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Correcting a duplicate Child Support customer record 277-09030030

This document explains the process for correcting a duplicate Child Support customer record.

On this page:

Review and decide how to correct

Disable a duplicate child record

Disable duplicate adult record

Process immobilisation of duplicate adult record

Maintain parallel records

Review and decide how to correct

Table 1: this table describes the steps involved in identifying, investigate and determining corrective action on a duplicate customer record. For Service Officers, Service Support Officers (SSO) and Solutions Gateway Team (SGT) Service Officers.




Check for international involvement + Read more ...

Check if the record is related to an international case:

  • Go to the Customer Details window in Cuba
  • Look for any of these indicators:
    • Int prim cust
    • Int other cust
    • Int-out
    • Int-in

If the customer is:


  • International Service Officers, go to Step 2
  • For Service Officers:
    • create a Data Integrity - Dup Customer intray
    • update the notepad with the duplicate details. Route the intray to:
      Stream/team: MC A000 INTMCS POOL
      Position: A - INT MCS REFERRALS
    • there is no requirement for the referring Service Officer to confirm if the international customer is a duplicate. Specialist international officers will review and action the duplicate record


Investigate duplicate record (Service Officer) + Read more ...

To confirm if a record is a duplicate record, check:

  • the name (if the surname shows as unknown, update)
  • date of birth
  • documents in Cuba
  • birth certificate (if available)
  • Customer Reference Number (CRN)
  • address history (parent’s address history with role of child)
  • External Searches Guide:
    • ATO system searches
    • AIS search identity searches (name and history)
    • TSF with tax file number
    • TR Corp Apps with tax file number
  • relationship details in External Information
  • other child support cases for the customer
  • relevant dependants now recorded in a new case, and details of other related children/siblings in related cases

If uncertain whether 2 records are actually the same person, contact the customer. For help, see Correcting a complex Child Support error.

  • Document the checks and findings in the customer’s Communication window
  • Use the 'Category' of 'TECHNICAL ENQU' and 'Issue' or 'ERR ISSUE'
  • Do not use the Correcting errors macro to document the investigation finding

Where a duplicate customer record:


Review the case (Service Support Officer (SSO) and Solutions Gateway Team (SGT) Service Officer) + Read more ...

There are 2 options to manage duplicate records:

  • Merge the two records into a single customer record
  • keep parallel records in some cases (only as a last resort)


Merge the record - which record to keep + Read more ...

If one record is a child record linked to an ended case and the other record is an adult record (payee/payer), the adult record must be maintained. This makes sure there are no Centrelink FTB implications for the payee.

If the adult record is linked to a payer role, and the case is in progress:

  • replace the adult payer record with the child record, if the CIN on the child record matches between Centrelink and Child Support. If the CIN record does not match, it may be appropriate to maintain the adult record, or to have the CIN reassigned. If unsure which option is preferred seek SSO advice

If the adult record is linked to a payee role, and the case is in progress:

  • cancel the in progress case
  • recreate the case using the child record, if the CIN on the child record matches between Centrelink and Child Support. If the CIN record does not match, it may be appropriate to maintain the adult record, or to have the CIN reassigned. If unsure which option is preferred seek SSO advice

If one of the above scenarios do not apply, check how hard it will be to merge the records:

  • Check the payment history
  • Check the communication and notepad history
  • Check if the customer is linked to an active case with multiple records, disputes or variations. For example care changes, objections, complaints, Change of Assessment (COA), and agreements

Check which record matches between Cuba and the Centrelink system with the same Child Support Customer Identification Number (CIN):

  • If the customer was a paying parent with child support deducted from their benefits, find out their CIN. This is the CIN that was active when deductions started
  • To view the CIN used in:
    • Child Support in Pluto - select the Identification icon to locate the CSA ID Number
    • Centrelink in Customer First - access the customer’s Centrelink record, in the Next field code 'CCC' to locate the CSA ID Number


Determine corrective action (SSO and SGT Service Officer) + Read more ...

Decide whether to:

  • Disable the duplicate and retain the primary record. This is a good option if the duplicate record has little communication activity and no payment history. This option will mean:
    • no other impacts from the mismatch of related CIN
    • no further issues with Centrelink customer records
    • no special actions to maintain the customer and case records
  • Disable the primary record and keep the duplicate record. This is a good option if the duplicate record is too complex to disable. This may be due to payments or extensive case history. For this option:
    • Log the data integrity issue on mySupport to get the CIN re-assigned. Data exchange issues will continue until the logged mySupport issue is resolved. See the Resources page for a link to mySupport and the Submission for reassignment of CIN number template. Note: staff must attach the completed template and the related EL2 approval email to the mySupport form. If attachments are not included, the mySupport form will need to be resubmitted
  • Correct the CIN. This is for paying parents who have had child support deducted from their benefits. This may be now or in the past. The CIN used when deductions started must remain the active CIN. For example:
    • Centrelink deductions started on the primary record
    • The decision is to keep the duplicate record in Cuba
    • Update the duplicate record with the CIN from the primary record
    • Log the issue with ICT through mySupport
    • The CIN reassignment is actioned by ICT

After the CIN is reassigned, select Centrelink Refresh in the External Information window so Centrelink applies the correct CIN:

  • Maintain parallel records if it is not appropriate to disable either of the records. This may be due to both records having extensive activity. See Maintain parallel records table. For this option:
    • action ongoing manual workarounds which may include manual formula modifications
    • there may be ongoing data exchange issues that may result in incorrect FTB payments

It is not possible to reconstruct payment histories the same as the original case. The reconstructed case will show:

  • all past liabilities as due in the next month
  • a single amount as the sum of all payments made

Reassign any payments attached to the record being disabled. In some circumstances the best option may be to disable the customer record and reassign the payments.

Disable a duplicate child record

Table 2: this table describes the process for disabling a duplicate child record and is for Service Support Officers (SSO) and Solutions Gateway Team (SGT) Service Officers only.




Check for outstanding processing + Read more ...

Do not deviate from the process as it may result in corrupt data that cannot be fixed.

Run eligibility before correcting the child record. Fix any eligibility errors and confirm the existing changes as suitable. See Eligibility Cuba Process Help.

Wait until the following day.

Do not proceed with the correction until the following day so that the customer continues to receive correct assessment notices for case events.


Capture details to reconstruct case + Read more ...

Copy relevant details from the customer record. Screen shots may help.

This includes:

  • Customer Reference Number (CRN)
  • customer name
  • case liability rates
  • Relationship window
  • Child Support Period
  • Case Collection Details window (Opt In/Opt In Arrears and Opt Out/Discharged Arrears)
  • all care records
  • extra registration details including Change of Assessment (COA), agreements and court varied assessment (CVA)
  • case end details if they apply for example reconciliation or election to end


Change name of duplicate customer + Read more ...

Change the name of the duplicate customer record:

  • add XXX to the front of the first name and surname (no spaces)
  • change the middle name to Duplicate

For example change John Edward Smith to:

  • First name: XXXJohn
  • Middle name: Duplicate
  • Surname: XXXSmith

See Customer record Cuba Process Help.


Check case status + Read more ...

Do not check the case status if the only role for the duplicate child is relevant dependant. Remove the relevant dependant and add to the case, irrelevant of the case status. If the only role for the duplicate child is relevant dependant, go to Step 5.

If the duplicate child record has a role in a case with:

  • an assessment with any status other than pended
  • a registered court order
  • a registered stage 2 agreement


  • record a note of the original collection status in the 'Service Options' window and any subsequent:
    • Opt In/Opt In Arrears
    • Opt Out/Discharged Arrears
  • set case back to recorded before progressing. For requests to have the case set back to recorded:
    • raise enquiry with SSO or SGT Service Officer who has CUB-S (CUB Officer) access

Note: if the duplicate child is a claimed for child in a COA registration period, this does not need to be set back to recorded. Leave this COA registration period.

Once the duplicate child is immobilised a CUB Officer must remove the duplicate child from the COA registration period. Use the case fix function as the final step in immobilising the duplicate child record.

See Technical Support Cuba Process Help.


Set case back to recorded (CUB Officer) + Read more ...

Duplicate record linked to more than one case where the duplicate is a child only:

  • Open the case where the duplicate child is a claimed for child
  • If there is more than one registration period, select the earliest registration period

The more changes and registration periods on a case, the more complex the case is. There may be multiple:

  • reconciliations
  • registrations
  • collection changes
  • reverse cases

A CUB Officer needs to understand, review and copy each screen before setting the case to recorded.

Old ended cases

Manually add or update the below after the case is set to recorded:

  • Add Date of notification (DON) for care lines:
    • Do not use an end date of 30/06/2008 for care, a CSA care decision with an event date 01/07/2008 will pre-populate
  • Add the Relationship end date:
    • Add Relationship details Unknown. An error message may display. To work around the error
    • Select Never Lived Together > Save
    • Add the relationship dates. No error message will display
  • Collection:
    • The collection status often defaults to private collect
    • When adding opt in dates, it may result in a large child support debt
    • Complete an auto recalculate
  • Letters:
    • Delete any generated
  • Payer account statements:
    • Suppress for ended cases


Update Customer Reference Number (CRN) + Read more ...

Delete the CRN from the duplicate record.

Record the correct CRN on the retained customer record.


Delete care and update relationship + Read more ...

Delete care records

Delete all care records (past and current) for the duplicate child record(s) including relevant dependants. See Care Cuba Process Help.

If Centrelink care records exist, CUB SSOs and CUB SGT Service Officers can delete these records.

If the only role for the duplicate child is relevant dependant, go to Step 7.

Update relationship record

Update the relationship details. Disconnect the duplicate child from both parents and/or carers by selecting 'none' for each parent/carer. See Relationship Cuba Process Help.

Do not run eligibility.


Remove duplicate child record + Read more ...

Remove the duplicate child from each registration record attached to the case.

Do not run eligibility.


Add the correct child + Read more ...

Add the correct child to each appropriate registration record, including the Child Details section. Record the care arrangements and relationship details for the child.

For a duplicate child involved in more than one case, check all related cases. Make similar adjustments as required. Update any other cases where the child is a relevant dependant.

See the:


Run eligibility + Read more ...

Confirm all care and relationship information has:

  • correctly disconnected from the duplicate record, and
  • connected to the maintained record

Run eligibility.

Make sure care details are correct. If not, re-key care by referring to copied care details of the duplicate child record.

Make sure the Service Options window is reflecting the original collection status.

If there are any unexpected results, correct the discrepancy before saving. Once satisfied with the results in the Pre-confirmation window, save eligibility.

See Eligibility Cuba Process Help.


Update collection details + Read more ...

The collection status should revert to the original collection status. This will be from the start of the registration period, overriding any Opt In/Opt Out decisions.

To update collection details:

  • Make sure the collection status reflects the original collection status for the registration period. For example, remove ongoing liabilities for previous collectable cases and generate ongoing collectable liabilities for previous private collect periods
  • There is no action required if:
    • there are no Opt In/Opt Out periods, and
    • the collection status remained the same for the registration period
  • If the collection status needs amending by reinstating Opt In/Opt Outs, include any:
    • Discharged Arrears
    • Opt In Arrears
    • paid amounts
    • Note: when accepted, the amounts will re-post to the Accounting window
  • To apply a credit/debit to the Accounting window, the SSO must:
    • Complete a liability recalculation from the Management / System Administration window
    • confirm the liability recalculation is accurate
    • issue a request to their CUB Service Support Officer to have the recalculated amount saved. See Technical Support in Child Support

Note: there may be a slight difference between the amount posted from Opt In/Opt Out adjustments and liability recalculation. This may be due to differences calculating the monthly rate. For example original calculation based on 30.4375 days and new calculation on days in that particular month.

The account should return to the original balance.


Finalise + Read more ...

SGT Service Officer:

  • Document the macro error submission and authorisation in the most relevant window, and
  • Delete the Data Integrity - Dup Customer intray


  • Finalise the online request
  • Add a notepad to the TSO - error correction or QA - error correction intray. Include a pointer to the error submission/authorisation macro document
  • Document any post action requirements by the Service Officer, and
  • Route the TSO - error correction or QA - error correction intray to the Service Officer

Procedure ends here for SSO.

The referring Service Officer is to undertake any post action tasks.


Disable duplicate adult record

Table 3: this table describes the process for disabling a duplicate adult record and is for Service Support Officers (SSO) and Solutions Gateway Team (SGT) Service Officers only.




Information for case reconstruction + Read more ...

Do not deviate from the process as this may result in irreparable data corruption.

Copy relevant details from the customer record. Screen shots may help. This includes:

  • Customer Reference Number (CRN) and Tax File Number (TFN)
  • Customer name and contact details
  • Case liability rates
  • Manual incomes, post separation income decisions and estimates:
    • If the income details are different on 2 customer records, work out which income is the most accurate
    • Document any decisions in the Client Income window notepad
  • Correspondence in View Correspondence window
  • Disbursement options
  • All care records for all children attached to the adult customer record being disabled
  • NAP records
  • Additional registration information including COA, agreements, CVA
  • Case end details where relevant. For example reconciliation or election to end
  • Discharged arrears
  • Child support periods including FAR not to apply or MAR to nil decisions
  • Collection status and/or collection periods
  • CSAonline/ registration. See the Resources page for a link to the site


Change name of duplicate customer + Read more ...

Change the name of the duplicate customer record as follows:

  • add XXX to the front of the existing first name and surname (no spaces), and
  • change the middle name of the duplicate customer record to 'Duplicate'

Example: Change John Edward Smith to:

  • First name: XXXJohn
  • Middle name: Duplicate
  • Surname: XXXSmith

See Customer record Cuba Process Help.


Disable Child Support online account + Read more ...

Review Child Support online account status. Consider disabling the account if there will be an impact to the assessment (for example, multi case allowance).

Disabling the Child Support online account stops wrong details showing to the customer.

See Access and troubleshooting Child Support self service and Using Child Support self service.


Update CRN and TFN + Read more ...

Delete the CRN and TFN from the duplicate record.

Make sure the correct CRN and TFN are on the retained customer record.

See Customer record Cuba Process Help.


Move funds and clear overpayments + Read more ...

Check the case for any:

  • payments
  • Overpayments, or
  • funds waiting disbursement

If there are any, transfer payments, overpayments or funds to the new case and remove from the disabled case. This may involve:

  • the movement of funds in and out of suspense, and
  • the creation and repayment of con rev debt

See Reassign Cuba Process Help. There should be no funds disbursed or becoming ready for disbursement after the record is disabled.


Check case status + Read more ...

If the adult record is a payer and the case status is pended:

  • de-select the incorrect payer, and
  • select the correct payer, and
  • set associated Pluto interactions status to 'not required'

This removes the need for the case to be cancelled and recreated. The registration will need to be completed in Cuba. Go to Step 4 of the Process immobilisation of duplicate adult record table.

In all other cases, go to Step 7.


Delete care arrangements + Read more ...

Delete all care arrangements (past and current) for all children attached to the adult record being disabled. This includes relevant dependents.

If Centrelink care records exist, CUB SSOs and CUB SGT Service Officers can delete these records.


Update relationship details + Read more ...

Delete the relationship details connecting each child to the duplicate customer.

If the duplicate record is the payee:

  • Update the relationship details connecting each child by selecting 'Third Party' for the duplicate parent/carer

If the duplicate record is the payer:

  • Update the relationship details connecting each child by selecting ‘Step mother’ or ‘Step father’ for the duplicate parent/carer

Do not run eligibility.


Note child support period and registration details + Read more ...

Examine the Child Support Period window and note the relevant dates and length of all child support periods.

For any shortened child support periods, manually re-create the child support period in the re-created case.

To recreate the case, obtain case registration details including:

  • start dates of liability
  • mailroom dates, and
  • additional registration information

Process immobilisation of duplicate adult record

Table 4: this table describes the process for immobilising a duplicate adult record and is for Service Support Officers (SSO) and Solutions Gateway Team (SGT) Service Officers only.




Cancel registration + Read more ...

Do not deviate from the process as this may result in irreparable data corruption.

Disconnect all care and relationship information from the duplicate record before cancelling the registration. Remove child roles and relevant dependent roles where possible. Do not run eligibility.

Does the duplicate record have an active case?

  • Yes, before a case is cancelled and recreated, email Centrelink Liaison Unit (CLU) - Child Support. Advise Centrelink that a payee's case may need to be cancelled and recreated
  • No, go to Step 2

Note: this may impact the customer’s FTB entitlements.


Update retained customer record + Read more ...

Update the customer record to include all relevant details gathered from the duplicate customer record, including:

  • CRN and TFN (delete these from the duplicate customer record)
  • Manual incomes (such as ITD). Note: if there is a conflict with income information between the 2 customer records, determine the more accurate income. Document any decisions in the Client Income window notepad
  • Re-assign correspondence in the View Correspondence window
  • All documents (such as in Payer Collection window and Communication window)
  • Disbursement options


Re-create new case record + Read more ...

Once the original case is ineligible, re-create the case within the correct customer record. Using the information from the original case including:

  • any documents in the Case window
  • relationship details
  • care history
  • collection status

A new case number is created, that will differ from the original case number.

The collection status in Cuba defaults to private collect. Make sure the collection status reflects the previously registered collection status.


Run eligibility + Read more ...

Once satisfied with the transfer of all relevant case details run eligibility and check the Pre-confirmation window. Make sure there are no unexpected messages. See Eligibility Cuba Process Help.

Check the calculation of the liability rates. The annual rates may differ from the original case. If the customer is a payer in multiple cases they would now be properly reassessed as a multi case payer.

For any unexpected results:

  • Do not save eligibility before understanding and/or correcting the discrepancy
  • Seek advice from a Program Support Manager (PSM) for the most appropriate action for any arrears or overpayment created
  • Once satisfied with the results in the pre-confirmation window, save eligibility

The process is complete if the adult record:


Modify case details + Read more ...

Once the case is re-created, add case details using the original case details including:

  • NAP records
  • additional registration information including COA, agreements, CVA
  • child support periods (including FAR not to apply or MAR to NIL). See Fixed Annual Rate not to apply Cuba Process Help
  • post separation income decisions and estimates
  • discharge arrears, and
  • any subsequent collection status changes and/or collection periods


Finalise SGT Service Officer + Read more ...

SGT Service Officer:

  • Document the macro error submission and authorisation in the most relevant window
  • Contact the customer:
    • if the customer’s reference number or case number(s) has changed
    • if there are any changes to Child Support online account registration details
    • to explain the error correction decision and the impact (if any) on the assessment, and
    • to advise there may be an impact on their Family Tax Benefit (FTB). Transfer the customer to Centrelink if they require information
  • Document customer contact
  • Check all letters are correct and appropriate. If the liability rates have changed due to linking of related case liabilities and subsequent multi case variations create a:
  • Delete the Data Integrity - Dup Customer intray, and
  • Log the data integrity issue through mySupport for CIN re-assignment. See the Resources page for a link to mySupport, where the CIN matched record between Cuba and Centrelink system is disabled. Note: for cases where Centrelink deductions were commenced on the duplicate customer record, update the CIN from the duplicate customer record in the primary customer record
  • ICT requires EL2 approval for CIN re-assignment:
    • get EL2 approval (by email)
  • After reassignment, complete a Centrelink Refresh in the 'External Information' window so Centrelink also applies the correct CIN

Procedure ends here for the SGT Service Officer.


Finalise - SSO + Read more ...

Finalise the SSO online request:

  • Add a notepad to the TSO - error correction or QA - error correction intray. Include a pointer to the error submission/authorisation macro document
  • Document any post action required of the Service Officer, and
  • Route the TSO - error correction or QA - error correction intray to the Service Officer
  • Where the CIN matched record (between Cuba and Centrelink System) is disabled, log the data integrity issue through mySupport for a CIN re-assignment. Obtain EL2 email approval and attach to a Cuba Service Request. See the Resources page for a link to mySupport
  • After reassignment, complete a Centrelink Refresh in the 'External Information' window so Centrelink also applies the correct CIN
  • Where the CIN in Cuba retained record does not match Centrelink CIN, send an email to CSU using the Centrelink/Child Support information exchange macro requesting CIN deletion
  • After deletion, complete a Centrelink Refresh in the ‘External Information’ window so Centrelink also applies the correct CIN


Procedure ends here for the SSO. The referring Service Officer is responsible for customer contact and finalisation of the correction.

Maintain parallel records

Table 5: this table describes the process for maintaining parallel customer records and is for Service Support Officers (SSO) and Solutions Gateway Team (SGT) Service Officers only.




Parallel records + Read more ...

Where it is not appropriate to disable one of the customer records, maintain parallel records. This may be necessary where both records have extensive activity. This is not a preferred option.

Some international scenarios require parallel records see New Zealand 'In' case management - Registrations between IR, NZ and Child Support.


Manually calculate liability + Read more ...

If the duplication of a customer record affects the calculation of liability in one or more cases, manually calculate the liability for each affected case. Examples of elements of the formula that may be affected include multi-case allowances or relevant dependant allowance.


Formula modification + Read more ...

Key the manual formula modification for each affected case. See Agreements Cuba Process Help.


Document calculations + Read more ...

Document all calculations in the Formula Modification notepad.

Make sure each customer record has all the details needed to maintain the case.

See Documenting Child Support information in Cuba.


Check letters + Read more ...

Check all letters for correctness. If unsure whether a letter is appropriate pend the letter and seek SSO support. See Letters Cuba Process Help.

Do not issue system generated assessment notices for manual variations. Create a unique letter and manual assessment notice. The notice must display the manual calculations used to derive the formula modification. See Letters for Child Support customers.


Additional information + Read more ...

Any case events which normally trigger a liability calculation, may generate a Liability Calc Required intray. Manually recalculate the liability for all affected cases and amend the formula modification values.