Assessing and processing ABSTUDY Away from Base activities 010-02070010
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Approval for testing and assessment activity
Table 1
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Scenario |
1 |
Away from Base study not approved due to activity being social and orientation related not academic Melbourne University are conducting a testing and assessment activity for entry into the Bachelor of Arts course. Melbourne University have lodged an SY034 for assistance for a 4 day testing activity. The testing activities show day one and 2 contain literacy, numeracy and comprehension testing. Days 3 and 4 involves touring the campus, investigating accommodation colleges and social activities. The university advised days 3 and 4 are justified because entry into tertiary education requires students to feel comfortable with the campus and university life. The activity would not be approved in its current format. The length of the activity cannot be justified to extend across 4 days. Two of the days do not involve testing the academic potential of the participants for tertiary studies. The extra days involving social or orientation activities cannot be approved for assistance. The length of the activity can only be approved for activities related to assessing academic potential for tertiary study. Melbourne University submit an amended activity for testing of only 2 days. The activity is approved. |
2 |
Away from Base study approved course provides alternate entry into tertiary course The University of Western Australia conduct a one year Bridging course students do before acceptance into a tertiary mainstream course. The Bridging course is a secondary non-schooling course. The university handbook advises successful completion of the Bridging course is an alternative entry path to mainstream tertiary courses. The university contacted Services Australia to ask if assistance is available for fares, meals and accommodation for a one day testing exercise for entrance into the course. Even though the Bridging course is a secondary level course, the university clearly stated it is an alternative path of entry to a mainstream tertiary course. The activity can be considered for assistance approval if other eligibility criteria are met. |
3 |
Away from Base approved assessment activity is a requirement to assess course entry Adelaide Dance Academy have requested assistance to conduct an activity for entry into the Diploma of Performing Arts. Auditions and interviews will be held to assess a student's suitability in various performing arts categories like dance and music. The activity is approved as a student's suitability could not be assessed based on academic ability in previous study. |
Assessment of reasonable length for a residential school
Table 2
Example |
Description |
Example of the assessment of reasonable length for a residential school |
Southern Cross University requires its external Masters and Doctorate students attend a total of 30 days on-campus residential schools each calendar year. Previously, they ran 3 residential blocks of 10 days each. However, the travel costs with the 3 blocks was using a significant portion of the $2080 limit for Away from Base assistance. The university decided it is more efficient to have 2 blocks of 15 days each, due to less travel costs for students over the year. The 2 residential blocks of 15 days each are assessed as reasonable length. Although each residential school is over 2 weeks, the decision to increase the duration of each block is justifiable. Overall, the students spend the same number of days at residential school for the year, but they have less travel costs for the year. |
Examples - Assessing students' eligibility for Away from Base assistance
Table 3
Item |
Description |
1 |
Example 1 Michael lives in Bathurst and has lodged a claim to attend a testing and assessment activity for the Associate Diploma in Indigenous Health at the University of Sydney. The approved activity will be in December for entry into the course the following year. Michael has applied to every provider in Australia offering an Indigenous health course and has attended 2 testing activities this calendar year. Michael is not eligible for Away from Base assistance to attend the testing and assessment activity at the University of Sydney. Michael has received assistance for 2 testing activities at other providers this calendar year. Students are not approved to attend more than 2 testing activities in a calendar year. Even though the testing activity is for study in the following year, Michael has already attended the allowable number of testing and assessment activities this calendar year. |
2 |
Example 2 Graham is studying the Diploma in Community Management and Development at Curtin University. Graham attends 6 residential blocks during the year. Graham's travel, meals and accommodation costs are funded under the Indigenous Advancement Strategy (IAS). Graham has applied to enter the University of Western Australia's (UWA) law program. UWA conduct an approved testing and assessment activity in January for an intake into the law program. Graham is eligible for assistance to attend the testing activity for the UWA law degree. Even though Graham is studying a tertiary level course, a diploma course does not meet the academic requirements for entry into a Bachelor of Law degree. Graham receives IAS funding for the costs of the diploma course, but IAS do not fund the UWA law testing activity. |
3 |
Example 3 Maudie is enrolled in the Bachelor of Education degree at Deakin University. Maudie lives in Cairns and does her course by residential schools. Other students do the course internally on campus. Maudie's residential school program is 4 blocks of 10 days. Maudie wants to stay an extra 5 days following the fourth residential school to attend a 3 day field trip. Maudie is not eligible for Away from Base assistance for the field trip due to already accessing 40 days of Away from Base assistance while attending the residential school. The limit is 40 days each calendar year. |
4 |
Example 4 Levi is studying a Bachelor of Nursing degree at Southern Cross University (SCU) and receives ABSTUDY Living Allowance. In the final year of study, nursing students must do a number of 20 day placement blocks. Levi has received Away from Base assistance to attend 2 placement blocks this year. Levi has contacted to apply for assistance to attend the third 20 day block. SCU advised they cannot arrange a placement for Levi in the home state due to the high number of students in the same course. To meet demand, SCU have arranged an interstate placement. Levi is eligible for interstate Fares Allowance because Levi has only used 2 return trips this year and is unable to do placement in the home state. Levi is not eligible for further Away from Base assistance as 40 days of Away from Base assistance has been used during the previous 2 placements. The limit is 40 days each calendar year. |
Example - Limits of assistance for Away from Base
Table 4
Item |
Description |
1 |
Course commences mid-year and ends in the following year Shelley commences a one year course in September. The course runs for 50 weeks and is due to complete in August the following year (that is, a course of more than 30 weeks, undertaken over consecutive years). Shelley has to attend 7 Block release activities during the course:
As the course runs for 50 weeks in total, and the length of the course from August to December is 20 weeks, Shelley is eligible for a maximum of 4 return trips and 30 days of paid residential costs. In the following year, the course is 30 weeks. Shelley is eligible for a maximum of 6 return trips and 40 days of paid residential costs. |
Seeking approval for Testing and Assessment activity longer than 5 days
Table 5
Item |
Description |
1 |
Institution's testing and assessment activity is greater than 5 days If a proposed testing and assessment activity is longer than 5 days, the education provider must seek approval in writing from DSS National Office at least 8 weeks before the proposed commencement date. The address is:
DSS will only approve an extension to the normal limit of 5 days for a testing and assessment activity when an adequate appraisal cannot be completed within 5 days. The education provider must show:
Additional evidence requirements
Table 6: when a student is submitting a claim for an AFB activity, they may be required to provide the following additional documents depending on the activity they are participating in.
Note: the study location is where the student is residing while undertaking the course. For example, if a student is studying distance education (online) through the University of Sydney and they reside in Perth, the study location is Perth.
Item |
Description |
1 |
Lawful Custody The correctional provider has given permission for the student to attend the activity. |
2 |
Placement If the location of the placement is different to the study location, the evidence needs to show:
3 |
Field trip If the field trip location is not at the study location, evidence is required to show the activity is at the closest alternate location to minimise the activity cost. |
ABSTUDY Travel Minimum Doc Standards
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ABSTUDY Travel Minimum Doc Standards