Ongoing reviews for Child Protection and Supporting People at Risk Income Management 103-01040090
This page contains the review stages for Child Protection (CPIM).
Portions of this process can be completed by Income Management Contact Officers (IMCOs) only.
CPIM reviews
Step |
Action |
1 |
Review of priority needs + Read more ... A review of priority needs assessment must be completed in the following circumstances:
The customer's most recent and historical priority needs discussions can be viewed from the Income Management menu by selecting:
Note: a State or Territory Child Protection Authority may have recommended where income funds should be directed. This will be displayed on the Priority Needs Expenses screen (accessed via the Expense Management summary screen). Service Officers are not required to comply with these recommendations, however should document how these needs will be met when conducting a review of priority needs. For further information see Changes to Income Management priority needs. |
2 |
Pre-exit review + Read more ...
A review of Income Management must be undertaken with the Income Management referring authority (State or Territory Child Protection Authority) approximately 35 days before the customer's Income Management period is due to end. The purpose of this review is to discuss the customer's progress to date, and for the referring authority to advise whether Income Management will be extended. If this is the case a new Notice to Commence Income Management will need to be lodged through the Business Hub. To arrange a review with the referring authority, go to Step 3. |
3 |
Arranging a Review with the Income Management referring authority + Read more ...
A review can be organised either over the phone or via email using an Outlook meeting invite to the case worker at the Income Management referring authority. Arrange the review as close as possible to the customer's next contact interview. How to arrange meeting through Outlook:
On the Meeting page:
Note: customer details are not to be disclosed in emails or meeting invites. To conduct a review with the referring authority, go to Step 4. |
4 |
Conducting a Review with an Income Management referring authority + Read more ...
Contact the Income Management referring authority at the agreed time and discuss the customer's individual circumstances. Ask what decision has been made following this review. Note: the referring authority may not make a decision at this contact. Possible outcomes:
Possible actions Take appropriate action if required, for example:
Note: IMCO may be required to update the customer’s record where automated processing does not occur. For more information see Actioning Business Hub requests. |
5 |
Review of Income Management prior to revocation of notice + Read more ...
This is a review initiated by the Income Management referring authority. The referring authority should contact the IMCO prior to revoking a notice, to discuss Income Management for the customer they are wishing to revoke. The IMCO is to discuss the outcomes of Income Management to date and the implications of the decision to revoke the customer's Income Management. |