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Income Management Summary Screen 103-01050030

This document outlines the information available on the Income Management Summary screen.

On this page:

Work Items and Account Details

Qualification Details

Expenses and Assessment Results

Work Items and Account Details

Table 1:




Work Items + Read more ...

Current Work Items

Work Items will show if there are Income Management related actions required on a customer’s record. Action can be completed by one of the following:

  • Manually ‘ticking off’ the Work Item, if nothing needs to be done, or
  • going back into a Workflow to action the Work Item

If the Work Item is left for follow up, at a later date, it will become a Work Item linked to an INM/ACT activity. The Work Item will show each time the Income Management Summary screen or Income Management Warning & Error (IMWE) screen is accessed.

The INM/ACT activity will automatically complete, once all outstanding Work Items are completed.

Note: Work Items should be actioned during the customer interaction, and must not be ‘ticked off’ without the appropriate investigation or action being taken.

For details about actioning Work Items, see Income Management and BasicsCard Work Items.


Account Details + Read more ...

Available Balance

This is the available Income Management account balance which shows all scheduled credits and debits over a 14 day period. For example, the date checked (today) + 13 days = 14 days). It will always show as the lowest balance during the period. See the Resources page for an example.

The Available Balance will show as zero if at any time the balance is negative during the period.

To view all of the credits and debits in the period that affect the available balance, go to the Fortnightly (14 days) balance details.

Current Balance.

This is the Income Management current balance, but does not take into account any expenses due to be deducted over the next 14 days.

If there are insufficient available funds, this section can be used to assess if a regular expense needs to be varied or suspended to allow a customer to access income managed funds immediately to meet their needs. If the customer wants to suspend or vary their allocations, a discussion must be held with the customer to ensure they are aware of any implications this may cause to current allocations.

Available as at: field defaults to today’s date, being the date the screen is accessed, and is protected.

BasicsCard Payment Method: this will show the BasicsCard payment method applicable to the customer. See, BasicsCard Residual Payment method or BasicsCard Partial Payment method.


Expense Allocations Scheduled + Read more ...

Expand twisty to show all expenses scheduled to be paid in the period (today (date checked) + 13 days = 14 days). For each expense details show:

Date - Date payment scheduled.

TPO - Name of the Third Party Organisation (TPO) to whom the expense is being paid. 'Customer' will show when funds are disbursed to the customer (via Unrestricted Cash Payments (UCP), Restricted Direct Payments (RDP) or payment of residual funds).

Expense Category - shows expense category. When the TPO field shows 'Customer', this field will show the type of disbursement for the customer:

  • Lump sum disbursement
  • Regular disbursement

Amount - Amount of payment scheduled for each payment.

AMR - Activity Management Reference of the activity that set up the scheduled payment.

Total of the expense allocations scheduled: This is the sum of the amounts in the Amount column.


Fortnightly Rate Calculation as at (today’s date) + Read more ...

Expand twisty to show the gross and net amounts, after all deductions, for all payments received by the customer.

Information is displayed separately for each benefit system payment:

Benefit Type - Benefit system code.

Next EPED - Entitlement Period End Date.

Next Delivery Date - Date benefit to be paid.

Gross entitlement - Gross amount of benefit.

Compulsory Deductions - Any amounts being deducted for recovery of Advance payments and Services Australia debts, payment of financial supplement loans, Child Support liabilities and tax deductions (including voluntary tax deductions).

Net entitlement - Net amount of benefit.

Income Managed Amount and percentage of payment to be income managed and credited to the Income Management account.

Discretionary funds - Gross amount of discretionary funds paid to the customer.

Voluntary Deductions - shows any voluntary deductions that are to occur from a customer’s payment (for example, Centrepay, Rent Deduction Scheme). These will be deducted from any discretionary funds paid to the customer.

Residual Discretionary funds - Total funds to be received by the customer after payment of any voluntary deductions.


Fortnightly (14-days) balance details + Read more ...

Expand twisty to show the scheduled debits and credits for the next 14 day period: Date of Effect - The date the payment becomes available for expenses. This is the earliest date that regular expenses can be scheduled.

Delivery Date - The date a payment or expense is to be delivered.

Note: delivery of BasicsCard transfers will depend on the payment method applicable to the customer:

  • BasicsCard Residual Payment method (default) -the transfer will occur on the payment strip after the date of effect (that is, the next working day after their payment has been credited to the account)
  • BasicsCard Partial Payment method - the regular payment to their BasicsCard will be delivered the same night as the date of effect

System - The host system for the credits or debits.

TPO Name - The Third Party Organisation who receives the Income Management payment.

Expense Category - The Income Management service reason the expense is paid for.

Debit - Outgoing expenses.

Credit - Incoming income support payments or returned funds. For example, funds recalled from a TPO.

Balance - The balance is updated each time there is a credit or a debit in the fortnight.


Fortnightly Unallocated funds (including %) + Read more ...

These fields show the amount and percentage of Income Management funds in the fortnight that, has not been used for any expenses.


Account Statement + Read more ...

Expand twisty to see all Income Management credit and debit transactions for the customer within the last 28 days. Returned payments (from TPOs into customer's Income Management funds) will show as a 'Credit'.

Date: Date the expense/credit was made.

TPO/Payment Details: Shows the TPO the expense was paid to or recalled funds received from, transfers to and from BasicsCard, income support payments credited, and any payments made directly to the customer.

Category/IM Measure: Shows either the Expense Category (debits), or the Income Management measure under which the income support payment is made (credit). If funds have been recalled from a BasicsCard, 'Recall from BasicsCard' is displayed.

Method: Expense payment method, for example, Direct Debit, BPAY, BasicsCard regular. If an expense failed to be delivered due to insufficient funds, this will show as ‘Unpaid’.

Debit: Amount of expense paid to Basicscard or a TPO. This shows as zero if the expense is ‘Unpaid’.

Credit: Any amount deducted from a customer’s benefit or re-credited from a TPO/BasicsCard and paid into the Income Management account.

Balance: The running balance of the Income Management account.


Account History + Read more ...

To view statement history more than 28 days in the past, select the hyperlink to view the Income Management Account History screen.

This historical Account Statement contains the same information as the Account Statement. Select Continue to return to the Income Management Summary screen.


Deductions - Partial & Unpaid + Read more ...

Select the hyperlink to view a history of partial and unpaid deductions for the customer, prior to 16 June 2014.


Print IM Statement button + Read more ...

Print From: Date the statement is to start from.

To: Date the statement is to finish on.

Central and Local radio buttons - Select a radio button to choose if the statement is to be printed on a local printer or central processing to be mailed.

Printer ID field - local printer number to send the statement to for printing.

Click the Print button to print the statement.

Qualification Details

Table 2:




Qualification Details + Read more ...

IM Measure

Shows all current and historical Income Management measures applicable to the customer, and are sorted by measure priority:

  • Cape York
  • Child Protection
  • Supporting People at Risk
  • Vulnerable - Notice
  • Vulnerable - Special Benefit
  • Vulnerable - UTLAH
  • Vulnerable - Crisis
  • Disadvantaged Youth
  • Long Term Welfare Payment Recipient
  • Voluntary

IM Status

This will show the customer’s Income Management status, which may be:

  • Manual
  • Auto
  • Exempt
  • Exclude
  • Reject
  • Off


Shows the community the customer lives in which made them qualify for the Income Management measure. The community name link will open in Office Locator. If no community is required, 'N/A' will show.


Shows the Local Government Area (LGA) the customer lives in which made them qualify for the Income Management measure. If no LGA is required, 'N/A' will show.

Start/End Date

The Start and End Date of the customer’s period on Income Management, For example, when a customer’s Notice is due to end, or a Disengaged Youth (DEY) customer’s end date would be the date they turn 25. As there is no end date for Voluntary Income Management, the field is blank.

End Reason

End reason for Income Management. This field can be blank.


View Historical Information + Read more ...

Expand twisty to view historical reasons why the customer was eligible for Income Management.

IM Measure - Shows all Income Management measures the customer has previously qualified for.

IM Status - Status will be 'off.'

Community - Shows the community the customer lived in that qualified them for Income Management. If no community required, 'N/A' will display.

LGA: Displays the Local Government Area (LGA). If no LGA is required, 'N/A' will display.

Start / End Date: The Start and End Date of the customer's period on Income Management.

End Reason: End reason for Income Management.


Notice / Agreement + Read more ...

This will only be available where the customer has, or has had, Agreements or Notices for Income Management.

Expand twisty to see details of Agreements or Notices for:

  • Cape York (Notice from Family Responsibilities Commission)
  • Child Protection (Notice from Child Protection Authority)
  • Voluntary Income Management (Agreement)
  • Vulnerable Welfare Payment Recipient (Social Worker Notice)

IM Measure - Shows the measure/s relevant to the Notice or Agreement.

IM Status - Status will be one of the following:

  • Active
  • Inactive
  • Future
  • Revoked
  • Ended

Status reason - The reason the Agreement or Notice was ended. This will be blank where the status is ‘Active’.

Status Date - The date the status of the Agreement or Notice came into effect.

Default Percentage - The percentage of Income Management applied for Child Protection and Cape York customers only. (Voluntary and Vulnerable Welfare Payment Recipient customers will show as ‘N/A’).

Start Date - The date Income Management commenced.

End Date - The date Income Management ended/is due to end. For ‘Active’ Voluntary Income Management Agreements, this field is blank.

Receipt Date - The date the Agreement or Notice was received by Services Australia.

Contact Officer - details section will also show if contact details are recorded for the customer.


Exemption / Exclusion + Read more ...

The Exemption / Exclusion section will only show if there is exemption or exclusion information for the customer.

IM Measure: Shows Income Management measure to which the exemption or exclusion applies.

Type: Type of exclusion or exemption.

Reason: The reason for the exclusion or exemption.

Start Date: The date Income Management commenced.

End Date: The date Income Management ended or is due to end.

AMR: Activity Management Reference of the activity that granted the exemption or exclusion.


IM Third Party Consent History + Read more ...

The Income Management Third Party Consent History page link, shows all consent information for the customer. The following fields will show:

Date - Shows the date of consent of status commencing.

Organisation - Shows the organisation that the customer has or has not provided consent to share information with.

Consent Ind - Identifies if the customer has:

  • given consent
  • not given consent
  • withdrawn consent
  • consent has lapsed

Details - Shows a list of information that can be shared with the organisation.

AMR - Activity Management Reference of the activity that set up the consent details.


Interpreter details history + Read more ...

This links to the Interpreter details history screen.

If the customer requires an interpreter, the Initial Assessment, Vulnerable Notice and Income Management Exemption/Exclusions workflows record information regarding the use of an interpreter. The Interpreter Details block will list all assessments where an interpreter was needed. To view interpreter details for an assessment select the applicable radio button.

The Selected interpreter details will show for the selected assessment:

  • Activity ID: The Activity Management Reference (AMR) of the assessment
  • Date of action: The date the assessment workflow was completed
  • Assessment type: The type of assessment (for example, Child Protection Assessment, Compulsory IM exemption etc.)
  • Language: Customer's required interpreter language as recorded on the Other Contact Details (OCD) screen
  • Interpreter used: Yes, No, Not Available or Not Required
  • Reason why interpreter not used: Where, No, Not Available or Not Required is selected within an assessment workflow, a reason the assessment continued is also needed
  • More information: Any more details recorded by a Service Officer if an interpreter was not used in an assessment

If the customer has no interpreter history details, the message, 'The customer has no Income Management interpreter data recorded', will show.

Expenses and Assessment Results

Table 3:




Expenses + Read more ...

The Priority Needs Expenses twisty shows only when the 'Priority Needs Expenses' workflow has been completed and priority needs have been recorded.

When the twisty is opened the following will show for the most recent discussion recorded:

Last Discussion Date: Date of last discussion

Priority Needs: List of Priority Needs

Met By: How the Priority Needs are being met

Additional Information: Extra relevant information

AMR: Activity Management Reference of the activity that recorded the priority needs expenses.


Priority Needs Expenses History + Read more ...

The Priority Needs Expenses History screen shows a list of all historical Priority Needs discussions held with the customer. The outcome of those discussions can be viewed by selecting the relevant date.

The following summary information will show on this screen:

Last Discussion Date - Date of priority needs expenses recorded.

Initiative - Initiative that priority needs expenses are recorded for.

Priority Needs - Identifies the priority needs expenses of the customer.

Met By - Identifies how the priority needs expenses are being met.

Additional Information - A field that can be used to record more details regarding the customer’s priority needs expenses that, the referring Child Protection Authority has identified as being applicable to the customer.

AMR - Activity Management Reference of the activity that recorded the priority needs discussion.


Assessment results (AR) footer + Read more ...

The AR footer shows on the Income Management Summary when an Income Management assessment, Exemption or Reassessment is being processed.

  • Activity Notes: Further notes relating to the activity can be recorded
  • Do Not Finalise: Selecting this radio button will exit the AR screen. The status of the activity remains as STArted and all screen updates entered will be retained
  • Finalise: Selecting this radio button will record a COMpleted status on the activity
  • Continue: Selecting on this button will execute the action selected via the radio button
  • Save & Exit: This button will retain the activity in its current status and exit the workflow