Internal review process for care decisions 109-05110000
This document outlines the process required when a customer, including a non-Centrelink customer, wants to request an explanation or apply for a formal review of a care decision which affects their child support assessment and/or family assistance entitlement.
Requests or applications on or after 15 May 2021
Non-Centrelink customer (Child Support customer only) contacts Centrelink to request an explanation or review of a Child Support care decision
Table 1
Step |
Action |
1 |
Contact about a care decision that has no effect under family assistance law + Read more ... Complete an announced transfer to Child Support if:
To transfer:
Customer contacts Centrelink to request an explanation or review of a care decision where at least one party is claiming or receiving family assistance, Social Security ‘principle carer’ or ‘with child’ rates
Table 2
Step |
Action |
1 |
Request for an explanation or review of a care decision + Read more ... A customer may contact Centrelink to request an explanation or review of a care decision. To check if Centrelink or Child Support was the decision maker:
Advise the customer that the most appropriate program to provide an explanation or undertake a review is the program that made the decision. This is because that program has all the information used to make that decision. If the customer:
To undertake the request for an explanation as a Subject Matter Expert (SME), see Table 3. |
2 |
Request for an explanation of a care decision + Read more ... Centrelink is the most appropriate program to provide an explanation of a care decision made by Centrelink. A SME will provide the explanation of the care decision. An explanation of a care decision may result in a reassessment (Secretary initiated review). However, an explanation is not a formal review. A customer can apply for a formal review of the decision without requesting an explanation, or at any time after requesting an explanation of the decision. If a formal review of the decision has already been completed:
To record the request for an explanation, go to Step 6. |
3 |
Request for a review of a care decision + Read more ... There may be times when both Centrelink and Child Support are asked to review the same care decision. The request for review that was made first must be finalised first. If a Child Support objection was lodged first but has not been finalised, hold the Centrelink formal review until the objection is finalised. This is because the care percentage determined by the Child Support objection will need to be applied to the Centrelink formal review. If the customer wants to apply for a formal review of the decision but a formal review has already been completed:
To record the application for a formal review for a:
4 |
Non-Centrelink customer contacts (Child Support customer only) + Read more ... Do not access any other carer's record. Explain the Centrelink internal review process. Obtain as much information as possible. This includes the customer’s full legal name, date of birth, gender, the Child Support Reference number (CSRN), details of the other carer(s), the affected child, the care percentage, DOE in question and contact details. Search for customer on the system. Note: a non-Centrelink customer may already have a Centrelink Customer Reference Number (CRN). For example, as a child or if they claimed Centrelink payments in the past. Does a Centrelink record exist and is the child linked to the record?
5 |
No Centrelink record exists or the child is not linked + Read more ... If no record exists, add the customer to the system and link their record to the relevant child. If a Centrelink record exists and the child is not linked, link the customer’s record to the relevant child. |
6 |
Record the request for explanation or application for formal review of the decision + Read more ... A request for an explanation or an application for formal review should only be recorded for the customer making the request. If appropriate, an ARO will add records for other carers. If the customer applies for a formal review, and they had requested an explanation of the decision which has not been completed, the explanation must be finalised without changing the original decision. To complete the request for an explanation, run the Internal Review/Explanation script and enter the Outcome ERF (EXPL REQ REPL BY REVIEW). Record the request for an explanation or application for a formal review using the Internal Review/Explanation script. The reason for decision in the APL system must be one of:
If Child Support made the original care decision, or if a Child Support objection has been completed, advise the customer that extra time may be needed to obtain information from Child Support. If the customer is providing new evidence for the care decision, scan any documentation to the customer's record. After recording the request or application:
Actioning a request for an explanation
Table 3
Step |
Action |
1 |
Appropriately skilled Subject Matter Expert (SME) + Read more ... An explanation of a care decision should only be provided by a SME who is appropriately skilled to thoroughly explain the care decision that the customer has enquired about. Can the SME give the customer an explanation of the care decision?
2 |
Check if a Child Support objection is in progress or has been finalised + Read more ... The customer may have requested an explanation of a decision that Child Support is reviewing or has reviewed. To check if Child Support is reviewing or has reviewed the care decision, go to the Child's Objection Appeal Details (!COAD) screen in the FAO system for all relevant carers. The !COAD screen shows details of all requests for review lodged with either Child Support or Centrelink. It should indicate the care periods the review relates to (see note below). Child Support objection information will display only on the !COAD screen of the carer who lodged the objection, even though the objection outcome has effect for all relevant carers for that care decision. Check other carer’s records if there is no review on the customer’s record. Appeal information on the !COAD screen will be exchanged with Child Support to ensure they are aware of any care decision and care period under review by Centrelink. To view the !COAD screen:
Note: Child Support appeal indicators do not always display against the care period they relate to. If the !COAD screen does not clearly show which care period is the subject of the Child Support review, create a Fast Note, select Auto Text. Use Families > Enquiry > Alignment of Care. Objection finalised
Objection in progress If the customer has already lodged an objection with Child Support, and the objection is in progress, go to Step 9. No objection lodged Proceed with the explanation. Go to Step 3. |
3 |
SME action + Read more ... The SME should make a genuine attempt to contact the customer on the day the work item is allocated. Before trying to contact the customer, investigate the record to get a clear understanding of the care decision and why it was made. Check for:
Do not make any updates. Are there any errors in the original decision or is there information that has not been considered which is likely to change the decision?
4 |
Error in original decision or information that has not been considered + Read more ... A care decision affects more than one person. Before making any updates on the customer’s record, consider the outcome and effect on all carers affected by the decision. The Resources page has an example. Before processing any reassessments needed as a result of an error in the decision or information that has not been considered, make genuine attempts to contact the customer to discuss the impact of:
Attempted contact with the customer is required to confirm:
Try to contact all other carers affected by the decision before the original decision is changed. This is required to:
For more about making a care decision, see Notification and assessment of shared care arrangements for FTB or Change of care for FTB. |
5 |
Contact the customer + Read more ... Make genuine attempts to contact the customer. Before trying to contact the customer and other carers, send a pre-call SMS if they are subscribed to electronic messaging. Check the EMOL screen. Do not use the ARO only - Pre-call notification option. It is only used by AROs for applications for formal reviews. Is the customer contacted?
6 |
Customer was successfully contacted + Read more ... Do not make any updates to the customer’s record until after the discussion with the customer and other carers. During the contact with the customer:
Does the customer want to apply for a formal review of the original decision?
7 |
Contact other carers + Read more ... Contact with all carers is required before any changes can be made to the decision. Do not contact the other carer if:
Other carers can be advised that the decision is being reconsidered, but not because another carer has requested an explanation. Take care not to disclose protected information to any party. See Accepting and disclosing information. Make genuine attempts to contact other carers. Before trying to contact the customer and other carers, send a pre-call SMS if they are subscribed to electronic messaging. Check the EMOL screen. Do not use the ARO only - Pre-call notification option. It is only used by AROs for applications for formal reviews. During the contact with another carer:
Does the carer want to apply for a formal review of the original decision?
8 |
Finalise the explanation + Read more ...
Procedure ends here. |
9 |
Objection in progress + Read more ... If the customer has lodged an objection with Child Support, the objection is in progress, and a request for an explanation has been recorded, the SME should try to contact the customer to:
Make genuine attempts to contact the customer. Before trying to contact the customer and other carers, send a pre-call SMS if they are subscribed to electronic messaging. Check the EMOL screen. Do not use the ARO only - Pre-call notification option. It is only used by AROs for applications for formal reviews. Is the customer contacted?
To finalise the explanation
Procedure ends here. |
Other actions required for the Centrelink internal review process
Table 4
Step |
Action |
1 |
To ensure Child Support is aware of the explanation or review - FAO/REA activity + Read more ... Relevant information will be added to the child record to make sure Child Support is aware:
Recording the explanation or review in the APL system will create a FAO/REA activity The activity will contain keywords starting with #APL. For example, APLCOM, APLFIN. The FAO/REA activity will only generate if the correct reason for decision is recorded. For valid reasons, see Step 6 in Table 2. If a different reason for decision is recorded, the FAO/REA activity will not be created and the relevant information will not be transferred to Child Support. If the correct reason for decision has not been recorded, update the MR screen in the APL system. This will create the FAO/REA activity. Note: where there are multiple explanations or reviews recorded, a system limitation prevents more than one FAO/REA activity being created on a record at one time. The next FAO/REA activity may take up to 24 hours to be created once the previous one has been finalised. Link the appeal record to the relevant care period(s) in the FAO/REA activity:
Previous entries can be changed if required. For example, an incorrect care period linked to the appeal record. |
2 |
Obtaining more information about a Child Support care decision + Read more ... If the SME or ARO does not have access to the Child Support system, they can create a Fast Note, select Auto Text. Use > Families > Enquiry > Alignment of Care. Keywords The Fast Note includes the relevant ACTAOC keyword. If the request is urgent, add the keyword URGENT. |
Customer requested an explanation, quality check or review before 15 May 2021
Non-Centrelink customer contacts Centrelink about a care decision
Table 1: steps to follow when Centrelink is contacted about a review of a care decision made by Child Support that has no application under family assistance law.
Step |
Action |
1 |
Contact about a care decision that has no effect under family assistance law + Read more ... If neither party is claiming or receiving family assistance, and the customer asks for review of a care decision, go to Step 2. |
2 |
Perform an announced transfer to Child Support + Read more ...
Customer contacts Centrelink about a care decision where one or more customers are claiming or receiving family assistance
Table 2
Step |
Action |
1 |
Contact about previous care decisions + Read more ... If the customer
2 |
Request for review + Read more ... There may be times when both Centrelink and Child Support are asked to review the same care decision. The review request that was lodged first must be finalised first. To determine if a review is in progress or has been completed, check the Child's Objection Appeal Details (!COAD) screen for all relevant carers.
This screen shows details of all appeals lodged with either Child Support or Centrelink and the specific care periods related to the appeal. Child Support objection information will display only on the !COAD screen of the carer who lodged the objection, even though the objection outcome has effect for all relevant carers for that care decision. Appeal information on the !COAD screen will be exchanged with Child Support to ensure they are aware of any care decision and care period under review by Centrelink. If a Child Support objection was lodged first but has not been finalised, the Centrelink review will be held until the objection is finalised. This is because the care percentage determined by the first review will need to be applied in the second review.
3 |
Centrelink customer contacts + Read more ... Check if Centrelink/Child Support was the decision maker.
4 |
Non-Centrelink customer contacts (Child Support customer only) + Read more ... Do not access any other carer's record. Explain the role of the Authorised Review Officer (ARO). Obtain as much information as possible. This includes their full legal name, date of birth, gender, the Child Support ID number, details of the other carer(s), the affected child, the care percentage, DOV in question and contact details. Search for customer on the system. Note: a non-Centrelink customer may have had a Customer Reference Number (CRN) as a child or had previously claimed Centrelink payments in the past. Does a Centrelink record exist and is the child linked to the record?
5 |
No Centrelink record exists or the child is not linked + Read more ... If no record exists, add the customer to the system and link their record to the relevant child. If a Centrelink record exists and the child is not linked, link the customer’s record to the relevant child. |
6 |
Who should conduct the review? + Read more ... Advise the customer that the program that made the care decision is best to conduct the review. If the decision was made by:
7 |
Care decision by Centrelink + Read more ... Centrelink is the most appropriate program to complete the review as they made the original care decision. Does the customer want Centrelink to review the decision?
8 |
Customer wants Child Support to review the Centrelink decision + Read more ...
Procedure ends here |
9 |
Care decision made by Child Support + Read more ... Child Support is the most appropriate program to complete the review as they made the original care decision. Has a Child Support objection been lodged and/or completed?
10 |
Integrated Care Team (INC) was the original decision maker + Read more ... Decisions made by an Integrated Care Team may be processed in either the Centrelink or Child Support system. A request for review of a decision made by INC should be referred to INC. See Step 2 in Table 3. |
Process for Child Support or Centrelink to conduct the review
Table 3: actions to take after deciding who should conduct the review.
Step |
Action |
1 |
Customer agrees to Child Support to complete the review + Read more ... Transfer the customer to Child Support with an introduction:
Refer to Child Support for contact details. Centrelink uses the term 'review' or 'appeal' and Child Support uses the term 'objection'. Both mean that the customer wants to have the care decision reviewed. Advise the customer that when they speak to Child Support, they need to ask for an 'objection' to the care decision made by Child Support. Procedure ends here. |
2 |
Customer requests a review of a care decision by Centrelink + Read more ... Check if the care decision is currently under review or if a review has been finalised. Check the Child's Objection Appeal Details (!COAD) screen for all relevant carers. For help, see Step 2 in Table 2.
3 |
Centrelink to undertake the review + Read more ... Run the Internal Review/Explanation script and include the children's name/s, care percentage, the DOV in question and the reasons why the customer disagrees with the decision. Also include that the customer wants Centrelink to review the care decision. Select the correct appeal code to ensure Child Support is aware that an appeal has been lodged with Centrelink. Care appeal code reasons that prompt the data exchange with Child Support are:
If Child Support made the original care decision, or if a Child Support objection has been completed, advise the customer that extra time may be required as information from Child Support will need to be obtained. If the customer is providing new evidence for the care decision, scan any documents to the customer's record An APL record should be created for the person requesting the review only. Other records will be added for affected parties by the ARO if appropriate.
4 |
Action after review is finalised + Read more ... The ARO will return the completed review to the referring team for implementation. APL system records may exist for each person affected by the decision. The Child Support system uses details on the MR screen to determine the date of effect for the child support assessment. It is therefore important to code these fields correctly:
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Referral to Administrative Review Tribunal (ART) + Read more ... An ARO can review a care decision that has been reviewed by an Objections Officer and vice versa. However, an ARO cannot change the care percentage determined by the Objections Officer and an Objections Officer cannot change the care percentage determined by the ARO. Even though an ARO cannot change a care percentage decision made by an Objections Officer, the effects of the decision can be reviewed and changed if appropriate. For example, a change in the rate of Family Tax Benefit (FTB) that resulted from the care decision or a debt that was raised as a result of the care decision. Once the objection and/or review is completed, if any party wants to appeal the review decision, they must apply to the ART. See Administrative Review Tribunal (ART) for more information. If the customer requests a review by the ART:
Centrelink internal review process
Table 4
Step |
Action |
1 |
For Families and Child Care processing services staff only + Read more ... When Child Support Unit (CSU) advises that the customer has requested Child Support review the Centrelink decision:
Procedure ends here. |
2 |
Families and Child Care processing services including INC - SME only + Read more ...
Link the appeal to the care period(s):
Previous recorded entries can be changed if required. For example, incorrect care period linked to appeal. If the review is not on the child's !COAD screen, it may be because an incorrect reason was selected when running the script. Go to the Modify Reconsideration (MR) screen in the APL system to manually correct the reason to PDC, PRS, PSC, PTS, or CSR. This will create the FAO/REA activity. Complete that activity as outlined in this step. Care periods cannot be linked to any Centrelink appeal with a status of Withdrawn, or to any Child Support appeal displayed. Care periods correspond with information coded on the CHC screen and FSC screens. |
3 |
More than one program will be impacted by the review outcome + Read more ...
To obtain information about a Child Support care decision, create a Fast Note, select Auto Text. Use Families > Enquiry > Alignment of Care. Keywords: the template includes the relevant ACTAOC keyword. If the request is urgent, add the keyword 'URGENT'. The quality check of the appeal cannot be completed until Child Support Unit (CSU) advises the basis of Child Support's care decision. |
4 |
Contact the customer and provide an explanation of the decision + Read more ...
5 |
Customer contact + Read more ... Make genuine attempts to contact all other people affected by the decision. This is to offer each person the chance to provide more information. Affected parties can be advised that a review has been requested, but not by whom. Take care not to disclose protected information to any party. See Accepting and disclosing information. |
6 |
Finalise + Read more ... Ensure that all relevant information is documented, including attempts to contact customers. The request for review should be referred to an ARO as per normal processing. See Reviews by an Authorised Review Officer (ARO). |