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Non-student beneficiaries for ABSTUDY Away from Base assistance 010-02070090

This document outlines when ABSTUDY Away from Base assistance can be payable to non-student beneficiaries.

Away from Base assistance

Under certain circumstances it may be necessary or desirable for a person other than the student to receive Away from Base assistance.

Non-student beneficiaries can be:

  • education provider representatives, or
  • drivers or pilots of chartered transport

ABSTUDY may not cover the costs of participation in an Away from Base activity for any persons other than specified above. This includes:

  • education provider representatives who accompany or participate in an approved activity with students, and
  • the partners or children of participating students

Education provider representatives

An education provider may be able to demonstrate that it is more cost-effective for its representatives to travel to a community, or communities, to deliver an approved Away from Base activity. This would only apply for approved testing and assessment and residential school activities. Situations may exist where an education provider representative and students may be approved for the same activity. For example, this could occur where a teacher conducts a residential school in a community but other enrolled students in different locations must also attend the residential school.

Allowances available for education provider representatives cover:

Cost of chartered transport for off-campus residential school

Where an education provider conducting a residential school arranges accommodation at an off-campus location:

  • ABSTUDY Fares Allowance may cover the cost of transport between the place of accommodation and the education provider, provided:
    • there is no suitable and convenient form of public transport
    • the education provider arranges the transport
    • the costs of the transport are reasonable and can be justified

Drivers or pilots of chartered transport

If the appropriate mode of transport for an Away from Base activity requires the driver or pilot to be away from their normal home for the period of the activity (usually only applicable for a field trip), meals and accommodation costs can be payable (through a residential expenses package). Meals and accommodation costs are only payable in this circumstance where the cost of the charter did not include meals and accommodation for the driver or pilot.

Note: travel allowance is not payable for a charter pilot or driver.

The Resources page contains examples relating to non-student beneficiaries of Away from Base assistance.

Assessing and processing ABSTUDY Away from Base activities