This document outlines how customers can get a Deduction Statement.
Information about the Deduction Statement
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Information contained on Deduction Statements + Read more ...
The Deduction Statement contains the following information (if applicable to the customer):
Payment - the customer's next regular payment amounts and period they relate to. Payments shown are the primary payment type and components
Participation penalty amounts and non-payment periods:
Event date
Penalty type including No Show No Pay failures and reconnection failures and/or non-payment periods
Penalty period
Penalty deduction amount
From payment type
Amount currently owed
Recovery details for urgent payments:
Payment period
Date of the urgent payment
Payment amount
From payment type
Recovery amount
Weekly payments:
Deferral date
Amount deferred
From payment type
Date of the weekly payment
Amount of payment
Repayment details for advance payments:
Advance start date
Type of payment
Regular repayment amount
Estimated date of final repayment
Amount currently owing
Centrelink debt repayments - displayed for current debts. The debt amount and amount owing will not display due to privacy for customers with a third party debt. Details for non-third party debts include:
Debt ID
Debt reason
Debt amount
Repayment amount
Amount owing
Child support:
Deduction type
From payment type
Tax - displays the customer's current voluntary deduction for tax:
Deduction type
Requested amount or percentage
From payment type
Start date
Income Management and BasicsCard expense amounts - shows customer's current Income Management expenses. It also displays amounts the customer transfers to their BasicsCard from their Income Management account:
Organisation name and Customer Reference Number (CRN) (with target amount and target balance outstanding, if available)
Expense type
Start date
End date
Account ID / Billing ID
Next date payable on
Total fortnightly Income Management funds allocated for expenses
Total fortnightly Income Management funds unallocated
Rent Deduction Scheme (RDS) - for customers with a Housing Authority deduction. This includes rent, arrears repayments, loan repayments and other housing payments:
Organisation name and CRN
Deduction type
From payment type
Start date
End date
Account ID
Centrepay - shows current Centrepay deductions:
Organisation name and CRN (with target amount and target balance outstanding, if relevant)
Deduction type
From payment type
Start date
End date
Account ID / Billing ID
Planned future new deductions or changes - shows new deductions or changes to existing deductions. The deductions are for the future for Income Management, RDS or Centrepay:
Service and Organisation name and CRN (with target amount if applicable)
Deduction type
Payment type
Future start date
End date
Account ID / Billing ID
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Information not included in the Deduction Statement + Read more ...
Information not contained in the statement includes irregular payments, for example, one-off payments.
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Requesting the Deduction Statement + Read more ...
Customers and nominees of customers can request the statement.
Customers must:
be receiving a primary benefit that is not cancelled
have a current and/or a future deduction instruction, or
a recovery or expense repayment
A customer's partner cannot request the statement.
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Nominees + Read more ...
If a customer has a nominee, the customer and nominee must get a copy of the Deduction Statement.
This includes customers living in Australia where the nominee lives in another country.
Customers will not get a copy of the Deduction Statement if:
the nominee is involuntary (for example, Public Trustees) and
the mail suppression indicator on the Nominee Relationship (NORS) screen is 'Y'
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Obtaining a copy of the Deduction Statement + Read more ...
The Deduction Statement will not issue automatically to customers. Customers can get a Deduction Statement by:
Online request:
Registered customers can use the Request a document option online. A copy is also automatically issued to the customer's myGov Inbox if they get their Centrelink letters online
Using phone self service, or
Calling their payment/support line directly. Customers can get a copy from Smart Centre Call staff if the customer cannot access or use self service
In person: attending a service centre and asking for a copy of the statement
To issue a Centrelink Statement:
In Process Direct
Go to the Letter on demand (OMLD) screen
From Deduction statement: select either Local Print or Central Print
Select Print
Once finalised the Snapshot screen displays
In Customer First
Go to the Letter on Demand (OMLD) screen
Select the Deduction Statement (local or central print)
The copy of the Centrelink Statement is available to customers free of charge.
Note: the last generated statement will be available for printing from the History Summary (HS) screen for 62 days from the initial availability date.
When updating the customer's record as a result of contact made in relation to the Centrelink Statement, the source code 'AST' is to be used for transactions/activities and/or the Note/DOC.
Customers can get multiple statements in one day if they need them (using various services).
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Viewing the Deduction Statement online + Read more ...
Customers can view, print and save their Deduction Statement via the Request a document option online using:
myGov and signing in to their account to access Centrelink services
online services via Services Australia website
The Deduction Statement will issue to the customer's myGov Inbox if they get their Centrelink letters online.
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Customer needs assistance with Deduction Statement information + Read more ...
Service Officers can help the customer:
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IVR transferred calls - requests for information other than on Deduction Statement + Read more ...
If the customer transfers from a business line, the calls could include:
'Income Statement' / 'Centrelink Statement' enquiries and
'Deduction Statement' enquiries
Customers may also contact about other Services Australia business.
Staff should help customers with any other enquiries when they complete the statement enquiry.
Other statements a customer may ask for: