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New Zealand Case Management - Exchange of Information – Inland Revenue, New Zealand (NZIR) to Child Support - Weekly required tasks 277-08170020

This document outlines the tasks required to be performed on a weekly basis when information is exchanged between the Child Support and Inland Revenue, New Zealand (NZIR).

On this page:

Weekly exchange - information received from NZIR

Managing the returns process

Weekly exchange - information received from NZIR

Table 1




Weekly Exchange NZIR to Child Support + Read more ...

Each file is saved by Child Support Workload Team Operational Management Division (OMD) into the relevant folder in the shared drive (G:\Int\NZ\20xx\Weekly Exch recd FROM NZ). The file names should not be amended as they need to be returned to NZIR with the exact same file name. Name formats for each file are as follows:

  • ReqIncNZAU_yyyymmdd
  • ReqTraceNZAU_yyyymmdd
  • RegNZAU_yyyymmdd
  • WithdrawNZAU_yyyymmdd
  • AcertNZAU_yyyymmdd
  • PotentialRtnNZAU_yyyymmdd
  • ReturnNZAU_yyyymmdd
  • ReqEnforceNZAU_yyyymmdd
  • ReqAcertNZAU_yyyymmdd
  • ReqWithdrawalNZAU_yyyymmdd

The following spreadsheets are emailed to Child Support from Inland Revenue, New Zealand (NZIR) each week. This is known as the weekly exchange. For:

  • Income requests, go to Step 2
  • Determination of Habitual Residency (Customer Location/Pre-transmittal) – requests for confirmation of payers habitual residency in Australia and other information to make sure NZIR have an accurate assessment, go to Step 3
  • NZIR BAU ‘In’ registrations – requests for Child Support to register NZIR assessment information and commence collection or enforcement, go to Step 4
  • General Withdrawals – confirmation that collection is no longer required and case is to be withdrawn and returned to NZIR, go to Step 5
  • Amended certificates – advice regarding a customer’s change in circumstance, go to Step 6
  • Potential Returns – Request for new information, go to Step 7
  • Case Returns (No Longer Habitually Resident, Customer Deceased, Non-traceable, Non-collectable), go to Step 8
  • Request for Enforcement Updates, go to Step 9
  • Request for Amended Certificate, go to Step 10
  • Request for General Withdrawal, go to Step 11

Each spreadsheet is saved to a specific folder in the Hobart shared drive folder Int in the folder titled Int/NZ.


Income Requests (NZ In Cases) + Read more ...

NZIR seeks income information for a payer in Australia on a case NZIR has transmitted to Child Support

Save spreadsheet

  • open the RegIncNZAU_yyymmdd spreadsheet
  • save the spreadsheet in the folder titled Inc Req (Int/NZ/20YY Weekly Exch recd FROM NZ in the correct month with the file name Inc Req (xx)


Actioning Customer Location (pre-transmittal) requests from NZIR + Read more ...

NZIR send a weekly quota of up to 70 requests to Child Support to ascertain customer’s habitual residency and associated information. Pre-transmittal is predominately a tracing request (customer location information), however it includes a preliminary habitual residency decision (that is, the decision is pended), income details, case information and a collectability rating.

Insert a column to the left and insert a heading of Status and delete the column with the heading of CNC Case Number. Note: if these columns are not inserted/deleted as per these instructions, the macro will not run correctly.

Save the spreadsheet in the folder titled Int/NZ/20YY Weekly Exch recd from NZ with the file name Pre trans in the correct month.

To complete pre-transmittal requests, see Customer location (tracing).


Actioning BAU NZ In registrations (Transmittals) + Read more ...

NZIR send a weekly quota of 35 cases to Child Support to be registered for collection.

The spreadsheet should be checked to make sure the following fields are correct:

  • A CSRN is provided for each registration
  • Arrears as at date is the last date of the previous month
  • The monthly ongoing date is from the first day of the current month

The spreadsheet should be checked to make sure the Arrears as at date is the last date of the previous month and the monthly ongoing date is from the first day of the current month. If any of these fields appear to be incorrect, email NZ via the secure mailbox to ask them to re-send the sheet if it needs to be updated.

Save the RegNZAU-yyymmdd spreadsheet in the folder in Int/NZ/20YY NZIR Weekly Exch recd from NZ- with the file name NZ In Reg Recd in the correct month.

Send the Operations Support Business Analyst an email via the Work Load Management mailbox. Advise the weekly exchange registrations are saved and ready. Note: the email is sent at Step 5 to include reference that BAU cases are ready for allocation.

Allocate cases (OMD)

  • Run the NZ In Reg Tool to generate merged documents used by staff as a Cuba notepad for each individual case
  • Save the folder of merged documents into the same folder as the recently saved RegNZAU_yyyymmdd file
  • Running the tool also generates an email to Case Selection to have intrays for each registration created ready for allocation
  • Save the macro results in the folder titled NZ Intrays Generated (located in the folder titled NZ In Regos in the current year folder)
  • Create an International CO/101/AGR recd intray for each customer

To process the registration, see New Zealand ‘In’ case management – Registrations between NZIR and Child Support.


General Withdrawals received (NZ In cases) + Read more ...

Withdrawals are notified by NZIR on the spreadsheet titled WithdrawNZAU_yyyymmdd .

Complete the following in order:

  • Open the Withdrawals spreadsheet
  • Insert two columns to the left of the sheet and title the headings Status and Maint $$ Discharged
  • Sum total the bottom of the Maint $$ Discharged column:
    • click the Autosum button on the toolbar, and
    • press Enter
  • Reformat the Maint $$ Discharged column so it is in currency with two decimal places:
  • Highlight all values in the column
  • Click the Currency Style button on the toolbar, and
  • Save the spreadsheet in the folder titled current year (located in the folder Int/NZ/20YY – Weekly Exch recd FROM NZ - Wdrls) with the file name as WithdrawNZAU_yyyymmdd in the correct month


Amended certificates – advice regarding a customer’s change in circumstances + Read more ...

Amended certificates are provided by NZIR on the spreadsheet titled AcertNZAU_yyyymmdd

The spreadsheet should be checked to make sure the Arrears as at date is the last date of the previous month and the monthly ongoing date is from the first day of the current month. Also check the payment Schedule date the NZ has processed. If these dates do appear to be incorrect, either email or phone a Team Leader in NZ to ask them to re-send the sheet if it needs to be updated.

Complete the following in order:

  • Open the AcertNZAU_yyyymmdd spreadsheet
  • Insert 3 columns on the far left and title the headings CSO, Status, and Notes
  • Save the spreadsheet in the folder titled Acerts (Int/NZ/20YY/Weekly Exch recd FROM NZ/) in the correct month with the file name AcertNZAU_yyyymmdd (xx)

To process amended certificates, see New Zealand Case Management (NZ In Case) - Amended Certificates from Inland Revenue, New Zealand (NZIR) to Child Support.


Potential Returns (NZ Out – Australian Cases) + Read more ...

NZIR is seeking further information from Child Support when considering returning a case as Non Collectable, Non Traceable, Customer No Longer Habitually Resident and Customer Deceased.

Save spreadsheet

  • Open the PotentialRtnNZAU_yyyymmdd spreadsheet
  • Save the spreadsheet in the folder titled Potential Returns Weekly Exch recd FROM NZ in the correct month


Case Returns to Child Support (NZ Out – Australian Cases) + Read more ...

When NZIR has exhausted all collection avenues, is not able to locate the customer, the customer is deceased or the customer is no longer habitually resident of NZ.

Save spreadsheet

  • Open the ReturnNZAU_yyyymmdd spreadsheet
  • Insert 1 column on the far left and title the heading Receipted
  • Save the spreadsheet in the folder titled Returns Int/NZ/20YY – Weekly recd FROM NZ) in the correct month with the file name ReturnNZAU_yyyymmddyyyy (xx)


Request for Enforcement Updates (NZ In Cases) + Read more ...

NZIR seeks an update on enforcement from Child Support on a case NZIR has transmitted to Child Support (NZ In Case)

Save spreadsheet

  • Open the ReqEnforceNZAU_yyyymmdd spreadsheet
  • Save the spreadsheet in the folder titled Enf Req (Int/NZ/20YY – Weekly Exch recd FROM NZ) in the correct month with the file name ReqEnforceNZAU_yyyymmdd (xx)


Request for Amended Certificate (NZ Out – Australian Cases) + Read more ...

NZIR is requesting an Amended Certificate from Child Support on a case Child Support has transmitted to NZIR

Save spreadsheet

  • Open the ReqAcertNZAU_yyyymmdd spreadsheet
  • Save the spreadsheet in the folder titled Req for Acerts from NZIR (Int/NZ/20YY – Exchange Weekly Exch recd FROM NZ) in the correct month with the file name ReqAcertNZAU_yyyymmdd (xx)


Request for General Withdrawal (NZ Out – Australian Cases) + Read more ...

NZIR is asking Child Support to withdraw a case that has been transmitted to NZIR. This is generally where the case maintenance arrears and associated penalties have been paid in full.

Save spreadsheet

  • Open the ReqWithdrawalNZAU_yyyymmdd spreadsheet
  • Save the spreadsheet in the folder titled Gen Wdrl ReqNZIR (Int/NZ/20YY – Exchange Weekly Exch recd FROM NZ in the correct month with the file name ReqWithdrawalNZAU_yyyymmdd (xx)

Managing the returns process

Table 2




Reporting for ‘In’ exchange – including NZF Master List (Service Officer with CA Team) + Read more ...

All data received as part of the In exchange from NZIR must be recorded into the Weekly Exch Summary 20YY spreadsheet in the folder titled In&Out Exch Summary (located in Hobart’s shared drive folder titled Int/NZ/ current year folder).

Note: the password to edit the spreadsheet is BBCSA.

There are several tabs to this spreadsheet, only fill in the Received – NZ In Exchange tab with the relevant details.


Provide NZIR with confirmation + Read more ...

Child Support provides NZIR with confirmation once the following have been completed:

  • Determination of Habitual Residency (Pre-transmittal/Customer Location) requests – confirmation of payers habitual residency in Australia and other information to make sure NZIR have an accurate assessment,
  • BAU ‘In’ registrations and NZ funded registrations – Child Support have registered NZIR assessment information and commenced collection or enforcement
  • Withdrawals – confirmation that collection is no longer required and case has been deregistered (ended) and returned to NZIR,
  • Amended Certificates – Confirmation that Acert has been processed and reasons for Acerts not processed
  • Potential Returns – confirmation of whether new information is available to assist in collection maintenance debt or whether no new information is available
  • Case Returns – confirmation the case has been withdrawn
  • Enforcement Updates – confirmation of any available enforcement updates on a case NZIR has transmitted to Child Support
  • Request for Amended Certificate – confirmation if an Amended Certificate will be sent or whether a withdrawal will be sent
  • Request for General Withdrawal – confirmation if a withdrawal will be sent or an Amended Certificate is required and will be sent
  • Request for Incomes – confirmation of incomes will be sent for each request made by NZIR


Withdrawals + Read more ...

There are no restrictions on how many Withdrawals are reported back to NZIR.

To provide NZIR with confirmation that the cases have been deregistered:

  • Attach the WithdrawalNZAU_yyyymmdd Done spreadsheet and send to NZIR via secure messaging with the subject heading Withdrawal confirmations
  • After the last spreadsheet for the month has been completed and sent back to NZIR, rename the Month yyyy folder to include the word DONE

Procedure ends here.


Determination of Habitual Residency Responses (Customer Location/Pre-transmittal) (Service Officer) + Read more ...

Vetting of the sheet is done by the Quality Improvement Officer prior to sending back to NZIR to make sure:

  • all requests have been actioned
  • comments are appropriate
  • CSID’s are removed for Habitual Residency response of NO
  • CSID’s are provided for Habitual Residency response of YES
  • all incomes provided as requested
  • other anomalies that may appear incorrect

To provide NZIR with confirmation that payers are habitually resident in Australia, once 70 (or less) pre-transmittal requests have been entered onto the Pre-transmittal spreadsheet:

  • Open the ReqTraceNZAU_yyyymmdd spreadsheet in the folder titled Pre-Trans rename the spreadsheet ReqTraceNZAU_yyyymmdd replied yyyymmdd
  • Attach and send to NZIR via secure messaging with the subject heading Pre-transmittal confirmations
  • After the last spreadsheet for the month has been completed and sent back to NZIR, rename the Month yyyy folder to include the word DONE