Mutual obligation requirements for principal carers 102-17010000
This page contains information about mutual obligation requirements for principal carers of a dependent child.
On this page:
Mutual obligation requirements
Incapacity, reduced work, holiday periods and child care
View, create or update a Job Plan
Requirements of a Job Plan
Table 1
Item |
Description |
1 |
Job seeker required to enter into a Job Plan + Read more ... All job seekers with mutual obligation requirements must enter into a Job Plan with either Services Australia or an Employment Services Provider (if provider managed). Once the job seeker has been advised that they are required to enter into a Job Plan they must:
Note: a temporary exemption from mutual obligation requirements may be appropriate, depending on the job seeker's circumstances. Some exemptions apply only to principal carers. Job seekers who live in a designated remote area are referred to a Community Development Program (CDP) provider. These job seekers are required to complete a Job Plan with their Remote Jobs and Communities Programme (RJCP) Provider. Note: RJCP has been renamed to Community Development Program (CDP). The system references to RJCP will be retained until the system changes are implemented. |
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Negotiating a Job Plan + Read more ... Activities included in a Job Plan should be negotiated between the job seeker and Services Australia or the Employment Services Provider, see Negotiating Job Plans. A Centrelink managed job seeker should negotiate a Job Plan with Services Australia, and providers will negotiate the Job Plan for a Provider managed job seeker. |
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Reasonable terms for a Job Plan + Read more ... The activities included in the Job Plan must be reasonable, measurable and achievable by the job seeker. Mutual obligation requirements must not place at risk either the welfare of the job seeker's children or the job seeker's own health or well-being. In the majority of instances, Service Officers will be negotiating Job Plans for Centrelink managed job seekers. For principal carers, this will primarily be for job seekers who can fully meet their mutual obligation requirements by participating in paid work, self-employment, study or a combination of these activities (principal carers under 55 years of age can be fully meeting their requirements through voluntary work once approved by their provider). If a principal carer is no longer able to fully meet their requirements, they should be immediately registered and referred to an Employment Services Provider. In general terms, the following issues should be considered when negotiating a Job Plan:
Note: if a customer advises they are separating, see Separating safely – protecting personal details to ensure personal information is kept safe. |
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Principal carer fails to enter into a Job Plan + Read more ... If the job seeker is required to enter into a Job Plan and fails to do so, either by refusing to negotiate one or by unreasonably delaying its negotiation, the job seeker is no longer qualified for payment. Cancel or reject the payment using Failed to agree to Job Plan (FJP). See Cancellation, suspension and rejection reason codes for Newstart System (NSS). |
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Date the Job Plan commences + Read more ... A Job Plan commences from the date it is agreed by the job seeker. The plan remains current until the end date of all compulsory activities included in the plan are reached, or the job seeker negotiates a new Job Plan. The job seeker can request a review of their Job Plan at any time by either Services Australia or their provider (if they are provider managed). |
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Activities outside school hours + Read more ... Activities that occur outside of school hours may be included in a Job Plan, but only with the consent of the job seeker. Parents must not be required to undertake activities that might interfere with their capacity to supervise and care for their children, unless they, themselves, wish the activity to be included in the Job Plan. |
Mutual obligation requirements
Table 2
Item |
Description |
1 |
Principal carers with compulsory mutual obligation requirements + Read more ... The following principal carers are subject to part-time mutual obligation requirements:
A temporary exemption may be appropriate, depending on the job seeker's circumstances. Specific exemptions may apply to principal carers due to special family circumstances. PP job seekers not subject to mutual obligation requirements may volunteer to participate. They may volunteer to be referred to an Employment Services Provider and enter into a Job Plan. See Eligibility to access employment assistance services through Workforce Australia for referrals. To code a temporary exemption:
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Principal carers not required to register with an Employment Services Provider when meeting their requirements + Read more ... Principal carers who are meeting their mutual obligation requirements in full through the activities listed below are not required to be connected with an Employment Services Provider but may choose to volunteer for services. The activities are:
Principal carers should be informed of available services and offered the opportunity to volunteer if they wish. For further information see Part-time or full-time study as an approved activity for JobSeeker Payment (JSP). If a JSP single principal carer contacts Services Australia regarding undertaking study, advise:
If the study is approved as a short course by the provider to fully meet the mutual obligation requirements (that is the course is 30 hours or more per fortnight), Services Australia will receive the study approval information via automatic update and the job seeker's Activity and Exemption Summary (AEX) screen will display:
The job seeker will be suspended or exited from employment services and becomes Centrelink managed. Services Australia will:
If the course is less than 30 hours per fortnight, the job seeker will
If the job seeker wishes to volunteer to be connected with an Employment Services Provider they should be registered as a Fully Eligible Participant (FEP)/Remote Fully Eligible (RFE) and referred to a provider.
Workaround is required when conducting compulsory participation service update interviews. Note: do not run the Job seeker registration workflow in Process Direct for the Service Update as these job seekers are not required to be connected with an Employment Services Provider, unless the job seeker volunteers to be connected. Ensure relevant evidence is requested and provided and the appropriate approved activity is recorded on the AEX screen. For Centrelink managed job seekers, go to the AEX screen and record the agreed activity as the compulsory activity. The end date must be no longer than twelve months in duration. The relevant approved activity, start and end date match the end date recorded on the AEX screen will display in the sentence text of all Job Plans negotiated on or after 1 July 2024. When coding the service component Service Action 231, Run Looking for Work should be recorded with the result of 'No Action Taken' (NAT). |
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Principal carer job seekers who have a business operating at a loss or below the minimum award wage due to claiming tax deductions + Read more ... Principal carer job seekers, who are engaged in self-employment, will be able to satisfy their mutual obligation requirements if they are working in the business for at least 30 hours per fortnight and their net business income is equivalent to at least 30 hours per fortnight at the national minimum wage. The situation may arise where the job seeker has a viable and ongoing business; however it is operating at a loss or below the national minimum wage due to significant tax deductions. In these circumstances, the income must be assessed as not meeting the job seeker's mutual obligation requirements of 30 hours per fortnight, when calculated against the national minimum wage. The job seeker has not met their mutual obligation requirements and they cannot fully meet their mutual obligation requirements. They must be referred to an Employment Services Provider who is responsible for determining appropriate activities to include in a Job Plan. This would normally be job search. Any gross income and allowable deductions that relate to the business must be taken into account when assessing business income. The processes surrounding the treatment of self-employment have not changed and should not be altered for the purposes of mutual obligation requirements. See: |
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Determining mutual obligation requirements for job seekers who fit into several categories + Read more ... When job seekers with mutual obligation requirements fit into more than 1 of the following categories:
The system will place the job seeker into the most beneficial participation category, depending on their circumstances. |
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Requirement to register with Employment Services Provider + Read more ... Principal carers who are fully meeting their mutual obligation requirements through part-time work, self-employment or approved study do not have to be referred to an Employment Services Provider but can volunteer to participate. Volunteers must be registered as a Fully Eligible Participant (FEP) and be referred to an Employment Services Provider. Additional activities may be included in the Job Plan, but these must be voluntary. |
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Annual Activity Requirement + Read more ... The Annual Activity Requirement is the set number of hours a job seeker must complete in approved activities when in the Work for the Dole Phase. Employment Services Providers must determine the activities the job seeker must undertake to meet their Annual Activity Requirement and record these in the job seeker's Job Plan, including the relevant hours of participation the job seeker must undertake each fortnight. Principal carers are not required to meet the Annual Activity Requirement if they are fully meeting their mutual obligation requirements through 30 hours per fortnight of paid work (including self-employment), approved study or a combination of both. |
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Meeting part-time mutual obligation requirements + Read more ... A principal carer is considered to be meeting part-time requirements if they undertake one of the following:
Note: income provided by a partner to a member of a couple who is in receipt of a social security payment, does not meet the definition of income under section 8(8) of the Social Security Act (1991). For example, a principal carer being paid by their current partner to provide child care to just their own children would not be regarded as meeting requirements. However, a principal carer who engages in a viable family day care business and cares for other children in addition to their own, may have this activity assessed for meeting mutual obligation requirements. |
Incapacity, reduced work, holiday periods and child care
Table 3
Item |
Description |
1 |
Meeting requirements but hours of work fall below 30 in a fortnight + Read more ... If a principal carer is meeting their mutual obligation requirements by working 30 hours a fortnight or more and the hours fall below 30 hours in the fortnight:
Job seekers cannot select the same reason for 2 reports in a row or for any 2 reports in a 4 report cycle. |
2 |
Job seeker claims incapacity or lodges a medical certificate + Read more ... If a job seeker lodges a medical certificate, they may be eligible for an exemption due to being temporarily incapacitated for work. For further information, see Assessing and coding medical certificates for temporary incapacity exemptions. |
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Holiday periods and breaks in activities + Read more ...
See Applying mutual obligation requirements. Note: there are no exemptions for school holiday periods other than the special provisions if the break occurs over the Christmas and New Year school holiday period or during the Christmas Day public holiday fortnight. See Mutual obligation requirements for principal carers of dependent children over the Christmas/New year period. |
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Child care arrangements + Read more ... Unless otherwise requested or agreed by the job seeker, mutual obligation requirements including Employment Services Provider interviews should be scheduled to occur during school hours, generally between 9 am and 3 pm, and during school terms. Where a job offer would involve employment outside school hours or on school holidays, a job is generally considered suitable work if the job seeker can access appropriate care and supervision for their child during the hours of work, including the time it would take the parent to travel to and from work. Appropriate care and supervision means:
The Starting Blocks can be used to advise job seekers of the availability in their local area, but not to advise the actual number of vacancies or to guarantee that a place is available. Discuss Child Care Subsidy (CCS) and Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS). If they want to claim, see Claiming Child Care Subsidy (CCS) and Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS). Depending on answers provided in the online claim or Assisted Customer Claim, customers may be given the opportunity to apply for ACCS (transition to work) within the claim. |
Coding the AEX screen
Table 4
Step |
Action |
1 |
To view the AEX screen + Read more ...
To create a new activity on the AEX screen go to Step 2. To end date an existing activity on the AEX screen go to Step 3. AEX screen is already coded, and the Centrelink Job Plan requires negotiation, go to Table 5, Step 1. |
2 |
To create an activity on the AEX screen + Read more ...
3 |
To end date an activity on the AEX screen + Read more ...
4 |
Finalise the update to the AEX screen + Read more ...
View, create or update a Job Plan
Table 5
Step |
Action |
1 |
Job Plans + Read more ... For job seekers who:
Note: staff must not negotiate a Job Plan for job seekers placed in Post Placement Support. See the job seeker’s current Placement Type on the ‘Provider referral information’ table within the Participation Summary workflow. For those in DES Post Placement Support, the DES Provider will update the job seeker's Job Plan. |