Processing arrangements for ABSTUDY claims and enquiries 010-02020010
This document outlines the protocols for processing ABSTUDY claims and enquiries. These protocols determine the responsibilities of each section dealing with ABSTUDY matters.
On this page:
ABSTUDY claims and enquiries processing
ABSTUDY restorations, cancellations and debt processing
ABSTUDY claims and enquiries processing
Table 1: Portions of this table are for ABSTUDY Smart Centre Processing teams only.
Item |
Action |
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ABSTUDY general enquiries + Read more ...
All contacts should be documented as per Online Document Recording (ODR).
All contacts should be documented as per Online Document Recording (ODR). |
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ABSTUDY enquiries about payments or entitlements + Read more ... Where possible, the enquiry should be dealt with at the first point of contact, however, if the enquiry is of a more complex nature, the following arrangements apply:
ABSTUDY Smart Centre Call will answer customer and third party enquiries in line with Accepting information from and disclosing information to nominees.
If an ABSTUDY Service Officer cannot resolve the customer's enquiry, contact Local Peer Support (LPS).
Ensure Fast Note remains open and contains the following information:
To determine if the enquiry is urgent, see Authorising and coding pre-booked Fares Allowance (FAA) entitlements for ABSTUDY and ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES). Warm transfer the call to the ABSTUDY Smart Centre Travel team using the Services Australia Workspace Transfer Options list or the transfer number in Office Locator. See the Resources page for a link.
To determine if the enquiry is urgent, see Authorising and coding pre-booked Fares Allowance (FAA) entitlements for ABSTUDY and ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES). Warm transfer the call to the ABSTUDY Smart Centre Away from Base team using the Services Australia Workspace Transfer Options list or the transfer number in Office Locator. See the Resources page for a link.
See Processing Fares Allowance and Away from Base entitlements in advance or reimbursements.
If direct contact with the ABSTUDY Smart Centre Away from Base team is required and a call transfer is not available or appropriate, send an ABSTUDY Away from Base callback required Fast Note to the Away from Base team:
Enquiries about ABSTUDY Apprentices can first be directed to the ABSTUDY Smart Centre Call queue using the Services Australia Workspace Transfer Options list or the number in Office Locator. See the Resources page for a link.
ABSTUDY Telephony Service Officers unable to resolve the enquiry at initial contact will send an ABSTUDY Apprentice action required or ABSTUDY Apprentice call back required Fast Note to the ABSTUDY Smart Centre Apprentice team:
See the Resources page for a link to the Student and Australian Apprentices contact numbers for ABSTUDY. DOC all contacts as per Online Document Recording (ODR). |
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Issuing ABSTUDY claims + Read more ... ABSTUDY customers can lodge a claim using a variety of methods. See Claiming ABSTUDY for the preferred method for the Award and Allowance being claimed. Paper claims If a paper claim form is required, ABSTUDY claim forms are available on the Services Australia website. If a customer is deemed vulnerable or not capable of accessing online services in a service centre or another location, staff can elect to print the product. It can be printed locally or at the mail house and included in their customer letter. All service centres should accept ABSTUDY claims and forms over the counter. See Claiming ABSTUDY and Scanning Centrelink documents using an MFD. Note: staff in Smart Centre call and service centres should, if appropriate, help customers complete ABSTUDY claims and forms and record the customer contact on a DOC. See Contact in relation to an intended claim (CLK). |
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Initial Processing of ABSTUDY claims + Read more ... The processing of ABSTUDY student and Australian Apprentice claims is undertaken nationally. Look up local Processing Service details for ABSTUDY and ABSTUDY PES. Deceased customers If a customer dies before the finalisation of their new claim, extra coding is needed in the new claim to end-date Electronic Message Reminder Service (EMR) subscriptions. See Centrelink - Notification, confirming and recording a death. |
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ABSTUDY enquiries that result in a change of rate + Read more ... As a general principle, ABSTUDY (including ABSTUDY Schooling A and ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) enquiries that result in a change of rate may be completed by Smart Centre Call staff if:
Where the enquiry cannot be actioned at first point of contact, Smart Centre Call staff should put the details of the enquiry into an ABSTUDY action request Fast Note:
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Restoration of ABSTUDY PES payments after transfer to JobSeeker Payment (JSP) or Youth Allowance (JobSeeker) + Read more ... Once a customer has transferred to JSP/YA current within 14 days of Pension cancellation, restoration of PES is a manual process started by a tag to Services Australia Education Payments System as part of the NSS New Claim process. The Assessment Results (AR) screen displays the PES and NSS benefit status. If the customer is eligible, a PES Reassessment Activity is created and attached to the relevant ABSTUDY Smart Centre Processing team for action. The ABSTUDY Smart Centre Processing team then makes a manual decision as to whether to restore PES or delete the PES Reassessment Activity. |
ABSTUDY restorations, cancellations and debt processing
Table 2: Portions of this table are for ABSTUDY Smart Centre Processing teams only.
Item |
Action |
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Restoration of payments + Read more ... As a general principle, ABSTUDY (including ABSTUDY Schooling A and ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) payments may be restored by Smart Centre Call staff where:
Common examples of where it is appropriate for Smart Centre Call staff to restore ABSTUDY payments:
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Cancellation or suspension of payments + Read more ... As a general principle, action to cancel or suspend ABSTUDY (including ABSTUDY Schooling A and ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement) payments may be taken by Smart Centre Call staff if:
If the action cannot be resolved at the point of first contact, e.g. the customer has advised they have ceased studies but does not know the last day of attendance, Smart Centre Call staff should:
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Debt processing + Read more ...
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Enquiries relating to payments/claims from 1999 or earlier + Read more ... Enquiries relating to payments/claims prior to 2000 should be referred to the ABSTUDY Smart Centre Processing site via an ABSTUDY Action request Fast Note. Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Students, ABSTUDY & Apprentices > Update > ABSTUDY Action request:
Claims and payments made in 1999 or earlier were processed on the Education Student Assistance Scheme (ESAS) system. Smart Centre Processing staff have browse access to ESAS through the Archiving and Culling Engine (ACE), see Using the ACE application to access archived ESAS data. |
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Reviews and appeals + Read more ... Reviews of decisions are undertaken by an Authorised Review Officer. This is usually an officer from the ABSTUDY Smart Centre Processing team. ABSTUDY customers also have further avenues of appeal, see External review of ABSTUDY decisions. |