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New Zealand Case Management - Exchange of Information from Inland Revenue, New Zealand (NZIR) to Child Support Daily required tasks 277-08170010

For International Central Authority (CA) Service Officers only.

This document outlines the tasks required to be performed on a daily basis when information is exchanged between Child Support and Inland Revenue, New Zealand (NZIR).

Monitoring NZ Secure Messaging mailbox

This table describes the process CA Service Officers follow when managing requests/responses for information between NZIR and Child Support.




New Zealand requests received + Read more ...

There are a number of tabs on the ‘NZ Daily Exchange’ to facilitate exchange of information. The following tabs are on the NZ Daily Exchange:

  • High Priority Trace Request– For urgent customer location details.
    Australia and New Zealand have agreed to strict parameters for urgent requests.
    The reasons are:
    • Ministerial/Ombudsman
      Where the query relates to either a ministerial or ombudsman enquiry or complaint
    • Domestic Violence/Safety Risk
      Where there is a threat to the customer or others’ safety
    • Follow up from weekly req
      Where an initial enquiry has not been resolved from the weekly spreadsheet - Cuba will not allow the request to be made again
    • Internal Standards – NZ use only
      This is an enquiry that relates to an internal NZID performance measure and is only for NZ use
  • Article 5 & 7 – NZIR confirming NZ habitual residency of the payee and start dates where both the payee and payer have cases to determine which country must end
  • Habitual Residence Request – NZIR is seeking to confirm a payee is habitually resident in Australia. The References page contains a link to information about Habitual residency under the Australia – New Zealand agreement
  • Miscellaneous Requests – used for any communication that does not fit into any of the other categories
  • Cases - unable to register. This tab is for recording cases that cannot be registered, and
  • Ad-hoc email requests to support daily and weekly exchanges. The References page contains a link to the relevant form


Send New Zealand responses to NZIR (CA Service Officer) + Read more ...

Australia responds to DailyNZAU yyyymmdd spreadsheet requests by completing the ‘NZ Daily Exchange’ spreadsheet and returning via secure email to NZIR at the end of each day, unless otherwise determined. File must be saved as DailyNZAU yyyymmdd to send to NZ.

Save the DailyNZAU yyyymmdd spreadsheet in the folder titled dd Month yyyy (located in the folder titled NZ Req & Responses in the month yyyy folder) with the file name DailyNZAU yyyymmdd.


Receive Australian responses from NZIR (CA Service Officer) + Read more ...

NZIR respond to the DailyAUNZ yyyymmdd spreadsheet requests by completing the DailyAUNZ yyyymmdd spreadsheet and returning via email to Child Support.

Forward the daily exchange email from NZIR to the International NZ Administration Team.

  • Save the Daily Exchange spreadsheet in the folder titled dd Month yyyy (located in the folder titled Aus Req & Responses in the m month yyyy folder) with the file name as DailyNZAU yyymmdd with replies
  • Move the daily exchange email received from NZIR into the NZ Daily In email folder
  • Open the DailyNZAU yyymmdd spreadsheet, note the Service Officer names. Send one email to all the Service Officers to notify responses received from NZIR. Use the following email template:

Subject: Daily Exchange requests from {date request sent xx/xx/xxxx} are back



Daily Exchange requests from {date request sent dd/mm/yyyy} have been replied to on {date received dd/mm/yyyy}. This Daily exchange is located on the Hobart shared drive and is ready for you to receipt your responses.

Hobart shared drive\Int\NZ/yyyy Daily Exchange\Aus Req & Responses\{relevant year folder yyyy}

If you don't have access to the response, please check first within your team before requesting from International CA Team


  • Delete the DailyAUNZ yyyymmdd spreadsheet in the folder titled with the date sent found in Hobart’s shared drive folder titled: Drive/Int/NZ/20YY

Only delete the originating spreadsheets for the requests once all responses are back.


High Priority Urgent Requests (CA Service Officer) + Read more ...

A high priority customer urgent request is where NZIR have identified an issue that has serious personal consequences to a customer, involve key stakeholder requests, for example, ministerial updates, or require action to avoid harm to the Central Authority (NZIR).

These urgent requests are received from NZIR via the NZ Secure Messaging mailbox and are identified where ‘urgent’ is included in the subject heading.

High priority urgent requests relate to either withdrawals (collection no longer required and case is withdrawn and returned to NZIR) and/or amended certificates (there has been a change to the payer’s circumstances in NZ which may affect their case).

The reasons are:

  • Ministerial/Ombudsman
    Where the query relates to either a ministerial or ombudsman enquiry or complaint
  • Domestic Violence/Safety Risk
    Where there is a threat to the customer or others’ safety
  • Follow up from weekly req
    Where an initial enquiry has not been resolved from the weekly spreadsheet - CUBA will not allow the request to be made again
  • Internal Standards - NZ use only
    This is an enquiry that relates to an internal NZID performance measure and is only for NZ use

Save high priority urgent requests in the relevant shared folders in the G/drive. To action an urgent:


Action other communication (Secure Mailbox) + Read more ...

All other emails to and from NZIR (that fall outside the daily and weekly exchange) will include either an officer’s name or the type of work in the subject heading.

Vet each email according to what the work type is and who it is addressed to and either action or forward to the:

  • Service Officer
  • Team Leader
  • Business Improvement Team, or
  • NZ Account Manager


Monitor International NZ Administration Team mailbox (CA Service Officer) + Read more ...

Service Officers email case specific requests to the International NZ Administration Team regarding New Zealand cases. The email includes a customer reference number and information required from New Zealand.

If the email requires action or further follow up, mark it with a coloured flag until it is finalised.

Once the action is resolved, respond to the requesting Service Officer and mark the email as completed by right clicking twice on the flag beside the email.