This document explains how to review the circumstances of vulnerable and at risk customers, engage with them and restore payment if eligible.
On this page:
Manual intervention
Manual Follow Ups (MFU) and troubleshooting
Manual intervention
Table 1: contains the steps to review a customer's circumstances and restore their payment if their eligibility has been re-established after a suspension or cancellation.
Step |
Action |
1 |
Allocation of Manual Follow-up (MFU) to review potentially vulnerable and at risk customers + Read more ...
MFUs allocate through Workload Manager (WLM). Search for them in Work Optimiser using the keyword SUSVULFU.
The work item ZIAM_VUL_CUS_SUS - Vulnerable Customer SUS/CAN is created if a manual intervention is required to review the circumstances of vulnerable customers. This is where their income support payment is suspended or cancelled for a minimum of 6 weeks due to an auto suspension or cancellation activity.
Has an MFU allocated for a customer living permanently overseas?
Check the customer's Country of Residence (CRES) screen to see if they are living permanently outside Australia:
Yes, customers who have had their payments auto suspended or cancelled and who are permanently residing overseas are not eligible for the manual intervention procedure:
Cancel any MFUs generated for these customers
Create a DOC detailing the reason for cancelling the MFU
If the MFU cannot be cancelled, see Table 2 > Step 1
Complete a CIS referral use Fast Note - select Auto Text, use Centrelink International Services > Update > Investigate SUS/CAN reason. Do not close DOC
Procedure ends here
No, go to Step 2
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Check customer circumstances + Read more ...
Review the customer's circumstances before taking steps to re-engage them.
Check the:
Customer's benefit status line to confirm their income support payment remains suspended or cancelled
Document List (DL) screen to see if there has been any contact by the customer or the service centre about the income support payment suspension or cancellation
Has the payment been restored?
Yes, if payment has been restored, cancel the MFU
If unable to cancel, or
If message text 'TDI:VULNDOC (DOC must be completed with this MFU)' shows, see Table 2 > Step 1
Procedure ends here
No, go to Step 3
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Check the suspension/cancellation reason + Read more ...
Check why the income support payment was suspended.
Check the:
Service Reason Summary (SRS) screen or the Pension Status History (PNSH) screen for the pension status, reason and date of effect (DOE), or
Event Summary (ES) screen and find the suspension/cancellation activity
Document List (DL) screen and Document Tools for evidence that the customer has contacted Services Australia, provided required details and/or returned any required documentation
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Review the customer's circumstances to identify vulnerable and at risk indicators + Read more ...
Indicators of vulnerability and being at risk include:
A history of mental illness
Intellectual disability coded on the Medical Conditions (MC) screen
Recent grant of Disability Support Pension (DSP)
DSP (Blind) and Age Pension (Blind), Check screen coding reflects the customer's current circumstances including:
Homelessness or an identified risk of becoming homeless
A lack of or disconnection from supports and community
Frail aged
Vulnerability indicators
Circumstances impacting compliance
Recent hospitalisation of a carer or care receiver
Recent grant of Carer Payment (CP)
In a bereavement period
Nominee arrangements
Weekly payment arrangements, and/or
A history of incidents of aggression
For help, see Identifying customer vulnerability and risk issues.
Determine if the customer is vulnerable and/or at risk.
Note: if the customer may be at risk of harm or immediate danger, escalate to the service centre manager straight away. If the manager is unavailable, see Social work service referral for appropriate action.
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Check customer contact details + Read more ...
Check the record to see if the customer has Personalised Services (PS) or has an active Managed Services Plan (MSP).
If the customer is:
a PS customer or has an MSP, go to Step 8
not a PS customer, continue below
Service Officers must make 2 genuine attempts to contact the customer to discuss their circumstances and what is required to restore their income support payment.
If the customer is registered for SMS messaging, issue a pre-call SMS before attempting to contact.
When a nominee arrangement is in place, Service Officers must:
try to contact the nominee first, and
if unsuccessful contact the customer
No restriction exists on contacting customers who have a nominee. However, Service Officers must consider the nominee arrangement exists for a reason and where possible make initial contact with the customer's nominee.
Nominee arrangements should also be discussed with the customer if appropriate.
If the customer:
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Customer has contact details + Read more ...
First attempt
Attempt to contact the customer (or nominee if applicable)
If the contact is
successful, go to Step 9
record the contact attempt in a DOC and hold the MFU until the next working day. See Table 2 > Step 2
procedure ends here until MFU becomes due
Second attempt
When the MFU is due, make a second attempt to contact customer.
If the contact is:
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Issue Request to contact (Q164) letter + Read more ...
Issue a Q164 letter if:
customer has no contact details, or
both attempts to contact the customer have been unsuccessful
Record a DOC detailing the reason for the request and hold the MFU for 14 days. See Table 2 > Step 2
Procedure ends here until the customer contacts, or MFU becomes due
If the customer:
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No response to Q164 letter + Read more ...
If the customer does not respond to the Q164, action according to the customer's circumstances.
The customer is considered:
Vulnerable and/or at risk, go to Step 11
Not vulnerable and/or at risk, Cancel the MFU and record details in a DOC
If message text 'TDI:VULNDOC (DOC must be completed with this MFU)' shows, see Table 2 > Step 1
Procedure ends here
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Determine if income support payment should be restored + Read more ...
Explain the reason for suspension or cancellation and discuss what is needed for restoration.
Special Benefit (SpB) customers due to return their SpB 13 weeks review cannot be restored until the review is received and processed by the SpB processing team. See Special Benefit (SpB) reviews for more details.
Note: If a customer has received Crisis Payment (CrP) and a change has occurred, a manual reassessment of CrP may be required. For more information, see Reviewing and reassessing Crisis Payment (CrP).
If the customer is having trouble accessing their online account, app or phone self-service to report their employment income or other change in circumstances, see Troubleshooting Centrelink self service.
Can the income support payment be restored in this contact?
Yes, restore the payment:
Record details on a DOC
Use Fast Note - select Auto text, Generic >SUS/CAN/RES > RESTORE (Payment type) DOV
Cancel the MFU
If message text 'TDI:VULNDOC (DOC must be completed with this MFU)' shows, see Table 2 > Step 1
Procedure ends here
No, and the customer:
Is not vulnerable and/or at risk, tell them they must supply the required details or attend the required interview based on their suspension or cancellation reason:
Record details on a DOC Use Fast Note - select Auto text, Generic > Enquiry > Advice given. No Update made - see Text for Detail Cancel the MFU activity If unable to cancel the MFU and if message text 'TDI:VULNDOC (DOC must be completed with this MFU)' shows, see Table 2 > Step 1
Procedure ends here
Is vulnerable and/or at risk, go to Step 11
Note: if the customer may be at risk of harm or immediate danger, escalate to the service centre manager straight away. If the manager is unavailable, see Social work service referral for appropriate action.
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Additional information required + Read more ...
If the customer is contacted and extra documentation or customer action is needed before their income support payment can be restored, follow the below process:
Give the customer details about what is needed before their payment can be restored
Make arrangements for the customer to provide the details at their local service centre or through Upload documents online (preferred option)
Issue a Request for Information (RFI) for the documents within the appropriate time frame. See Requesting information (CLK)
Record a DOC detailing what is needed to restore income support payment and any other relevant details
Hold the MFU until RFI due date
Are the documents returned within the required time frame?
Undertake relevant action and restore if appropriate
Cancel MFU activity. Procedure ends here
If the MFU cannot be cancelled, see Table 2 > Step 1
If the customer has contact details, try to contact the customer
If unsuccessful, Go to Step 11
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Further action to engage the customer + Read more ...
The Service Officer must review the customer's record and assess the level of risk. Confirm all reasonable action has been taken or use the most appropriate resource for the customer's circumstances to re-engage.
Further action is required to engage customer
If the customer has contact details:
Refer the customer to the appropriate resource
All specialist referrals must include the payment SUS/CAN reason, action required if the customer wants payment to be restored (if applicable) and the identified vulnerability/risk.
Service Officers must follow the correct referral process, and ensure the referral is appropriate, based on the customer's circumstances. See links below:
Record a DOC detailing what is needed to restore the income support payment and any other relevant details
Cancel the MFU activity
If the MFU cannot be cancelled, see Table 2 > Step 1
Procedure ends here
If the customer has no contact details:
Issue an additional Q164 letter asking the customer to contact Services Australia
Record a DOC detailing what is needed to restore the income support payment and any other relevant details
Cancel the MFU and record details in a DOC
If message text 'TDI:VULNDOC (DOC must be completed with this MFU)' shows, see Table 2 > Step 1
No further action is required to engage customer
DOC the record with details of action taken
Cancel the MFU activity. Procedure ends here
If the MFU cannot be cancelled, see Table 2 > Step 1
Procedure ends here
Manual Follow Ups (MFU) and troubleshooting
Table 2: contains the steps to finalise/hold MFU activities
Step |
Action |
1 |
Finalising Manual Follow up (MFU) activities + Read more ...
If the MFU activity cannot be cancelled or if message text 'TDI:VULNDOC (DOC must be completed with this MFU)' shows:
Create a DOC using Fast Note workflow
Select Custom text and add free text detailing the action taken
In the Document Completion, select Link to existing activity
From dropdown menu, select appropriate activity on the Activity List (AL) screen
Go to AL screen, select MFU activity and finalise through Assessment Results (AR) screen
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Holding MFU activities + Read more ...
To hold the MFU activity:
Create a DOC using Fast Note workflow
Select Custom text and add free text detailing the action taken
In the Document Completion, select Link to existing activity
From dropdown menu, select appropriate activity on the Activity List (AL) screen
Select Held and enter the date the resubmit date required
Select Continue