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Delivery of payments to Centrelink customers outside Australia 103-04020000

Residence and International program

Overseas Bank Account Details (OBAD)

Currency information

Do not share these attachments externally. See Freedom of Information – Information Publication Scheme.

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-hidden-attachment.pngCurrency used for Direct deposit payments

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-hidden-attachment.pngCurrency used for International cheque payments

Contact details

Centrelink International Services (CIS) - contact details for staff

Finance Tasmania team

Active SWIFT and FI ID Check (formerly Citibank Global Bank Search (GBS))

Due to incompatibility issues, Citibank’s GBS tool is not currently working.

Use the following websites for verification:







For any other FI ID, send a verification request to International Program

Overseas Payment Schedule

Do not share these attachments externally. See Freedom of Information – Information Publication Scheme.

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-hidden-attachment.pngOverseas Payment Schedule for 2026

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-hidden-attachment.pngOverseas Payment Schedule for 2025

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-hidden-attachment.pngOverseas Payment Schedule for 2024

Exchange rates used for overseas direct deposit payments

This is the exchange rate used by the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) to convert the Australian pension amount into the currency the customer is paid in. The list contains current and historical exchange rates.

Do not share these attachments externally. See Freedom of Information – Information Publication Scheme.

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-hidden-attachment.pngExchange rates used for overseas direct deposit payments

Payment refund request template

Do not share these attachments externally. See Freedom of Information – Information Publication Scheme.

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-hidden-attachment.pngRefund request


Forms for customers

Table 1




International bank account form (AUS178)

The International bank account form (AUS178) form is commonly known as an OSDD (Overseas Direct Deposit) form. It is available for customers to provide their overseas bank details.

There are over 40 versions of the forms to cater for overseas banking requirements that depends on:

  • the country in which the bank account is located
  • the payment method used (for example, ACH, WWR with local currency, WWR with US intermediary) and
  • the banking and additional personal information needed (for example, SWIFT or local bank code, account number or IBAN, tax ID or phone number)

There are also various language versions.

The correct form to use for a country can be found on the Services Australia website (via QC 20336)

The forms are also available for staff on the intranet (see Online Forms).


Authorising a person or organisation to enquire or act on your behalf form (SS313/AUS221)

The appointed payment nominee does not need to be in Australia to receive payments on behalf of the customer living outside Australia. They can be located outside Australia.


A nominated person/organisation in

  • a payment sanctioned country cannot receive Centrelink payments on behalf of the customer
  • Australia or outside Australia cannot be paid by cheque

To arrange for another person or organisation to receive payments on the customer's behalf, the customer and payment nominee must complete an Authorising a person or organisation to enquire or act on your behalf form and ensure bank account details are provided.

There are 2 forms available, depending on where the payment nominee is located. For payment nominees:

  • in Australia – the SS313 form
  • outside Australia – the AUS221 form (including the AUS221GR – English/Greek version, AUS221IT – English/Italian version)

The form can be:

  • lodged online, or
  • returned by fax, mail or in person

The correct form to use for a country can be found on the Services Australia website (via QC 19421 for the SS313 form or QC 19466 for the AUS221 form variations).

The forms are also available for staff on the intranet (see Online Forms).

IBAN Validation Tool

Table 2




IBAN Validation Tool

The IBAN calculator/validator is used to check an IBAN by validating all the elements such as:

  • bank code
  • branch code
  • account number, and
  • specific check digits for each country

The IBAN calculator does a simple check that checks the:

  • digits correspond with the number, and
  • IBAN is the correct length and format for the country

It is only a guide. Always request current bank documents showing account details from the customer if details vastly differ or are not as provided by the customer.

Payment rejection reasons

Table 3: common direct deposit payment rejection reasons, general explanations, and suggested actions.

Note: it may be obvious why the payment has rejected. For example, rejection reason provided as “Account blocked, closed or Invalid Account” on a record where the customer is deceased.

If it is not known or unclear why the payment rejected, consider the suggested action including checking PAPO and any non-PAPO coding is correct and contacting the customer. DOC tools should be checked for any new change in circumstances information (for example, new account details, death notification).



Suggested Action

Account Closed

Account has been closed by the beneficiary or authorised agency/nominee.

Customer may be deceased or the account may be closed for other reason. (For example, change of account).

Contact the customer.

If death action has been recorded on customer's record and the returned payment is owed to the estate, see Issuing a one off payment or arrears to a Centrelink beneficiary outside of Australia.

Account Blocked

Account Disabled

Account Frozen

Bank accounts may be blocked, frozen or limited for a variety of reasons, including:

  • internal bank policies
  • external regulations
  • the death of an account holder, or
  • by a court order or legal decision

When a bank account is frozen, it may be because of money owed to another individual or business.

Contact the customer and discuss account issue or provide alternative account details (including payment nominee details).

Account Name and Account Number Do Not Match (Mismatch)

Customer Identification Failed

Account number/IBAN and the beneficiary's name provided do not match.

These rejections normally occur with wire payments where bank details are checked manually.

Check all details on PAPO, in particular the beneficiary's name is:

  • recorded exactly as per the bank document provided, and
  • in the correct format (for example, first name then surname)

Correct PAPO or contact the customer to confirm account details.

Beneficiary Account Name Incomplete

Incorrect Account Title

Beneficiary's account name recorded is not the same as that held by the bank.

Check the written bank details given by the customer. Confirm beneficiary's name on bank statement/AUS178 has been recorded exactly as provided on PAPO.

Contact the customer to confirm details and request a copy of their bank statement showing beneficiary name and account details.

Account number format invalid

Invalid account number

Invalid IBAN

Account number/IBAN incorrectly recorded.

Check the country information in OBAD and the details given by the customer.

Make sure the account number/IBAN and bank code/SWIFT is correct and in the required format for the country.

Correct PAPO or contact the customer and request updated account details.

Beneficiary Deceased

Beneficiary or joint account holder is deceased.

See Death of an income support customer or partner

If death action has been recorded on customer's record and the returned payment is owed to the estate, see Issuing a one off payment or arrears to a Centrelink beneficiary outside of Australia.

Beneficiary Failed To Collect Funds

Particular to customers paid to a bank account in South America.

Customers are obliged to contact their bank on a regular basis:

  • If a certain period elapses and no contact is made by the customer, the beneficiary bank rejects the payment

Contact the customer and tell them of the rejection of the payment by their bank.

The rejected payment can be reissued when the customer has confirmed they have contacted the bank and all issues have been resolved.

Failed Check Digit validation

IBAN is incorrect.

Check documentation provided by the customer and confirm IBAN recorded on PAPO is correct.

Use the IBAN calculator/validator to validate the IBAN.

Correct PAPO or contact the customer and request updated account details.

Incorrect Beneficiary Name/Address

Beneficiary's name and address given to the bank are not the same as those in their records.

Check the written bank details provided by the customer. Confirm the beneficiary's mane and address on bank statement/AUS178 have been recorded correctly on PAPO.

Line 2 and 3 of the customer's HOMe address on the ADS screen are stripped and sent with the pay file. Check that Line 2 and 3 has as much of the customer's address, as possible as recorded on the bank statement.

Contact the customer and request a copy of their bank statement, showing beneficiary name, address and account details.

Invalid Account Details

Beneficiary account may be closed, or the account number or FI ID/SWIFT may be incorrect.

The account holder may have died.

Check bank details provide the customer including:

  • the FI ID/SWIFT code, and
  • account number/IBAN

Check the account title holder and ensure it is:

  • recorded exactly the same, and
  • in the correct format (for example, first name then surname) as on the bank statement

Check the country information in OBAD.

Correct PAPO and/or contact the customer and request updated account details.

Invalid Bank Code or Branch Code

Invalid Beneficiary Bank Routing Code

Invalid Local Code

Beneficiary bank or branch code is invalid.

The financial institution may have merged or details have been recorded incorrectly.

Check the country information in OBAD and the details given by the customer.

Make sure the bank code is correct and in the required format for the country.

Correct PAPO or contact the customer and request updated account details.

Note: for countries where IBANs exist, local bank codes form part of the IBAN. This reason can also mean the IBAN is invalid.

Invalid Beneficiary Account Number

Beneficiary account may be closed, or the number may be incorrect.

Payment may have been sent to an incorrect bank.

Check FI ID/SWIFT and account number/IBAN provided by the customer.

Check the country information in OBAD.

Correct PAPO or contact the customer and request updated account details.

Invalid SWIFT

Beneficiary bank's SWIFT code is invalid.

Payment may have been sent to an incorrect bank.

The financial institution may have merged or details have been recorded incorrectly.

Check the country information in OBAD and the details given by the customer.

Check the FI ID/SWIFT and account number/IBAN provided by the customer.

Correct PAPO or contact the customer and request updated account details.

Local Code Provided Does Not Match the Beneficiary Bank Name

The bank code and the beneficiary bank name provided do not match.

Escalate case to CIS VSSO Hub for further investigation.

Missing Beneficiary ID Such as National ID Or Tax ID

Mandatory information has not been given.

Check the country information in OBAD and the details given by the customer.

Make sure the relevant information has been recorded correctly in the PayDtl line on PAPO.

No Account Held

Beneficiary account may be closed, or FI ID/SWIFT or account number may be incorrect.

Check bank details/statement provided by customer to make sure the FI ID/SWIFT and account number/IBAN have been correctly recorded.

This rejection reason can occur where a payment has been sent to:

  • an incorrect bank, or
  • the correct bank but the bank account number/IBAN is incorrect

If details appear to be as provided, contact the customer and discuss account issue.

Payment Purpose Code Not Provided

Payment purpose code needed by the country is missing.

Check the country information in OBAD and the details given by the customer.

Make sure the relevant code has been recorded correctly in the PayDtl line on PAPO.

Payment Rejected due to Sanction hit

Payment did not meet the beneficiary bank's screening.

Check bank details/statement provided by customer to make sure all details are recorded correctly.

Contact the customer to confirm and request current account details.

Regulatory Reasons

Missing account details.

Check the country information in OBAD and the details given by the customer.

Correct PAPO or contact the customer and request update account details.

Payment Sent In Wrong Currency

Beneficiary's bank account unable to accept currency sent.

Check the:

  • documents given by the customer to confirm currency of account if possible
  • country information in OBAD to confirm the currency payments will be made in

Correct PAPO or contact the customer to advise currency of payments and request details of bank account that will accept payments in the currency paid.

SEPA Addressability Check failed

IBAN does not match the SWIFT/FI ID code.

Check the IBAN and SWIFT/FI ID given by the customer.

Correct PAPO or contact the customer and request updated account details.

Telephone Number Not Provided

Telephone number has not been provided.


  • the country information in OBAD
  • PAPO that the beneficiary's phone number has been recorded in the correct field as per the instructions on the OBAD country task card

Transaction forbidden on this type of account

ACH account not enabled.

Customer is being paid to a chequing/checking or similar non-ACH enabled account.

Contact the customer and request they give account details for an account that will accept direct deposits.

It is likely the customer will need to liaise with their bank.

Unable To Apply Funds

Intermediary bank, or correspondent institution, that the payment was sent to does not hold an account for the beneficiary bank.

Escalate case to CIS VSSO Hub for further investigation.

Unable To Apply Funds – Beneficiary returned funds

Beneficiary has requested funds be returned.

Contact the customer and discuss reason why funds have been returned

Unable To Locate Beneficiary

Beneficiary account details do not exist with the beneficiary bank.

Payment has been sent to an incorrect bank.

Check bank details/statement provided by customer to make sure the FI ID/SWIFT and account number/IBAN have been correctly recorded.

Correct PAPO or contact the customer and request updated account details.

Overseas bank account information

Information about overseas bank accounts

Table 4




Legacy Automated Clearing House

Legacy Automated Clearing House or Legacy ACH countries are currently Czech Republic and Turkey.

Legacy ACH payments need a bank account to be held by Services Australia in the country of payment. Payments are made to customers by transferring fund from Service Australia's account to the customer's bank account.


Automated Clearing House (ACH)

Australia, Austria


Canada, Cyprus



Finland, France

Germany, Greece

Ireland, Israel, Italy

Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg


Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway


San Marino, Singapore, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden

United Kingdom, United States


Worldlink Wire countries

Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, American Samoa, Andorra, Angola, Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Aruba, Azerbaijan

Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belize, Benin, Bermuda, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Bouvet Island, Brazil, British Virgin Islands, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi

Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central Africa Republic, Chad, Chile, China, Colombia, Comoros, Congo-Brazzaville, Congo (Democratic Republic of the), Cook Islands, Costa Rica, Cote D'Ivoire, Croatia

Djibouti, Dominica, Dominican Republic

Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia

Faeroe Islands, Falkland Islands, Fiji, French Polynesia

Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Gibraltar, Greenland, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guam, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Guyana

Haiti, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary

Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iraq

Jamaica, Japan, Jordan

Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kiribati, Korea (Republic of), Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan

Laos, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Liechtenstein

Macau, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Marshall Islands, Martinique, Mauritius, Mayotte, Mexico, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Montserrat, Morocco, Mozambique

Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, New Caledonia, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Niue Island, North Macedonia, Northern Mariana Islands


Pakistan, Palau, Palestine, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Pitcairn Island, Poland, Puerto Rico


Reunion, Romania, Russia, Rwanda

Samoa, Sao Tome and Principe, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Africa, South Georgia and Sandwich Islands, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, St Helena, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, St Pierre & Miquelon, St Vincent and Grenadines, Suriname, Swaziland, Switzerland

Taiwan, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Togo, Tokelau, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu

Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Uruguay

Vanuatu, Venezuela, Vietnam, Virgin Islands (US)


Zambia, Zimbabwe


Error E338PI - Match not found for FI Identifier

If error E338PI - Match not found for FI Identifier appears, this means the international bank is not recorded in the RDF table. To request an update to the bank details on RDF:

  • check OSDD News for any known bank mergers. Refer to the Resources page for a link to Residence and International
  • if the bank is not listed, bank details will need to be added. Only CIS staff trained in updating RDF and CIS VSSO Hub can do this
  • ask team leader or the CIS VSSO Hub for contact details of staff with RDF update access
  • request the update from the CIS trained officer


Payment ID/TRN

Every payment consists of a unique Payment ID consisting of 16 digits. Payment ID is known as a TRN (Transaction Reference Number).

To extract the Payment ID/TRN:

  • On the Payment Summary (PS) screen, key 'L' beside the payment in question
  • Press [Enter]
  • The Payment List (PAYLIST) screen will appear
  • Note the LRN in the LRN: field (ignore the letter), and
  • Add the customer’s CRN (ignore the end letter)

For example:

  • The LRN: field displays: 011I1234
  • Ignore the letter I: 0111234
  • Add the customer’s CRN, without the end letter, to the LRN: 0111234790000000
  • Payment ID/TRN is: 0111234790000000

Note: The Payment ID/TRN can sometimes be found in part or full on the Payment Details (PD) screen, next to the ID: field (beside the Account number). It does not contain the letter.


Departing overseas and requesting temporary suspension

The customer may request their Australian payment to be suspended while they organise an overseas bank account. Staff can do this, but they must make sure the details of the customer’s request are recorded on a DOC.

  • Ask the customer to give an estimated time they think they will be able to provide the overseas bank account details. Record a manual review for just after this time to make sure bank account details are returned
  • If the customer has not already been suspended/cancelled for reason DOS, suspend the customer's payment for reason OTH. This will avoid payments being issued to a closed bank account

Stale cheque timeframes

Table 5: cheques become stale if not cashed within certain time limits. The stale date varies depending on the country and/or currency. Also see Currency information.

Cheque currency

Timeframe and specific country (if applicable)


6 months


20 days


20 days. Applies to France, Germany, Italy and Spain


6 months. Applies to Greece and Portugal


6 months


6 months


3 months


6 months

Direct deposit exemption reasons used by the script

Table 6: This table contains a list of historical codes used to code a cheque exemption.

Reason code



Temporary new grace period. This sets a review on the customer record for a period of 56 days for the provision of valid destination details or direct deposit exemption reason.


Customer lives in a non-ACH country. Normal payment method to these countries is by cheque or Wire.


Customer lives in a remote region.


Aged, frailty or disability.


Religious or cultural beliefs.


Appeal lodged. A manual review is needed.


Temporary situation due to disability. A manual review is needed.


Technical problem with financial institution. A manual review is needed.


Legal or administrative problems.


Account details to be provided, customer in non-ACH country. Manual review needed.


Customer has No Minimum Deposit with which to open an account.


Bank fees for customer are too high.


Nominee payment request for payment by cheque.

Mailing issues - Suspended postal services

Table 7




Country with suspended postal service

If a customer is in a country with a suspended postal service, call the customer to get the information verbally. If unable to contact by phone:

  • DOC the record or annotate an existing DOC
    • Note that information is needed but a letter cannot be sent due to suspended postal service
  • Place all work items on hold for 13 weeks, OR
  • if there is no work item,
    • Set a manual review for 13 weeks to check if mailing delays still apply
    • Hold the paper correspondence until mail services resume
    • Put the review to follow up response on hold for 13 weeks

The Australia Post website has details about international delivery for all countries. Customer correspondence cannot be sent to countries that have 'Economy Air and Registered Post letters' (last column) displayed as suspended.