Referral to a social worker 003-12010000
If the customer talks about suicide or harm to themselves or others, see Customers talking about suicide or self-harm.
Risks to a customer's privacy have been identified. See Separating Safely - protecting personal details to make sure the customer's personal details are safe before progressing.
This is a Family and Domestic Violence Interaction Point. If the customer is with another person, on speaker phone, or already identified with family and domestic violence concerns, continue with the current business conversation. Otherwise, go to the Family and domestic violence procedure to conduct the risk identification and referral process.
If a child is in immediate danger or risk of harm you must act, and a delegate must call 000.
This document explains how and when staff can refer a customer to a social worker.
On this page:
Customer requests social work referral
Customer needs immediate social work referral
Check for a social work referral
Customer requests social work referral
Table 1
Step |
Action |
1 |
Customer asks for a social work referral + Read more ... If a customer is in distress, a referral to a social worker may delay the customer receiving the help they need. If a customer asks for a referral for a social worker, ask them questions to find out the reasons why. Social workers cannot help with:
See Additional support options on the Resources page for help with these enquiries. If the customer:
2 |
Specialist social worker support + Read more ... Certain areas within the agency have a special service offer with the Social Work Branch. Use the links below to access the social work referral process for that area:
If the customer is asking about a payment or assistance not listed above, see the Resources page for other options. |
Customer needs immediate social work referral
Table 2
Step |
Action |
1 |
Customer needs immediate referral + Read more ... Staff must immediately refer the following customers to a social worker:
2 |
Customers aged under 16 without support + Read more ... Tell the customer they will need to speak to a Services Australia social worker. Search for an existing record for the customer. If the customer:
How has the customer contacted the agency? |
3 |
Customer at a service centre + Read more ... If the customer is at a service centre:
If unable to book a callback appointment, go to Step 4. |
4 |
Social work referral + Read more ... If the local social worker is unavailable or the customer contacts via phone:
If no social workers are available, run the Social Worker Referral guided procedure using Young Person 15 years and under as the referral reason. See Table 4 > Step 12. Referral guided procedure is not a substitute for immediate action if a child is in immediate danger or risk of harm. See Risk identification and management of threats to the safety or welfare of a child. Note: do not run the guided procedure on a child CRN or another person's record (for example, a parent of the customer). |
Check for a social work referral
Table 3
Step |
Action |
1 |
Check for a social work referral + Read more ... If a customer aged between 16-17 years who is applying for UTLAH calls about a social worker referral do not book through the social worker guided procedure. See Table 2 > Step 7 in Unreasonable to live at home (UTLAH) initial contact for Youth Allowance (YA), Disability Support Pension (DSP), Special Benefit (SpB) or Tertiary Access Payment (TAP) for the correct process for booking in a social work UTLAH appointment. If the customer contacts about a referral, first check to see if referral has already been created in either:
Does the customer have a current referral?
2 |
Customer has a current referral - no social worker contact + Read more ... If the social worker has not contacted the customer yet:
3 |
Customer has a current referral - social worker contacted + Read more ... If the social worker contacted the customer and the customer wants to speak to the social worker or provide some information, send a Microsoft Teams message to the assessing social worker. Is the social worker available to speak with the customer?
4 |
Ask for more details about social worker request + Read more ... Is the customer calling about one of the following reasons?
If the answer is: |
Offer a social work referral
Table 4
Step |
Action |
1 |
Social worker referrals Read more ... Some customers may be offered a social work referral due to their circumstances. These include customers who are:
Is the customer experiencing one of the above circumstances?
2 |
Assess the need for a social work referral Read more ... For customers who are:
3 |
Customer is experiencing family and domestic violence Read more ... Not all customers experiencing family and domestic violence need a social work referral. They may already be connected with appropriate support services and may be contacting the agency for other reasons. Ask the customer about support they need:
4 |
Customer impacted by declared disasters and emergency events Read more ... Not all customers impacted by declared disasters and emergency events need a social work referral. They may already be connected with appropriate support services and may be contacting the agency for other reasons. If the customer:
5 |
Customer experiencing a declared disaster or emergency event social work referral Read more ... If a customer who is experiencing a declared disaster or emergency event asks for a social work referral:
Procedure ends here. |
6 |
Customer is experiencing very vulnerable circumstances Read more ... If the customer is experiencing very vulnerable circumstances such as multiple barriers and limited support, ask them if there are ways the agency could support them:
If the customer still needs more support, consider if they:
Do any of the above apply to the customer?
7 |
Offer a social work referral Read more ... Ask the customer if they want to speak to a social worker. The customer must agree to the referral to a social worker before referring them. Does the customer want to speak to a social worker?
8 |
Customer needs social work referral Read more ... How has the customer contacted the agency? |
9 |
Contact the service centre social worker Read more ... Speak with the local social worker to see if they can:
Face-to-face general appointments can only be booked by social workers. If there is no face-to-face social work service available:
10 |
Referral to a social worker using Services Australia Workspace Read more ... The customer must agree to the referral to a social worker before staff refer them.
Have these details ready:
Does the IVR message say that no social worker is currently available, or the customer cannot wait on the phone?
11 |
Social worker is not available on the SW Line Read more ... Where a social worker is not available on the SW Line, offer a social work phone appointment:
If no appropriate and timely appointment is available, go to Step 12. |
12 |
Referring a customer through social work guided procedure Read more ... Only use the Process Direct Referral or Customer First guided procedure when:
Wait times for contact may vary because:
Discuss external support options with the customer. See the Resources page for a list. If a social worker referral is still needed, tell the customer:
To create a referral in:
13 |
Create a referral in Process Direct Read more ... To create a referral in Process Direct: Open customer's record:
Procedure ends here. |
14 |
Create a referral in Customer First Read more ... To create a referral in Customer First:
Procedure ends here. |