTS) mail for Centrelink
Income and assets test for blind customers
Completing the Accommodation Details (AC) screen and assessing Rent Assistance (RA)