Disability Support Pension (DSP) customer going overseas 008-03120000
This document explains the procedures to help Service Officers determine if Disability Support Pension (DSP) is payable while the customer is outside Australia and for how long. Use the Portability Script - Departures and Returns when assessing a customer's departure from Australia.
On this page:
Initial assessment of overseas absence for DSP customers
Changes to DSP after departure
Coding information on the system
Initial assessment of overseas absence for DSP customers
Table 1
Step |
Action |
1 |
Portability Script - Departures and Returns + Read more ... A DSP customer contacts to advise of departure from Australia. If the Portability Script - Departures and Returns is available, code the absence from Australia. Use the script for hypothetical cases as well.
Is the script working?
2 |
Check if the customer is currently paid DSP under an international agreement + Read more ... Check if there is a country recorded in the Agreement Country field on the Additional Residence Details (ARD) screen. Is the customer currently paid DSP under an international agreement?
3 |
Departure details + Read more ... Ask the customer:
Check the customer's contact phone number is correct before recording their departure. If available, obtain their overseas contact number. |
4 |
Check DSP portability calculator + Read more ... In Customer First, go to the Travel Outside Australia Details (TOAD) screen, (keying 'TOAD' in Next opens TOAS, either key 'TOAD' in Next again or select one of the hyperlinked dates to get to the TOAD screen), select DSP Portability Calculator and key the planned departure date into the Portability Assessment Date field. Take note of the provisional assessment provided by the system on the number of days available and the portability end date (date zero days available) in relation to the 4 weeks in a rolling 12 month portability period. |
5 |
Check DSP grant date + Read more ... Check:
Check if the customer meets all of the following criteria:
Does the customer meet all of the criteria checks above?
6 |
Former resident + Read more ... The customer is a former resident. See Former resident provisions to make sure the record is correctly coded with former resident details. Payment will cease on departure unless the customer is:
Is the customer going to an agreement country that covers DSP or eligible under the MTOP provisions?
7 |
Qualified only by a Qualifying Residence Exemption (Refugee Visa) + Read more ... If a person does not otherwise meet the qualifying residence requirements for DSP, they may be entitled for a qualifying residence exemption if they are a refugee, or a former refugee. Check the QRE Visa (Refugee) field on the Residence Results Display (RSRD) screen. If the person is or was a refugee, this field will display with a 'Y'. The qualifying residence exemption only applies while the person resides in Australia. The customer will therefore lose qualification for DSP if they depart Australia to live in another country. For more details, see Residence assessment for customer's claiming Disability Support Pension (DSP). Check if the customer meets all of the following criteria:
Does the customer meet all of the criteria checks above?
8 |
Saved under 1 July 2004 portability rules + Read more ... Check if the customer is saved under the pre 1 July 2004 portability provisions. Generally, a customer saved under the pre 1 July 2004 portability rules, assessed as severely disabled, will be assumed to remain severely disabled for any subsequent departure, unless they provide information to the contrary. Is there a 'Y' in the DSP Port. 1 July 2004 status field on the Residence Savings (RSS) screen?
9 |
Saved from 1 July 2014 Australian Working Life Residence (AWLR) changes + Read more ... Check if the customer is saved from the 1 July 2014 AWLR changes. Is there a 'Y' in the 300 month denominator Ind field on the RSS screen?
10 |
Check length of absence + Read more ... Is the customer leaving Australia for more than 4 weeks in a rolling 12 month period or for longer than the number of days of portability remaining? Note: this includes customers who are leaving Australia to live in another country (ceasing residence).
Assessing customer's eligibility for DSP during overseas absence greater than 4 weeks in a rolling 12 month period
Table 2
Step |
Action |
1 |
'No future work capacity' portability provision + Read more ... Check if the customer already satisfies the 'no future work capacity' portability provisions. Check the 'Portability Specific Medical Outcome' on the Pension Disability Information (PDI) screen shows a 'Y', and/or check if the customer has a current manifest qualification recorded on the Medical Conditions Details (MC) screen. If the customer meets these provisions, DSP is portable indefinitely. Note: if the customer is manifestly qualified for DSP and is advising of a departure after leaving Australia, they may not be eligible for indefinite portability under NWC provisions. See Assessment for Disability Support Pension customers going overseas under the no future work capacity portability provisions. If the customer has not already been assessed as satisfying the ‘no future work capacity’ portability provisions, they can elect to undergo the assessment. CIS specialist International Disability Officers (IDOs) must complete an assessment before the customer's departure from Australia. This is required even if the customer has had a recent medical assessment or not (unless that assessment was done for portability reasons). Note: if the customer meets the current manifest guidelines for grant of DSP, and has contacted prior to departure, they do not need to undergo a Medical Review and JCA. If a customer has a medical assessment, the current impairment tables will be used to conduct it. The customer may find they no longer satisfy the medical requirements for DSP. This may result in cancellation of their DSP. It is important the customer is aware of this possibility before making a decision to have the assessment done. If the customer has had a serious accident, or been hospitalised and is unable to return to Australia before the end of their current portability period as a result, consider if they may qualify under these provisions. To qualify for the 'no future work capacity' portability provisions while overseas, the customer's medical condition must meet the manifest eligibility criteria for DSP. Only staff in CIS can make this determination. For more information, see Assessment for Disability Support Pension (DSP) customers going overseas under the no future work capacity provisions. Is the customer eligible for indefinite portability under the 'No future work capacity' portability provision?
2 |
Ceasing residence in Australia + Read more ... Is the customer leaving Australia to live in another country?
3 |
Terminally ill + Read more ... Check if the customer is terminally ill. Payment of DSP can continue indefinitely if the customer is terminally ill and leaving Australia to live in another country (ceasing Australian residence). Handle this subject sensitively. Check if 'TRM' is recorded in the Manifest Code field on the Medical Conditions Details (MC) screen. If not recorded, do not ask the customer at this point. Tell the customer if they are leaving Australia to live in another country (ceasing Australian residence), payment will cease from the date of departure unless they are terminally ill and leaving Australia to return to their country of origin or to be with family. Note: it is up to the customer to indicate they satisfy these criteria. Does the customer's record show they are terminally ill or have they indicated they may be terminally ill?
4 |
Leaving to live in an agreement country + Read more ... The customer is leaving Australia to live in another country and is neither terminally ill, nor meets the 'no future work capacity' portability provisions and doesn’t want to be assessed under the NWC provisions. Is the customer going to an agreement country that covers DSP?
5 |
Temporary absence more than 4 weeks in a rolling 12 month period + Read more ... Customer will continue to remain an Australian resident for DSP but is going overseas for more than 4 weeks in a rolling 12 month period. Is the customer leaving Australia to complete full time study as part of an Australian course? Note: overseas study provisions do not override former resident provisions.
6 |
Dependent on family member temporarily posted outside Australia for work + Read more ... The customer must be:
Is the customer leaving Australia because they are substantially dependent on a family member who is temporarily posted outside Australia for work?
7 |
Leaving for an approved temporary absence + Read more ... Is the customer leaving Australia for an approved temporary absence reason?
8 |
Australian resident intends leaving Australia for more than 4 weeks in rolling 12 month period + Read more ... DSP will cease after the customer has been absent from Australia for 4 weeks in a rolling 12 month period. Note: do not count days paid outside Australia for an approved temporary absence reason in the 4 weeks. Is the customer travelling to an agreement country that covers DSP?
9 |
Transfer the portability decision to CIS + Read more ... Is the customer contacting a Service Officer in CIS? Yes, see Step 1 Table 3 No, if the departure is:
Assessing entitlement for DSP
For Centrelink International Services (CIS) staff only
Table 3
Step |
Action |
1 |
Assess entitlement manually + Read more ... If the customer is paid under an international agreement, go to Portability under agreements. Procedure ends here. Is the customer saved under the pre 1 July 2004 portability provisions? Check for a 'Y' in the DSP Port. 1 July 2004 status field on the RSS screen.
2 |
Check 'no future work capacity' portability provisions + Read more ... If the customer meets the 'no future work capacity' portability provisions DSP is portable indefinitely. To determine if the customer meets these conditions, CIS IDOs must complete an assessment before the customer's departure from Australia. This is required even if the customer has had a recent medical assessment (unless that assessment was done for portability reasons). Note: if the customer meets the current manifest guidelines for grant of DSP, a medical assessment is not required, make sure NWC is coded on the RSCD screen, then see Step 1 Table 4. If the customer has an assessment, the current impairment tables will be used to conduct it. The customer may find they do not satisfy these conditions, and they may no longer satisfy the medical requirements for DSP. This may result in the cancellation of their DSP. It is important the customer is aware of this possibility before making a decision to have the assessment done. Does the customer wish to test their entitlement to indefinite portability under the 'no future work capacity' portability provisions?
3 |
Terminally ill and ceasing Australian residence + Read more ... Has the customer advised they are terminally ill and leaving Australia to live in another country (ceasing Australian residence), either to be with family or to return to their country of origin?
4 |
Substantially dependent on family member temporarily posted overseas + Read more ... Is the customer leaving Australia because they are substantially dependent on a family member who has been temporarily posted outside Australia for work?
5 |
Full-time study overseas + Read more ... Is the customer leaving Australia to complete full time study as part of an Australian course?
6 |
Leaving for an approved temporary absence + Read more ... Is the customer leaving Australia or the agreement country for an approved temporary absence?
7 |
Customer has limited or no payability outside Australia + Read more ... The customer's payment will either stop on departure from Australia or after 4 weeks in a rolling 12 month period, unless the customer is going to an agreement country that covers DSP and satisfies the rules of that agreement. Is the customer going to an agreement country that covers DSP?
8 |
Determine if the customer is severely disabled + Read more ... In order to be paid under an international social security agreement the customer must be assessed as severely disabled. Previous severely disabled decisions may still be acceptable if all the following conditions are met:
Is a previous severely disabled decision still acceptable?
For more details, see Disability Support Pension (DSP) severely disabled assessments for International Agreements. |
Changes to DSP after departure
Table 4
Step |
Action |
1 |
Changes to rate of payment after departure from Australia for long term or indefinite portability + Read more ... The rate of DSP will be affected after departure from Australia in the following circumstances: If the customer:
Is the customer transferring to DSP paid under an agreement, or did the customer's continuing inability to work or permanent blindness occur while they were not a resident of Australia?
2 |
Payments will cease immediately on departure + Read more ... Customer's payment will stop immediately on departure if the customer:
Note: if the customer is waiting for a severely disabled medical assessment or qualification under an agreement, tell the customer this is an interim decision pending the outcome of the assessment. If a DSP customer's payment stops when they leave Australia temporarily, restore their payment from the date of their return to Australia if they have returned within 13 weeks of the payment ceasing. If this is the case, tell the customer about the continuation of payment on their return to Australia. A claim is not required unless significant changes have occurred indicating the customer is no longer qualified for payment. If a customer who is no longer an Australian resident does return to Australia, they must re-establish Australian residence and lodge a new claim for DSP. Payment cannot be restored. Check if the customer has employment income If they do, code changes on the Employment Income Paid Details (EAPP) screen. For more information, see Recording and correcting employment income details. Finalise interview Tell the customer of the contact details for CIS so they can contact Services Australia while outside Australia:
3 |
Payments will cease at the end of the customer's limited portability period + Read more ... Tell the customer payment of DSP will cease at the end of their approved reason period or after 4 weeks in a rolling 12 month period absence from Australia. If the duration of the customer’s absence has changed since they advised of their travel plans, see Changing the reason for leaving Australia or the length of an approved absence. If the customer returns to Australia within 13 weeks of stopping their payment, restore payment. However, if the customer was receiving a transitional rate of pension they will lose entitlement to this rate. If the customer is granted payment for an approved reason after departure, but before their return to Australia, payment can be restored. This will be coded by CIS specialist officers. See Coding specialist portability assessments for Centrelink International Services (CIS) staff. Ask the customer for their contact address and phone number while outside Australia. Note: it is not mandatory for the customer to provide an overseas address, but it is important to make sure the customer is aware they must continue to respond to any mail from Services Australia during their absence:
Check if the customer has employment income If they do, code changes on the Employment Income Paid Details (EAPP) screen. For more details, see Recording and correcting employment income details. Finalise interview Check with the customer if any income or asset details have changed and, if so, update the system with the new information:
4 |
DSP portable indefinitely or long term + Read more ... Payment can continue indefinitely if the customer:
If paid using an agreement, the customer is paid according to that agreement. If the customer is paid under the terminally ill provisions or the pre 1 July 2004 portability rules they will either receive the Pension Supplement Basic Amount immediately on departure or if a transitional rate, will receive the Transitional pension rate outside Australia immediately on departure. Ask the customer if they have a contact address or phone number while outside Australia:
Check if they have employment income If they do, code changes on the Employment Income Paid Details (EAPP) screen. For more details, see Recording and correcting employment income details. Finalise interview Check with the customer if any income or asset details have changed and, if so, update the system with the new information:
Coding information on the system
Table 5
Step |
Action |
1 |
Update customer details + Read more ... Record the change of address on Address Details (AD) screen if the customer provided one. Note: it is not mandatory for the customer to provide an address outside Australia. Record the overseas telephone number if available. Update any change in rent details or accommodation. |
2 |
Date of Event and Date of Departure + Read more ... On the RSCD screen, key the date of departure in the Event date field:
Is the customer ceasing to remain an Australian resident for DSP purposes?
3 |
Customer no longer an Australian resident + Read more ... Add the Source and Receipt date details in the appropriate fields. Go to the Country of Residence (CRES) screen:
4 |
Children leaving Australia + Read more ... Does the customer have any dependent children who are also leaving Australia?
5 |
Children who are no longer Australian residents + Read more ... Are any of the customer's dependent children leaving Australia to live in another country?
6 |
Transfer to an agreement pension + Read more ... For Centrelink International Services staff only Is the customer transferring to an agreement at the end of their maximum portability period?
7 |
Transfer to an agreement pension within 4 weeks + Read more ... Is the customer transferring to an agreement within the next 4 weeks?
8 |
Finalise coding + Read more ... Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen and finalise the activity. Do not inhibit the advice. |